Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    TFW you find out last minute that everyone else on the video call is wearing crowns. Felt and sticky tape FTW! 👸

    Friday night means junk food… and Big Spargel Hollandaise is on its way. (I can’t remember the last time I had McDonald’s!) 😜

    Asparagus ON A BURGER, PEOPLE!

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    @Straithe @GSGlabs Congrats!!

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    Aww, nice callout in today’s Sizzle for my friend @lindamciver’s event about improving data literacy in kids. Lind and @DataSciAu are doing great work and definitely worth checking out!

    @lindamciver @DataSciAu Haha, sounds like somebody referred you to @decryption, who curates the newsletter!

    @mmastertheone Rodd finally let his paid NYT crossword subscription lapse. Got tired of all the clues being so obviously biased around “old cis het white guy in NYC”.

    Heute Nacht! Die erste meetup der neuen AWS Niederbayern Gruppe. Mein Kollege @dtraub spricht…

    Wow, @dtraub is getting very fancy with the green screen tonight!

    @Kilo_Loco Avoiding that is my #1 tip I always mention in serverless talks!

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    @halans @s0enke That’s exactly what it is in German too!

    @chipswoon Oh wow. I’ve seen some of the Core memory at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. A workshop on that would be brilliant!

    @halans Yeah, it’s funny that we don’t have a word for it in English! But seems like a lot of EU countries do.

    RT @SydTechLeaders: We were heartbroken to learn that SydTechLeaders community member Chris Harwood passed away last week after losing his…

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Oh gosh, Last Responsible Moment friends – y’all are really cutting it fine to get your #yowdata tickets, it starts at…

    They’ve put the benches out in the Biergarten. All of Munich is holding its breath, waiting for life to resume. Now we just need some sunshine! 😍🍺 @ Wirtshaus am Bavariapark

    RT @jennapederson: Ready to dive into #AWS CloudFormation, but not sure where to start? Here’s a quick intro ➡️

    RT @darkosubotica: 📅 9th and 10th of June 2021
    🌍 Online

    (check out this video)

    Join in for the AWS Virtual Summit coming this June!

    @starbuxman I was talking to @dtraub last night about a Java demo he’s building. “I was never a Java dev,” I told him, “but I do know this much: Start… dot Spring… dot IO.” ❤️

    It’s not just Spargelzeit… it’s also Rhabarberzeit!! (I made Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble from @smittenkitchen.) 🍓🥧 @ Munich, Germany

    @auxesis Same. I was genuinely shattered on Monday when I heard. I can’t imagine what his family must be going through.

    @bodil Paging @the_snook as this is relevant to his interests…

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    @tunaranch No idea what that is. They’re buckets from the Greek yogurt we buy every week at the German supermarket, which he’s adapted to hold hydroponic solution and plants.

    @tunaranch Ahhhh! I’m sure @the_snook is across that stuff. I’m just an amused but clueless bystander. 😂

    @darkosubotica This is the vacation content I want to see. 😄

    Последний шанс зарегистрироваться: AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials, 11 мая.

    If you speak Russian and you’re interested in learning more about the Cloud, check out this free AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials Day!

    🇩🇪 German word of the day: Brückentag – a day which, if taken off work, results in a long weekend. Literally “bridge day.”

    And then two seconds after I learned this, @s0enke sent me a meme that I was delighted to understand. 😂

    RT @DemsAbroadDE: Last call! The DA Taxation Task Force needs your stories of dealing with the unfair tax burden of being an American abroa…

    My first time attending the Nürnberg AWS user group! @StGebert from @EMnify is presenting on Serverless Networking. Danke @FrankPrechtel für die Organisation…

    RT @dtraub: Join us for the first Live AWS Certification quiz show on Friday, May 14th, where we run through the first batch of practice qu…

    Live demo from @StGebert! I really like what he’s doing with the greenscreen insert – much more engaging than just a screenshare.

    @JMCQ87 Ja, ich weiß! 🎉💃

    @dnsmichi NOOOOOOOOOO *shakes fist*

    @CyrilBrulebois @zhenech @s0enke Interestingly, I can’t think of a word for it in English!

    @CyrilBrulebois @zhenech @s0enke Yeah. We just don’t have a special name for that day that you take off work, as far as I know…

    @gregoa_ @CyrilBrulebois @zhenech @s0enke See, that is also brilliant. English *needs* a word for this concept, clearly.

