Category: Twitter Post

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    RT @jennapederson: Was fun to see how @web_goddess taught a computer to reverse engineer knitting patterns at the @BerlinAWSUG meetup today…

    @Claire_Science @BerlinAWSUG @dtraub The presentation I’ve done is just on stitch pattern identification. I’ve played around a little with counting rows but haven’t managed to get any good results yet, so I haven’t shown that off anywhere to date.

    @Claire_Science I’ll be presenting this talk again at @Refactor_Conf in June: . But I’ll be sure to share if I end up presenting anywhere else in the meantime…

    I can’t believe “fan fiction” didn’t make the list. 😂

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    RT @sarahmei: To be clear I am not lamenting “cancel culture,” I am lamenting the fact that many women in tech feel like having any sort of…

    RT @ChrisShort: 40: Wise enough to know I know nothing and ask for help.

    @anatudor @codepo8 Yeah, we’re definitely paying for the big kitchen! But it’s worth it. We cook a lot, and fairly elaborate stuff too.

    Last call for tonight’s @BerlinAWSUG! Join me, @dtraub, and Angus (who somehow doesn’t have a Twitter) talking about k8s, AWS Community Heroes, machine learning, and knitting. Gonna be a good one… 👩‍💻🧶

    @SteveALee @codepo8 So many preserved and smoked, sure. But at Aussie butcher shops you can get like a dozen different types of fresh ones – pork, lamb, chicken, different herbs and flavours. I guess it comes from English tradition, which is why they’re not as common here?

    @codepo8 @SteveALee Yeah, I think I need to find a good butcher here. We found the Turkish one, which is great for lamb. (Aussies eat a lot of lamb, and we miss it.)

    RT @dtraub: Great to see @web_goddess presenting an ML algorithm that can identify every knitting stitch. As long as it’s Stockinette.


    @dtraub Haha, MVP’s gotta start somewhere!

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    @chainedchaos31 Same in Munich. Bring on Spring, dammit!

    @DgtlNmd Yes. And I know at least one woman who avoids using it because her profile publicly shows a creepy guy she tries to avoid “invited” her.

    @DgtlNmd I can show you a screenshot of mine. (Thankfully I’m not embarrassed of my nominator @Osterjour! 😂) I can also see it for literally anyone else on the app.

    @DgtlNmd @Osterjour Haha, no, a colleague. I also avoid using the app, but mainly because I’m annoyed that it bombards you with notifications without any controls to get just the ones that you actually care about. So I turned them all off, and now I forget it exists most of the time.

    Rodd: “This is relevant to several of your interests. Warning: it’s in Bavarian.”
    Me: “This is amaaaaazing! GAHH, now I want to go see them play live!” 😩

    @developerjack I’ve got WordPress running in Lightsail myself, though not with any real automation. Trying to think of some local folks that can assist. @cam8001 – IIRC you were a PHP expert?

    @pgarbe On the first watch, really very little. 😂 I need to watch it again a few times with captions on or something.

    @marksbirch I gave up on GIMP on Mac a long time ago. I used to use before I paid for Acorn…

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    RT @ghohpe: Sometimes you need a solid strategy

    @annie_parker My sympathies to your and your fam. ❤️ (And I love the “little but fierce” quote so much. I played Helena once in high school – tall girl here – and that line has stuck with me every since.)

    @Anthropologal Haha, yeah, “Kummel” (caraway seed) vs “Kreuzkummel” (cumin) confused us too. We use Google Translate a lot at the supermarket!

    I’m using Rekognition Custom Labels to build an image classifier, and I’m actually blown away by how fast and easy it is. My previous attempts with SageMaker gave good results but required a lot of tweaking, big data sets, and specialised ML knowledge. This is a game changer!!

    Picnic in Westpark on a cloudy day… ⛅️🧺

    GAHH, y’all, this is so cool! 🧶💻 If you want to see me talk about it, I’m speaking at the AWS Berlin meetup on Tuesday night!

    @jennapederson Some models work better than others. 😂

    Some days, just teaching a computer that a cat is not, in fact, a piece of knitting is a moral victory.

    @BanItchy @realchrisebert @softwarejameson If you’re changing job families, you usually have to interview… but it’s not the full rigamarole that external hires go through. For my transfer last year to a new job (in a new country), I had a mini-loop with three stakeholders from the new team.

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    Farmer Snook has started a new project… @ Theresienhöhe

    Blog post! A tour of my local Munich grocery store and some of the important food differences we’ve learned about in the past seven months.

    @Anthropologal I think we must’ve just gotten unlucky with the cumin. Other people have said it’s available, so must just be our store!

    @CamburgBahnhof Right? I joked to Rodd (who is an excellent baker) that perhaps we should open a cafe so he can be the Pieman of Germany.

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    @chainedchaos31 Yes. I’m right there with you.

    @parisba @TimesNTroubles @vmbrasseur There are various scientific papers about attempts to do this with computer vision – I’ve had a few goes myself – but we’re not there yet. The fuzziness and floppiness of yarn + the need for a REALLY good photo makes it super difficult.

    @parisba @TimesNTroubles @vmbrasseur So the real way you do is to send the photo to a good knitter, or post it on Ravelry. The Queen Susan shawl is a great example of a collaborative reverse-engineered knitting project:

    @parisba @TimesNTroubles @vmbrasseur There are very few patterns that a good knitter cannot easily work out. Sometimes you can identify stitch patterns by the texture, but if the photo is good enough (or you have direct access) you can actually read the stitches like cursive writing.

    @parisba @TimesNTroubles @vmbrasseur Here’s a recording of a tech talk where I cite a bunch of the scientific research and show my own bumbling attempts with machine learning…

    @TimesNTroubles @parisba @vmbrasseur If you can borrow the cushion, take it to your local knitting shop (not Lincraft or Spotlight) or contact the Knitters Guild in your state. They sometimes get requests like this and might be able to find someone willing to undertake as a paid piece of work.

    @HyperGamer2 @parisba @TimesNTroubles @vmbrasseur Indeed. Bring on the knitting replicators!

    @foobartel I use Tweetbot on my phone, but the old version. I’d like some of the new features, but I’m annoyed that it’s a subscription service now.

    @justanotherkc @foobartel Yeah. I have no problem paying for software, but it annoys me that everything is subscription these days.

    LOL Munich. At least Sydney is only “overvalued.” Quoth the Snook: “We should buy a house in Chicago.”

    @justanotherkc @foobartel I totally get it when there are ongoing updates and feature improvements, and people should pay for that. But can I buy it and only get updates for a set period of time? If I pay for a year and then stop, do I still retain the functionality I have then?

    @bazscott Heh. That’s a new one for me – usually it’s people mixing up crochet and knitting, which is sort of understandable. 🙂

    That’s my little brother setting a record in his first year of uni! 🏆🏊🏻 GO JOEY GO!

    @vmbrasseur Haha, sorry about that! 😂

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    @DVDBits Dick and Ruby in Gold Diggers of 1933 was always my fave…

    @unixbigot In Munich I can get next day for most things on Prime, and same day for groceries. Blows my mind.

    @unixbigot But hey, you can go to restaurants and give people hugs. 😢

    @nathangloverAUS Paging @alex_casalboni… 😂

    @nathangloverAUS @alexbdebrie @rchrdbyd @alex_casalboni Nath, I think this is one of those Aussie things that we’re better off not telling the rest of the world about, because it’s never going to reflect well on us. (@alex_casalboni may well have died of shock.)

    RT @danilop: Announcing the general availability of data management capabilities in the AWS Amplify Admin UI #AWS

    @frconil That article is amazing. Nearly every paragraph has some quote that I want to, like, frame and put on a wall.

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    @boyter @anshumalis I know. I see it all over social media. Six months ago ago Germany was being hailed as one of the countries handling it best. 😕

    April 7. The novelty of snow has officially worn off.

    RT @scrivenix: I Am Once Again Asking You To Put The Time Zone In Your Online Event Announcements.

    RT @pcalcado: Managers “don’t do anything” the same way operating systems “don’t do anything.”

    @charrett I’m intrigued by this… 🦌

    @susiegii Today we’ve gone from white-out snow to clear sunshine like 4x. It’s nuts!

    RT @cdkday: ONE THOUSAND people have signed up to attend CDK Day on 30th April 🎉

    I know i’ll be there! Will you?…

    In a fit of crafting pique, I ordered 300 black buttons on Amazon the other day and then had a minor freakout before they arrived, paranoid that I wouldn’t have storage for what I envisioned to be a HUGE amount of buttons.

    Instead, I am once again crap at estimating volume.

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    RT @negaoryx: 99% of the time, I ignore trolls and ban them. 1% of the time, I do this:

    @Malarkey Nice post, though I did spend 5 seconds mousing all over the page trying to see an example of the effects you’re talking about. 😂

    RT @BerlinAWSUG: In one week time we will welcome @web_goddess, Dev Advocacy Manager at @AWS_DACH to talk about “Machine Learning for Softw…

    @kylietimpani As audience or performer??

    @adrianco @KaraHurst Congrats!!

    RT @Karissa_Wood_: ⌨️Are you a developer writing code & building on AWS?

    #AWSUserGroups exist around the world & are a great way to netwo…

    Going out for breakfast in a cafe. 😕

    @anshumalis Haven’t eaten at a restaurant in six months.

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    RT @developerjack: Wow. This is some toxic gatekeeping shit!

    “The ones with the dots have peel in them.” The Snook baked homemade HCB. ❤️🐰 @ Munich, Germany