Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Star Wars Status Updates: HA!

    I just became the mayor of Hyde Park on @foursquare!

    I just ousted @ozgamer as the mayor of MobileActive on @foursquare!

    Just completed a 4.91 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @knitterjp @bellsknits may be the only person who can quote P&P as well as I can!

    I just unlocked the “Overshare” badge on @foursquare!

    I just became the mayor of Chippendale on @foursquare!

    Damn. My plan to make Thanksgiving cookies is somewhat thwarted by not having a turkey cookie cutter.

    @randomknits Nah, I’ve got some other alternatives. But thank you!

    OH FFS. There were 6 knitters in my house last night, none of whom pointed out that the baby cardy I’m knitting HAS NO ARM HOLES.

    @bellsknits I have no idea. I was so fixated on getting to the shoulder shaping it completely slipped my mind. Steeks to the rescue!

    I just ousted @ozgamer as the mayor of MobileActive on @foursquare!

    Yeah, I’m turning off @foursquare’s “mayor” notifications as @ozgamer and I are just trading back and forth right now…

    Coworker actually just argued against tidal power because it’ll slow the moon down and cause it to fall sooner. My brain just fell out.

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    Just voted RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

    I’ve just signed up for @foursquare to try it out. If you’re in Sydney and you’re on it, I probably just sent you a friend request…

    @bellsknits @mrs_sockvictim Sure! What did you have in mind? I’m happy to host you guys if you want to eat/drink/knit!

    @bellsknits Sure! Shall we take it to email? I’m at kris.howard at gmail. I’m chatting to Fee right now on IM about it…

    Can anybody recommend a good, not-too-expensive, friendly dentist in Sydney (preferably Inner West or CBD)?

    @bellsknits Awwww, we’re not gonna leave you alone on a Monday night in the big smoke!

    Impromptu knitting salon at my place…

    Fantastic knitting last night w/ @bellsknits, @AusVintageGrrl, @mrs_sockvictim, @knitness, @knitterjp, & FabulousMonster. Thanks for coming!

    I just became the mayor of MobileActive on @foursquare!

    @tinkabel Not really. It’s just us, so a big feast is too much work. I’m thinking of just having a turkey sandwich for lunch. 🙂

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    Race report from this morning’s Sri Chinmoy Sydney Series Race 6 in Centennial Park:

    Hm. My “rice pudding in the rice cooker” experiment is not going well. Boiling hot milk has just erupted and spewed all over the cooker.

    Monday morning. Headache. Crick in my neck. 480 bus running late. Not an auspicious start to the week.

    @stufromoz I had to run to catch it. I knew if I missed it at Broadway, I’d have to wait like 15 minutes for another…

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    Chaos in the Wool Inn. Some Rowan Felted Tweed may have, uh, fallen into my basket.

    @Kat13v Unfortunately no, it’s a bus trip! We’re going on to Windsor to check out the Scarf Exchange.

    @DDsD Yeah, I’m probably the youngest by about a decade!

    @missamanda Penrith. It’s pretty tiny though…

    The mob has moved on to Blue Mountains Honey. Yum.

    Lunch break in Kurrajong. Gee it’s pretty up here.

    At the Int’l Scarf Exchange Exhibition:

    Am feeling the strange urge to learn weaving. All the pieces here I like best are woven. Plus: good skill to have when the Revolution comes!

    Finally heading back to Turramurra, then the train to Central. This heat is making me sleepy…

    Showered and cowering under the A/C. Not sure I’ll do the Sri Chinmoy 7km race tomorrow morning. I might melt.

    Heading to Centennial Park for Sri Chinmoy 7km cross country race. It’s surprisingly not-too-hot!

    Given that I’ve never done cross country, official goal is just to finish without stopping.

    @carbolicious Yep. Not paved. Remaining on my feet is also a goal! (Skype you guys in like 2hrs?)

    #723 in the hizzouse! (Yes, I’m “Fiona” today. Thanks, @mrs_sockvictim!)

    @ozgamer You dork. That’s my number in the race! Which is about to start…

    I am a running tragic. I just introduced myself to a chick I recognized from her running blog.

    I am actually slightly worried about falling behind and losing my way on the course.

    Just completed a 7.23 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    GPS screwed up a little, but basically the 7km took me 50min. And no walking!

    @ozgamer The tweeting was BEFORE the run. I’m not that coordinated!

    @gilmae Nope! Well marked path. Felt sorry for the blind runner though; I watched his handler run him right into a low-hanging branch!

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    Five years ago today in a Little White Wedding Chapel in Vegas…

    Just completed a 4.60 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @randomknits Tell me it’s moving north…

    On our way to the Boathouse ( for our anniversary dinner. Seafood extravaganza!

    Oysters! Tuna!

    Boathouse’s signature dish: snapper pie. My eyes rolled & there may have even been a moan.

    @Diepdin We were reminiscing about when you guys lived nearby! Hope all is well with the house…

    3am and the Snook just dragged the portable A/C out of the closet for me. That’s love.

    Waiting at Central for the train to Turramurra. Going on a bus trip with the Knitters Guild to Penrith and Windsor…

    @gadgetgirl70 I think we went right by your school on our way through Wahroonga!

