Category: Twitter Post

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    @jasonandrade She lives in a relatively rural area so not a ton of options. Ended up working for a small local company that did web dev and IT for lots of small businesses. Did that until she retired, and now she owns a quilting shop (always her hobby).

    Knitting with Kris – today’s the day I finish Lanatus!

    It took FOUR HOURS of live streaming this morning, but #lanatus is finally off the needles! I just need to weave in some ends and give it a wash & block. ❤️🧶 @ Munich, Germany

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    @knitterjp @nabiac85 Shared it yesterday! Pretty cool.

    @robfindlay WordPress on Lightsail is pretty fast, but I haven’t tried it on a mobile. You do have to go into the browser-based terminal to retrieve the password… 🤔

    I don’t care how great your tech rant is; if one of your arguments relies on “the solution is so simple your mom could use it,” you’ve lost me. Come up with something better. My Mom was a sysadmin, and she’d think you were being sexist and patronising.

    @dshafik Exactly!!

    @DgtlNmd @dtraub Ha! It’s easy when you just focus on nouns and verbs and ignore all conjugations and declensions. 😜

    My colleague @dtraub has launched the first episode of our new German language AWS podcast! If you speak German (or are looking to learn), you should check it out. 🇩🇪❤️☁️

    Blog post: The Cost of Living. We’ve now got a few months of expense data so we can compare Australia vs Germany!

    RT @PavelASamsonov: @web_goddess @neil_killick My grandmother was programming mainframes before these hot take havers were ever born.

    @abertrotzdem I figured, but I haven’t really looked into it since we’ve just been working from home. Will keep in mind though!

    @charis The total is up to three now, but you were still the first!

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    RT @BirdlifeOz: The gentle beauty of a pair of Major Mitchell’s Cockatoos to welcome in 2021💗
    Also known as Pink Cockatoos, these cockatoo…

    @larsklint Amazing!!!

    The body of Lanatus is finished, and now I’m onto the sleeves!

    @charis You win the trophy, because you are the FIRST! And I love this. What a wonderful project. ❤️🧣🧶 Thank you for sharing!

    Beautiful knitted weather data visualisation. I love projects like this! Well done @porridgebrain – it’s gorgeous.

    Hoppin’ John, a New Year’s tradition! Black-eyed peas, rice, ham hock, back bacon, onions, celery, jalapeño… @ Theresienhöhe

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    @JulieKalitis It’s funny; I griped about it quite a bit while watching it, but now I’m in a FB discussion where people are crapping on it and suddenly I’m a defender. Not everything needs to be High Literature! Gahhhh. 😂

    Guess what? I’m finally at the waist ribbing for Lanatus! Join me as I cast off the body and begin the sleeves.

    @lemon_lime Did you know that the guy who plays Anthony, the oldest brother, is gay in real life? He plays a very convincing lusty hetero rake! That scene when he and Siena catch eyes across the boxing match… 😳 *fans self*

    Happy New Year, Aussie friends! Thinking of all of you… ❤️🎆

    @lemon_lime Well, and people of colour! I don’t think it has any pretense towards historical accuracy. It’s an alternate universe that’s much more inclusive, and if the price for that is period-inaccurate lack of bonnets, I will allow it. 😃

    @darthted I’d 100% call the cops on them. What assholes.

    @lemon_lime Lol. I recognised that the music wasn’t period, but I didn’t actually identify any songs until the rainy sexy times in the garden and I yelled out THAT’S TAYLOR SWIFT!!! 😂

    RT @EW: Author Julia Quinn talks to EW about witnessing her romance novels come to the screen in Shondaland and Netflix’s adaptation ‘Bridg…

    @polleyg Keen to read both, frankly! Hope neither is too much of a setback. 😂

    I can think of a LOT of things to say for the tech industry, but they all fall into the category of Career Limiting Moves so I won’t. 😂

    Homemade pan pizza from the Snook, specially made for NYE. ❤️🍕 @ Munich, Germany

    I took care of dessert. Apple and berry crisp with vanilla ice cream, served with a glass of bubbly. Happy NYE! 🥂 @ Munich, Germany

    @Vel12171 Still going! But none on this pizza. 😂

    The new @bootiemashup is always the highlight of New Year’s! (Whoever came up with “Bohemian WAPsody” deserves an award.) 😂

    RT @RespectfulMemes:

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    @Erdbeervogel I’ve just watched some YouTube videos. There’s definitely an art to it! Will need to practice some more.

