Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    New #Runkeeper Pro version is live in AU app store! Perfect timing for City2Surf. Will take photos to enforce walk breaks.

    @bellsg Week 1 is traditionally awesome. Just don’t get discouraged if Week 2 isn’t as huge!

    Heh. – for when you need to discredit an enemy’s citizenship.

    Note to self: If you tweet pictures of desk with incriminating bottles of Diet Coke, the Snook WILL CATCH IT.

    @Opheli8 @misswired Sorry, ladies. I’ve only got sock wool on me today. (Must remember to bring a larger stash for beanie emergencies.)

    My two favorite things today: I’m gonna be wired.

    @Bex_the_Femme Proof that two WRONGS make an UNHOLY TORNADO OF WRONGNESS. *shudder*

    @fictillius As a woman, I’d happy trade Fernwood for the Melbourne Club.

    @DDsD Obviously you haven’t been on one that was tuned to “Transport TV”. (I’m not kidding.)

    Heading to knitting…

    Holy crap. Just watched Jamie Oliver’s pig special… after having pork chops for dinner. Next ones will be guaranteed free range.

    I actually just had to run into the street and wave my arms to get a 461 driver to stop at Broadway. Kris 1; Forces of Evil 0.

    Check out the 5.07 km run I did with @runkeeper #RunKeeper

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    @devvyleys I’ve got one at my house you can photograph if you need to!

    Monster circuit training session at Spudds today. Had a hell of a time trying to keep up with @chrisgander. My legs are DEAD.

    @purple_velvet @sharre Well, I’m teaching socks at Guild camp in Oct., but they were reluctant to put on more than 1 sock class. #socksummit

    @sharre I dunno; mine’s filling up. I think they though the Pru Mapstone was a much bigger draw. (She’s sold out, so guess they’re right.)

    Whoa. @shanea, @TimBags, @Steffi_83… You guys up for running in the mud? 😛

    I can’t even tell the rest of the office how brilliant “Single Ladies (in Mayberry”) is, because they don’t know the Andy Griffith Show. #fb

    Updated my Skype photo at work. I was using self as Queen Amidala, but coworker asked in all seriousness if I was Tajikistani. #costumefail

    @sharre @randomknits Deputy Sharre has spoken true. 🙂

    @Diepdin Oh Em! Shouldve sent to you right away. Will send now. 🙂

    Started new knitting project. Sunshine yellow Blue-Faced Leicester makes me happy to be alive. This could turn into something special…

    Just took a couple pics of Tasman Summer Tunic. All I need is a ribbon for the front and a button for the back:

    @gilmae BRILLIANT! Thanks for that. I’ll head down Saturday arvo.

    @imdominating I’ve settled on Tweetdeck. Still crashes occasionally, but I like using the same interface at work/home/phone.

    Last week I got a 2nd monitor, this week I got a window with view of Crown St and City. Happy worker.

    Pic of dress is slightly oversaturated. True colour is more of a deep royal purple. (Paddington in Dover: @justjussi

    @witty_knitter I wasn’t planning on it.

    @henrytapia It’s normal around here! Tech team uses Skype to communicate, & I’m giving Twitter preso Mon. Mobile industry very connected. 🙂

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    Going to collect my team’s City2Surf race packs. Only 5 days left!

    How to Double Blog Traffic in 1 Day: insult graffiti knitters. That’s my bit of SEO genius for July. (Note to self: put ads up next time!)

    @TimBags Which did you get? I’ve been looking myself.

    RT @gilmae: @web_goddess Isn’t it hard to make the yarn stick to the side of the train? <- BWAHAHAHA…

    @carbolicious Excellent. Hopefully we’ll be there then too!

    Could James Mathison replace Kyle on Idol? PLEASE OH PLEASE! Mathison was the best thing about that show.

    @witty_knitter Yay! I hope it isn’t too much bureaucracy. I don’t remember having to get a police report? Maybe just for Kiwis?! 😛

    @Ezzles Ha. I once dragged my 12yo neighbour to see Phantom Menace like four times. #shameful #confession

    Looking for reputable plumber/water heater guy in Inner West. Anybody know somebody?

    On my way to physio to see if my back can be improved before Sunday’s race.

    Yowch. I’m gonna have bruises!

    @TimBags Ha, that’s right next door to our office!

