Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Well, I’m awake. Haven’t officially left bed though.

    Just completed a 10.48 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @venks79 Thanks! My back is still killing me. I think I have to see the physio again. 🙁

    Baking & decorating for Cupcake Day for RSPCA tomorrow. Theme: using beloved children’s characters to raise money for charity.

    Subtheme: How to Turn Your Co-Workers Poo Blue for a Week.

    C IS FOR CUPCAKE! Halfway done. I’ve eaten like a pound of sugar just from licking frosting off my fingers.

    All done. No idea how I’m going to get this giant box to work tomorrow.

    Cupcakes are going fast!

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    On an expedition to cupcake supply store in Camperdown. Wish @carbolicious was here!

    @AusVintageGrrl – Church St in Camperdown. Very cool, and they teach classes!

    Trying on flynet hats for our Outback trip.

    @witty_knitter Fiona and I are coming…

    Dr. Amy explores the Kitty High-Rise @mrs_sockvictim gave us today! (Petey is still hiding. He dislikes change.)

    Sitting in The Malaya at King St Wharf waiting for Eva’s Hens’ Night to begin…

    The restaurant has forbidden us from spreading penis-shaped confetti on the table. Shame.

    The guest of honor is here! Dodgy tiara and sash are in place…

    Blowing into my pornographic noisemaker…

    “What are you doing, you geek?” “I’m tweeting my penis.” (Bachelorette parties rule.)

    @DDsD LOVE Redoak. I like the Organic Pale Ale.

    The Bristol Arms Retro consists solely of Hens Parties and middle-aged guys liking to pull. I kinda love it.

    I haven’t danced on a platform in fake smoke for like 9 years. Man, so fun. But what is this CRAP that passes for music nowadays? #fb

    I REFUSE to dance to Lady Gaga. REFUSE. #fb

    Usher?? Retro?? I’m too old for this shite.

    Closed my eyes for 2 seconds to clear fake smoke. Bouncer threatened to boot me for being drunk. Think that’s my cue to leave.

    ZOMG. One night clubbing at 32 = deafness. On my way home now.

    Just realized earlier penis-tweet doesn’t make sense without picture. (It was Play-doh.) On the bus home now…

    You’re all so right. One night = less than 2 hours? I’m a complete lightweight. (Alas, I am also still deaf.)

    @thisismywww I have no idea. We were on ground floor? Started off w/ 80s then changed to 00s crap. Wouldn’t mind going for just 80s/90s.

    I’m home from Hens Night before Snook is home from Bucks Night. This means HE WINS. #fb

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    The theme of the night is cheese.

    @mrs_sockvictim SO. CUTE.

    Home alone while Snook works late again. MythTV broken. Again. No knitting mojo. Bored out of my skull. Sleep, alcohol, or both?

    @venks79 Why didn’t I think of that? Now there’s a party…

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    @knitabulous I’m at work! Run just didn’t sync up right away, so I had to re-send data from the bus on my way in… 🙂

    Wooo! Got some GREAT feedback on a spec I wrote yesterday. Nice feeling.

    Huh. Just realised that #runkeeper GPS was slightly off today. Corrected points online. Ended up running bit farther than I thought.

    @crumpet There are Americans who agree with you. WTF indeed.

    Anyone know why Army helicopter is zooming over Sydney CBD?

    RT @imdominating: <- Oh FFS. Now I want Snook to take MY name!

    For @imdominating and the other RPattz fans: Only available for Aussie mobiles though!

    @imdominating Check your email in a few minutes. 🙂

    RT @venks79: This should explain the army helicopters over Sydney CBD (though the article is a few days old)

    RT @Camee: Damn it people! Leggings do NOT qualify as pants! No one needs to see the exact outline of your lower body! <! SING IT, SISTER.

    Rodd: “re: surnames. Maybe we should switch :)” Me: “You mean I’D BE THE SNOOK??” Too weird!

    @misswired Considering that it took SEVEN YEARS for him to comment on my blog, don’t hold your breath.

    Not feeling like going to knitting tonight…

    @steven_noble Just booked for SMC. Perhaps we’ll finally get to meet, neighbour! 🙂

    Feeling like I need to zone out a bit. Guitar Hero is in order, I think.

    Didn’t end up playing GH after all. Instead put my head down and finished bunch of work on Knitters Guild site. Pretty boring, really.

    It is a morning where everyone at the bus stop is wearing TOO MUCH PERFUME. I didn’t realize they even made Exclamation! anymore.

    @knitabulous HA! Not bloodly likely. Just allergies and a bit headachey.

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    I have accepted the reality that we won’t make it back to the States this year…

    Confession: I actually love when stupid punk bands speed up non-punk songs. Bonus points for 80’s songs. (Yes, I was closet Lee Harding fan)

    First Leoben was creepy. Now he’s CREEPY HOT.

    RT @imdominating @therealnph the best of nerd vandalism! <- PHP + drunk + spraypaint = funny.

    @brockleyboyo Yeah, finally making my way through it via DVD. Nearly at end of season 3.

    Just completed a 4.00 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Slow jog with hill repeats on Wilson St. My lower back – which was fine during C2S – is KILLING me now. 🙁

    Snook just got email “confirming” he’d signed petition against US health care reform. Sent website a scathing rebuke. They lie and lie…

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    Holy crap. How is it 1:00 already?

    If you used the St. George ATM on York Street, there was a skimmer attached. @TimBags, 600+ other people were affected. Watch your account!

