Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @gadgetgirl70 ?? I thought he was feeling better!

    WTF? Just got email about “The Baby Show,” a big baby expo coming to Sydney. WHICH ONE OF YOU JOKESTERS PUT ME ON THIS LIST?

    Lazyweb request: I’m trying to layout a moderation “dashboard” for a community site. Any good examples I should know about?

    Tech team are streaming out of their area. Reports of a bad, bad smell. So far this side of the office seems to be safe…

    @ironbrandon We’ve already done Buffy & Spike, Mr Darcy & Miss Bennet, Chef Sakai & Chairman Kaga, the Mythbusters, Charlie Brown & Lucy…

    Sitting in Churrasco waiting for Snook so we can commence with the all-you-can-eat MEAT. Rowr!

    So. Full.

    Just ran in to @Roceal on the bus from the city!

    @wookie_man – $35 all you can eat meat. SOOOO GOOD.

    @shanea Ha! Agreed. This 32yo took a pass on it tonight. 🙂

    @stufromoz We went to the one on William Street in East Sydney. It’s only a block or two from my office. Big temptation!

    Waiting for Snook at 9.30am showing of HP6. We figured this one would have lowest percentage of anklebiters.

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    The Anti-Knitting-Graffiti Manifesto:

    @falkonfly To me, “stunt knitting” like this doesn’t really do much to advance the craft. It’s like Feathers scarves. Got lots of folks back

    @falkonfly into knitting but most stopped when the next fad came around. I don’t need people to think of my knitting as cool!

    This is so weird. Whenever I wear these cords, my belt tries to migrate 90-degrees to the right. Why does that happen?!

    The sky is this incredible shade of orange. Alas, iPhone can’t capture the colour just right and I’m too lazy to Photoshop.

    @bruceyeah I have it still after the update. I enabled it by buying the FrostyPlace News reader app.

    @bruceyeah Crap. It used to be! That’s how I got it in the first place. 🙁

    I’m off to M&S for knitting… but without actual knitting. Instead I’ll be weaving in ends on @scrubbles’s new scarf!

    @Ezzles awww, I wanted to hear about the movie!

    RT @knitness: Pilot episode of The Knitting Ness Video Blog is finally up! – LOVE IT. So cute and well done, Ness!

    Oh man! Another brilliant Halloween couple’s costume idea thwarted by Snook’s different cultural upbringing: Goofus and Gallant. #fb

    Just completed a 4.22 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Saw 480 bus stop 50m away (as usual) & SPRINTED to catch it. Snook then called to tell me it only goes to Town Hall. 480 driver wins again.

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    @runkeeper I sent in a glowing report. 🙂

    @devvyleys Devvy, you are so inspiring me to get back out there after being sick! Keep it up… 🙂

    Guild website is back… kind of.

    @runkeeper No worries! I’m “Kris in Sydney”, comment #3. Consider me your RunKeeper evangelist Down Under. 🙂

    Looks like a good day for a run, folks…

    Look. Stupid knit graffiti at Mrs Macquarie’s Point.

    Just completed a 4.03 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Knitters: Albie from M&S asked which knitting bags (if any) are popular. I told him I want The Swift. ( Anything else?

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    A-ha! Knitting Utegate mystery has been solved. The mystery email purported to be from me was from someone else entirely!

    @Timmay83 And I’ll probably still be coughing from this cold. Barry and the Apples will definitely be bringing up the rear of the team comp!

    @witty_knitter HAHAHAHA… It was you! Check your email. 🙂

    @witty_knitter Sent. Enjoy the insanity. 🙂

    Three meetings in a row… Let’s do it.

    Hm. Someone I was in contact with 10 days ago has been diagnosed with swine flu. I caught my “cold” 48 hours after I saw him. o_O

    Darn. Swine Flu Victim only got sick in the last two days, so no chance we caught it from him.

    On top of everything, frickin’ Guild (Joomla) site got hacked today. So that’ll be fun to fix.

    It wasn’t a targetted hack; just some script from China taking advantage of site vulnerabilities. Pain in my bum, really.

    @sharre Fell into it. Snook & I were like we are now from the start. Moved in together after 3 months. It helps that we are THE SAME PERSON.

