Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    The Snook’s on call, so I went for a glorious 17km Easter bike ride all by myself. ❤️🚴‍♀️☀️🌿

    Nothing reminds you you’re in Europe like a little old guy playing the accordion! 🎵😍

    @j__st Is there a minimum size I can create a @freesewing_org pattern? Or could I use it for a doll’s clothes? 🤔

    @j__st @freesewing_org Sadly, sock monkey anatomy is resulting in some very very weird pattern pieces. 😂 It’s all good – I’ll go with a dedicated doll pattern that I found. Was worth a shot!

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    Fun trivia: in German, Hermione is “Hermine,” pronounced “Her-meen-ah.” (So far all the other names are the same. I guess they just had trouble with that one?)

    @RachelAppel I haven’t been, but with lockdown I haven’t been able to interact with people as much as expected. So I’ve just signed up for a Berlitz course with some folks at work!

    Knitting with Kris – I’m knitting a very tiny pair of designer sneakers… (Seriously.) 👟

    @apaipi HAHAHAHAHA 🐰

    RT @AjYawn: Trying to get into cloud security without experience?

    Here’s my advice if you’re learning AWS 👇🏾

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    RT @lizthegrey: I’m proud to announce that 92% of compute at @honeycombio runs on #Graviton2, and that we’ve seen remarkable price-performa…

    RT @DVDBits: It looks like @disneyplus is now officially the first time anything from the #StarWars Holiday Special has been officially rel…

    @developerjack @unixbigot Lately developers just seem to open up a sewing or knitting book and grab a word from there. 🙃 So consider it a feature request to NOT do that!

    @developerjack @unixbigot DON’T YOU DARE

    Monkey face assembly. One down, three to go! 🐵🐵🐵🤓

    “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue in German. 😆

    @GunnarGrosch @the_snook is going to make proper Swedish ones for me this weekend!! 😍

    “Oh! That’s a lot of butter.” The Snook is baking, and I’m hearing good noises. 🥰

    @GunnarGrosch @the_snook 😍😍😍

    Swedish-style cinnamon rolls, homemade by the Snook! ❤️

    The daffodils are out in Westpark. 🌼❤️ #springvibes @ Sendling-Westpark


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    Clever Snookums came up with a way to hold his mask in place on his beard. (Bobby pins FTW!) 😂❤️

    Cherry blossoms! Suddenly our neighbourhood is bursting with colour. This is amazing. Might need to make a trip to the Englischer Garten this weekend to look for more… 🍒🌸

    @codepo8 @EdgeDevTools 😂 Wasn’t me!

    RT @JakeGinnivan: We are looking to expand our production engineering team. Our stacks are Node deploying to a mix of AWS Lambda & ECS usin…

    @bmusedbystandr That may have been how I found out about it. 😂😉

    Spargelsaison! We decided to take @soknitsome’s advice on how to serve traditionally, complete with Prosecco! ❤️🥂

    @dtraub This is pretty damn good, even with pre-made Hollandaise!

    RT @toolmantim: And this blog post by @GRobilliard, Head of People Ops, about how our values drive our benefits:

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    It’s the LAST DAY to nominate for the AWS Community Builders program! If you’re passionate about the AWS developer community, you should complete your application ASAP.

    @udondan @neil_kuan Ha! A bit of both really – people who are builders (of tech) and help create the wider AWS dev community

    My identity as a knitter has been defined by being too avant garde for the Sydney Royal Easter Show. BUT this will be my second year in a row without an entry (and corresponding rejection)! It’s like I don’t even know who I am anymore! 😱

    There is a very fine line between “That is the most hideous, cursed knitted garment I’ve ever seen” and “Ooh, I must make that,” and that, my friends, is where I live.

    @bmusedbystandr Brace yourself.

    @randomknits It’s also itchy af. I could never wear it next to my skin.

    RT @Ankaman616: Release the knitwear line tho. That’s what we really need.

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    @BR3NDA Ew. I’d never heard of this one. So gross.

    @Mandy_Kerr Very useful when you’re trying to learn a foreign language too!

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    RT @alex_casalboni: [Save the date] Apr 15th 👉 AWS Dev Day – App Development

    100% hands-on sessions for builders 👌…

    @codepo8 Danke Kuh!!

    @SocialBobHQ You reckon? They’re actually knockoffs. 😂

    @Malarkey Holy crap, that photo *was* a GameBoy! That was my first thought when I saw it, but then I reconsidered and guessed it was something to do with a camera. That’s awesome. I have my old one but it’s dead. I wonder if I could crack it open and fix it… 🤔

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    @The_McJones These are the same in my house.

    New brekkie bowl! ❤️ #littlemy @moominofficial @moominbyarabia @ Munich, Germany

    Lunch along the Isar, south of Munich. ☀️❤️🚴‍♀️

    @The_McJones I went to Flemington Markets in Sydney once and bought like 2kg of peeled garlic. We lived like damn hell ass kings for a couple weeks, I tell ya.

    Phew. 27km bike ride south along the Isar to Grünwald today. Our longest yet!

    Knitting with Kris! Time to finally cast on a new project…

    @bmalum_ Bird sanctuary?? Didn’t know about that.

    Germans LOVE white asparagus. We’re still a bit early for the proper season, but I couldn’t resist when I saw some in the supermarket. My very own “salt bae” cooked it for us. ❤️

    @philnash Lol. Like my rant about Pants, yarn, and stitches the other day. (These are all computer-related things.)

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    I don’t normally get knitsplained on social media, but here we are. 🤷‍♀️

    @AndyPalmer Exactly. 😂

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    RT @Vel12171: The #AWSUserGroupNairobi 🇰🇪 has been re-booted complete with new organizers and everything 😊🎉 @barasa83. Equally excited abou…

    @Vel12171 @barasa83 Great job @barasa83! 👏👏

    @gojkoadzic *groan*

    @gojkoadzic SUCH a dad joke. 😂

    RT @Refactor_Conf: We’ve made the very tough decision to re:schedule the event to the 2nd of June. We want to bring you an awesome event, b…