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    @witty_knitter @mrs_sockvictim Okay, this conversation has gone in very different direction from innocent proclamation of arrival of spring!

    Chippendale Fresh Food Co-op is really happening! If you’re in Chippo and not on the email list, let me know and I’ll forward.

    “Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies.”

    Holy crap. Ben & Jerry’s are opening in Sydney! Free ice cream! THE TOTAL WRECK OF MY DIET! (@gadgetgirl70)

    @carbolicious Huh. I saw somebody on TV once with a glitter phobia. It’s very real and weird.

    The Shawl Virus is spreading. I can appreciate them as beautiful things… but no, not for me. I may have to build a bunker and hide.

    Getting the low-down on machinations within Sydney retail craft community. Very interesting things are afoot!

    Was present for actual Wheeling and Dealing. All highly confidential. Will email the enquiring minds…

    Email is being typed RIGHT NOW, and you’re all on it…

    @bellsg Wait, I don’t think I have your email addy, Bells! Send quick!

    Sent. I love sharing exciting gossip. Shhhhhh….

    @bellsg Hmmm… You were on there! Just sent again, so you may get two.

    Just completed a 5.67 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

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    Team picture:

    Check out the 7.05 km run I did with @runkeeper #RunKeeper

    Somehow GPS conked out about 700m before finish, so I had to go in & manually adjust points. Just retweeted link to map w/ splits. 🙂

    Ha. has big giant yellow Java error splashed all over front page. #fairfax #fail

    @sharre Nice one! Don’t forget to put it on the challenge… 🙂

    @redambition Woohoo! Everybody’s exercisin’ today! 🙂

    Quick, quick, look now before it’s fixed! Race results error has our team – Barry and the Apples – as the #1 winner!

    I emailed them. Looks like the winning team mistakenly got our name applied. It was a fun surprise there for a minute though!

    @witty_knitter Welcome aboard. Being able to vote is nice. 🙂

    In case you didn’t get the memo from my bare legs and pretty red shoes, winter is OVER. We have decreed it.

    @mrs_sockvictim I should think so! I’m not wearin’ hot pants to work. 🙂

    @Opheli8 Awww, but we MISS YOU over here!

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    It’s not like I LIKE being the humourless, nagging taskmaster. But it appears to be the only way stuff gets done.

    @mrs_sockvictim Me too. Cranky pants are on. Are you going to knitting?

    ANZ’s site says Access accts can have cheques. Yet when I call, it’s only SECRET SPECIAL accts that can & only M-F staff can set that flag.

    Is anybody going to SSK today? I’m debating.

    @witty_knitter @j_wren Bah, stuck at home doing tax. Sorry to miss it!

    Tasman Summer Tunic is finished and blocking! Does anyone know if Button Shop in the Rocks is open on Sunday?

    @gilmae Yeah… I’m starting to think Spottie’s is my only option.

    12 hours until I run the 7K Bay Run ( at Iron Cove. Weather looks good; feeling optimistic. Time for food, water, & sleep! #fb

    Up, dressed, hydrated… just waiting for the taxi to go to the race!

    WOOO! Met both goals: ran whole thing w/out stopping and SMASHED 50 minutes. Congrats to @shanea, @TimBags, and @Steffi_83 too!

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    ARGH. Another freakin’ Joomla security update. I’m patching the stupid Knitters Guild site practically every weekend now.

    @ironbrandon Very, very, very reluctantly. I spent a lot of time using it at work last year.

    @ironbrandon Sure… but if/when I ever get over to NYC, I want some opera tickets! 🙂

    @Alegrya Which yarn shop? Anything good left?

    Looks like Champion Textiles may be closing. Not terribly surprised. I never got good service, fitout was dirty, and it was kinda smelly.

    @knitness No details except what’s on Rav. Apparently 20% off “Closing Down Sale” happening. Emailed Albie to see if he knows anything…

    @acatinatree Happy birthday! (The geeks are eating lots of cake this week!)

    @kategamble My usage is mostly personal, so no automation. To me, autotweets are more like mailing list; one-way rather than conversation.

    @randomknits WHAT?!

    Lunchtime workout goal: hill repeats.

    Here’s the view down the bastard hill I’ve been climbing…

    Just completed a 4.66 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @TimBags I can’t believe I can recognize Dusko just from his chin.

