Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @JeanLeggett: The She Shanty the ladies need right now.

    Phew. Wool arrived just in time! But wow, the dye lot for the blue-green (Watery) is *very* different 8 years later…

    @darkosubotica I believe you Berlin weirdoes call them pfannkuchen. 😛

    Knitting with Kris: Time to join up the shoulders of Orkney and try it on so Sleeve Decisions can be made! 🧶

    To sleeve or not to sleeve… That is the question. 🤔🧶

    @hoegertn @darkosubotica In Bayern they’re krapfen!

    Homemade Korean bing bread (with potatoes, bacon, cheese), sour cream butter, and zucchini side dish. (I let the bread get a little too dark, but it was still tasty!)

    I have devolved to reading fanfic in which a Slanket is a major plot point. (Putting that $100K degree to good use…)

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    @Amys_Kapers @troyhunt Ours was a Daikin but didn’t have that wall unit, just a remote control. @the_snook used LIRC + Raspberry Pi + IR blaster sitting across the room. Original version had a webhook that I built an Alexa Skill for, but then he integrated directly with Home Assistant.

    @MichelePlayfair @Amys_Kapers @damovisa Um… actually I kind of like that ball of yarn. As a knitter, I appreciate it as an objet d’art. (I wouldn’t drop $17K on one, mind you.)

    @darkosubotica This is why I have a “Good Stuff” file with your name on it! 🙂

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    @testobsessed @AndrewADavidson Likewise!

    These are not helpful release notes, @joinClubhouse. And when I click the link in the app, I just see a barrier. 🤨

    RT @Vel12171: A quick reminder that CFP is open. Please submit – I’m looking at especially you if you’re from Africa 🙌🏽🤣. DM me if any ques…

    RT @mavi888uy: Today is the International #WomenInScienceDay.
    We need girls to feel empowered to come to the STEM careers.

    What you are…

    @mavi888uy Love this thread. I am the annoying aunt who buys all of my nieces science gifts and tries to encourage them in that direction. 😂

    @marksbirch Pretty sure it was this exact one… 😍

    @darkosubotica @GunnarGrosch I just… want that keyboard, to use as my keyboard. What modern keyboard feels the closest to that???

    @GunnarGrosch @darkosubotica White keyboards always get grimy though…

    @GunnarGrosch @darkosubotica OOH. This is relevant to my interests. ❤️ Thank you!

    My favourite scientist this year (and every year) is @emd3737, microbiologist and Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer at the CDC. Not only does her work help the world, she helped me pass freshman Biology at @NotreDame and once nearly burnt our dorm room down. ❤️👩‍🔬

    Today is Weiberfastnacht (aka Fat Thursday), the start of Fasching (Carnival) week in Munich. Normally there’d be parties and women dressed up in costume chopping off men’s neckties and stealing kisses (yes, really!), but instead this is one more thing Covid has ruined this year.

    HOWEVER – the traditional food for Weiberfastnacht is “krapfen” (aka berliners or jelly doughnuts), and that we can do. I went out on a Krapfen Mission today, and they do not disappoint. 🍩❤️

    Sie sind Entscheidungsträger in der Wirtschaft oder IT und möchten Innovation in Ihrem Unternehmen fördern? Erfahren Sie mehr über aktuelle Technologie-Trends und testen Sie selbst interaktive Demos bei einer geführten, virtuellen Tour durch unseren…

    RT @dtraub: 🎧 Neue Episode im AWS-Podcast auf Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Heute habe ich Gernot Glawe (@megaproaktiv) von @tecRacer zu Gast und wir spreche…

    Kimchi Pepperoni Pan Pizza, homemade by the Snook! 🍕 @ Munich, Germany

    Him: “Which one are you watching?”
    Me: “The one… that I’m gonna do to you when you kick it.”
    Him: “It’s the one with the brain in the basin, isn’t it?”
    😂🧠👁 #talesoftheunexpected

    @carlfish It’s Elaine Stritch, aka Colleen Donaghy from 30 Rock, aka who I want to be when I grow up! 😍

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    RT @adhorn: New blog post out! “Looking back to look forward”.
    My take at understanding the role that intuition plays in building a stron…

    RT @jennapederson: This is so important, especially in tech as things are constantly changing and as a generalist when you (or me, it’s me)…

    How to regain control in a world full of chaos: 1. Buy the most powerful fabric shaver money can buy. 2. Get to work on your knitwear. 3. Thank this Beast for your improved mental state. 😍🧶

    @094459 I find the little ones break too often – I’ve gone through two now. 😂 This sucker comes with spare blades, height adjustment, and a rechargeable battery!

    @094459 Have you ever seen that subreddit called “power washer porn”? This feels like that, but for knitting. If only everything in life was so easily tidied up. 🙂

    In Germany, you can get fish fingers breaded with pretzels! 😍🥨 #homemadetartarsauce @ Munich, Germany

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    @FourRedShoes I had to go back and see the official @BillAndTedTest rating, of course. I was losing my mind at all the women running around with their hair completely down. 😳

    It’s been so long since I’ve been inside anywhere but my house and the grocery store that I haven’t opened the @coronawarnapp in a while. Just discovered it’s been updated with local stats as well as a contact journal! Honestly, this app is so well done. 👏👏👏

    RT @Vel12171: What was the very first thing you ever built on #aws? What was the very first service you ever interacted with – and why? ‘Am…

    @AmyJeanGillAU It’s the official German one. It’s really good!