    “Comfort stop” in Penrith near the Nepean River. On to the wool shop!

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    RT @VenessaHunt: RT @Opheli8: MobileActive MD Neil Wiles talks Mobile: #myboss

    @gilmae I suggested something similar to our team lead, but he doesn’t feel he inspires the necessary fear. And shrinkage.

    @thisismywww Americans never were very good at geography. 😛

    @Ascasewwen Only thing about Bella I liked was how she kept trying to get Edward to DO IT already. (Too bad he insisted on getting married.)

    Confession: Yes yes, there’s lots of stuff #bellashouldhaveread, but I read VC Andrews & Jean Auel and I turned out okay! Trashy books FTW.

    @knitabulous In Chippo I chuckle at the girls in gym clothes puffing away. They must have a hard time doing cardio. Keeps them skinny tho!

    RT @ebertchicago: My review of “The Twilight Saga: The New Moon” is online. One star. Charisma by Madame Tussaud. // Yikes

    @ebertchicago Your link to the original Twilight goes to the wrong film! Poor Paul Newman doesn’t need to be tarred with THAT brush. 🙂

    My summer goal of eating as many mangoes as possible is going well. #2 down the hatch!

    Sue Sylvester nearly made me cry during #glee tonight. (The episode with her sister.)

    @bellsknits Over, if only because the cleaner folds the end so nicely and every fortnight I get to pretend I’m in a hotel.

    @bellsknits It’s the only fancy thing she does, but I love it. 🙂

    Lesson of the day: Do not make passive-aggressive joke about never getting flowers. Your husband may have been just about to order them.

    @brodrigu That’s what I said, but he then provided a screenshot with about 6 different florist tabs open. Whoops.

    @brodrigu It was slightly more convincing than that. 😛

    Just voted RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

    I am having a Sue Ellen Mischke moment.

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    @Opheli8 I would, but they haven’t followed me back yet so I can’t DM them. 🙁 #ggd

    @Opheli8 Wow, @VenessaHunt and Mansour in the same week. Steve Jobs is probably getting all tingly right now.

    @gilmae Me too. This is also why I don’t use lists.

    Good day at Spudds. Got 100m on the rower and made a shot in basketball!

    Did you hear a scream? It was me. It’s not every day you get an email with the subject line: “My uterus is perforated.” (No, not MY uterus.)

    FYI: When you use “uterus” in a tweet, you get auto-followed by women’s healthcare professionals. Apparently.

    Just downloaded Star Wars: Trench Run. AWESOME. I shot down some TIE fighters but crashed on my 1st run in the trench.

    Just grated a massive chunk out of my right knuckle and – in all probability – right into the shepherd’s pie. Extra protein!

    @bainsight I’m holding out for the graphic novel version. 🙂

    Just completed a 5.65 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

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    @DianneKing Rav details with better photos are here:

    Yay, @scrubbles received the scarf I knit him! FIERCE.

    In case you wondered, the “Moira Kelly” who’s mother to the conjoined twins ( is NOT the one from “The Cutting Edge.”

    RT @captain_beef: ANZ employee just pointed out that the new ANZ logo, upside down, looks like a pig. // I will never NOT see that now.

    If something I want has no locally-produced equiv., I don’t see why importing it myself is less patriotic than paying someone else to do it.

    @Gin_ev_ra Fair point, and I’m not saying loyalty counts for nothing. But if it was a book Abbey’s had to special import for you? Still?

    @gilmae I got guilt tripped for ordering from an OS manufacturer rather than having Aussie company order it for me (and thus paying more).

    Rav names for Inner City Guild and friends of Inner City: Did I miss anybody? Let me know of any changes…

    Just completed a 2.99 km walk with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @twelveeyes Well done! Are you following a training plan or just winging it? (I was doing Couchto5K, but I’m kinda winging it now.)

    Most hilarious result of my rants about globalisation today is how many knitters DMed me to get in on future overseas yarn orders.

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    @VenessaHunt Yep:

    Oh right. I just remembered why I’ve been avoiding this project. Because it’s the IT equivalent of the iceberg that took down the Titanic.

    Holy crap. Bejeweled Blitz is the crack cocaine of iPhone gaming. So much for going to the gym…

    Finished Posie socks and Flight of the Conchords…

    @DianneKing It’s from WendyKnits toe-up sock book. Will put details on Rav shortly.


    MobileMessenger bought m-Qube. Leaving Australian market?

    Arguing in favor of globalisation on Rav. I am under no obligation to prop up a failing local business out of guilt or charity.

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    Going for a walk with the Snook up to the #glebefair. Seems like most of the other Sydney tweeps are already there! Save me some gozleme…

    Judging by the hats for sale and being worn at the #glebefair, Don Draper has a lot to answer for.

    Who is this man? Undercover international espionage agent, 1970’s porn producer, or yet another Inner West hipster?

    Just nominated RunKeeper for Best Location Based Mobile App #openwebawards

    @stufromoz Yep. But with the Hawaiian shirt today, he also looked like a federal agent hiding out in South America.

    Just completed a 8.22 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper