Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Ugg slippers way back in March. They’ve now seen me through both Aussie winter and now German winter. ❤️

    I’m sewing a shirt today. You can have a peek at my craft room if you like!

    @codepo8 Saving that one for my series sewing Star Trek cosplay.

    Here’s the link to that Full Bust Adjustment tutorial I used:

    Currently taking a break for lunch. Back soon to actually cut out the shirt!

    @bec_h2o You should!

    Back at it! Time to cut…

    Today I assembled the #peppermintrufflesleevetop pattern, did an FBA, cut out the pieces, joined the front and back, made matching continuous bias binding (rather than facing), and attached around the neckline. Tomorrow the sleeves! Check it out on

    RT @venikunche: Since I have the time today, it’s time for a story. I’ve never worked for Google. Yet, I have a story to share. 🤦🏾‍♀️ 

    A t…

    More useful German phrases… 😂

    Goose is happening!! @ Munich, Germany

    Gans brust, bratapfel, rotkohl, and knödel. Ein echtes deutsches Weihnachtsfest! ❤️🎄

    This tweet sent me down quite a rabbit hole. I definitely need to listen to more Toten Hosen!

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    First day of vacation, and I’m already bored. Let’s stream some knitting! Did I mention I’m knitting the Covid-19 genetic sequence into a scarf? 🧶🧣

    I stocked up big at the Korean supermarket yesterday! Bulgogi and mandu. ❤️🥟🍚 @ Munich, Germany

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    @jcnsingapore For now, I’m finding the subtitles helpful to make sure I’ve understood correctly. (I’m also a visual learner so I think it sticks more for me that way.) I’ll try it without eventually!

    RT @mikeev: My grandmother this morning, telling me about WW2:

    “We had to ration gas. We had to grow our own vegetables and raise our own…

    @benbritten @parisba I’m offended. I mean, as a knitter. Machine-knit fairisle?! They haven’t even centered the motifs! And what’s with those non-symmetric peeries in the middle. Ugh. 😜

    The team Pizza and Cocktail competition is kicking off! 🍕🍍🥃

    In the oven! 🍕🍍

    @Paul_Bone Selfies and food is my personal brand. 😂

    @mage0r @Paul_Bone I would 100% subscribe to Code & Croissants. 😍

    @aaronwalker Because I like it, and I also enjoy watching traditionalists’ heads explode. 😂

    @Paul_Bone @mage0r @diz_beth Followed!

    Happy to report that my “Chestnuts Roast on an Open Fire” cocktail won today’s team competition! I’ve just blogged the recipe and process, which included making my own chestnut syrup and eggnog. 😂🌰🔥🏆

    Sadly, no love for my German “pineapple and salami pretzel” pizza though. I am a tortured and misunderstood genius. 🍍🥨🍕

    RT @GunnarGrosch: I hope the world is ready for the Julbord Pizza! Reindeer sausage, cured salmon, meatballs, Christmas ham, prince sausage…

    @GunnarGrosch Insist on the highest smorgasbord standards. 😍

    @evanderkoogh Holy crap, congrats! That’s really awesome.

    @thebeebs @ziniman @soganmageshwar @mavi888uy @eduvos @IliyanaFox @GunnarGrosch @Vel12171 😬👋

    RT @ziniman: Team’s end of year #pizza & #cocktails party 🎉. Happy new year all! See you (in person!!!) in 2021. @soganmageshwar @web_godd…

    It’ll be our first time having GOOSE for Christmas! @ Munich, Germany

    @rabbit1080 No idea! We’ll find out in a few days. 😃

    @heinz_gies Any suggestions? We are roasting with apples and having with rotkohl and Knödel – sound right?

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    It’s the 21st of December… Gravy Day! Time for the best Aussie Christmas song.

    I set up extensive Twitter mute lists and managed to remain unspoiled for the Mandalorian finale (to watch over the holidays). Then, of course, someone in the @binge_mode FB group had to post a screenshot of a tweet. 🤬 #ffs #2020

    Can’t wait until I can attend some of the Swiss events in person! In the meantime… AWS Zürich will hold their re:Invent 2020 re:Cap on Jan 28 #reinvent @BeleguRinon

    RT @GeorgeMonbiot: Sometimes, when you drop a glass on the floor, it doesn’t shatter on first impact, but on the second or third bounce, as…

    RT @fayecloudguru: The new #AWS CloudShell is really cool! Immediate CLI access to your AWS environment without configuring the the CLI on…

    RT @Sotherans: did our bookshop just get delivered a cease and desist from aziraphale 😂

    @neilhimself and @terryandrob the fandom is out of…

    @Reidyd Nope, sorry, I closed the window as soon as it loaded. I cannot with Minchin. I think I’m allergic to him.