    @randomknits You’re stirring the pot over on Rav today, you stinker! The mods are having a pow-wow…

    @DDsD Not quite. We have one. Snook never looks it. I just end up nagging him when we’re supposed to do shit.

    Got emailed by a journalist wanting me to comment on graffiti knitting. HA! This is going to be good.

    @stufromoz Not sure. It was my friend @TimBags who got skimmed, and he’s where I heard about it…

    Rain and storm, oh my! Cats are hiding.

    @Bex_the_Femme I’ll send you my reply. You’ll like it.

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    Knitters: Which hypothetical name for a LYS do you like best? Newtown Stitchery / The Newtown Nook / The Granny Square / Champion on King

    @redambition Ahhh, but imagine the merchandising opportunities! T-shirts that say: “I heart COK…” HAHAHAHA! 🙂

    Just completed a 4.65 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @witty_knitter I don’t know if it would be 100% knitting just yet…

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    Just completed a 14.15 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Can’t find Snook. No cell signal. Wandering and sweaty! #city2surf

    Found Snook. Trying to find other MBA teammates. Sitting behind Accenture tent at south end… #city2surf

    @Opheli8 So far only Paul J. I saw Venks at 5km mark but no sign since. And Sven is MIA.

    Me and Paul J after the race.Paul kicked my butt! We never did find Venks or Sven. #city2surf

    @coach_chris First half great, second half not so great. (Stitch, cramping.) Still finished in about 110. Home now and showered. 🙂

    @venks79 Well done! Your pace was much more consistent than mine.

    @devvyleys Outdoor running is so hard. Have to build up slowly. Try the Couch to 5K when you’re ready. I’m sure you can do it!

    Crap. I took about 10 photos during the #city2surf, but crappy 3G coverage meant only 2 got uploaded to @runkeeper. Any way to resubmit?

    @bennymarsh Did you remember to turn off wifi? I only get bad gps when I forget. My #city2surf distance was spot on.

    Now the reward: Full. Body. Massage.

    We are like 5 minutes into Transformers: The Movie (the animated one), and I’m completely lost. How does a giant robot turn into a tiny gun?

    @sharre For latchhook? Very, very difficult. M&S used to carry it, but supplier stopped making it. No idea where to get it these days.

    Insecticons? There is obviously a whole mythology here that I’m missing out on.

    “There’s a girl Autobot? What does she turn into? If it’s, like, a goddamn hair brush, I’M GONNA VOMIT.”

    @shanea I just want to know why the girl Transformer sucks so bad. She hasn’t transformed yet!

    @randomknits Wow! Ten points to @gilmae for originality and plating. But how did it taste?

    @shanea It was time for Snook’s WoW raiding session, so I took advantage and switched off Transformers. (Nerdiest. Sentence. Ever.)

    WICKET! Man, I might actually get to see the Poms lose before bedtime. (This is MUCH better than Transformers already.)

    Any of you have Microsoft Works? Trying to open a .wps document…

    @gilmae Tried it. OO wanted me to choose from 100+ non-alphabetised filter formats, none of which matched. But NeoOffice opened it 1st try!

    Thanks, everybody. I got it open. OO didn’t like it, but NeoOffice opened it just fine…

    @Opheli8 I don’t do sewing, really. Hm. Wonder if I could knit one.

    My Race Report for the 2009 City 2 Surf is up, complete with lots of pics from the course:

    Just read the phrase “And you’re only getting older” in email from @carbolicious. THANKS, SIS. Great way to start my Monday…

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    ARGH. Halfway to city and just realized I left half the crap I printed out for Guild meeting at home. Will have to muddle through.

    Brilliant Guild meeting! 3 new members, approval for workshop plans, great show & tell. Lovely tea from @WittyKnitter and Sandra too!

    Felt a bit tired so curled up on the couch to “rest my eyes.” Woke up three hours later.

    @TimBags I was hoping it was going to be shaped like a racecar from your comment. That would’ve been cool.

    Snook is prepping side dishes to go with his lovely roast lamb. No carb-loading for me for #city2surf; trying to keep to my usual routine.

    Can’t believe folks are lining up for #city2surf already. I just got up! One of the perks of living close to the city, I guess.

    On the bus to #city2surf starting line. Have to remember this is NOT my goal race. Just a training run. Just a training run…

    View towards starting line down College St. 75K runners in 2008 #city2surf

    Made it to portaloos. Trying to stay warm before start. Won’t be tweeting during race, but photos will be up right after. #city2surf

    Me and my new buddy Steven waiting to start. Any second now. #city2surf

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    Confession: I didn’t even realise that Twitter was down.

    Just blogged a review of new #runkeeper release that supports geotagging photos doing your workout:

    Just how I like to spend my lunch break – sitting in the bank. It’s time to fix account name typo though. I am NOT married to the SMOOK.

    For future reference: ANZ Phone Help – useless. Staff at Broadway – useless. Sunil at George St branch – only helpful person in whole co!

    Official photos of me from last weekend’s Bay Run:

    @Ezzles Hooray! Congratulations… Where’s the job??

    Ahem. Inner City group of Knitters Guild is up to 48(!) members, no doubt due to my brilliant (and modest) leadership skillz.

    Trying to work up the willpower to get out of my warm bed and walk over to the Eveleigh Farmers’ Market.

    Just back from Eveleigh Markets. Propose new economic indicator: how many trendy small dogs are wearing clothes at an Inner West event.

    @coach_chris I’ll probably just be getting to Heartbreak Hill. EEP! (Be sure to Twitter afterwards. Maybe we can meet up!)