Category: Twitter Post

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    @justkelly_ok If you haven’t listened to the excellent Lolita Podcast by @jamieloftusHELP, she talks about Allen and Manhattan in one episode. Can recommend – excellent deep dive into the book, dramatisations, and culture of sexualising children.

    RT @thebeebs: Last chance to register for #AWSInnovate Online Conference! Don’t miss the opportunity to level up your AI & #MachineLearning…

    You might think that moving to the other side of the world would mean that men would stop asking me to share my binders full of Aussie technical women looking for jobs. You would be wrong.

    (In case the sarcasm isn’t clear, THERE ARE NO BINDERS.)

    @jcnsingapore The great secret of the tech industry is that there are loads of talented women developers just desperate for new jobs, but the only way to find them is to ask another women to act as unpaid recruiter and spoonfeed their names to you, right? 😂

    @darthted I enjoyed the recruiter today who was basically like, “I know you’re not looking, but here are ten .Net developer roles I’m recruiting for in Sydney if you want to, like, do my job for me.” I mean, dude. No part of that has any relevance to me.

    RT @cliffobrecht: 1/ THREAD: We’re excited to be welcoming @Smartmockups and Kaleido (@remove_bg) to Canva! 🎉🌍

    Both companies share in our…

    @thebeebs Whoops. I wondered!

    @FourRedShoes I see it, especially if she has a fringe too. 😂

    @FourRedShoes Throw on an anklet and you got yourself a Snorkmaiden for sure!

    @QuinnyPig Slight disagree on this one. I’ve seen (personally and through connections) lots of companies who acknowledge you’re worth more, but offer you less because it’s either all they can afford or the minimum they think you’ll accept. But it’s not your *worth*.

    @QuinnyPig I don’t disagree with any of that. I’m just burnt from startups and social orgs that have explicitly cited their vision and mission as a reason candidates should accept massive pay cuts for the privilege of working for them. 🙁

    RT @adzz_s: Yeah Amazon did VERY well for their Christmas advert 🙌🏾👏🏾

    Wonderful news. Texting Mom and Dad right now… ❤️

    ‘Dare mighty things’: hidden message found on Nasa Mars rover parachute // I’m very, very tempted to knit that into a blanket! 🧶

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    TIL that Juicero for cocktails exists – – complete with DRMed flavour pods and a subscription service. Come on, tech industry. Really?! 🙄

    @DivineOps Hmm. I disagree. I think of coaches as being experienced in particular field, and able to provide practical guidance on how to do the thing (like a sports coach). A good mentor shouldn’t just speak about their own exp, but guide mentee to solve problems for themselves.

    The Breeders, “Cannonball,” and the Chaotic Pop of Kim Deal // This podcast episode was a portal that took me straight to myself in 1993.

    RT @aschmelyun: Developers visiting their blogs like

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    Feeling about 96% recovered from tonsillitis. Woke up to the aroma of freshly baked soda bread (courtesy of the Snook), which I ate with honey from beehives at the AWS Munich office. 🍯🐝❤️ #beepeculiar @hereataws

    RT @LizHcks: Fun fact: the covid crisis has produced over 1200 new words in German over the past year. Personal favourites are coronamüde (…

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    Did you take an @awscloud training course or get a certification that led to a promotion or new job working with the cloud? Drop me or @Vel12171 a DM – there’s a very special project happening! 👩🏼‍🎓🧑🏾‍🎓👨🏿‍🎓

    Me: Hey, shine your phone light down my throat and see if it looks infected?
    The Snook: YES!

    Damn. Video call with doctor booked this morning. 🤒

    Outcome: doctor thinks it’s viral and wants me to rest and not talk for five days.


    @mmastertheone Rodd is very amused by this state of affairs.

    @misswired @stufromoz Apparently this is, like, the minimum. Normally German doctors prescribe like a week of bed rest for pretty much anything, my colleagues say.

    @anshumalis Maybe I can get that Colonel Sanders voice going…

    TIL that the iOS Translate app has text-to-speech, this solving my need to communicate and improving @the_snook’s German. 😍☕️

    This is the face of a man whose wife has been forbidden to speak for FIVE DAYS by her doctor. “Ahhhh, sehr ruhig!” 🤐 @ Munich, Germany

    @randomknits @the_snook Suddenly, he’s very talkative. Our whole dynamic is changing. 🙃

    4 – liver (not an offal fan), celery (DEVIL WEED), watermelon (never really cared for it), snails (but I think I tried them once and they were okay?). Honestly, this all seems like VERY normal food to me. I was a picky eater as a kid, but damn, evidently I’m not as an adult!


    @JessicaFGWrites I know you’re not supposed to judge picky eaters… but I confess I do. How are these people not sick constantly? That’s practically disordered eating, right?

    @frconil Yes. I was waiting for the “chicken hearts” and “natto” and “durian” tbh. But, like, strawberries and tofu?

