Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @kcarruthers: OMG this is so familiar – women in tech panels #DWC was little like that. I felt like the lone techie.

    Just completed a 4.15 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Yay, our @threadless tees have arrived! Perfect fit, very cute, & great price.

    @randomknits We paid extra for the Express International. (One of my co-workers didn’t want to do laundry.)

    @randomknits Ours was “UPS Expedited” with estimate of 3-5 business days.

    @twelveeyes Nah. I’m about a 40″ bust, and that put me smack in XL: It’s a good fit. Not too tight, not too loose.

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    @twelveeyes Pretty much any shoe with big thick cushioning! Asics, New Balance, etc. I always get injured when my distance ramps up.

    The unspoken war between me and Sydney Buses escalated today. WTF, BUS DRIVERS.

    Those stops were previously closed this year due to drivers union complaining about safety down by @henrytapia’s old office! Bah.

    @henrytapia Pretty much. Check it out from earlier this year:

    @lachlanhardy I know what you mean. I need to try to have those moments more often. We really are incredibly lucky.

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    @bellsknits I liked it, but it was tainted by the RIDICULOUS amount I paid for it in North Syd.

    @redambition I’m back on it too! Figured it was a good way to acclimatize to my new shoes and running form.

    @crumpet Confession: Snook and I had NO IDEA how to work the tram ticket machine. That’s some non-intuitive UI!

    Good luck at Iron Man Wisconsin, @ironbrandon!

    @gadgetgirl70 I’m excited and I never even saw the original!

    @twelveeyes Newtons! They promote landing on forefoot (like barefoot running) rather than heel. Causes less injuries!

    @crumpet We asked some old ladies to show us how, and they just urged us to scam rides without tickets LIKE THEY DO.

    @twelveeyes If they keep me from having to have $70 physio appointments for my back and hip, they’ll pay for themselves quickly! 🙂

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    We have achieved RED. Now for the chopping.

    Short. RED. I am totally from the future right now.

    Just finished our biggest Guild meeting ever: 35 people! Great to meet all the new folks…

    @venks79 Nice run! Way to go…

    Hitting the sack early tonight. Tomorrow we go to get all our plants – AND I GET TO DRIVE A UTE! I’m very excited about that.

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    Sitting in the Nag’s Head with Snooky waiting for Samson & Sharkey to start playing. Feels weird without the old crew… #fb

    Another great use for iPhones: amusing oneself between sets. I’m not leaving til we hear “To Her Door.” #fb

    @thisismywww Actually they didn’t tonight… but his heart was singin’ like a low-down guitar, let me tell you. 🙂

    @michaelengle Agreed. Poor girl. What a horrible situation.

    @ironbrandon Best of luck with your event!!

    Going to get a haircut before today’s Guild meeting. I’m thinking short, and possibly RED.

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    No knitting group for me tonight! Errands to run…

    @TimBags Then it obviously didn’t happen.

    Running late for work because Joe Wislon made me so incensed I had to call all my Congressmen to tell them to support Obama’s plan.

    I updated iTunes last night and iPhone this morning. No dramas.

    @runkeeper How come my autotweets say “Just completed a run…” while @venks79 – same version & settings – says “Check out the run…”?

    461 driver tried to leave without me today, and SUCH WAS THE FORCE OF MY EYEROLL that he swung back to the stop and picked me up. VICTORY.

    RT @eileenDCoE’s blog: “These mistakes happen when the extent of one’s French is essentially limited to Pyschokiller lyrics.” HA! Me too.

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    I just got 100m/20s on the rowing machine at Spudds for the first time in MONTHS. I let out a whoop when I saw it. Made me feel so good. 🙂

    In the middle of placing a mammoth @threadless order for the geeks at work, and their site just went down! EEP!

    FINALLY. @threadless order went through… and the geeks shall be clothed.

    @sharre Ohhh, that? I was expecting something much more outrageous. 🙂

    @GiGotlib It was the $9 that was the attraction, frankly.

    Anybody else going to the Digital Women Connect event tonight? (Besides me and @VenessaHunt?)

    Wow. Digital Women Connect is awesome, & Telstra are putting on hella good show. On like my 6th champagne… (Speakers starting now.)

    Just heard @lscassar speak; very inspiring and entertaining!

    Great night at #DWC. Made contact with so many smart, competent, INTERESTING women in my field. Can’t wait for the next!

    I feel surprisingly okay, despite the amount of champagne I had last night at #DWC. Must do a write-up at some point today.

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    R: “I saw on the Internet that having skinny thighs means you’ll die sooner.” K: “Then I’m gonna live to a HUNDRED!” #fb

    Seen on FB: “If Obama gave a speech in favor of oxygen, there’s 10% of the country who would suffocate themselves in protest.”

    @Ezzles There’s a new album out, remastered in some special way, I believe.

    Lesbrarians: (Paging @gadgetgirl70

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    @eggheadedguy Don’t appreciate the spam.

    I have officially added a “Halloween Party” tab to my To Do list. Only 54 days to go…

    @bellsknits I also used you TWICE in my “knitternet” preso to Southern group, with screenshots! So may have been some Guild traffic too. 🙂

    @bellsknits Not a big deal, really. I showed them Facebook, Twitter, and RSS reader, and your name/blog happened to be visible on all 3!

    Holy crap! ROUSes are real! *shudder* Nightmares.

    Storm and lightning have finally arrived in the city. I wondered what you were all on about.

    Going out for my 1st run in 3 weeks. Cough is gone; but half-marathon is off the table. Guess it’s time to start again.

    Just completed a 4.33 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @RTRR No. Doc made me withdraw last weekend. I missed my last 3 long runs; I’d have no chance. 🙁

    The air conditioner in the building just shut off… and suddenly it’s eerily quiet. It must run all the time. I’m freaking out a little.

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    Weeding, digging, hoeing, hauling, hammering, lifting… Three beds in, one to go. Then we’ve got to fill them with soil!

    208 Retro Photoshop Patterns: (Attention @seanchadwick !)

    Blog post: Garden Update! We’re both BEAT, but at least the beds are ready for spring planting…