Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Have spent nearly entire day in bed, only stirring briefly for last visit to Bourke St Bakery. *sob* Time to try sitting up, I guess.

    @rhagern Heh. You’re not an idiot; it’s only had search for the past 2 weeks. (It was in 3.0 update.)

    Time to pop some paracetamol and man up for a trip into the city. My knitting students must not be disappointed!

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    Wow. Change of plans. Thanks to @lachlanhardy, just realised that buying iPhone outright from Apple is best deal of all. Cancelling Optus!

    @wookie_man We changed tack. Getting outright from Apple store now. Snook is in the queue as we speak. šŸ™‚

    Jeff Goldblum story was a hoax, and a two-year-old hoax at that:

    @SupFarn Yep, official site says “outright purchase.” 32Gb $1049 or 16Gb $849. Snook reports queue at Sydney store but “they have plenty”.

    @SupFarn Apologies. $879 for 16GB.

    @twelveeyes Saw it on Twitter today. Snook has verified at Apple Store. 32Gb $1049 or 16Gb $879 for “outright purchase.”

    Just realized girl in front of me at chemist was getting morning-after pill. Suddenly puts own life stresses into perspective.

    Not feeling very well. Going to skip the Friday night drinks and head home for rest. šŸ™

    New iPhone is set up and synced. Yay! Tested out video camera and compass. Snook is entranced with my hand-me-down 3G.

    Ugh. Virus. I feel sleepy and nauseated, and I haven’t even gotten out of bed.

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    @witty_knitter I hadn’t! Great minds think alike. šŸ™‚

    @traceyh Unfortunately, yes. Every New Year’s I post my stats, and I think this will probably be my lightest blogging year ever…

    How to feel old: Mention “The Princess Bride” and have your coworker say: “Never heard of it.” WHAT IS THE NEXT GENERATION COMING TO?

    Just got an email with Optus upgrade pricing for iPhone! They’ll reduce my upgrade fees by 20%, but I’d have to re-up for 2 years.

    Yours said 40%, @zachhorder? I’m only 6 months into 24 mo Optus contract, and they offered me 20% off upgrade fees. Not worth it.

    @shaps I only got offered 20%. Seeing everything from 20-40% on Twitter right now.

    The Optus iPhone upgrade offers have gone out, and it sounds like they’re offering 20-40% off upgrade fees depending on length of contract.

    @techAU Not for everyone. I only got offered 20% off.

    @shaps Only six. 20% off isn’t enough to sway me, considering I’d have to change from my grandfathered $39 plan (which I love).

    Same guy: “Is Alice in Wonderland a book, Kris?” God bless this kid.

    @shaps I’m not going to bother. Partner is going to get $19 plan and swap phones with me. (He doesn’t make many calls.)

    @redambition I signed up for the updates on the Optus site.

    Lovely two hour celebratory lunch… It’s nice to feel like the company appreciates all our hard work!

    @wookie_man I thought you were gonna wait and see Tia’s?? šŸ™‚

    @wookie_man I can’t see their plans online?! Did they email them to you?

    @smallpirate If you’re on contract, free. I did it last week. Surprisingly, they did it in less than 2 business days!

    Heading to knitting at the Grace…

    iPhone ordered, delivery Saturday. WOO! That was a tense 20 minutes. Stupid Optus site is very fragile. Expected session timeout any second.

    I thought Michael Jackson lived in Bahrain or something because he thought the US was too persecute-y with the whole molestation thing?

    @traceyh I think it’s a total fake.

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    Recruiter emailed looking for PHP devs. Said I’m not doing that anymore. “Do you know anyone who’s looking?” “ISN’T THAT YOUR JOB?”

    Vodafone iPhone 3GS prices are up, and they’ve got prepaid!

    Vodafone’s iPhone pricing page says: “There is no monthly access fee for tethering.” Translation: “Screw you, Optus.”

    @clesan700 It’s a screenshot from “Lost.” You can see Evangeline Lilly wearing handcuffs in the front.

