Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @presentcorrect: Type lovers, this alphabet of stitched letters is a dream. Published in 1966 but fairly timeless in its clarity.


    Time to add a few more rows to the fairisle! Knitting with Kris kicking off in 5 minutes…

    @lynnlangit @awscloud Hmmm… thinking. “Breadth and depth.” “Pace of innovation.” “Two-pizza team” 🙂

    @lynnlangit @awscloud WAIT! The pizza is in there. It’s just tiny. 😂

    @70s_party DEVIL WEED

    @darkosubotica @cobusbernard 😍❤️😍❤️

    We have been binging Bling Empire on Netflix. Even @the_snook agrees that Anna is #lifegoals. Meanwhile, I just took a quiz to see which character I am, and…. ACCURATE.

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    @owensenior @charrett @evolvable @NickyWill100 @daveoflynn @jonathannen @joelmcourtney @darthted I’m still on the Slack! I’m still suggesting speakers! I’m not GONE GONE. 😂

    RT @everestpipkin: the only option is to reject this whole-cloth. there is no “my rig is solar!” or “we plant a tree for every coin!”


    RT @stephenstockwel: This interview with the woman who made Bernie’s mittens is a panacea for the last four years and the most wholesome th…

    RT @browniepoints: You’re not hiring a “diverse candidate.” Maybe UR (Under-Represented) candidate is a better term.

    @unixbigot This sounds like a sitcom I would watch.

    @danieldraper @cipherstash Wow, best of luck!

    So amazingly gorgeous. The work and artistry and thought that went into this! ❤️🪡🧵💐

    Thought of one more, prompted by one of @the_snook’s T-shirts I just pulled out of the dryer – YQL!

    Der Taco-Salat Berg. 🌮🥗⛰ @ Munich, Germany

    RT @CODEmagazine: New article: Full Stack Cloud Development with AWS Amplify by @dabit3

    AWS Amplify is a set of tools & services used to h…

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    RT @hondanhon: I see your “message hidden in source code” and raise you

    RT @gilmae: How it began:

    How it ended:

    RT @PavelMorshenyuk: Really nice opportunity in Europe, if you want to learn more about position – please contact Kris directly. https://t.…

    @PavelMorshenyuk Thanks for sharing Pavel!

    @LapTop006 What sort of thing are you after? Sit down fancy? Cheap and cheerful?

    RT @dtraub: 🎧 Die neue AWS-Podcast-Episode ist live:

    AWS Systems Manager Session Manager – Die sichere Alternative für den Shell-Zugriff a…

    Amazing writing. Congrats on your new arrival @mattgemmell! I’m so glad it turned out all right in the end.

    RT @pgarbe: I promise, I didn’t plan this, but somehow I’m now on @joinClubhouse and talking about AWS (in German)

    RT @benjamin_l_s: 🆕Learn how to package and deploy #AWS #Lambda functions as container images for custom runtimes like #php Take full advan…

    @brown_note Every time I go to the grocery store these days I think, “How nice that Craig’s German modeling career has taken off!” 😂

    We quickly learned that the #1 rule for houses in Munich is you MUST have your name on the doorbell. For four months, we’ve made do with a sticky-taped bit of paper. But as of today, we’re officially in brass!

    RT @Vel12171: My first talk as an Developer Advocate at @awscloud is about to start. I can’t wait to meet these future cloud engineers 🚀🚀🚀…

    @Vel12171 @awscloud Yay, you got a shirt! All official and everything! 🙂

    @breadcentric @094459 @the_snook Example: It’s mostly baked but just needs 8min to puff and get crispy. Sadly, our oven is manual with no fancy features.

    @hannahcancode Photos pls

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    @Ilaeria Doesn’t matter. It’s splitting hairs at that point. Your own individual tension would make much more of a difference. I’d go with whichever I grabbed first. 😂

    @The_Ausmerican I dunno; not having every single Aussie cab driver say, “Ha, Trump, amirite?” five seconds after I get into a taxi will be a welcome change.

    @thebeebs Writing my abstract about WAP sites and markup as we speak. (Bonus – it’s gonna bring lots of search engine traffic to your conference site.) 😂

    @jesslynnrose I’ve been obsessed with the Harry Potter Puzzles & Spells puzzle game. I don’t like supporting JKR anymore, but it’s a well done game and I get enough daily play/enjoyment out of it without giving it or her a cent. I’m in a team so it even feels vaguely social.

    @thebeebs Well, my other proposal was a L400 talk on using tables for layout, but I think that technically does still exist. The upside there is you’d get a lot of CSS geeks getting huffy and ranting about it – more free publicity! 😀

    @jesslynnrose My other thing is I’ve actually been streaming knitting on Twitch, and through that I’ve connected with a bunch of crafters around the world. The other day I watched a guy forging a set of armor. I’m enjoying that.

