Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @thebeebs I watched one in German today as well. I loved the view of the package travelling around the swoopy conveyor belts. Made me think of a potential ride at Disneyland – AmazonCoaster! 😂🎢

    The only way I could be more excited about the AWS Vienna meetup next week is if I was actually able to go there in person! 😩 Still, it’ll be fun…

    @darkosubotica Sometimes I worry about you, Darko. 😂

    @darkosubotica HA! Rodd got my old one working a few years back. Found some old photos and websites that were long consigned to dust. They were so satisfyingly chunky, weren’t they?

    RT @CatSwetel: hello friends, international women’s day is fast approaching! if you would like to do something more than tweet about the to…

    Very very tempted to buy myself a present for International Women’s Day. 🙃

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    @johnallsopp Niiiiiice

    @msharp When we left Australia, we sent all of Rodd’s old Spectrum games to the ACMI in Melbourne!

    @msharp Nah. Here was the thread:

    @msharp LOL, you commented on it!

    RT @Vel12171: Just in time for #IWD2021 #IWD21 🎉🎉. Join the #awspretoriameetup for an awesome #womenwhocloud speaker line-up full of #aws r…

    Proposal: the “Techdel Test” for panels, tech talks, and tech video series. Are there two women who talk to each other about something technical? Then it passes. That’s pretty much it.

    @soganmageshwar @darkosubotica We gave in and bought a multifunction with a built-in scanner, because Germans love sending you bureaucracy through the post. 😐

    Really great to see so many attendees at tonight’s @thoughtworks Presents meetup about Women in Gaming! 🙌 Looking forward to hearing from Martina, Renee, and Brie…

    Interesting result from a survey about gaming genre preferences. As someone who in recent years has become obsessed with Stardew Valley and 1000000 and YMBAB, this definitely describes me.

    @mmastertheone Margaret – I was literally working on an idea for a new thing that will highlight cool stuff women build when I got that tweet. 😂 Perfect timing!

    RT @dannysteenman: Did you know you’re able to extend any AWS Exam with a permanent 30 minutes extra?

    if you’re a non-native English speak…

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    I’m sure it’s a Ninja Sales Technique that works enough times to justify the effort, but damn, sending me a LinkedIn message out of the blue with “When’s the best time for a call?” is never going to win me over. My time is valuable. This feels very presumptuous.

    Incidentally, if you haven’t read about Ask vs Guess Culture, you should. I am very much a Guesser, and to me this sales approach feels like weaponised Ask Culture. I have to remind myself it’s okay to shoot them down.

    @neil_killick The worst part is that this particular case isn’t even a sales pitch – it’s someone asking me (I think) for career advice. 😕

    RT @dtraub: 🎙️ In der neuen Folge des deutschsprachigen 🇩🇪 AWS-Podcast spreche ich über das Principle of Least Privilege – ein Konzept aus…

    I feel like @minxdragon really needs to see this…

    RT @Vel12171: Since joining #aws 90 days ago I have had so many ask me what it’s like to work at AWS – and what it’s like to be in #devrel.…

    This is gorgeous, and so very much my jam. I’m backing it. And how lovely is the touch of including the butter cookie tin at the top level? That’s just… *chef’s kiss*. 🧵🗺️

    RT @jenseickmeyer: Bist du interessiert an GitOps, Kubernetes, AWS? Dann ist vielleicht die nächste Session des AWS Meetup Bielefeld intere…

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    @annie_parker Glad you made it. ❤️

    It’s been a while since I woke up to @haveibeenpwned notification in my inbox. That was nice. 😕

    RT @dtraub: Heute habe ich @web_goddess zu Gast. Wir sprechen über Neuigkeiten bei AWS und beantworten eure Fragen live, ab 12:00 Uhr:


    RT @GunnarGrosch: I’m looking for a new team member to cover Russia/CIS! Combine your unbridled passion and enthusiasm with your unmatched…

    RT @GunnarGrosch: But it doesn’t stop there! I also want a new team member in the MENA region.

    Join us. It’s fun!

    Dennis: “Let’s take a nice screenshot.”
    Me: “Orrrr… we could make the @QuinnyPig face!”


    @happystash Um, WANT. Got the link handy?