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    The Knitters Guild got a plus in this month’s TimeOut Sydney:

    @witty_knitter It seems to be smacking me around with Round 2.

    Whoa! Just discovered that Avenue Q is coming to Sydney! Finally a musical I think the Snook will be happy to see…

    Dammit! I haven’t gotten tickets yet! Shouldn’t have told you guys; it’ll sell out! 🙂

    Casey has enabled group chats on Ravelry. Party over at Australian Knitters!

    @knitterjp Huh. I got in right away! Are you on PC or phone?

    @knitterjp It’s weird, because I see you listed as being in the chat.

    @knitterjp Tia wants to know if your Java is up to date!

    Snookums force-fed me paracetamol. Feeling much better now.

    @randomknits I blame myself and the Ravelry chat room for at least part of that.

    Just completed a 4.31 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    First run in over a week. There were some… snot issues… but mostly I felt pretty good. Mentally I feel a zillion times better.

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    Great conclusion to my knitting class. Three finished socks and two in progress! Now I’m supposed to do community gardening…

    I may have overdone it this weekend. Feel like cold is returning for round two…

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    On the bus to Guild. Looooong day ahead.

    In the middle of @mrs_sockvictim’s Colour Theory workshop. Gorgeous and informative.

    @bellsg We may put slides online. No Rosered, I think she’s sick!

    @knitness What?! The Guildees are all astonishment. 🙂

    The workshop was great! We taught 20 newbies how to knit. Library staff were loving it. Massive success. Photos soon…

    Photos are up from today’s knitting workshop:

    @sharre Only took like 5 minutes. I got lots of drag and drop happening here… 🙂

    @sharre And the slides are exporting as we speak…

    And the cricket is on. If I close my eyes, I can almost pretend it’s summer! Except my feet are freezing.

    Why are the cricket commentators talking about Margaret Thatcher and the Welsh coal miners? Just Pom bashing?

    @TinyArk That’s only an urban legend. They’re not quite sure how it came to be used:

    I’m usin’ ur heater to warmz mah belleh.

    @Alegrya A Cold Rock? Definitely; I’ve run past it several times. Haven’t gone in yet either.

    Confirmed: Snookums has the cold too. Did EVERYONE at @mrs_sockvictim’s party get it? There had to be a Patient Zero there.

    Heading to M&S for last sock class. That will make 7 hours of knitting activity this weekend that didn’t involve me actually knitting.

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    After feeling fuzzy-headed and crap all week, suddenly I’m firing on all cyclinders. Good thing too – today has been manic at work.

    My grandpa just forwarded me a picture of an albino peacock “as proof of God’s beauty.” He means well.

    Internet – please tell my sister that is an AWESOME domain name for her bakery.

    @nametrader True. She tried to get it but somebody’s squatting. Given that it’s part of her surname, I’m hoping she’ll get it eventually.

    @nametrader Carbo, believe it or not. She’s been emailing back and forth with them. She’s made an offer; waiting to hear back.

    Finished all my actual work for the day, then spent an hour doing my other job for the Guild. And my shoulders are aching from coughing. 🙁

    @Alacaeriel Did you turn off the wifi? If you walk through a lot of wireless areas in the city, that can disrupt the GPS I’ve found.

    I got a hell of a stew goin’ on.

    Another day, another Guild brouhaha. My website report for the Exec was CENSORED to replace the word “Ravelry” with “the internet”.

    @Ezzles I can’t believe you actually did it! The world needs photos…

    @bellsg Totally agree. I am obsessed with Joan’s look and am seriously thinking of dyeing my hair red and buying a girdle.

    @knitterjp @mrs_sockvictim FRITTERS? MUFFINS? CUPCAKES? What part of “low carb” do you guys not understand? YOU’RE KILLIN ME HERE! 🙂

    @bellsg We’ve only just watched the first season. So I’ve still got more to go!

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    Feeling much, much improved today. I might survive the weekend after all!

    @mrs_sockvictim Awwww, I can get a fill-in for the baking if you want!

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    You’re supposed to “feed a cold”, right? RIGHT?

    Still a Mucus Monster. Thanks for all the sickness tips…

    Well, nose and eyes are still running but I feel marginally more lucid than yesterday, so the plan is to try to go to work.

    Three days? You guys are decadent! I felt guilty enough having one day off. 🙂