Blog post: Geimpft! (Vaccinated!)
Happy Whit Monday! It’s a public holiday in Bavaria, so we are celebrating with Weissbier Frühstück. (That’s for you, @googahs!) 🍺
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Blog post: Geimpft! (Vaccinated!)
Happy Whit Monday! It’s a public holiday in Bavaria, so we are celebrating with Weissbier Frühstück. (That’s for you, @googahs!) 🍺
After almost 24 hours post-vaccine, we’ve both got mild fevers and headache. My arm is super sore (kept me awake all night), so no knitting today… 🤒
32km so far this week, and I’ve hit 300km so far this year! I’m only 86km behind my goal pace now…
@IanKath Thanks! I’m trying to rack them up while the sun is shining. 😊
Forget the Biergartens; forget birthdays; forget beautiful weather. This is the best day of the year. 💉😍#ärmelhochfürdieimpfung #vaccinated @ MVZ Radiologie München Süd West
Walked all the way back from the doctor, so rewarding ourselves with lunch in Westpark. (2021 Biergarten Count: 3!) 🍺 @ Café Gans am Wasser
@evolvable @damovisa We’ve just had the AZ two hours ago… Curious to see.
Knitting with Kris – time to knit the heel of this sock! 🧶🧦
Yes. Can confirm every German has been like this. And there’s me, flailing with my Basic German and feeling guilty that they have all made such an effort and we just… don’t.
@jontv First one I did! 😂 The most useful by far…
Had my first proper German class in 27 years this morning! Viel Spaß. ❤️🇩🇪 Danke @berlitz_de!
@NickyWill100 Noooo. We are still basically under lockdown, so only Zoom.
RT @aeduhm: Earlier this year, I prepared for and passed 12 AWS certification exams.
This thread is an attempt to distill my learnings int…
RT @6x6project: Ceci N’est Pas Un Spectacle by Sam Meech uses the tradition of motif making in knitting as an absurdly reductive approach t…
RT @dnsmichi: Reminder – Wednesday next week, we’ll welcome @web_goddess with #MachineLearning and #Knitting 💡
@stringy Heya! I was talking to @Vel12171 today about #GAAD2021 and a11y issues, and I suddenly realised I should intro the two of you. You’re both awesome, and you both care deeply about this stuff!
On June 29th I’ll be joining some of my AWS colleagues here in Deutschland to share our experiences in tech and answer questions about charting a career path in the world of cloud computing. You can register here:
@OxieDev I think most of it should be generally applicable anywhere! We haven’t planned out the topics yet in full, but I can’t imagine it’ll be that specific. (They wouldn’t have invited me; I’ve only been here 8 months!)
Could not love this more! I LOLed when the paws went up on the laptop… 😂❤️🐕 Well done @isahuerga and Jago!
@gerardsans The knitting within arms’ reach is the most important part. 😉
@stevelikesyou @mobywhale @LookaheadSearch Wonderful news! Congrats to all of you. ❤️
@IamStan @gerardsans I don’t actually play it either. 😂 But last year when I realised my existing chair wasn’t cutting it for WFH, I spotted that one from @secretlabchairs and couldn’t resist. (Plus it was one of the few that was in stock!)
RT @Vel12171: I love @awscloud customer stories. I’m super excited to be joining @AwsugBoston later today to share one of my most faves #dr…
16.5km ride to Fürstenreid and back. I found a Gänsemädchen Brunnen (goose girl fountain)!
Sun’s out, and the beer’s so clear you can see through it. ☀️🍺❤️ (2021 Biergarten Count: 2) @ Restaurant Nestroy-Garten
Managed to connect for my first ever @AWSDXB meetup just in time to hear @zeroandoneme’s Ali El Kontar (and APN Ambassador!) talking about why Windows workloads are a great fit for AWS.
RT @Vel12171: ‘So awesome chatting with you @jeffbarr – thanks so much for your time! #aws #awscommunity
How have I never heard this cover before? It’s AMAZING.
Spargelzeit! Chicken and asparagus risotto, courtesy of the Snook. 😍 @ Munich, Germany
RT @hannahyanfield: Poking the Twittersphere – if you’re interested in joining @Folklorevc as a Financial Controller, look no further! http…
🇩🇪 German word of the day: BANAUSEN.
It means “peasants” or “Philistines.”
Can you guess what kind of day I’m having? 😂
RT @fra_aws: Interessantes zu #AWS Glue, Athena, StepFunctions und Kinesis Firehose ?
⏰ Nicht vergessen, morgen ist wieder unser deutschspr…
So cool – @hellomichibye from @cloudonaut_io is giving his talk on “When event-driven systems meet CSV reports” at @BerlinAWSUG tonight, and auf Deutsch at @fra_aws tomorrow! Tempted to watch both versions to see if it improves my German… 🙂
RT @AWSDXB: Eid Mubarak from AWS User Group Dubai. #AWSCommunity #AWSUserGroups #EidMubarak
@fon_nkwenti @atehrosius @awscloud @jasondunn HA! Congrats 🙂
I’ve been having a lot of fun setting up my duckyPad. Do you use a Streamdeck or similar? Looking for inspiration on what other automations and macros I can configure…
@jonworth Hmm. @darkosubotica is in Serbia now. I know he flew there from Berlin, but perhaps he has some ideas for alternatives…
@bodil Not sure about the underlying software, but the configuration tool they give you uses “duckyScript.” So it’s just writing keystroke commands, really.
@gilmae Well, we did follow it up with a discussion of how one could actually solve poverty or homelessness without crashing global economies, so it wasn’t all “Party on the ISS”. 😂
Streaming again… and testing out the Duckypad. 🧶🤓
@gilmae Right, but if I crash it too soon, then I don’t have any more resources to help people. So whether to be pragmatic and try to help within the system, or just go full Danaerys and try to break the wheel. (I know which option you choose.) Heady stuff for a silly icebreaker, really.
First visit to a Biergarten in six months. Munich is coming back to life. ❤️🍺☀️ @ Hopfengarten
RT @JessicaFGWrites: Wise words here.
RT @40PercentGerman: #Germany has many suggestions for how to cure a hangover or “Der Kater” (the cat). Germans will try a variety of thing…
Knitting with Kris – It’s been a while… Time to make some more progress on this vest! 🧶
@darkosubotica And you aren’t wearing a red flannel shirt? My brain can’t handle this.
@_Gxli @Taity__m @Vel12171 @amantlex @AWSCommunity @jasondunn Congratulations! Well deserved.
RT @_Gxli: I just received my acceptance to the AWS Community Builders Program with a focus on the Network and Content Delivery🎉
Thanks to…
Ooh my new toy arrived! Going to have some fun putting this together… #duckypad @tindie @ Munich, Germany
It’s aliiiiiiiiive! 🌈⌨️ #duckypad @tindie
Me: So there was an “icebreaker” question during the meeting about what you would buy if money was no object—
Snook: And you said a trip to space.
Me: 😍 (I did.) 🚀👩🚀