Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Congrats to @venks79 on the new baby!

    GAH. Carried my lovely hot lunch all the way across the office and DROPPED IT right in front of my desk. Miraculously, 2/3 remained inside.

    @carbolicious You are making me want to bake! (Damn you.)

    @justjussi You still up? I’m having trouble interpreting part of the Tasman Summer Tunic pattern…

    @justjussi Nevermind! I worked it out. πŸ™‚

    Just completed a 6.10 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

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    Just completed a 13.82 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    Just finished long slow run. Shins and lungs felt pretty good! Now, ice bath. If you hear shrieking, that’s me.

    For this show application, need to list my 6 dream dinner guests. Suggestions?

    Heh. Would it be totally sucking up to the ABC to say Denton?

    @RTRR It’s just a hypothetical, presumably to find out whether you’d pick interesting people or ones that sound impressive.

    TV show application sent. It’s like the Australian Idol for Complete Nerds. (I HOPE I GET IN!)

    I went with Stephen Fry, Steve Jobs, Tetsuya Wakuda, Carrie Fisher, Terese Rein, & Queen Margrethe of Denmark. (She’s a crafter, you know!)

    Watching Sex Pistols documentary. This music is making me knit faster than EVER BEFORE.

    @DDsD Which is amusing, because every waitress I’ve had there in the past six months has been – I’m pretty sure – an actual Russian.

    @imdominating Hahahahaha…. Almost makes me sorry I un-followed him after getting bored of all the pot-smoking and masturbation.

    Another day, another chapter in the Ongoing Battle Between Kris and the Evil 480 Bus Drivers.

    I support the @yarnharlot. #yarnharlot

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    Lovely lazy sunshiney Saturday. Off to Farmers Market, then out to high tea with local knitters. Oh, and I dropped a pound. WIN!

    Cornucopia. Now to Broadway for meat & cat litter, and that’s the shopping sorted.

    All frocked up and heading for high tea with my knitters. How civilized!

    Lee, with sandwiches.

    It’s @mrs_sockvictim enjoying her tea and knitting.

    JP (@knitterjp) and scones…

    I’ve been told I did it backwards. @RoseRed says “JAM, THEN CREAM!”

    We’re into our third hour… and the sweets. Oh, the sweets!

    Stuffed! @mrs_sockvictim and I are on a sugar high…

    SONOFA…. Just realized that I’ve spent the last four hours knitting a Mobius strip. GAH.

    Mobius strip frogged and reknit while watching Richard Burton skeeve it up in “Anne of a Thousand Days.” Tea party photos are on the blog!

    @realtimshady Awwww, congratulations! Here’s to many more. πŸ™‚

    Just saw that ABC is going to have a public speaking competition/reality show starting soon. HA! I am seriously considering applying.

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    @witty_knitter Do you get to induct me into the sisterhood by whacking me on the shoulders with an umbrella? Because you should. πŸ™‚

    @donttrythis So that makes the second time you’ve been portrayed by a girl! Remember me?

    @zephyrama ACK! Yeah, the Snook had to learn that one too.

    @witty_knitter I feel empowered! Next time I’ll throw the can back at them. (I should add that Rodd PRETENDED NOT TO KNOW ME as I did it.)

    Going for a run…

    Just completed a 4.92 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    @carbolicious We have a Cold Stone knockoff in Sydney now. It’s called Cold Rock Ice Creamery. That cracks me up. Haven’t gone there yet.

    Correction: Snook didn’t need to learn not to machine wash hand knits. He needed to learn to check my laundry pile for hand knits.

    @carbolicious Wow, I like the bits dripping off the edges.

    I saw that the “knit graffiti” at Mrs Macquarie’s Chair is gone after 1 week. Stolen? Cleaned up by staff? Completely rotted in the rain?

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    There is no mood so foul that it cannot be improved by the first 20 seconds of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”

    Sydney knitters – anybody available to help teach kids to knit at lunchtime tomorrow? I’m scrambling for a few more volunteers…

    @Ezzles That is very, very likely. Man, every single time I run King Street I get spotted by at least one person I know!

    Heading to Morris & Sons for some knitting time…

    @knitness Yeah, they ran 60min late for me Wed. I just left, but others are still going…

    Non-knitter overheard the graffiti knitting drama discussion tonight and laughed and laughed. Exactly. It’s absurd. Great reality check.

    My sister @carbolicious appears to have signed up for Twitter…

    Oh man. If you need to start your day with joy and happiness, watch this: I couldn’t stop smiling.

    Bogans @ stop light just threw can onto street. I marched out & said: I’LL GO PUT THAT IN THE DAMN TRASH CAN FOR YOU. Grumpy old woman = me.

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    Whoa! Message from @AusVintageGrrl. Customs House evacuated for fire alarm. Not sure what that will do to the scheduled knitting workshop!

    Going to the boxing gym. Not surprisingly, I am REALLY looking forward to punching some stuff.

    Chicken Kiev, garlic beans, and sauteed parsnip and carrot with honey and rosemary glaze. Bow before my domestic goddess-ness!

    @redambition @bellsg I blogged the carrots and parsnip recipe. Very recommended!

    Now it’s time for tea, knitting, & Battlestar Galactica. Only thing marring this peaceful scene is the truly disturbing object I’m knitting.

    @Ezzles Google “Bokaclava” or look it up on Rav. And don’t say I didn’t warn you!

    @Ezzles And no, I’m not putting it on an effing tree. πŸ™‚

    @mirvettium Nah, balaclava in the style of a demon from Dr. Who. Google “bokaclava”. πŸ™‚

    Okay, but it’s not my fault none of you will be able to sleep tonight. Behold… Bokaclava:

    That’s the designer’s. Mine is in navy. Just sewing it up now. Still need to make nose, mouth, & horns….