    It’s not every day you get quoted in the @Telegraph! Thank you @TheTomFordy. ❤️

    @GunnarGrosch @darkosubotica Gunnar – if none of your children have claimed it, can you please put me down in your Will for the Atari? PRETTY PLEASE?! 😍

    @GunnarGrosch @darkosubotica Some day we will all get together over beers and I will tell you the story of how my Aunt sold her mint working Atari and like 30 games in a yard sale for twenty bucks, about 5 minutes before I found out about it… 😭😭😭

    @GunnarGrosch @darkosubotica Our Museum of Obsolete Technology is back in Sydney. I’ve got a 1st gen iPod, vintage GameBoy, and working Zip Drive! 😂

    @pmoe I ordered mine off Amazon. 😂 No spam!

    RT @dnsmichi: 👋 #MachineLearning and knitting?

    ☕ Join @web_goddess from @awscloud in our #EveryoneCanContribute cafe:…

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    Time for another long ride on the warmest Spring day yet….

    Halfway point. St. Michael Kirche, Berg am Laim. ☀️🚴‍♀️

    He came to meet me and brought me a picnic! @ Riemer See

    An absolutely beautiful day in Munich. You could see the Alps very clearly from the hill at the Riemsee! 🗻☀️❤️

    @jrhunt Yep, I’m sure it was PACKED there! The funny “beach” at the Riemsee had a lot of folks swimming. (The Aussie is pretty snobby about what he considers a beach though.)

    @aaronwalker HA! How was it? I was tempted today.

    @craigjamieson_ Took a few weeks or so before Facebook realised I’d moved to Germany.

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    RT @Para_Charlie: Mein Therapeut: Die Flederkatze ist nicht real, die Flederkatze kann ihnen nichts tun!

    Die Flederkatze:…

    It’s been rainy the past week, so I ordered us some @moominofficial seat covers from @bikecap! ❤️🚴‍♀️

    RT @dtraub: So here we go! Watch, like and comment on YouTube for a chance to learn something new and maybe even win some AWS Credits: http…

    Farmer Snook is taking things to the next level. #hydroponics #nutes 🌱 @ Munich, Germany

    Blog post: Let’s cook another German delicacy – Flammkuchen! It’s like pizza, but different. 😍

    How have I never seen this movie!? I LOVE THIS.

    @_Gxli It is! Somehow I’ve never seen it and it’s adorable.

    How does everyone know how to do the Thriller dance?! Dying.

    Spargelzeit continues! Salad Nicoise with asparagus and tuna steaks. @ Munich, Germany


    @jesslynnrose They are… and I may have ordered them. 😵 But from the outside they’re just black – for some reason they photograph them inside out. 🤷‍♀️ Also, this translated product review is The Best.

    @jesslynnrose The Snook is under strict orders not to acknowledge The Pants, to look at the Pants, or even to make sure contact with me while I am wearing The Pants.

    @jesslynnrose Eye contact, rather. Stupid Pants.

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    It’s wrong that I’m leaning towards trying this, right?

    @buzzyNZ There’s a documentary program on Disney+ about props, and in one of the episodes the guy tracks down the Studebaker! Kermit’s banjo too IIRC.

    @NickyWill100 @annie_parker There’s a podcast called “Too Long Didn’t Watch” with an episode where he and Megan Mulally watch My So-Called Life for the first time, and it made me smile many times!

    RT @AWS_DACH: Adrian Cockcroft, VP of Sustainability Architecture bei Amazon, berichtet, wie er AWS-Kunden dabei hilft, mit den richtigen T…

    @randomknits Pisces. And my superpower is definitely bullshitting. 😛

    RT @benjamin_l_s: #php developers, if you want to see PHP as a managed runtime for #Lambda, we want to hear from you:
    Why do you want PHP?…

    @benjamin_l_s I’d definitely use it, Ben! Just because I have a lot of existing knowledge there, and it would be nice not to have to relearn NodeJS every time I want to build a little serverless app (which is essentially what I do now).

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    Required to get into the hairsalon today… ☣️ @ Munich, Germany

    RT @mavi888uy: Today there is a new video
    featuring @web_goddess

    (and this is a testing post from a new schedulin…

    @mavi888uy @canva Awww, my old team will be very happy to see that! @themaninblue ❤️

    RT @mipsytipsy: What comes to mind when you hear the words “career development for managers”?

    If you’re like me, it’s one of two things: e…

    Pro tip: self tests are NOT accepted by businesses in Bavaria, so you have to get a Schnell Test. Happily I only ended up half an hour late to my appointment, and my hairdresser is very understanding to idiot Aussies who don’t read the requirements fully. ❤️💇🏼‍♀️

    I was legit more nervous about being on @mavi888uy’s show than I was about speaking at the AWS Summit. 😂 If you want advice for getting a role at AWS, check out our super fun video!

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    @hannahyanfield @GRobilliard @lucykbain Actually – and this is completely random – I saw it a couple times in the “international foods” aisle at Coles Broadway. It was some weird brand though, not Libby’s.