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    Just plugged in my new second monitor at work

    Just found out I’m off to Twitter Boot Camp this arvo: (Grammar error in 2nd sentence doesn’t inspire optimism.)

    @knitness Here’s a tip: They all mean “feed me.”

    @sharre Wow, great job! You’re gonna kick butt on our challenge…

    Waiting for Twitter Boot Camp to begin. @opheli8 has warned me “not to be a hater.”

    Looks like Twitter Boot Camp hash tag is #tbcau. Getting ready to start…

    Hm. Big monitor showing live Twitter feed certainly kills any urge to snark on speakers. #tbcau

    @lotsofco It has to do with marketing. (I feel so dirty. But hey, free cookies, right?)

    Watching @barrys_syd film @markpollard. Hearing about etiquette, accountability, validation. So far so good. #tbcau

    FINALLY got wifi working again… and forgot everything I wanted to tweet. #tbcau

    @redambition Wait, what? Are you at the same session as me??

    We’re 2 hours in, and I am utterly sick of the word “tweet.” Is tweet-rage a recognized psychotic condition? #tbcau

    Please, please let the Bruce Clay speaker use the word ‘silos.’ Then I can yell bingo! #tbcau

    How does ‘automate as much as possible’ jibe with idea that good Twitter use is all about meaningful conversations? #tbcau

    Just surprised at number of speakers advising scheduling tweets for middle of the night. That’s PR feed, not real time interaction. #tbcau

    My ‘silos’ comment was unexpectedly featured by @barrys_syd. Eep! At least we all had a chuckle. #tbcau

    Okay, which one of you is the Mythbusters guy? Rumor is you’re here… #tbcau

    No SnB for me tonight. Taking the Snook out to celebrate his birthday!

    It is a very strange day when the Snook leaves the house before I do. The cats are freaked out. DISRUPTION TO HUMAN ROUTINE!

    @voicework Ha, you’re the 2nd person I’ve met from MB. Do you know Sadhana? Anyway yeah, good day. Nice to “meet” you!

    Sorry I missed pub networking! I got more from Twitter Boot Camp than expected, esp. from @jyesmith’s case study. Thanks to all. #tbcau

    RT @ScottKirsner Brands have historically been distant and inhuman…but now consumers want the opposite. – Matt Cutler of Visible Measures

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    Oh ffs. We just hired our 4th “Chris” in an office of 48. Kris/Chris/Chris/Cris. That’s not going to be confusing AT ALL.

    I am Asking MetaFilter how to make an awesome meatloaf:

    @venks79 Eh, just didn’t feel great in the AM. Punching helped though! Catch me on Skype tomorrow & I’ll give you the update. 🙂

    I do hope the folks over at Geekdom do something to celebrate the Snook’s birthday today (hint hint)…

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    @redambition Dare I mention the dreaded fanny pack? 🙂 I’ve been carrying mine in my hand in its case. I’m used to it now.

    @redambition Definitely! Walking is totally allowed. And @sharre, I only used the US term because @AusVintageGrrl did last night over IM!

    @redambition @sharre @AusVintageGrrl I’M WRONG! She said bumbag, and my brain translated it, probably because it’s so funny here. Apologies!

    @runkeeper Giving you some love over on Metafilter:

    @bellsg Yep. Click the little song listing icon in the upper right. Will let you set stars for all songs on album. #iphone

    @sharre Very pretty! I hate the new-glasses-seasick though.

    @mrs_sockvictim Ooh, gchatting you. We might be interested!

    Nothing makes you feel loved like finding two cats waiting for your reappearance outside the bathroom door. (Also: they want their dinner.)

    Nearly finished with Tasman Summer Tunic for my niece Indie. @carbolicious, this may be the cutest thing I have EVER KNITTED.

    @ironbrandon You’ll like this! RT @runkeeper: @aaronwhite’s evangelizing has piqued my curiousity. Who’s tried these?

    @ironbrandon I d’loaded their foot/calf strengthening exercises. Starting to think about giving forefoot a serious try…

    Just not feeling happy in my own skin today.

    @Bex_the_Femme Those are the WRONGEST SHOES I’VE EVER SEEN.

    @that_alison You’re not talking plant stealing, are you? NEVER JUSTIFIED!

    @that_alison Oh! That’s a good thing. Give them a hug from me. 🙂