Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Oh wow. I think I’ve turned a corner. I suddenly feel much, much better. Maybe the sleep – even drugged sleep – did me a lot of good.

    @redambition STAY STRONG. You and I will be the last holdouts against the deadly shawl zombification.

    @DianneKing Actually it does to me too, when I’m awake. (I felt awful til it wore off this morning.) But sleep was more important.

    @Alacaeriel ?? You just throwing out keywords to confuse the spies? 🙂

    @Roceal Dr. Chin at Broadway? He’s my doctor too! Dr. Chin = the best.

    Hahaha… You guys are killing me with the subversive Guild tweets. Remember, THE CROW FLIES AT MIDNIGHT.

    Chippendale Food for the Future Fair – Saturday, October 24. Put it in your calendars! #food4thefuture

    Congrats on leaving, @richbuggy! Best of luck with the new job. 🙂

    @bellsknits I don’t mind ‘babe’ so much. People from Midwest USA use it a lot. (Right @gadgetgirl70?) I think it can be folksy and charming.

    @lachlanhardy My husband is another. Shocking, really. He doesn’t even have a blog! I’ve only just got him to use an RSS reader!

    I smell beets.

    I must be feeling better. My knitting mojo has returned! Decided that 3st off-centering was unacceptable, so frogged. Knitting heel again!

    @Justacogitating We get them in our weekly veggie box. Roasted with olive oil and balsamic? Very, very nice.

    Limited self to prescribed dose of codeine, then spent past half hour coughing brains out. About to cry. Lozenges not helping.

    @bowenvale321 Thats the exact stuff sitting on my nightstand.

    @imdominating I didn’t get it, so Rodd had to explain. Now I am even more disturbed.

    Was having a bad morning til I got to the story about teabagging: And then I laughed and laughed and laughed.

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    I am going into the city today to check out Newton Running Shoes. @ironbrandon and @steverunner have convinced me to give forefoot a try.

    @ironbrandon It’s at They’ve got a beginners running course starting up in Oct too, so I may do that. BRING ON THE MARATHON! 🙂

    Ok @ironbrandon, I now have some (very ugly) Newtons! Now what? Start slow, I’m guessing.

    Forgot the pic:

    I’ll be fine for like 15 minutes, then have an unbelievable coughing jag. Really sucks when someone is trying to demo code at their desk.

    Just got home – without my new running shoes. I must be sicker than I thought. I HOPE LIKE HELL I left ’em sitting in the office. 🙁

    Chemist didn’t want to give me codeine. Said I should just cough it all up. I told her I MUST SLEEP, so she relented. In bed now.

    3.30am. Codeine wore off. Unable to stop coughing. Nothing working. Poor Snook; I’m ruining his sleep too.

    I eventually got back to sleep, but I had to practically OD on codeine to do it. The comedown is not nice. But at least I got some sleep.

    And hey! My voice is coming back! Maybe my co-workers will stop making phone sex jokes now.

    @stufromoz Exactly. The consensus was that I’d make a great ‘sexy Russian housewife.’

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    Aha! I think I know what’s up. I changed my email address on FB on the weekend. That must have reset the notification settings.

    @scrubbles Love it! You’ve got like a whole portfolio of blog redesigns happening… 🙂

    Just registered for BA talk/discussion on Thursday night:

    @devvyleys Really? It’s still pretty nice in the city. Wonder if that means it’s on its way…

    Whoa! Window washer is working his way down the building and is right above my window…

    @Kat13v Heh. Yeah, I’m a BA with a BA! 🙂

    @misswired We’re in GoGet too! Love them. Used them yesterday, in fact, to drive to a wedding in Lane Cove.

    @stufromoz Westfield building on William Street. You?

    UK Yarn Forward mag apparently has story on yarn shopping in Oz including rave about M&S & mention of SSK! Anybody seen it? @witty_knitter?

    @DDsD Actually not so much n00bs as a concerted hack effort from 4chan:

    Blackmore’s Half Marathon site says we run over the Old Glebe Island Bridge. Isn’t it permanently open??

