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Hipster lunch with @knitabulous before heading to Hunter for knitting relaxation…

Having a beer in the fabulous Cessnock Hotel. Thus it begins. @ Cessnock Hotel

What a sight on a cold and rainy night… @ Abernethy House

Photographic proof that there are knitters with more embarrassing onesies than me!

@ClareLouise1308 Apparently she brought ANOTHER one for tomorrow. Sheesh! 🙂

@ClareLouise1308 I think so. No idea. I’ll be sure to document it!! 🙂

Morning in Abernethy. Homemade jam (courtesy of Snook), black coffee, and sentient xylophone onesie.

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@mudsurfer Just for that, I’LL PUT JELLY ON TOP.

Red wine and trashy mags. Bliss. (@ Noddy’s on King)

Wow. This place does not disappoint! (at @PappaRichAus w/ 3 others)

Time to pack for knitting weekend! Nothing like leaving things to the last minute. (How much time do I have, @knitabulous?)

Oh hello my old friend.

@pixel8ted It was very good! And efficient. Like a lo-fi Wagamama. Write down what you want on a piece of paper, hit button, get food fast.

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I support #NSW in @9jumpin’s #TweetofOrigin! #Origin #UpTheBlues

RT @AndrewMamo: #tweetoforigin #Origin

@callebm I got one for you!

I support #NSW in @9jumpin’s #TweetofOrigin! #Origin #UpTheBlues via @9jumpin // PIZZA AND BEER ARE HAPPENING

RT @AndrewMamo: #GirlGeeks @9jumpin #origin mission control – on the case #TweetofOrigin @web_goddess @beelindajane @bechaagsma…

@daphnechong Thanks! Tweet of Origin really is the bastard stepchild of YouDecide, to be honest. 🙂

RT @SerriLaw: Go Blues #NSW in @9jumpin’s #TweetofOrigin! #Origin #UpTheBlues

Dirty Queenslanders trying to pop his head off! I support #NSW in @9jumpin’s #TweetofOrigin! #Origin #UpTheBlues via @9jumpin

Fireworks! We can hear it from the office. YAYYYYY! I support #NSW in @9jumpin’s #TweetofOrigin! #Origin #UpTheBlues via @9jumpin

Soooo close to 50K tweets in @9jumpin’s #TweetofOrigin! #Origin #UpTheBlues via @9jumpin

RT @Channel9: Almost 49,000 #Origin tweets in tonight’s @9jumpin #TweetOfOrigin… And another win for #NSW! #UpTheBlues…

@drkknits HELLO KITTY?!?!?!

Stannis the Mannis. Hells yeah.

I bought myself a pair on non-drugstore sunnies for the first time in my adult life. (Party like a…

RT @Food52: Peanut, peanut butter. PAVLOVA! // WHAT. I don’t even like pavs that much, but HOT DAMN GOOD IDEA.

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RT @RetroToGo: For sale: 1970s Hassell & Partners-designed midcentury house in Adelaide, South Australia…

RT @diversionary: @200ok last month bulls were running loose on King St, the next it’s Coldplay. Gentrification happens so fast these days.

It’s definitely a Coloured Tights Day. GO THE BLUES! #tweetoforigin #nswrl #9jumpin

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@drkknits Haha, that’s classic American university town Chinese food. I think it’s like chicken tikka masala, in that it’s totally invented.

@drkknits We ordered it a LOT back at ND. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen it on a menu outside the US! Like chop suey. 🙂

@drkknits Indian harder to come by. I’d never had it til I went to the UK…

@drkknits I think it’s going to depend a lot where the immigrants settled. West Coast would have a lot more, I suspect.

@imdominating Yes! And sometimes it causes people to miss birthdays. So happy belated birthday. I really liked your FB photos! 🙂

RT @Ben_Shute: Coldplay asks people to join video shoot in Sydney. – then people remember they are the most BORING. …

RT @clepetit: Today will really suck. I know because I accidentally left my fitbit at home. // Self: HERE’S YOUR CHANCE. MUST WALK TODAY.

Another full day of off-site training. Really not feeling it. (@ Karstens)

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Finally watched first episode of Silicon Valley. Wow. Don’t think I laughed once. How could a Mike Judge ripoff of Microserfs be so boring?

Just your average Sunday in Chippo, dismembering multiple computers.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad! (The fact that I had just turned 13 explains the facial expression, I think.)

@jannism Coincidentally, I just bought a jar of rose harissa yesterday.

@TheOpalUser But it doesn’t include the cost of the car or the parking? Sensational headline, but a bit silly.

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Not going to Guild today. Rain, jet lag, and allergies. Just sneezed 50 times. Sorry. @Yarna_ @drwitty_knitter @SallyPompom

@stufromoz @sylmobile @19bk69 HA! Not quite as big as mine though. 😛

RT @leezachariah: Obama: “I like the way you guys banned guns.”
Abbott: “I like the way you guys have crippling student loan debt & dysfunc…

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@knitterjp Yeah, I saw a while back. Pretty sweet. Need to visit it…

Anybody going to pub knitting tonight? @knitterjp @smark31 @Yarna_ @aunty_toots @miss_claire

@CathJones0 Bowling Club aka 99 York St! Upstairs every Thursday. 🙂

@CathJones0 If you’re on Ravelry, it’s the former Morris & Sons SnB group. We used to end at pub, now we start there. 🙂

I got a BANFF postcard from @drkknits! With a Mountie! Sweeet. Thanks Dr K. 🙂

@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Bwahahaha!

Mi9 Delivers State-of-the-Art Viewing Experiences for the 2014 State of Origin Games in Australia via @Brightcove

That last tweet features a video interview with ME!

@Hartsyard I lost a brooch/pin from my jacket on Wednesday night! Any chance you found it while cleaning up? Gold flower with crystals.

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@daphnechong And so wrong. I think that’s a sign you might have a brain tumour or something. It’s not normal behaviour.

@chrisgander Haha, my sister’s carryon was ridiculous, practically full-sized, and I felt like a total dick trying to wedge into bin for her

@randomknits What, really? Are you jinxing it? That’s so fast!

Drinking with MeFites. (at @YoungHenrys)

@QueenBeeInc Brilliant! I’ve definitely noticed that on my bags. Great idea.