    @Ezzles It was an Extreme Knitting Challenge by a guy at work. In exchange he’s going to design my Halloween invite this year. πŸ™‚

    Front and back of demon head have been sewn together. Did I mention this thing will be on the slopes of Perisher this weekend?

    So sore from punching yesterday. (I needed it though.) Now let’s see if I can actually manage a run…

    Just completed a 4.37 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #RunKeeper

    This is so weird. They’ve knocked down a couple walls in the office, and now there’s all this SPACE in my peripheral vision.

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    Any of you use Evernote? I’m trying it out to see if it can tame the beast that is my scribbly work notebook. Tips appreciated.

    Always fun to find people tweeting mean things about you, as opposed to talking/emailing like human beings. πŸ™ @bendbeanies @deadlyknitshade

    In positive news, I’ve invited AU knit graffiti artist to SnB Thurs. She seems really cool & promises lots of info/gossip from NGA exhibit.

    @Ascasewwen Ahh, but did you steal it? Of course not. You’re not a sociopath.

    @codepo8 See, “punny baby t-shirts” & “something to blog about” are far too high on my list of Reasons to Have a Baby. Hence, no baby. πŸ™‚

    Old guard of the Guild think I’m hell-bent on destroying it from within, while the “punk” knitters think I’m a stuffy Grandma! Too funny.

    Thinking srsly about starting guerilla scrapbooking movement. Will involve public use of hole punches. I DON’T EVEN CARE IF I GET ARRESTED!

    Left work an hour early for Dr appt, only to find he’s running an hour behind. On the plus side, might as well kill time with a massage!

    Hmm. Graffiti MacramΓ©? My wonky owl-shaped plant holders will speak of urban decay, Western decadence, & shocking lack of fringe in society.

    @crumpet I knew you’d like the owl reference! My grandma had one like that, and it was awesome. πŸ™‚

    I got antibiotics for bronchitis. And my massage? SHE WALKED ON MY BACK. That was new.

    @mrs_sockvictim Whatever gives us the best chance of a book deal and/or talk show appearance!

    @deadlyknitshade Thank you. I did think the phone booth showed a lot of work and creativity!

    @venks79 Um… even with your newly skinny self, I’ll still go with the 40kg tiny woman, thanks! πŸ™‚

    @witty_knitter I actually used that at the Dr tonight: “See, I caught this cold 2 wks ago that has devastated the Syd knitting community..”

    @mrs_sockvictim Ok, you have to make that for Halloween. Except evil. SO AWESOME.

    Guerilla Latchhook: turning the world into one giant shag rug, one bus stop at a time. (I can’t stop! Actually, I really like this one. Hm.)

    @redambition Dr. Chin knows not to bat an eye at my eccentricities these days. I really need to knit him some socks.

    @redambition Dr. Chin knows not to bat an eye at my eccentricities these days. I really need to knit him some socks.

    @Justacogitating You should find them and start wrapping them around stop signs. You can be the second subversive in my movement!

    @crumpet Me too! I think they must have some automated bots. Must be very quiet now. (DON’T MENTION THE HOLE PUNCHES!)

    Very happy to say that Dr Chin was thrilled with my weight loss (and inches lost around waist). No charts or lectures this time!

    @knitterjp Day 3 was the worst of it for me. (You should skip the knitting workshop and rest! They’ll survive.)

    I sold yarn to Kim and Kelley Deal last year at the craft shop I worked in. (Oh wait. That was actually really cool!) #lameclaimstofame

    @redambition Huh. When I went to Myer for a makeover, I looked like I’d been hit by Homer’s makeup gun (set to “whore”).

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    They killed my herbs; they knocked down my sign; and today some bastards stole my whole effing tree. LIVID WITH RAGE.

    Anti-social tree-stealing degenerates… Went to tell Michael, local sustainability guy. His response: “Fuck ’em. We’ll plant another.”

    @bellsg Seems to be up now!

    Oh man. England are gonna win.

    @Ascasewwen @Camee Especially public gardens. It’s not like they stole from me; they ruined it for the whole neighbourhood. πŸ™

    Just completed a 5.69 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    @knitterjp You held out longer than most! Take it easy this week…

    City2Surf banners up in the city. Only three weeks to go…

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    Heading out the door to #mefi10sydney. Beautiful day!

    Not sure if any of the other #mefi10 folks in Sydney are tweeters. Will find out soon enough!

    Rocks traffic = insane. Stupid Coffee Festival! Still trying to get to #mefi10 Sydney.

    Sydney #mefi10 has started! Beautiful and sunny and warm.

    Tellurian and Bystander at Sydney #mefi10.

    UbuRoivas wearing his trademark goggles at #mefi10 Sydney.

    The #mefi10 Sydney boys and the Opera House.

    It’s ninazer0 and all the empties at the Sydney #mefi10.

    Shout-outs (and Godwin) from Sydney #mefi10.

    Embrangled, ninazer0, and web-goddess (me!) at Sydney #mefi10.

    On the way home from Sydney #mefi10. Congrats to #mathowie for creating the best web community, and thanks for all the beers!

    @mrs_sockvictim Yowch! One of the boys?

    @knitthecity Cheers, guys. Looking forward to hearing the other side!

    My knitting pattern is disturbing me.

    I always cry when they bring in the families after the victory. #masterchef

    @StoneRosey Ha, no, not pissed. More like had to get it out there before 1 more person asked if my lovely scarf was going to hang on a tree.

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    Such a weird day. Went to HP6 in the morning, then crashed and slept on the couch ALL DAY. This virus refuses to leave.

    @venks79 Wow, great job! Outdoors or treadmill? Be sure to practice some hills… πŸ™‚