    @Vel12171 I actually went back in my invoices and looked it up. I registered a couple domain names with Route53… and then never used either of them. 😂

    @Vel12171 I’m annoyed. One of them was really good and I completely forgot about it. I wonder if I could get it back again…

    @crankymate Intriguing. First I’ve heard of this one. I tried Hey but found it was too much of a disruption for how I process emails. What do you like about Superhuman?

    Is anyone else seeing a lot more spam end up in their Gmail Inbox these days?

    @Joanwestenberg Yes, THIS. I’ve seen founders who’ve never worked for someone else… struggle with how to manage their teams. When you’re an employee, you learn very quickly what good/bad bosses look like.

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    RT @darkosubotica: Oh look at that! My #reinvent video about AWS Systems Manager is available YouTube!

    Check out how we automate stuff wit…

    RT @dtraub: 🎧 Neu im AWS-Podcast: AWS-Accounts, Benutzer-Accounts, Root-Accounts, Management-Accounts, oh my! 🤔

    In dieser Folge entwirre i…

    RT @rchrdbyd: A huge congrats to the Rust team!!!


    @SharripieKnits Intensely! I’m kicking myself for not finding out before I started it. I just assumed it was going to be a single season story. 😩

    @SharripieKnits Right there with you. Young Stringer was a CATCH, and she’s an idiot for preferring the one who rage-yelled in her face.

    @gilmae The first ep showed a couple amoral libertines groping in a park, so I knew we were well into fanfic territory. I just wanted eight episodes and then DONE, thank you.

    @annie_parker Very fair assessment.

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    @mmastertheone We’ve just started Sanditon. It’s definitely closer to Bridgerton than Bleak House… 😳

    Time for more Knitting with Kris. The fairisle jumper back is finished; now working on the front!

    RT @carbocommander: #virtualproduction has become synonymous with #vfx but can mean different things to different people depending on prior…

    Six episodes into Sanditon, and all I can think is that Andrew Davies should be called out for plagiarising… himself. It’s like P&P fanfic. (That doesn’t stop me from hissing “GO FOR THE NICE HOT BUILDER” at Charlotte every other scene though.)

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    @minxdragon Recipe: – you won’t regret it! I subbed Emmental for the Gruyere and Parmesan for the Mexican cheese.

    @KmR1576 Whaaaat. See, I love a slow building mystery that eventually gets explained. And ep 5 ends with a real head scratcher (if you’re a big movie comic book geek).

    RT @BillieRubenMake: Making your own Embroidery keycaps has never been easier!#mechanicalkeyboard

    V2 is here! With:
    ✅KAM Profile

    @lemon_lime I saw it referred to as a $71B cameo. 😂

    Watching Sanditon, and there’s an entire episode devoted to a pineapple. 😍🍍

    Oh no. The pineapple did not end well.

    @michejaw While I didn’t cover the cinematic angle, I’ve given a talk at a few tech conferences that discusses reverse engineering knitting patterns (and how people are trying to do it with machine learning). You may find it interesting!

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    “Needs more div” and “It lok bar” are both actual bug reports I received in my career as a Frontend dev. 🙃

    RT @deviantollam: Sometimes an event doesn’t realize the power they have to do the right thing and they just need a little push.

    Give them…

    @DVDBits Richard. 😳 (Tagging @the_snook, as that film sounds relevant to his interests. 😂)

    @DVDBits @the_snook He *never* tweets. It’s just so he can keep tabs on me. 😛

    @twasink Hey, back in 2000, that’s all we had. 🙂 But no, it was from a clueless businessperson.

    RT @Vel12171: Join me, and AWS Community Hero @nimboya at the #awsmeetupLagos Nigeria tomorrow, where we’ll be discussing some of the #rein…

    @michejaw I LOLed as soon as I saw it on the show and knew the Ravelers would be all over it. BTW, shared your article with my old knitting group back in Sydney. Responses: “Well researched and written;” “The pleasure of reading an entertaining and well written/ researched article is 🥰”

    @codepo8 So many junk content marketers. Here was my favourite one recently…

    @JenMsft @codepo8 I mean, Mr. Twit had a beard… but I certainly don’t want to eat anything he prepared. 😳

    Crispy Cheese-Topped Kimchi Rice and Mandu, made by me… 🍺🥟🍚 @ Munich, Germany

    Honestly had to pause WandaVision and GAPE, because my mind was blown. This show is doing some seriously unexpected canon-busting narrative swerves, in the best possible way. (WHAT DOES IT MEAN??)

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    Happy birthday to @hannahyanfield, the Anne Perkins to my Leslie Knope, and a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful, radiant land mermaid. ❤️🎂🧜🏻‍♀️ Wish we could be there to celebrate!

    RT @Vel12171: If you are in the Jhb area and are interested in the opportunity below please DM me, there have been exciting developments as…

    RT @mavi888uy: ⭐ New video is out ⭐

    In this video I show you how to create a poor man google maps using the new AWS Location Service and A…

    My German is of course not great, but I *think* @Osterjour just suggested @QuinnyPig should be the new AWS CEO. 😂

    @Osterjour @QuinnyPig I just heard you say “Mist” and “Kopfschmerz,” so I’m guessing you’re still on the same topic? 😛

    LOVE THIS! And yes, I’ve knitted multiple Hogwarts house scarves, a Weasley sweater, a miniature Knives Out sweater, and a Dr. Who scarf. And I talked about the Mon Calamari Aran from the Mandalorian on my Twitch stream as soon as I saw it. 😂🧶 #reverseengineering