    RT @andrewsayer: Idiot gets firework nutshot (32sec VID) <- I think I went to high school with those guys.

    @redambition Congrats! Well done.

    The plan all hinges on whether the Snook’s SIM works in my iPhone. *crossing fingers*

    SUCCESS! Current plan is to order $19 plan online on Optus’s site tomorrow night. They then courier my new iPhone on Saturday. W00t.

    @bellsg Snooky’s 95% sure he can get by on Optus $19 plan. (He doesn’t use phone much except to call me, and our calls will be free then.)

    Cranford Mitts are off the needles! Little bit Victorian lace, little bit Japanese punk rock. Details on Rav tomorrow:

    @Ascasewwen Wait, seriously? You’re actually the second person to tell me that recently. Obviously this is a Halloween costume possibility!

    @eileenDCoE I always think that too. It’s kind of a mean thing to say to a person, really.

    Finally finished Red Mars. Enjoyed 1st half more than 2nd. Debating on getting the sequel(s). (Need to know if FC is dead. I doubt it.)

    Um, am I the only one that realises that Godwin Grech of the Treasury Department is clearly a Gringott’s goblin at loose in our world?

    Just completed a 4.28 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Accidentally republished an old run this morning. Just did 4K, not 10K. Nice and slow, w/ only 1 walk break! Recovery is going well.

    Smartphones are the future. How else could I be alerted that sewer has backed up at work while still on the bus? It’s good to be prepared.

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    Uhh… I’m really weirded out by the new Skype UI. Big, big departure. Took me a few minutes to find my bookmarked chats.

    Really had it up-to-here with knitters guild busybodies today.

    @Opheli8 It drains my battery!

    @twelveeyes @randomknits Yeah. Members of Exec spying on and forwarding emails from groups. Funny in a childish kind of way.

    Charitable: She’s stupid, misread it being for everyone and wanted to share. More likely: She wants brownie points for keeping tabs on us.

    Woo! And the knitting shit has hit the fan. I’ve been asked to remove a Ravelry group I have no authority over.

    Just sent an email that could – wheee! – get me kicked out of guild completely. Who knew a simple discussion about usernames would explode?

    Bullet dodged in the face of implacable logic.

    @witty_knitter Actually, the strata’s builder was out today to take a look at it. It’s their issue, so luckily they’re getting it fixed. šŸ™‚

    @witty_knitter I really need to start loaning out the Snook to set up PVRs for you. The concept of watching live TV is gone from my life!

    @witty_knitter Puter that records all your TV, like a TiVo. Check out I have it set to record all Time Team, whenever it’s on!

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    Trying to restart my heart after getting email from CEO w/ feedback on site we haven’t officially launched yet. But feedback was ALL GOOD!

    Snook went to silly @hAPPlication Optus iPhone tent at Circ Quay. No 3GSs to play w/ or even view. No info that isn’t on website. FAIL!

    Also, Optus actually put a sticker over the “S” on the iPhone tent sign. Must have had too many people pissed that it wasn’t really there!

    Holy crap. Colleague just gifted me brand new copy of Sims 3. Sweeeeet. (This could be a bad, life-sucking thing.)

    Starting to worry about this game. I have a 1000 page book to read, running and knitting to do, etc. I don’t need another obsession!

    RT @chrisgander: Our new social network has just launched! GetUpGo Beta is online -> Check it out! šŸ™‚

    How can I be the only person to have gotten on this 461 bus in 20 minutes? AM I ON A GHOST BUS?!

    ARGH. Just spent 45 minutes trying and failing to recreate the Snook as a Sim. Somehow it came out all Freddie Mercury.

    Just completed a 5.25 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    @RTRR Thanks! Still taking walk breaks to ease back into it, but shins are feeling pretty good…

    @AusVintageGrrl @sharre @redambition Nah, just suggested as a possible topic! More interesting than what was scheduled. You can lead it!

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    Holy crap! Just sitting here quietly when foot-long piece of render just broke off around the sliding door and SMASHED on the floor. WTF?!