    @kdelarue That’s what I’m wondering! Seriously, check it out: The elevation profile doesn’t look like ANZAC. But how??

    I have eaten so many VapoDrops today, my blood type is now “Butter Menthol.”

    I’ve got a voice so husky it could pull a dogsled. No, really. I think we’re in the realm of laryngitis here.

    @Justacogitating Earlier today my boss was suggesting I could record some sexy messages for one of the ‘adult’ mobile services we run. Ha.

    @Justacogitating Diversification is important. We do B2B development, general mobile retail, and yeah, a bit of the naughty stuff!

    Phew. Just finished the side project I’ve been working on for the past few weeks: Friend is a jeweller!

    @venks79 That banner was meant to be temporary. My photoshopping SUCKS. Allan’s daughter looks cut out with scissors! 😛

    @knitabulous I like bananas, but sheesh, they give me awful heartburn. Can’t eat ’em.

    @Diepdin Cool! I guess not many of us will be able to say we’ve run across it then. 🙂

    Awake. Still no voice. And judging by the technicolour goo coming out of my nose, it’s time to go for the antibiotics.

    @Opheli8 It landed on my face.

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    All dressed up in Lane Cove, waiting for Steph & Eva’s wedding to start.

    The best possible day for a wedding. It was at Carisbrook House ( The wedding party:

    We blew bubbles instead of throwing rice. and

    @lahondaknitter And in very different parts of the world! Must have been an auspicious day for it. 🙂

    @RTRR I’ll be running the half-marathon in the same day… and we coincidentally have the same goal time! Man, you’re fast. 🙂

    @venks79 Nice job… but what happened to phone? Dead battery?

    Heading to Chatswood for wedding reception. I’m hungry!

    We finally got to the bride & groom. We love you guys! (Yeah, I changed into something more comfortable.)

    Eva made adorable table toppers. We appear to be at the non-Chinese table. The food is AMAZING.

    Shark fin soup. There’s a first. It’s FANTASTIC.

    The other reception attendees have worked out that I have Internet. Therefore I am the designated cricket score updater. So far: suckage.

    A hangover is bad enough, but a hangover with sinusitis as well? Kill me now.

    The Twitter FAQs should warn that if you tweet all through, say, wedding receptions, you won’t be able to chuck a sickie the next day.

    I have seen literally ten 470 buses go by and not a single one of mine. I hate the 470.

    I have suddenly started getting emails with every Facebook notification. When did this happen? Some settings change?

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    @devvyleys Oooh, we’re doing that too! I got “Sq. Ft. Gardening” from Amazon a few weeks back. Raised beds for the win. 🙂

    Nearly finished with the extracurricular website I’ve been working on… I’d love to get it done tonight!

    @carbolicious Wow, you’re right! I guess because he’s wearin’ boots and I’ve just got on my Chucks.

    Shhhh! We’re being monitored by Knitters Guild spies. I am deadly serious. (I also don’t give a crap, so SUCK IT, TATTLETALES.)

    Beautiful day for a wedding. And yay, just found a black dress in my closet that I forgot I had! And it fits! And looks good!

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    @steven_noble The new iPhone has an “oleophobic” screen, which really cuts down fingerprints. I want it on my specs!

    @codepo8 I think that one’s my favorite so far! PHP + the Cure = WIN. #songsincode

    RT @codepo8: $o = array(‘blue’,’grey’,’grey’,’don\’t care bout you’,’I\’m in love’);echo $o[date(‘D’)]; #songsincode

    Joining @mrs_sockvictim at lunch for a visit to the Tom Foster Seniors Centre. We’re taking them knitting supplies!

    @mrs_sockvictim Heading out to the train now… See you there!

    Faith in humanity restored. Here’s @mrs_sockvictim with folks at Tom Foster Centre: Now back to work…

    @redambition Nice! Bring it on. 🙂

    Anyone know of Australian charity where guy can donate his loooooong hair?

    @barrysaunders *snort* Probably not til right before Movember. This is for somebody else… 🙂

    RT @that_alison: Now THAT is craft as activism: Read it and weep, knit graffittists <- HELLS YEAH.

