Category: Twitter Post

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    @jonoabroad Was about to tweet the same thing. I mean, I know what they are, but why are they suddenly a Thing?

    @thebeebs @RachelAppel @jonoabroad Beardy guys in Aran sweaters singing shanties? Now you’ve got my attention. I thought Tiktok was just millennials doing Ratatouille duets. 😍

    3 years later, still pointing folks to @aurynn’s post on Contempt Culture. So many prominent folks in the industry fall back on tired trope of crapping on/joking about particular programming languages, and you just shouldn’t. It’s lazy and exclusionary.

    @venks79 Exactly. 💯

    Korean Spicy Marinated Pork With Chilies and Kimchi (Jaeyook Kimchi Bokum) from @seriouseats, made by me! 🐷🌶🍚

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    @mmastertheone Sweet! Thanks

    @charis AWS announced a new Location service last month at Reinvent. I haven’t gotten hands on with it yet, but may be worth a look as an alternative for your app:

    RT @mavi888uy: Do you want to do some hands on learning with AWS!
    Check this site with over 100 curated workshops and all of them organize…

    @charis @TimSeverien Cool! Good luck with it.

    @TotherAlistair Do Not Disturb doesn’t work? That’s at the top of the notifications tray in upper right…

    @mikeeedwards @TotherAlistair If you want to guarantee no disruptions, create another user account on the Mac that you only use for presenting, and don’t connect anything to it. I’ve done that in the past to make 100% sure. Also nice because you don’t have browser history, etc.

    EEP! Wardrobe decisions! (This is going to be fun.) 🤔

    @mattstratton Ha! That’s fine by me. 😅

    @Catharz @qkate You rang?? (Can’t see original tweet.) 😂

    @FuckboisOfLit Hey! I DMed ages ago. I run @RoaldDahlFans, and damn, would he be rich pickings for an episode. 😉

    RT @yow_conf: 📅 SAVE THE DATE! 📅

    YOW! Lambda Jam will return as an online 1-day 3-track (#Haskell, #Scala, #Elixir/ #Erlang) conference…

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    @randomknits @TulaPink Beautiful!

    Just realised I can finally add @DeirdreS to my “Aussie Tech Not-Men” list!

    RT @Vel12171: Join me at the @awspta meetup for a re:cap of some of the #reinvent announcements #reinvent2020. See below for all details. M…

    RT @FourRedShoes: Delighted to have been able to talk about historical corsets for this @SmithsonianMag article, along with the highly know…

    RT @alex_casalboni: 🇮🇹 🆕 🔈 Buon 2021! Il podcast in italiano di AWS è tornato con il 31esimo episodio: i 20 annunci più interessanti del re…

    RT @dtraub: 🎙Neuer Security-Tipp im AWS-Podcast:

    Heute spreche ich über AWS IAM und eine spezielle Policy, mit der man einem Benutzer oder…

    Him: The Polar Vortex collapsed.
    Me: What does that mean?
    Him: Means it’s cold af!
    😲❄️ #icantputmyarmsdown

    @darthted C, so it’s ~20F right now.

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    RT @AnisatAkinbani: Are you looking forward to becoming a tech conference speaker this year?

    Click the link below to sign up for the free…

    Time to wind some skeins!

    End result of all that unravelling, skeining, washing, drying, and winding… beautiful yarn cakes, ready to start a new project! 🧶

    @spidie Well, stubbornness and also being a tightarse. That wool was expensive, and I’m not gonna let it go to waste! 😂

    Blog post: The Snook Talks Coffee. It’s a very long interview (yes, really!) covering all the different ways he makes coffee, why he bought the machine he did, and how Munich coffee compares. ☕

    @Sebbenbear There are a few different companies that make them!

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    @BugHunterSam Sweet summer child. A Sydney Insta post triggered a global discussion about racism in the knitting community last year; Ravelry caused huge stir when they declared support for POTUS was equiv. to White supremacy and comments blocked, etc. Some knitters are very conservative. 🙁

    @LukeSleeman @BugHunterSam 15 years ago, The Knitters Guild of NSW was deliberately, stubbornly luddite. You wouldn’t believe the struggle to get them to send emails, accept online payments. Now it’s all different. But many in fiber arts want things to NEVER CHANGE, which def affects their politics.

    @mmastertheone How did they turn out? Thinking of baking today. I tend to like chewy cookies rather than shortbread types…

    RT @dtraub: Did you know that Amazon almost died in the early 2000s? How switching from proprietary Unix to Linux saved the company, and ev…

    RT @Mike_Shapes: @matthaig1 I’ve said it before. Conservative voices are being silenced.

