Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    I used to read books and know useful things. Now I am cursed to just understand references like this.

    Pepsi’s newest flavor has Peeps in it – THIS IS LITERALLY THE GROSSEST THING I CAN IMAGINE. 🐥🤮

    @themaninblue Thanks for the reminder Cam! Done. ✅

    RT @themaninblue: Add your voice to the 95,556 people in Australia who want the government to support net zero emissions by 2050:


    RT @EvansBeard: She was the best thing in every thing she was in. And she was my ultimate role model, rest in peace, queen. You will be mis…

    @MarcoEnxuto @JenMsft Not anymore, evidently. 🤮🤮

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    RT @darkosubotica: Join us live right now! 🔴

    Streaming together and talking about Deployments and Testing with @web_goddess and @cobusbern…

    I blame @hannes_lowette for this. #sosour #lockjaw

    @hannes_lowette @Refactor_Conf It did! Thank you so much. Planning to do a much nicer post this afternoon with a photo to promote the conf. ❤️ (What are those Dextro Energy things??)

    @dabit3 SO MANY PLACES in Europe! I cannot wait to travel again. (How was your Spring Break trip, btw? Jealous of that too…)

    @block76 @dabit3 I actually LIKE haggis! 😂

    I LOVE that Admiral Hopper has her nanosecond coil of wire! ❤️

    Blog post: Lanatus and Orkney! I finally got around to documenting the two sweaters I knitted this winter. 🧶❤️

    @photonoty_codes @WomeninTechChat Knitting and sewing, and travel!

    @kcarruthers Nemesis List.

    LOL. It’s basically me and @the_snook in Germany. 😂

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    ARGH. Why does the software world keep nicking terms from textile craft? “yarn” is now ambiguous, as is “tailor” and “pants.” I am not the only person sitting in the middle of this annoying Venn diagram.

    And “stitches.” Good grief, another one for the list.

    @hannahyanfield THE PLAN IS COMING TOGETHER! ❤️ Look at you, you radiant sunflower!

    @hannahyanfield Bahh, this is all you my dear. So proud of how you’re kicking ass and moving from strength to strength, and now the whole industry is finding out how amazing you are! ❤️ (Ooh, @kcarruthers @annie_parker, if you need a podcast guest, here’s a personal recommendation from me!)

    @thebeebs Just wait for my new line of knitting patterns named “.Net” and “npm” and “devops”, etc.

    @pantsbuild I literally thought when I read the tweet that it was a software based framework for designing perfect fitting pants (like @freesewing_org)! 😂

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    @GeorginaWilcox I can’t take credit for that – that part was as written in the pattern! 😉

    @IngaPflaumer Ugh. I’m sorry, that’s so annoying and gross. 🙁

    @mattstratton @RedHatGov Wow, congrats and all the best! Can’t wait to see where you end up.

    Pretty sure “Do you like…pancakes?” is how @the_snook won my heart, actually. ❤️🥞

    @brittanieshey I don’t understand how… the turkey leg is *stuffed* with *pasta*. Is that a real thing???

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    Me: I’m going to be so productive today! I need to finish my sweater, get some tax info together, work on that AIML demo…

    Also Me: Did I really just read 30+ chapters of Justice League fan fiction?!!

    Time to finish this jumper! Sewing in the sleeves… 🧶

    Eight years after I bought the wool (and seven years sitting in the naughty corner), my modified Orkney is finally finished! Blog post coming soon with the whole story… ❤️🧶

    @catehstn I feel the same here in Germany. WTF. I’ve been a hermit. How is it happening?!

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    @pjf @minxdragon I just asked the Snook about them and now he is waxing rhapsodic about how delicious the seeds are roasted! Never tasted them myself.

    RT @auxesis: We spent some time this arvo filling sandbags at our local @NSWSES.

    They were taking them away faster than we could fill the…

    All ends woven in! Blocking happening, and then the final seams…

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    I Wrote an Algorithm to Draw Portraits from Thread // This is super cool! Thanks @hannes_lowette for sharing. (Hmmm, and I did mistakenly bring all that black overlocker thread to Germany… 🤔)

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Roald Dahl: Inside His Anti-Semitism and Complicated Legacy // Excellent overview of a painful subject by @MegzyM27 http…

    @msharp @themaninblue @djmachv Now I want to encode that in knitting.

    I’ve got the day off, and I’ve finished my sleeves! Time to pick up for the neckband…

    Centered double decrease corrugated ribbing neckline FOR THE WIN, people. 😍

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    Glamour! (At the hair salon for the first time in six months. I look like I’m cleaning up crime scenes. 😂) @ Salon AHead

    Back from the salon and looking much better! Sadly, cannot say the same for my mask. 😷❤️💇🏼‍♀️

    RT @rossbarich: 🚀The #AWSCommunity Builders program has just opened up applications for the first new 2021 cohort 🚀

    🗓️ Application window…

    TFW you get out of a nice hot bath and get yourself a piece of cake and then it starts snowing again… 😠❄️

    Pasta with Beans and Greens. 😍 (Recipe from @seriouseats)

    I’m listening… 🧶🧜‍♂️

    RT @ajassy: The increasing anti-Asian violence in this country is pretty shocking and deeply concerning. At Amazon & AWS, we stand in solid…

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    @cobusbernard @darkosubotica Noooo YOLO 😂

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    RT @adhorn: I am really excited and happy to announce that we have launched AWS Fault Injection Simulator! It is generally available in mos…

    RT @mavi888uy: Have you submitted your cfp for ckd day?
    Still 4 days to go 🔥🔥🔥

    RT @laurieontech: Wanna know why I come down so hard on anyone disparaging front end devs?

    I was a backend dev.

    I know first hand that bo…

    I am really, really over zoombombers trying to ruin meetups. Get a hobby, you jerks.

    RT @anaskhattar: AWS hero program provided us with AWS credits as $50 vouchers. I got 20 of those to share with developers and startups who…

    @lynnlangit @benbridts Now this is playing in my head on repeat again. Thanks.

    RT @Vel12171: I am looking forward this talk. I’ve had to really dive deep into how this customer has built on #aws. Learning how this cust…