Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Just completed a 3.57 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    has sewn one shoulder of Na Craga. This sucker might make the deadline after all! Photos coming in the morning.

    has discovered that getting a good night’s sleep does not necessarily preclude one from having a really crappy morning.

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    is fighting with Visio. Is there a nicer, faster way to create a simple, non-fugly flowchart?

    @brodrigu I’m stuck on a PC at work, unfortunately.

    has lost more tweets today. And here I was just yesterday recommending Twitter as a serious business opportunity. Grrrr.

    @mrs_sockvictim Be strong! You’re the Mama Monkey and the monkeys always win. They won’t even remember it in 2 days, promise.

    has invented a Time Team drinking game: Drink whenever Geophysics is useless. I am not responsible if this game gives you alcohol poisoning.

    feels like a zombie. Two nights of cats keeping us up. Snookums says: I told you so. Caffeine not helping. Urge to kill rising…

    @gadgetgirl70 Sure, if by “going out” you mean “hanging with my beeyotches at knitting group.”

    thought knitting podcasts might soothe rage & headache. Didn’t realize David Reidy put effing BAGPIPE SOLO in middle of an episode. GAHH.

    @michaelengle Undo it! Put tip of left needle into stitch BELOW the purl, slide it off right needle, & pull free. Then purl again looser. 🙂

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    @randomknits Hm. Seinfeld covered it back in the 90’s, didn’t they?

    @kellymcmahon Dan’s on your team? How cool! Make sure you tell him how I always used to beat you at Jeopardy because you read too slow. 🙂

    is staring at the dog who wants a cupcake. HE’S CREEPING ME OUT. MAKE IT STOP!

    @kellymcmahon Twitter’s tiny character limit absolves me from your pedantry! (Nerd.)

    feels kinda sick, probably from breathing hair dye fumes for 24 hrs. OTOH, running hands through hair turns fingernails pink. Free manicure!

    is wondering if anyone else is losing Tweets today? One minute they’re there (and even sync to FB), and the next they’re gone.

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    is all purple and hot pink. I look like a freaking rock star! Total Jem and the Holograms.

    is going to meet @mrs_sockvictim for lunch. I feel very glamorous!

    @wefollow #knitting #sydney #running

    @redambition Pics on Facebook now, will post on blog later tonight. 🙂

    @kellymcmahon I use TwitterFon. What’s good about Tweetie?

    surprised the cleaners at the house and had to flee to the café like the guilty liberal I am.

    made an absolutely monstrous meatloaf for dinner. I managed to get three different animals in there! Feeling quite proud, actually.

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    Just completed a 5.29 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    is happily knitting away while Snookums grills steak au poivre in the kitchen. Hm, wine glass needs a refill! Great birthday. 🙂

    @crumpet Thanks! It was a great weekend.

    is sitting at the hairdresser. My 33rd year demands interesting hair. Pink or blue, that is the question…

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    was told by more than one person that it was the Best. Guild. Meeting. Ever. Hurrah! Triumph.

    @randomknits I read that out at SSK as a sign we should head home! The power of Twitter. (I just made it before the heavens opened.) 🙂

    @crumpet Syncronicity. Rae at Guild meeting today had knitted baby dress with owls on it. None of us had ever seen before. So cute!

    is missing my grandparents’ 50th anni. They look gorgeous, don’t they? Wish I was a millionaire & could fly back.

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    is probably venturing into OCD territory with her preparations for tomorrow’s Guild meeting. I *heart* my To Do list.

    is at the Friend in Hand in Glebe. HANDS DOWN wierdest pub I’ve been to in Sydney. They host crab racing every Wednesday, apparently. O_o

    loves her new MacBook. I just plugged her in to an 8 year old inkjet, hit Ctrl-P, and the sucker is printing. THANK YOU, STEVE.

    @redambition Don’t worry about it. Kate is making a cake, I’m making a frittata in the morning, and we have Tim Tams. It’s all good. 🙂

    just made my first Spanish tortilla. Flipping that monster successfully – by myself! – was like the highlight of my year. I hope it’s tasty.

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    has just realised that my office chair – which I’ve been using for 2.5 months now – has a strappy thing for lower back support. Niiiice.

    just found out from Venks that I’ve had a black smudge on my nose from the texta on my coffee lid for god knows how long. THANKS, COWORKERS.

    Just completed a 3.81 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    said: “I’ll be 32 in 2 days & I’m wearing pigtails.” Snook: “Awesome. I’m counting on you wearing schoolgirl outfits in the nursing home.”

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    is worn out from 2 boxing classes & 1 run in past 36 hours. Body wants SLEEP NOW, presumably to recover. I have no objections, fortunately.

    @mrs_sockvictim Petey is sleeping beside me on the couch. Sometimes they really are very sweet, aren’t they?

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    @runkeeper Did my first run with Pro this morning. Great! Just blogged a plug for it:

    Just completed a 2.75 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    is skyping with Mom. Nine hour time difference really sucks.