    RT @ChloeCondon: There have been several moments in my time working as a woman in tech where a man has said 1 sentence he probably thought…

    7 years ago I knitted the body of Orkney, an allover fairisle cardigan. I realised when I got to the shoulders that it was way too small, so I shoved it in a bag and went into deep denial. This week it was finally time to deal with it… 🧶 (1/3)

    I started by frogging the whole thing, which gave me a massive allergy attack! Today (wearing a mask and with the Snook’s help) I wound all 12 colours into skeins and tied them securely. 🧶😷 (2/3)

    Then I gave them a bath in wool wash (to remove the dust and relax the kinks) and hung them to dry. Tomorrow I’ll re-wind into balls and start afresh! 🧶 (3/3)

    @ChloeCondon The taco story did crack me up tho 😂🌮🌮

    Watching a doc about the Mercury 7 astronauts to escape reality, and there’s John Glenn, a true hero and patriot 🧑🏻‍🚀🎉, and everything’s awesome, and then he’s addressing Congress in the Capitol and I have to remember about those terrorist insurrectionist assholes again. 🙁

    @shandogthecat @Pinboard @gilmae – See? Middle-aged women!

    This is amazing. ❤️🧵🪐

    @ElemSciTchr That’s wonderful! I sent it to my Mom @susiegii who runs a quilt shop back in Indiana. How awesome would it be to recreate it?!

    @martijnfrazer That is VERY cool! And if @the_snook and I are ever allowed to travel again in Europe, it’s definitely going to be on our list of places to visit. ❤️

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    RT @lucykbain: One of my goals for this year is to dive deeper into coaching others 🙂 I’m offering four women six free coaching sessions ea…

    RT @DeathStarPR: As Emperor Palpatine is falling down the reactor shaft, several high-profile members of his executive have resigned in pro…

    Already out of date – I’m picking up new work laptop today! Thinking of ways I could preserve the stickers on the old one. Maybe photograph and use as wallpaper on new one?

    RT @IanColdwater: maybe they should learn to code

    Here’s #lanatus in all its glory! ❤️❄️🧶 What a difference blocking makes. The design really pops now, and you can see how the changing needle size affects the shape at the bottom. Lovely design, @susancrawfordvintage! 👏

    @randomknits @gilmae I have also repeated that anecdote, so it’s possible we’re all three sharing it around in a circle. 😂

    @kouky @mattallen I read the book, wept and wept, and couldn’t bring myself to watch the movie. I decided in a similar scenario I’d take the mother’s route.

    Food for thought? French bean plants show signs of intent, say scientists – Crowley WAS RIGHT! 😈

    The last time I rode a bicycle in snow was on campus at Notre Dame 22 years ago! I forgot how scary/fun it is. 😂 @ Munich, Germany

    @codepo8 The biggest problem I have riding here is that I keep giving way to cars when they are waiting for me. I’ve been conditioned in Sydney to expect all drivers to be hostile and want to knock me off the road!

    @netpraxis Thank you!!

    @cczona Thank you! Fun to knit, too (despite the acres of plain stocking stitch…)

    @dunneteach Thanks Kerry!

    @metaskills Thanks! Didn’t quite make it to the finish line during Reinvent, but hey, there’s still some more sessions to come, so I’m calling it a victory anyway. 🙂

    @netpraxis @carlyfindlay Are you a knitter, Carly?? It’s a really fun pattern to make. (The plain part felt like it took foreeevvvver though.)

    @vertis Yeah, we’ve got one for the ex-Canva folks too… (If any alumni want access, just hit me up.)

    RT @mattstratton: Mark your calendars for next week’s #devopspartygames in a non-US time zone! Featuring @stormy_prime @srhtcn @LucyDavinha…

    @KaiPMDH @mattstratton @stormy_prime @srhtcn @LucyDavinhart @jessalyn @cobusbernard @pczarkowski @phrawzty Oh lord no. As I said to @phrawzty, “I’m a MANAGER these days! I’m just going to make stuff up!” And he was cool with that. So I will be spewing 100% nonsense and just having fun. 😝

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    @darkosubotica Does that mean you can come back to Germany now? 😂 (Also, booo to Tweetdeck for not recognising and offering to translate Croatian!)

    @darkosubotica Well it didn’t recognise Serbian either! I had to paste in Google Translate, who decided Croatian. 🤷‍♀️ And yay! Safe travels…

    It’s a parody account, but I still ❤️ this and I’m sad she’s stepping down.