    @jesslynnrose It is, right up until a circular needle tip breaks off or your yarn falls apart or you realise you made a massive mistake, all of which have happened to me so far on stream. 😂

    @justasitsounds @thebeebs Naming your spacers “s.gif” because it saved so many characters… Good times.

    @nickyringland It looks soooooo good! 😍 🍑

    @randomknits NOICE!

    @msharp @thebeebs Honestly afraid to Google that. 😂

    I like my outfit for this Inauguration a hell of a lot more than the last one. 😻 @ Munich, Germany

    @bodil Just give us one day to not feel awful, please! There will be plenty of time to hopefully do the work that needs to be done. But right now, it just feels nice to exhale and not despair.

    RT @FarFarrAway: Oh my gosh. Officer Eugene Goodman, hero from the Capitol riots, is escorting Vice President Kamala Harris today. 😭

    Well, I’m watching and crying. I might as well have a beer.

    @jennapederson How great was Klobuchar! She sounded like she was choking up a little.

    Gaga’s got her own mic that matches her outfit! BOSS.

    RT @joshgondelman: Jennifer Lopez sing “I’m Real” and make Biden do the Ja Rule parts it’s what the nation needs.

    RT @mradamscott: IT’S OVER.

    RT @MkKueper: So schön. Endlich mal wieder Freude überall! Wenn wir schon so emotional sind, wie geht es erst den Amerikaner*innen? ❤️#inau…

    @094459 Ooh. I literally said to @the_snook today that I wouldn’t mind an oven with wifi, now that I’ve discovered bake at home German bread. I could put them in the oven at night and trigger before I get out of bed in the morning!

    RT @nocontextpawnee: Joe Biden is the first actor from Parks and Recreation to become the President of the United States.

    RT @razhael: The incoming Biden admin has hidden a message for IT folk in’s source code:

    Amanda Gorman is AMAZING, and I’m crying again.

    RT @LAPublicLibrary: How it started How it’s going

    @Slav636 @thebeebs No, I meant WAP.

    @Slav636 @thebeebs Obviously you need to attend my DefunctConf talk! 😂

    @Ilaeria I use Notability.

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    @FourRedShoes I’m loving these!

    RT @Ben_Shute: What do you know, Donald and I have the same schedule

    @MichelePlayfair @MoominOfficial I’m aware of it but haven’t gotten any yet! ❤️

    Hm. I don’t think I’ve relented on any of my Personal Knitting Bans, but do let me know if you spot me knitting shawls (whether of the speckled vomit “Find your fade” variety or not), twee cardigans, or “graffiti knitting” to stick on a tree. #bahhumbug 🧶

    @lizthegrey Yowza. We only lasted about 2 weeks in an AirBnb when we got to Germany before jumping at a rental with separate offices with DOORS. Four months… would’ve been very challenging for us! 😂

    My night to cook dinner: Maple-baked beans with smoked ham hock and bacon, served with dark bread and beer! 🍻 @ Munich, Germany

    “Shake me up, Judy!” We finished the 2005 BBC Bleak House. It was *nothing* like Bridgerton, so that recommendation was nonsense. And for the record, I’d have married Wedge Antilles in a heartbeat. ❤️

    RT @Amys_Kapers: Got a great speaker line-up organised for
    @gdcfpday next Saturday, and @meliss_houghton will be joining our panel on How…

    @jcnsingapore It was Buzzfeed. I’m sorry @sam_cleal – nothing about Bleak House was “saucy”! 😂

    @minxdragon I’ve always been a fan of daggy knitting! Would definitely knit one. 🙂

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    RT @AWS_DACH: Sei nächste Woche dabei beim re:Cap der AWS #reInvent 2020. Die Zusammenfassung für alle technisch versierten AWS User.

    @The_McJones I only ever played it in single player mode, but Stardew Valley has multiplayer, yeah? That could be chill and fun. (Unfortunately for me, the Snook is of the “use a spreadsheet to maximise farm output” mindset, which tells you why I haven’t tried multiplayer yet…)

    Several more motifs have been added to Orkney! 🧶

    RT @smdiehl: Let’s discuss the environmental cost of bitcoin. Because despite all the push for sustainable and green investment in the tech…

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    @tcn33 Not for knitting yarn. There are definitely tools for doing it with stranded cotton and tapestry wool, which are used for embroidery. It’s because those are standardised, but knitting yarn colours tend to change more frequently with fashion.

    @tcn33 It’s also difficult to eyeball knitting yarn on computer. Your best bet is to take a printed colour sample into a yarn store and manually look. You can also ask to go through any sample books, which often have little knitted swatches in them.

    Time for some glorious fairisle knitting!

    @randomknits JESUS. I just opened Tweetdeck and it looked like you’d been flayed.

    @tcn33 Well, even if they could, a given yarn range might have, what, 3-4 different reds (or blues or greens, etc) at most? Even with the embroidery threads, it’s never an *exact* match. Only way to get it exact is to dye it yourself. 🙂

    @tcn33 That would be an interesting service for some dyer to offer, actually…. Maybe you could commission one of them to do it?

