is starting Vegemite desensitisation. Day 1: Toast, butter, & teensy tiny bit of foul black stuff. Still alive. Will try again tomorrow.
Category: Twitter Post
Archived posts from Twitter
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is frustrated w/ self for flailing arms on bball court like windmill while tiny zippy people swerve & dodge effortlessly. So awkward.
@redambition I only have motivation because I haven’t left the couch all summer. And I have $50 riding on the FatBet.
invited the Snook to take evening stroll around Chippo. Ended up @ Duck & Swan w/ everybody else. Had a beer. Lovely night.
@crumpet HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope all is well with the new job, etc. 🙂
@yankinoz The pain will all be over soon.
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had the best workout ever. It was nice so we went to the park and kicked a rugby ball. Me! Kicking and catching! I swear! It was glorious.
Just completed a 3.44 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper
is dreading pick-up basketball game at lunch. Basketball? My rugby success yesterday has given me delusions of actual athletic ability. Eep.
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@gadgetgirl70 YES. And bonus: Katie Holmes isn’t in this one! Win-win.
realized this morning that going to work doesn’t depress me anymore. Will prob wear off eventually, but it’s such a nice change.
just got back from vet where Petey got his last shot. He did NOT want to go. Poor Snookums’s bloody knuckles were the required sacrifice.
Just completed a 3.01 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper
@tim0th We had them too! Except I half-burnt them.
really needs to listen to more TMBG at work. Use cases practically write themselves when you’re bopping to The Statue Got Me High.
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is waiting for awards to start. We could end up w/ 459-way tie unless there’s an upset. Don’t forget to count the dead people for me!
is staring at a 144-way tie right now. Come on, upset!
is cheering for “Departures.” It’s down to a 5 way tie! Phew.
congratulates Mikey Filmmaker for winning my Oscar Contest! The Batman & Joker monkeys are his. Now, what to do for next year…?
is looking forward to Pancake Day tomorrow. If only we had IHOP in Oz…! Will have to make our own instead.
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Just completed a 8.40 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper
w-g oscar contest 2009 – only 4 hours left! You could win Batman & Joker sock monkeys. (Srsly.) Enter here:
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is waiting for a bus @ Circ Quay. Police chopper is hovering. Did a ferry crash or something?
is digesting some homemade cherry pie, courtesy of Snookums the Enabler.
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is resigned to the fact that the price for a shoulder massage from Korean coworker is having him count the grey hairs on top of my head. 🙁
Just completed a 3.96 km run with RunKeeper, check it out
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is suffering from, like, a DEBILITATING bout of hayfever today. I look like somebody punched me in both eyes.
just walked past Bert Newton’s son on Crown St. Thought; “Girlfriend basher! Don’t make eye contact!” But he was wearing wanky sunnies.
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just realized that Single Ladies (in Mayberry) is lost on someone who’s NEVER seen the Andy Griffiths Show. What’s up with that, Australia?!