Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    is trying to think of ways to stay cool this weekend when the temperature hits 42C/108F. Any good movies playing?

    @crumpet Beautiful feeling, isn’t it? Congrats on the new job! I’ll be in touch once I’m ready to reveal my knitted Magic Pudding. 🙂

    is at the Lord Nelson getting pissed on cold, cold beer. Yowza.

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    is rocking the Australian kniting landscape today, my friends. Paradigm shifting. World changing.

    2.44km jog w/ Runkeeper. Had to switch filter to None to get signal. Wonder if my case is affecting it?

    @runkeeper Was same route as last, but this one was about 300m shorter. Think it was more accurate tho. Wish it could find loaction faster!

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    @mathowie They’re like the NSA.. When I last moved, ND tracked me down before I’d given my PARENTS the new address. And that’s overseas!

    just had my 3rd session w/ Spudds. Either I’m getting stronger or he’s taking it easier on me. Only felt like puking right @ the very end.

    @crumpet Dude, spill! I want to congratulate but I don’t know WHAT FOR?!

    w-g oscar contest 2009 has more than 100 entries! You could win Batman & Joker sock monkeys. (Srsly.) Enter here:

    is absolutely sick of Knitters Guild drama. Thinking of staging a mass walkout at the AGM. Tired of fighting with the blue hairs. SECESSION!

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    just saw an awesome T-shirt on a guy on William St: “SCIENCE – It works, bitches.”

    is waiting for my “Pizza Bianca with Goat Cheese and Greens” to come out of the oven. (Base was storebought.)

    @henrytapia That’s the one! Knew I’d seen it before. 🙂

    really isn’t feeling very well today at all. Was it the pizza? I hope not; I brought the leftovers for lunch.

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    @lotsofco Yep & evidently serving time for selling bongs doesn’t preclude travelling to Australia! (Tho they banned Snoop a few years back.)

    @heroespodcast Awesome. Thanks from a Heroes fan in Sydney who’s stuck at work on Monday and can’t see the game!

    trying out RunKeeper on iPhone. GPS quality ranged from poor to good, but resulting map is pretty darn accurate! Just a short one, 2.73km.

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    @greggrunberg YOWZA! (From Down Under.)

    has just picked a metric ass-ton of fresh basil from the garden. My hands smell So. Damn. Good. The Snook is pestifyin’ at this very moment.

    @randomknits I don’t normally watch it, but I caught a few minutes. What did Em think about that weird “Forever” person??

    is trying to decide if the fun of impressing my Dad is worth paying, like, $80 for Cheech & Chong tickets.

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    is so hot. Melting. Sweating.

    @crumpet The thermometer on my keychain is reading about 10 degrees higher! Sitting in a treeless field sucks.

    is relieved that the heat has broken. It’s actually quite pleasant now! There are now 10 of us knitting away…

    Sluts, whores, and murderous clowns… Just another night at the opera.

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    is contemplating lunch.

    feels like a lucky contractor who got laid off from the Death Star right before the Rebels blew it up. Ah, schadenfreude.

    is playing in the work Guitar Hero comp. Tech Team is doing well after two rounds. Next up: Are You Gonna Go My Way. Oh bless us, Lenny.

    is VICTORIOUS! Tech Team finished 1st in rounds, then won finals with Sweet Home Alabama (my specialty). I am the Hermione of Bass Guitar.

    heading to Broadway to see if they have a tent I can take with me to the Opera today. Yes, a tent. To the Opera. It makes perfect sense.

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    “Single Ladies (In Mayberry)” may well be the best mash-up OF ALL TIME.

    Officially the sexiest thing to say to your missus: “Oh, I already took out the cat litter…” HUSBAND WIN.

    @henrytapia Trust me. 1. Find icky chore she doesn’t want to do. 2. Do it without being asked. 3. Profit. 😉

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    Wondering if the pleasure of meeting the Snook at the East Sydney for lunch outweighs the annoyance of going out into the sweltering heat.

    Saying goodbye to Clare and Emily at the Royal. Has it really been a whole year? Bon voyage, ladies. You’ll be missed.

    Gah. Website problem identified. Stupid host upgraded to mod_security 2 without warning. None of 1.x rules work anymore. STUPID!

    @miftik Host just emailed to say they were reverting. Must have affected more sites than just mine!