    RT @dynamodb: How @theburningmonk scaled an AWS AppSync project to more than 200 AppSync resolvers & 600 AWS CloudFormation resources, a so…

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    @developerjack Best of luck for the future Jack! Can’t wait to see where you end up.

    @Mandy_Kerr @johnallsopp Dude, JAG? That’s amazing. 😂

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    Springtime bike ride through the Altstadt and along the Isar. Blue skies and fresh air always raise the spirits. Loving the little patches of crocuses appearing everywhere… 🚴‍♀️☀️🌸

    Knitting with Kris – working on sleeve cap shaping for Orkney! 🧶

    Trial sleeve. I think the shaping & size are pretty good. The problem is that the motifs are matching up too closely across the seam. I think I want to shift the sleeve pattern so they’re farther apart…

    The Snook had another go at goose legs, this time sous vide for 24hrs followed by a grill in the oven. 😍

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    @minxdragon Such a great Melbourne tale though. 😂

    Sewing with Kris – Let’s sew some sock monkeys!

    Crafty Saturday – 4 sock monkeys, ready for final assembly! 🐵🐵🐵🐵 @ Munich, Germany

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    RT @AmazonScience: In our latest interview, Amazon Scholar and @UBC computer science professor @AllaSheffer shares her advice for students…

    I somehow missed that we’re now using “virtual fit technology” to create custom garments. This is so cool. Proper tailoring is incredibly difficult, and I would love to see this technology applied to help me sew my own pants that actually fit!

    RT @Vel12171: Hey Twitter, are you AWS certified and doing amazing things in the #aws space? Are you especially from Spain, Italy, Israel,…

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    RT @darkosubotica: Looking forward to meeting the lovely folks from the Accra 🇬🇭 AWS User group (@awsaccra ) and chit chatting about the wo…

    Any wool purchases made when you’re sick don’t count towards your stash. This is the law. ❤️🧶

    @siegel I try to keep it in check, especially as I’m living overseas now. There’s just no point in accumulating a lot of stuff that will most likely eventually get shipped back to Australia!

    RT @Vel12171: @darkosubotica will be at the @awsaccra meetup this Saturday for this awesome talk in the link below. Join us! 🎉🎉 #aws #awsco…

    20C = 68F. Warm enough to have our afternoon coffee on the terrace! ☀️☕️

    Six months in Germany, and I still reflexively think “Bats!” whenever I see birds flying at dusk. 🦇

    @darkosubotica How do you have room for all this stuff in your house??!!!

    @jchyip My colleague @dtraub pointed out that in the German school system, 1 = best and 5 = worst. We expect this led to some of his German talks scoring lower than expected. So I’m not surprised to see it affecting product reviews too…

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    @nemshilov Only in Australia does average mean bad. In the US, average means pretty good! (That one confused me too.)

    @mmastertheone Mid-90s I pretended not to like those groups but secretly did. Took me a few years to give up on trying to look cool to boys who weren’t worth it. 🙄

    @susiegii ❤️

    RT @SimoneGiertz: I’M TRYING TO GO TO SPACE & you can help me get there!

    If you retweet this video, I’ll print your name on a shirt and we…

    The Snook bought me a new mouse as an early birthday present. This sucker is 100% going to give me carpal tunnel, and I don’t even care. 🎮 #nes (Hat tip to @GunnarGrosch and @darkosubotica who have them too!)

    @darkosubotica @GunnarGrosch So far biggest thing I’m missing from Magic Mouse is is horizontal scroll (especially in Tweetdeck)…

    @GunnarGrosch @darkosubotica Clicking the buttons is deeply satisfying. If it was 20 years ago, it would come with a Windows desktop theme that turns your cursor into Mario and makes a gold coin sound every time you get an email.

    @darkosubotica @GunnarGrosch WAIT, it *does* have horizontal scroll if I hit the up arrow! Genius.

    @classicwebdog @GunnarGrosch @darkosubotica Literally just tried it, but it’s missing the “Start” button. 🙂

    Los geht’s, Deutschland, Österreich, und die Schweiz! 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭

    @mseckington This is amaaaaazing. 😍

    @tfswebb Our older cat never, in 13 years, ever liked the younger one. We tried keeping apart, slow introductions, Feliway. She hated him until her dying day. She just wasn’t friendly to other cats.