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    Learning from my friend and @awscloud colleague @jennapederson how she handles learning from failure. “Is there a failure too big?” Only one you’re not learning from. 👏

    If you want to see the area I grew up, watch the “RVs” episode of the Jeff Goldblum show on Disney+. He goes to Elkhart and Middlebury, Indiana and meets Amish people! ❤️

    @jennapederson I missed the first ten minutes – scheduling fail! 😂 But great job. Loved that you worked in the three-armed sweater!

    RT @NASAJPL: 🔴Mars Landing LIVE in 360º

    It’s landing day in the #CountdownToMars and it’s as if you’re right here with us. Get a view from…

    Have been watching the @NASAJPL live stream for a while, and how amazing to see so many smart women featured!! 👏❤️👩‍🚀

    @Gaohmee Same! NASA stuff always makes me cry. 🥲

    RT @ThePlanetaryGuy: Your periodic reminder that @NASAPersevere is carrying Ingenuity—a 1.8 kg autonomous rotorcraft or, basically, a tiny…

    @emd3737 @NASA Those kids!! 😭

    RT @heroinebook: All I can think about is the teamwork. The decades of work, the years of research, the massive collaboration that a moment…

    Amazing. Well done @NASAPersevere! (But jeez, those YouTube captions really suck.)

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    @msharp Acorn and Affinity.

    @dtraub 🙄

    RT @DanPriceSeattle: I don’t have any student loans left.

    But I still want everyone else’s loans to be canceled because I want each genera…

    “Facebook should just ban linking to everything. It would be a lot better.” Hot take from the Snook…

    @fields They’ve literally just banned linking to news stories in Australia, because the government is demanding they pay news companies.

    Really great to see @bekathwia on the @Raspberry_Pi Maker stream tonight! Suddenly feeling inspired to break out the conductive thread again… 🪡🧵🚨

    @bekathwia @Raspberry_Pi Flashback to the time I dragged a sewing machine to the first ever @canva hackathon, where I created a “Three Commas Club” cushion with blinking LEDs!

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    RT @MFWitches: If you’re also a grown woman incensed at being referred to by your so-called Prime Minister as having little value except vi…

    I’ve seen @LareneLg speak at several tech events and she’s great, so you should definitely attend and get some tips from her! ❤️ #gdcfpday

    @randomknits Once in high school my car inexplicably broke down and, being an idiot, I left it at the side of the road and got a ride to school. My livid mother explained to me that night that internal combustion engines do, in fact, need petrol to run. 🙃

    @girlgerms My theory is that they’re spammers, and eventually they’ll ask you for money. A lot of the ones that message me purport to be in the military, which presumably explains why I will need to wire them money to distant ports. 😐 I just block every single one…

    RT @dtraub: 🎧 Neue Episode im AWS-Podcast auf Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Amazon SQS und SNS – Was ist das genau und wo liegt der Unterschied? 🤔

    Hier glei…

    Forget the kids – I will be watching this one because I want to see it! 😜

    Excited for a couple interesting talks at the AWS Berlin meetup tonight! @aaronwalker @tosidis

    RT @darkosubotica: ITS HAPPENING 🥳

    It’s time for our first stream of 2021! Yaaay! ❤ We will dig into reInvent, what’s new and plans for ou…

    @brittanieshey Me while brushing my teeth last night: “Maybe I should use lockdown to finally go full “No ‘poo” with my hair.”

    *glances at box of 6 bottles of conditioner I just ordered from Amazon*

    “Well, crap.”

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    RT @SoniaCuff: This weekend, I’m speaking about speaking! Speaking to that cold, hard, plastic web camera – why is it so scary?
    Come get y…

    Made good progress on cap sleeve yesterday. Just about half finished. Same chart but different colours! 🧶

    @chrismunns Honestly, it was back in 2019, zipping through green German fields at 200+ km/hr in a comfy train car while a guy brought me a beer that my Aussie husband and I thought, damn, we could live here.

    Leck es auf, baby. Leck es auf. (I’m learning useful German again.)

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    Last night I discovered that Willow is on Disney+, and the Snook had never seen it. We got to the part where they meet Fin Raziel, and to our immense surprise realised she was a brushtail possum! As a kid in the US, I never knew what the hell animal that was meant to be.

    RT @desplesda: we’re writing a book, and @parisba wanted to include a galaxy brain meme in it. problem is, we don’t have the rights to thos…

    Knitting with Kris – let’s experiment with some cap sleeves! Casting on with corrugated ribbing…

    My knitting stream has gotten so popular that today a guy created three separate accounts just to harass me in the comments. So, uh, yay for being a woman on the Internet? 😐

    @AliciaBytes Oh, he wasn’t asking me out. He wanted me to know he found me unattractive. 🙄 Banned repeatedly.

    @KaiPMDH Yup. But on the upside, I got to learn some more about Twitch moderation tools and the other folks on the stream were super nice and reported them too.

    @Japh Aw, thanks. Just a drive-by shitposter. I’ve already given them more mental energy than they deserve. 🙂

    My Valentine made me a Persian Love Cake. ❤️ Almonds, cardamom, yoghurt, orange blossom water, pomegranate, pistachios…

    @carmenhchung You’ll be amazing. Best of luck!