    @tcn33 Now that you’ve got me curious… the most used wool on Ravelry is Cascade 2020, which comes in around 190 colours: That’s the biggest range I’ve seen, and certainly more than any Aussie producer.

    @tcn33 I can’t find anyone who’s mapped them to hex or Pantone colours though….

    There’s nothing like telling the livestream over and over for an hour to pay attention and check each row for errors (TDD!) only to discover that you got distracted and made an error on the previous row and have to spend 30 minutes tinking and reknitting. 😐

    RT @JANUSZCZAK: The first new blue pigment to be discovered for 200 years has finally gone on sale for artists. You’ll need to take out a b…

    @goldfishgeorge It’s very pretty though!!

    Watching Independence Day auf Deutsch, for the first time in forever, and just realised that one of the crashed alien spaceships lands right on Sydney’s Eastern suburbs. “And nothing of value was lost,” snarks the Snook. 😂

    I saw the 2005 BBC “Bleak House” adaptation on a list of “If you liked Bridgerton we recommend this…” but I’m halfway through and there’s been no nudity and no doing it. It’s just Wedge Antilles pining, Tywin Lannister being evil, and Johnny Vegas spontaneously combusting. 🤨

    @Baba_Lilith Well, I actually am enjoying it, but it really doesn’t have anything in common with Bridgerton other than being a period costume piece.

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    After all that endless 4ply in Lanatus, it’s nice to be back to DK for Orkney! ❤️

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    RT @LittlerLabel: anyone else spend December saying “I’m just tired, I just need a couple of weeks off then I’ll be fine” and then come bac…

    One of my favourite Aussie artists. I saw an exhibition of her work at the QAGOMA a few years back and ended up carrying a large print of “The Sock Knitter” home to Sydney on the airplane. ❤️

    TIL there is an album on @Spotify called “Now That’s What I Call Sea Shanties Vol. 1”. 😳⚓️🎵

    RT @johnallsopp: Get along to these and we’ve got CFPs open for 5 online conferences in 2021 and we can’t wait to hear from you!


    @bazscott I can’t decide if I’m proud that I knew immediately what you were talking about. 😂

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    @minxdragon @seriouseats Yep, just search that title on the seriouseats site!

    RT @abc_everyday: What the heck is a sea shanty and why are they going viral

    Me: “What’s that sound? Oh. Tiny balls of ice are falling from the sky.”
    Him: “It does not look pleasant out there.”
    Me: “It does not.” @ Munich, Germany

    @charis Yep, seen lots of finished “Tempestries” this year! Very cool. Nicely done, @susie_hailey! ❤️

    @darthted We haven’t finished it yet. There’s your review. 😂

    RT @adhorn: Great to see the work done by AWS for internet security using Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to prevent BGP hijackin…

    @hannahcancode Interesting Google search there, HANNAH. 😉

    @friendlyunit @MelissaKaulfuss I always found it weird that Aussies often give “average” a negative connotation. “How was it? Pretty average” = bad. But to my American ears, average is actually pretty good!

    @TheresaNeate I always, always recommend @LookaheadSearch for tech and tech leadership roles in Australia. They’re the best. ❤️

    Oh no. We visited it in May 2019 but didn’t climb. Very sad. 🙁

    I need this shirt, but with “Stricken” instead of “Häkeln”. 😉

    А ты говоришь по-русски? I’m looking for a Europe-based Russian-speaking Developer Advocate to join my team at @awscloud. If you love inspiring others to build in the Cloud, please get in touch! (DMs open.)

    @yaghmoer I don’t crochet.

    @CatSwetel Yep. And it also makes me feel just a little prouder to actually be a female tech leader and manager. I knew I was a unicorn, but didn’t realise so many of my peers had never had one.

    @jennapederson YES, death to Todo apps! Here’s a left-field one – I’d love to see a demo building the “Dress Me” app from Clueless. 😂👗 I saw a conf talk that @hannahcancode did that used it a few years back and thought it was GENIUS!

    Cool! I was hoping for some cables or textural interpretations rather than just pixel charts, but these are still pretty neat.

    Relatedly, I once knitted the Wow! Signal into a scarf. 📡👽🧣

    One 45 minutes to go! Now the real question is, can I drink wine, knit, and play #devopspartygames all at the same time? 🤔🍷🧶💻

    @mattstratton LET’S DO THIS. #devopspartygames

    @KaiPMDH How can I be living in Germany and not have any beer in the house? 😭

    @KaiPMDH I like it, but I’m not sophisticated about it. This lovely little drop cost me a whole €4. 😂

    @abertrotzdem IT’S GORGEOUS! 😍

    Honestly, the high point of #devopspartygames for me was when someone complimented my hand-drawn pretzel avatar. 🥨❤️ #tinyvictories

    I made a little video about corrugated ribbing, and various methods for knitting it! 🧶