    He’s always been cooler than me. 😂❤️ @ Munich, Germany

    @JulieKalitis Finally finished the show, and they reveal at the end of the first season!!

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    I’ve had one nightmare where I found myself in a very crowded place and was alarmed that no one was wearing masks. Definitely a change from the usual “you’re in school and you haven’t studied for the test!” anxiety dreams…

    RT @DanielCowper: With all the loneliness out there, I wanted to share a love story about two people I’ve never met. The story begins with…

    RT @rachel_handler: I dug deep to find the answer to the only question burning a hole in all of our minds since March: Where the fuck is al…

    Morning sun and snow in München. ☀️❄️ @ Theresienhöhe

    Not long after we moved to Germany, I started noticing people power-walking with ski poles in nearly every park. I looked on in envy. “I want sticks too!” Finally for Christmas, I got my very own sticks (aka trekking poles)! 😂

    RT @Calthalas: Let us remember Thomas Becket on his feast day at his best: smoking a cigarette and chatting with Elisabeth Taylor. https://…

    @FourRedShoes Lovely work!

    I’m sewing another blouse if you want to peek at me in the craft studio…

    Finished – another Ruffle Sleeve Top, this one in a pinky-red Liberty Tana Lawn! 😍 #peppermintrufflesleevetop #sewing 🧵🪡

    @FourRedShoes @Bowermanland Thank you. As the last tweet said, you won’t be able to unsee it now. It’s all over Bridgerton. 😂

    @Vel12171 Well, I’m also notoriously unstable (thanks to a badly sprained ankle in school) so anything that lessens my chances of tripping is a good thing! 😂

    @dtraub Ha! I had no idea. I won’t be stabbing any schnecken with mine. 😂

    Blog post! If you want to see all the work that went into the Snook’s bûche de Noël, there are lots of photos and recipe links here. (Thanks @BraveTart and @seriouseats for inspiring this Christmas masterpiece!)

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    @lemon_lime Somehow I forgot that forms existed.

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    @coder_bec Days!

    Time for some knitting!

    @aussielunix It is! Pistachio buttercream inside chocolate cake, with meringue mushrooms and ganache frosting. 😍

    @marksbirch I’m gonna be eating it for the next week. 😂

    @JulieKalitis Really? Damn. I’m about to start the last ep of season 1, and Eloise seems pretty sure it’s the dressmaker, but my money is on Penelope. I hope at least it’s more satisfying than the stupid Dan Humphrey reveal!

    RT @KathyReid: Oh no @Morriswool have a sale on. Goodbye, disposable income.

    Wow. So many different ways you could encode the vaccine binary into knitting! The QR code version would make a cool blanket as well. (What a souvenir of 2020!)

    @TathamOddie It’s linked in the first line of the blog post I retweeted. 😂

    Blog post: Streaming and Knitting (and Sewing) – In case you’re wondering why the heck I keep sharing links to my Twitch stream…

    Kaiserschmarrn attempt #2 -This version has a little more milk, and you whip the egg whites separately. Much fluffier! @ Munich, Germany

    The Snook and I only managed 59 between us, but in our defence: we’re old; we’ve eaten a lot of cake; a lot of our favourites have been deprecated (FRAMESETS FOR LYFE); and some of those new ones are bullshit. <ruby>? Please.

    @dunneteach @emd3737 IT LIGHTS UP 😂

    @codepo8 It was funny that Rodd’s list tended more towards the semantic tags, where mine were mostly about display. Ahhh, memories.

    Me: “I mock them mercilessly, but let’s be honest: the Jeopardy Clue Crew is my dream job.”

    The Snook: “Oh 100%!”