    @Kat13v Nah, just showing off a pic of her dress. I’ll forward you email about our visit. 🙂

    Heading to dinner with the inlaws. I could use a drink!

    Dinner was excellent! Selah ( at Circ Quay. I had lamb hot pot and bombe Alaska.

    Up and about before 8:30… and heading over to Eveleigh Markets. Look for the groggy tall one in the green vest.

    Me and Snook at the Markets. We ran into Mr and @mrs_sockvictim.

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    Nothing enlivens a day home sick on the couch like a good bit of KNITTING GUILD DRAMA! (Just talked to Sally.)

    @Kat13v I’ve got $5 on “bringing the Guild into disrepute.” (I’m also happy to sign a counter-petition, if you like.)

    @witty_knitter Apparently El Presidente has been waving around a petition to remove S & K from duty. It’s actually quite funny.

    Doctor has forbidden me from running for the rest of the week. Crap. That means I’ll miss one of my last long runs.

    At least the #Ashes are on… GO THE AUSSIES!

    @redambition Just giving you all an opening to catch me in the challenge! 😛

    The #Ashes commentators are talking about Twitter. Srsly. My mind is blown.

    Oohhhh, I feel much better today! The result of a good night’s sleep? Or fever-induced euphoria? No idea.

    RT @kevincmurphy: This link is easily the best response I’ve seen to the patently dumb “govt. can’t run anything” meme.

    @devvyleys Drool. But where did you find the sausage? That’s where mine always goes wrong.

    Hakuna matata: That made me laugh.

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    I am commenting on misrepresented stats in that “Social Media Revolution” video: It’s just sloppy.

    Got a strange cough yesterday. Now feeling sore throat and sleepy. NOOOOOO! Half marathon in 4.5 weeks!

    @gadgetgirl70 WOOOOO! Congratulations!

    Not even out of bed yet and I’m sucking strepsils. I’m going to stay home. No knitting for me tonight… 🙁

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    @bellsknits Heh. Geometry is nice though too. And hey, some light is better than no light! 🙂

    My day has been going up and down… up and down…

    Just completed a 5.25 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Great run. GREAT! Too bad #runkeeper won’t post my status updates. (I think it’s Optus’s fault.) Me & the bridge:

    @runkeeper I always have 3G on. I have a feeling that my carrier is just crap right now. Twitter was having problems on iPhone too.

    @fictillius Seriously? I’ll take one! Any of them still run?

    AH-HA! My new mousepad STINKS. And with that realisation, the Mystery of My Funky Right Hand has been solved. (I was getting worried.)

    @fictillius I may take one regardless. We have a bit of a collection going of obsolete technology. 🙂

    @crumpet Do you know – I’ve never actually plugged it in. I just like having it. Sits right next to my (dead) original Gameboy. 🙂


    @carbolicious Lemon curd? That’s way more common Down Here than Up There. Didn’t know you liked it…

    @carbolicious Daylight… And I’m wearin’ my GRANDMA VEVA SHIRT!

    Hitting the sack after freakishly productive 24 hours. I’m pulling like 12hr days (counting outside-work project). It’s like I’m 22 again!

    Momentous discovery: my hair is *just* long enough to braid again. You’re all in for it now.

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    All gone! This is for @mrs_sockvictim, who wanted to see the money shot.

    My final contributions tally for RSPCA Cupcake Day: $73. Woooo!

    I really, really hate websites that don’t let me highlight text as I read. Like Snopes and NYT.

    Ugh. Between the bachelorette party on Saturday night and the cupcake adventures of the past 24 hours, I am in major need of a DETOX.

    Total Cupcake Day fundraising tally: $130.50! Thanks to Gemma for helping out with the yummies.

    Fire trucks and LOW helicopters in the CBD. What is going on?

    I’m a bit stressed. Couple big things to finish off this week both in and out of work. Not much time for tweeting…

    Disastrous attempt at run. Blister on heel burst & soaked sock/shoe with blood. Ouch. And EWW. Will try again at lunch.

    Publicly shamed a stupid cigarette-butt-dropper at Broadway. My day is looking up!