@Ilaeria Doesn’t matter. It’s splitting hairs at that point. Your own individual tension would make much more of a difference. I’d go with whichever I grabbed first. 😂
@The_Ausmerican I dunno; not having every single Aussie cab driver say, “Ha, Trump, amirite?” five seconds after I get into a taxi will be a welcome change.
@thebeebs Writing my abstract about WAP sites and markup as we speak. (Bonus – it’s gonna bring lots of search engine traffic to your conference site.) 😂
@jesslynnrose I’ve been obsessed with the Harry Potter Puzzles & Spells puzzle game. I don’t like supporting JKR anymore, but it’s a well done game and I get enough daily play/enjoyment out of it without giving it or her a cent. I’m in a team so it even feels vaguely social.
@thebeebs Well, my other proposal was a L400 talk on using tables for layout, but I think that technically does still exist. The upside there is you’d get a lot of CSS geeks getting huffy and ranting about it – more free publicity! 😀
@jesslynnrose My other thing is I’ve actually been streaming knitting on Twitch, and through that I’ve connected with a bunch of crafters around the world. The other day I watched a guy forging a set of armor. I’m enjoying that.
@jesslynnrose It is, right up until a circular needle tip breaks off or your yarn falls apart or you realise you made a massive mistake, all of which have happened to me so far on stream. 😂
@justasitsounds @thebeebs Naming your spacers “s.gif” because it saved so many characters… Good times.
@nickyringland It looks soooooo good! 😍 🍑
@randomknits NOICE!
@msharp @thebeebs Honestly afraid to Google that. 😂
I like my outfit for this Inauguration a hell of a lot more than the last one. 😻 @ Munich, Germany https://t.co/l6EPrl7Wvd
@bodil Just give us one day to not feel awful, please! There will be plenty of time to hopefully do the work that needs to be done. But right now, it just feels nice to exhale and not despair.
RT @FarFarrAway: Oh my gosh. Officer Eugene Goodman, hero from the Capitol riots, is escorting Vice President Kamala Harris today. 😭
Well, I’m watching and crying. I might as well have a beer.
@jennapederson How great was Klobuchar! She sounded like she was choking up a little.
Gaga’s got her own mic that matches her outfit! BOSS. https://t.co/mS1hcUVc37
RT @joshgondelman: Jennifer Lopez sing “I’m Real” and make Biden do the Ja Rule parts it’s what the nation needs.
RT @mradamscott: IT’S OVER. https://t.co/L7zJLCWPMW
RT @MkKueper: So schön. Endlich mal wieder Freude überall! Wenn wir schon so emotional sind, wie geht es erst den Amerikaner*innen? ❤️#inau…
@094459 Ooh. I literally said to @the_snook today that I wouldn’t mind an oven with wifi, now that I’ve discovered bake at home German bread. I could put them in the oven at night and trigger before I get out of bed in the morning!
RT @nocontextpawnee: Joe Biden is the first actor from Parks and Recreation to become the President of the United States.
RT @razhael: The incoming Biden admin has hidden a message for IT folk in https://t.co/vF4SFEypzm’s source code: https://t.co/au0kdv0Fgp
Amanda Gorman is AMAZING, and I’m crying again. https://t.co/ILxpFKpdNa
RT @LAPublicLibrary: How it started How it’s going https://t.co/xnYhDUzomG
@Slav636 @thebeebs No, I meant WAP. https://t.co/03rkzNMV7B
@Slav636 @thebeebs Obviously you need to attend my DefunctConf talk! 😂
@Ilaeria I use Notability.