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    @minxdragon bûche de Noël! It’s a multi-day process. 😍

    @LukeSleeman @Ilaeria Looks like @randomknits has already sorted it out!

    First attempt at Kaiserschmarrn (Emperor’s shredded pancake). Tasty, but not fluffy enough. I think I need a better recipe… @ Munich, Germany

    I cannot get that Flash Gordon song out of my head, AND I keep mixing it up with Charlie Kelly’s magnum opus “The Nightman Cometh”. 😂

    RT @julipeno: Have worked in tech since 1995. Never ever have I seen the “high performer,” “creative genius,” “tech genius” reason used to…

    Plan for the day – knitting and Bridgerton! @ Theresienhöhe

    “This is Gossip Girl crossed with Pride & Prejudice!” says the Snook. Yup. And I am HERE FOR IT.

    I just turned to the Snook and said, “@FourRedShoes will not be pleased with all this Half-Up Hair.” Number one faux pas of Regency costuming!

    I am assured by the chef that sous vide is the Best Way to Temper Chocolate. 😍 @ Munich, Germany

    Size check. #lanatus is no longer a crop top! But I still want it a little longer… 🧶 @ Munich, Germany

    Me: “Who do you think Lady Whistledown is?”
    Rodd: “Could it be a Dan Humphrey situation? But he was *out* and wanted in…” 🤔
    Me: “I married the right person.” 😍

    When I requested a special Christmas cake, I never envisioned this. This… is amazing. The Snook is a wizard. I’m incredibly lucky. 🪵🍰🍄🐸

    @mlukanuski Pretty much!

    Good grief. How many times can one girl run into the garden unaccompanied and find herself in a compromising position?? 🙄

    @FourRedShoes @Bowermanland Damn it, Hilary. ALL I CAN SEE NOW IS PIPING.

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    @bec_h2o I’ll be back at it later today!

    RT @__steele: Trying my hand at Christmas clickbait:

    If you’re using AWS Lambda and you’re _not_ using function versions, you’re risking…

    Christmas brekky – bake at home Schoko-Brötchen! Not bad for refrigerated dough…

    Awwww! @cactusknitkelly sent us socks with Petey Cat’s face on them! ❤️😽🧦

    Back in the sewing room, and it’s time to attach the sleeves to the #peppermintrufflesleevetop! You can follow along on

    Current sewing status: sleeves are attached! After lunch, the last steps are sleeves ruffles and hem. #peppermintrufflesleevetop @ Munich, Germany

    Did you know they make giant cheese? We managed to find one at the supermarket! ❤️🧀 @ Munich, Germany

    @boundvariable Huh. I did not know that.

    @heinz_gies Turned out very well! He was worried he overcooked it a bit, but it was still fatty and delicious.

    @JplusCplusM @Babybel I believe so!

    Starting up again… final push to finish the #peppermintrufflesleevetop!

    Finished Peppermint Ruffle Sleeve Top! Thanks to all who kept me company on the live stream. That was a lot of fun! ❤️ #peppermintrufflesleevetop

    I’m not the only one that’s been busy making things on Christmas Day… 🍄

    We continue our exploration of the cinematic output of Queen. ⚡️ I’ve never seen this!

    Um. 1980’s Topol is HOT.

    I love everything about this, including Brian Blessed’s thighs and Timothy Dalton’s moustache.


    Lots of good beadwork in this costuming. I like it.

    Why does Flash’s casket… have a mirror on the INSIDE!?

    @dtraub 😂😂😂

    Topol looks amazing in this outfit.

    @FourRedShoes What?? Really?!

    @FourRedShoes I expected this to be bad, but it’s actually AMAZING.

    Honestly, did not expect to learn that Riff Raff dresses to the left. 😳

    Gordon’s alive?! (THIGHS)

    @phrawzty I’m honestly kind of obsessed.

    I’m honestly getting Thor: Ragnarok vibes from this. I wonder if it inspired @TaikaWaititi??

    “Do you promise not to blast her into space?” Should’ve had that in our wedding vows!

    THANKS FLASH. That was amazing.

    @darthted 100%

    @darthted The movie that introduced me to Brian Blessed’s thighs.