Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Visiting the ducks in Ostpark on a lovely Spring day. ☀️🦆 @ Ostpark

    Ich stricke, und er schläft. 🧶🧦😴 @ Ostpark

    @the_nathanjones It just keeps getting better.

    @heidihelfand That’s amazing! I actually would be interested to read it, or at least hear what conclusions you came to.

    Spargelzeit continues! Spring asparagus pancetta hash made by me. (Recipe from @smittenkitchen.) @ Munich, Germany

    @heidihelfand @markwarschauer That’s fascinating, especially as I’m about to kick off a German as a Second Language course that will be conducted entirely virtually.

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    Blog post: Let’s make Rouladen! In which I document making a traditional German dish of rolled up beef slices with bacon, mustard, onions, and pickles. 🤤

    Spring vibes. #socksandsandals #awwyeah @ Munich, Germany

    @darthted Haha, Rolladen, exactly!

    Personally, I’m in deep, deep denial over this. 😐

    But seriously, best of luck with the new role, @adhorn! We miss you already. ❤️

    For @the_nathanjones… 😂

    @GunnarGrosch So cool! I’m going to tag in @dbatalov, as I know he collects interesting ML use cases. 😃

    RT @DKThomp: Malaria vaccine!!!

    I’m gonna try to learn more about this, but a 77% effective malaria vaccine is automatically in the runnin…

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    Listening to my buddy @lightningdb speak about money stuff at @SydTechLeaders and momentarily forgot to mute myself. 😂 Apologies Dave! #sydtechleaders

    @lightningdb @SydTechLeaders PS it was totally @gilmae’s fault, really.

    @randomknits I just went to the German supermarket and forgot my wallet and used ApplePay from my phone. But normally I just tap my card. Maybe they mean in the US? People there still write CHECKS, for god’s sake. *shudder*

    @hannahcancode I got two Roald Dahl chocolate Easter Eggs shipped from Australia by the very kind @BrainwaveFactor… and I was also not mindful. In fact, I was halfway through one before I realised it had Pop Rocks embedded in the chocolate. 😂💥

    Die Sonne scheint, also fahre ich. ☀️🚴‍♀️

    My first #datamadness meetup, and my first experience using @gather_town! Looking forward to the talk from Jens Winklemann from @talpasolutions, talking about data science and very large machines!

    RT @BillVest: Hey my European peeps

    Inspiration, education, & audience participation! It’s all waiting for you at the all-free, all-virtua…

    @talpasolutions Thanks @WinmanJ for handling all the questions we kept throwing at you!

    @Vel12171 @MooseManzini I’m totally adding that to the Good Stuff File, Veliswa. 🙂

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    I was actually wondering about the privacy implications of AirTags today. Nice one, Apple!

    RT @80Level: Go grab a huge Rural Australia pack for Unreal Engine by Andrew Svanberg Hamilton. Free of charge!


    Knitting with Kris – I had a chat with @mavi888uy yesterday that got me in mood to cast on for some socks! 🧶🧦

    @mavi888uy Haha, it’ll be up for the next two weeks and then get archived to YouTube. 🙂

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    @gilmae @MichelePlayfair I know. I did think about it. But it was so much damn work as it was!

    @gilmae @MichelePlayfair Well, now you made me think about it, didn’t you? If I extended the jacket pattern… it’s essentially a lab coat, yeah? 🤔

    @gilmae @MichelePlayfair I hope you’re happy. This path ends with me in the park on Friday getting a disease from picking up pigeon feathers.

    @MichelePlayfair @gilmae Actually… there are a *lot* of crows around here. I could probably find ACTUAL CROW FEATHERS. 😳

    @cobusbernard I love that you found a bald beardy animated gif to illustrate this. 😂

    Blog post: Building the Oscar Contest entry form! My first proper app built with @AWSAmplify and @reactjs. (Pro tip: @mavi888uy’s YouTube videos are a great intro if you’re new to these technologies.)

    @roisinparkes @darthted @JobAdder @lightningdb Sadly, just had to change to virtual. 🙁

    @dtraub @Meetup Ugh. That’s ridiculous.