    Finally working on the redesign…

    New redesign is up! All credit to @scrubbles for the awesome header (which is the first time I’ve ever been drawn!).

    @witty_knitter Just odd, because it doesn’t feel/look damp at all. Is your builder free to have a look? šŸ™‚

    @Ezzles Hahaha… Yet you’d be surprised how many people get it wrong!

    @lotsofco Wow, thanks for the plug, Max! Really, all credit to Matt @scrubbles for coming up with the idea in the first place. šŸ™‚

    I feel CRAP. Slept instead of going for my long run. Am I finally going to get this damn flu after everybody else in the office has had it?

    OK, it’s 22nd of June & the whole Optus @hAPPlication (terrible name, btw) thing is supposed to start. Why no prices or info on the website?

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    On my way to the Blue Mountains to visit the Knitters Guild in Blaxland. Weee!

    Merrin has a bell to start her meetings! I want a bell!

    Great meeting! Blue Mountains group was very welcoming. My “Knitternet” presentation went really well; lots of good questions & discussion.

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    @witty_knitter Optus want to charge users $10/month to use data they’re already paying for (via laptop tethering). This is a way around it.

    And just like that, I’ve reached my daily limit for arguing with racist, homophobic little boys. Sometimes I wonder why I bother!

    Normally my handknits get a few comments. But today’s giant Grandpa cardie w/ intarsia map-of-the-world? Not a peep. Maybe they’re scared.

    I love it when a plan comes together!

    @falkonfly Not Scary! Just daggy. šŸ™‚

    Optus processed unlock request in less than 2 business days! Lesson: get girl to call & work the charm. (Now to procure iPhone 3G Sā€¦)

    @AusVintageGrrl That’s the plan… Heh heh. (It all hinges upon him being able to find a pre-paid 3GS somewhere. Might be tricksy.)

    Harris Farm Broadway’s new deli has chicken breast for $6.99/kg! Also, they’ve hired some cute new guys as spruikers. Shopping WIN.

    @AusVintageGrrl Never underestimate what you can find in the dodgy shops of Capital Square, my friend.

    @Ezzles Um… Well, people do. And it pays for other people’s salaries. *ducks* I NEVER SAID I WAS PROUD!

    @Ezzles Ahhh, we don’t do that one. šŸ™‚

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    @sharre Knitting flat and sewing is easiest for newbies. Especially the type that are basically squares sewn together!

    Hm. Spotlight Search on iPhone doesn’t search text of emails, only to, from, and subject. In case, like me, you were wondering.

    I forgot to say – my sore throat didn’t eventuate into anything. I remain free of the Dreaded Lurgy. #temptingfate

    Sky is blue! Time for a run.

    Standing under a tree. Blue sky was a damn LIE!

    Just completed a 4.16 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    Optus iPhone customers – anybody managed to send MMS yet? I tried a while ago but recipient didn’t get it.

    @Bex_the_Femme Sent. Tell me if you get it.

    @Dextress YES! Haven’t been able to send or receive myself.

    @Bex_the_Femme OOH, PUPPY! I got it!

    @Bex_the_Femme Ahhh, so it just took a while! Good, it’s working then.

    Managed to send/receive MMS. The sending just seemed to take a little while to arrive.

    @justjussi Should work. Search twitter for “iphone vodafone mms.” Other folks have it working.

    Heading to the city for knitting at the Grace Hotel. Hope it’s not raining again.

    @RTRR Yep, evil Optus. I’m on cheap plan they don’t advertise anymore. Called today to get it unlocked. šŸ˜›

    RT @ReDrUmNZ: Free Tethering for Optus AU via iPhone! Hack: Instructions: <- Um, worked for me!

    @twelveeyes We always take an empty suitcase for Old Navy. Love it! Just watch their wacky (big) sizing. Try everything on.

    There are like 40+ homemade peanut butter cookies packed up to go to work today. My team kicked ass this week; they earned it.

    @RTRR The real test is whether I can resist. I allowed myself to lick the beaters, but cookies don’t fit with new health kick! šŸ™‚