    Feeling powerless about things I can’t control, so I blocked my #lanatus. At least this can be orderly and complete and good.

    RT @ProjectLincoln: RT if you think the Senate should #ExpelJoshHawley

    Hey, there’s an interview with me on @usesthis! I first got asked to do it *three* years ago, but I’m glad that I finally did it now, after our move to Germany. I talk about all the nerdy stuff I use for work and my hobbies… 🧶🧵💻

    RT @GabbyGiffords: As I sat waiting for information about @SenMarkKelly’s safety today, I couldn’t stop thinking about what you must have g…

    Sometimes baked goods count as self-care: a story in three parts. 🥨

    @ohhelloana We cheated! You can get frozen ones in the grocery store here. 😂

    @mmastertheone Sweet! Thank you!

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    Woke up to a winter wonderland! ❄️❤️ @ Theresienhöhe

    @boundvariable Rodd said, “I hope the Bogan doesn’t accidentally step in the rabbit trap!”

    The most beautiful phrase to hear on a wintry day: “I’m going to bake us a cake.” 😍

    @200ok “All your base” was pre-Youtube, wasn’t it? And all those stupid Slashdot Natalie Portman/hot grits “jokes”… (Don’t remember the gorilla though)

    RT @acnewsitics: When Republicans say “Election Fraud” they simple mean that too many Black People voted.

    TIL!! That’s very cool. 🇦🇺🇺🇸❤️

    Ein kleiner Schneemann. ☃️❄️❤️ @ Theresienhöhe

    Not every project is a winner. Join me tonight on Knitting with Kris as I frog, frog, frog a nearly finished Rowan Orkney. 😭🐸

    Homemade Hainanese chicken rice in the instant pot. 😍🍚

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    RT @taybenlor: 2020 was fucking awful for all of us, but tech workers did the best out of a shitty situation. We should be responsible for…

    TIL there is a Big Bogan statue! I’ll have to add that to my connection of Big Things when we’re back in Oz.

    Ooh, free and online and in my timezone?! 😍🧶

    It’s only fair since I griped about the new Google logos’ similarity that I point out that these two regularly mix me up. 😐 Ow, indeed.

    RT @mattstratton: Next week! #devopspartygames expands outside of US time zones! Featuring @stormy_prime @srhtcn @LucyDavinhart @web_goddes…

    It’s freezing cold with a 100% chance of snow, so we’re cuddled up with soup, pretzels, wine, and Jeopardy. ❤️❄️ @ Munich, Germany

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    @bron2042 I used it for a bit for learning some German last year! Still have the app on my phone.

    @bron2042 I found a couple downloadable decks with different vocab and questions, and it worked well. I just lacked the discipline to keep up with it every day. I also used it to help study for a work certification, and for that I created my own flash cards. (I passed!)

    RT @darkosubotica: David here wrote a few words on my reinvent talk about AWS systems manager 😍

    @_hhandoko It used to be a standalone app but they pivoted it to browser-based a few years back. I was skeptical but was eventually convinced to migrate and subscribe. They provide lots of budgeting and financial literacy training too via their newsletter and blog.

    Last night a made a video showing how I weave in ends to finish a piece of knitting. I hope it’s useful to you!

    @bodil Thank you for this thread! Rodd was thinking of watching it, but he will steer well clear.

    Good grief, Aziraphale and Crowley are on there twice! (And I confess I read a LOT of it.) 🙃

    @bodil I went looking for Finn/Poe a while back but couldn’t find anything I liked. Got any recs?

    @bodil Ahhh! We were literally saying last night that it’s time to finally watch Clone Wars/Rebels.

    @laimelde Wait. Are you saying there’s a difference between / & | ???

    @laimelde 😳 I can’t believe I’ve read an (embarrassingly large) number of fanfics without knowing that.

    This. I talked on a knitting livestream for *four hours* on Sunday chatting to people on Twitch and it was honestly the best I’ve felt in weeks. I miss people. I miss variety. I miss conversations. (And yes, I miss an audience too.)

    @yassmin_a Haven’t you seen the finale of Gossip Girl, where Chuck and Blair have to quickly get married so she won’t have to testify against him in his murder trial? They mean that. 😂

    @mattstratton Okay, but tell him he owes me one back! 😂

    @SaraJChipps WHAT. 😳

    @philnash @MitchPommers LOVE IT! 👏👏👏

    RT @Darren_Dutton: WOAH BLACK BETTY