    @darkosubotica @Werner @GoHugoIO @jekyllrb @QuinnyPig And when Darko says “almost anything,” you know that Venn diagram includes a lot of pre-2000 hardware. 😂

    The sun made a valiant effort to peek through the clouds, so I figured I’d better take the opportunity to get out in it. 18.5km/11.5mi ride to Olympiapark and Luitpoldpark. I also found the 1972 Olympic Massacre Memorial, which to my surprise was only opened 4 years ago…

    RT @graemeknows: BRING BACK SATISFYING COMPUTER POWER SWITCHES. That’s it. That’s the tweet. Thanks for stopping by.

    @LilianJamieDean It will be. Still pretty cold out there… I want proper Spring!

    RT @timothysc: I’ll admit it… Amazon has been doing better in the communities I’ve been involved with. I know I’ve given them a lot of s…

    @soganmageshwar Haha, thanks. I can’t believe I made four of them this year. Clearly the cabin fever is setting in… 😜

    @codepo8 Heh.

    RT @cdkday: Big Announcement

    @mattbonig has worked with AWS so that we will have live sign language interpreters using ASL for all talks a…

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    I updated @ynab and our personal finance spreadsheets last night. Last year we averaged 18% of our income on “Wants.” So far this year it’s at 3.7%. 😧 Lockdown is good for the retirement savings, if nothing else.

    RT @breakthesystem: A helicopter flew on Mars!

    @FuckboisOfLit Hahahahaha. 😂 I’m sorry; you’re absolutely right that that “review” is ridiculous. But it’s also hilarious. As you say, who opens a podcast with that name expecting a serious academic work?! What an idiot.

    The thirteenth (semi-)annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest has officially launched! 🎉 And this year you can win everyone’s favourite family – the Roses of Schitt’s Creek… as sock monkeys. Yes, really. (I hope @danjlevy likes them!)

    Bulgogi, cheese tteokbokki, kimchi, and beer. Damn I’m good! 🍚🍻

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    It’s been two years since the last one, but I think it’s just about time to resurrect something fun…

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    @unliteral Huh. Never saw them before! Looks like there are a few grape farmers producing them around the world these days…

    Time for Knitting with Kris! I’m working on a cabled vest for the Snook, so join me if you want to see how I do it without a cable needle. 🧶

    RT @MrFranzStefan: AWS Meetup Vienna recap from last month with @dtraub @bernhard_keprt @web_goddess
    Cloudformation vs Ansible vs…

    Farmville IRL. 🌱🌱🌱 @ Munich, Germany

    @HomerDong (It was a veiled reference to Google Reader.)

    Spargelzeit continues! @ Munich, Germany

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    RT @GunnarGrosch: Happy to say that I’m speaking at I T.A.K.E. Unconference’s Modern Architecture for Complex Systems event on May 26-27! I…

    Couldn’t resist these amazing grapes at the greengrocer. They’re huge! I’ve never seen such long grapes before. #tafeltrauben🍇 @ Munich, Germany

    @lemon_lime Someone on FB pointed out that they’re very 🍆

    RT @alex_pulver: Ping me if you are interested!

    Cc: @web_goddess

    It still hurts.

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    @MelissaKaulfuss Congratulations and viel Glück!! 🎉

    RT @Vel12171: It’s AWS Dev-Day Day 😂 everyone – App Development. There is still time to register in link below. Join us! 🥳 #aws #awscommuni…

    Really proud of @Vel12171 leading her first ever AWS Dev Day session! You can still register and watch her session about Automating CI/CD on AWS with @github Actions:

    @developerjack @Vel12171 Yep! You can watch the recording after. Unfortunately you still have to go through the hassle of registering though. 🙁 (Sorry about that.) Or otherwise I’m sure @Vel12171 can point you at some resources…

    @kouky @boundvariable I got a new work laptop in January and it has the Touch Bar. I’m underwhelmed and I’ve been wondering if I was missing something. Sounds like not.

    Me: “Why are people booking me in for meetings in May? That’s ages away!”

    *checks calendar*

    “Crap, May is in TWO WEEKS.” 😳

    @lindaliukas I would do this for fun. 😂

    @tranhelen I know @femtechconf is getting ready to announce 2021 dates…

    @Gaohmee Same. I’ve now gone through it in three countries, and every time it sucks but I also know how much worse it is for others.

    Ma Po Tofu, made by the Snook. It’s 🔥 but delicious…