    FACE POTATOES? Oh man, the folks at @LookaheadSearch are going to be allllllll over this. 😃🥔 (@mobywhale! @hannahyanfield!)

    RT @jeffbarr: The #AWS Well-Architected Tool now offers APIs for customers and partners so that you can integrate WA Tool into external das…

    “How long before we can start eating the Hexenhaus?” “I reckon 24 hours is sufficient.”

    In related news, my heart is racing. 😂🍬🍭🎄

    @raupach Hahaha, are they not meant to be eaten?! I assumed they were, but maybe no German ever actually eats the supermarket Hexenhaus kit. 😂 (@codepo8??)

    RT @OscarTheGrouch: This holiday, I’m gonna stay home in my trash can and avoid people.

    I will pre-order the two pack with wings as soon as I can find someone willing to deliver to Germany! ❤️👼

    My entry in tomorrow’s cocktail contest – “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire.” (Yes, there will be actual fire.) 😉🔥

    @andre_verheij I’m choosing German language and German subtitles on German Prime Video. 🙂

    @Opheli8 Cute! And appropriate.

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    RT @ThePracticalDev: In this post I’ll show you how to design four different example apps – a SimpleNote clone, a Twitter clone, a Slack cl…

    Knitting with Kris will be live on Twitch in about half an hour, once I finish eating a bunch of sausages and pretzels for breakfast. 😍🥨🧶

    Okay, let’s do this! Knitting with Kris is live NOW.

    RT @FloorDrees: What’s a good software for making knitting patterns? Stichmastery kills my PC, Excel … isn’t great.

    Bonus: some first at…

    I’m a grown-ass adult. I can put together a Hexenhaus, right? (Hansel and Gretel look pretty happy about visiting their friend the Witch here…)

    Everyone knows all candy-based cottages have toothpick flying buttresses for support.

    @codepo8 Your pretzels are brown! Mine are just white.

    @codepo8 DOH. Eventually discovered you get both white AND brown pretzels. 😂

    Finished! This is definitely the best gingerbread house I’ve ever made. ❤️🎄🍬🍭

    Front and back detail.

    Also, I am COVERED in royal icing.

    Raspberry ricotta pastries, courtesy of the Snook. (Folks, given the holidays and lockdown, food is all we’ve got to amuse ourselves. Expect to see a lot more photos in the next fortnight!)

    @tsalazargr 😂💯

    Today’s German lesson: Wanna see a magic trick? ✏️

    Warum denn so ernst? 🤡

    @carbolicious German gingerbread is different than what I’m used to. It’s thicker and softer, more cakey.

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    @simonwaight @FloorDrees Hmmm. I haven’t used anything great TBH. If you Google for “knitters graph paper” you can download paper set to specific gauges so at least you know accurately what it will look like. I use image editor to layer my source image and then manually colour in the relevant boxes.

    @simonwaight @FloorDrees It’s a good question though. I’ll make a note to talk about it on my knitting Twitch stream tomorrow!

    @TheWonkaTonka You should give it a go if it’s on your Netflix. I loved it (even though due to the accents I missed 15% of the dialogue). 😂

    Fit check! Good grief, still knitting. Didn’t hit my goal of finishing during #reinvent, but hey, there are more sessions in January. 😜🧶

    So they talk about Fledermaüse constantly, but he still goes by Batman. 🦇

    RT @FunkoPOPsNews: First peek at the awesome new Good Omens Funko POPs! With Crowley and Aziraphale ~ Available at the links below .. sooon…

    Merry Christmas to me!

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    @BrainwaveFactor We were having dinner with someone from Perth who brought his wine store over from Australia to Germany with him!

    RT @adhorn: And just like that – Amazon SQS FIFO queues let you process up to 3000 messages per second per API action 😲
    This is a 10x incr…

    RT @clairewillett: This is amazing and I learned so much??

    Come join me, @dtraub, and @darkosubotica as we say Auf Wiedersehen to #reInvent 2020! 🇩🇪❤️👋

    @classicwebdog @jennapederson #treatyoself, I say.

    @classicwebdog @jennapederson Now I’m in the mood for chicky-chicky-parm-parm for dinner!

    I binged “Derry Girls” over the week. It’s so good! Why didn’t you all tell me it was so good!?

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    @katgallow Rodd had mentioned this to me many times but I’d never seen it! He is particularly fond of Ye Olde Pissweak World 😂

    @hannahyanfield @darthted DROOOOOOL

    Honestly, giving a 10min presentation makes me feel more alive and engaged and focused these days than three coffees and a shot of adrenaline to the heart.

    RT @adhorn: AWS re:Invent 2020 digest — Part 2 – Curated list of my favorite AWS updates from re:Invent 2020 #reInvent #reInvent2020 #AWS…

    Not everything is awful. ❤️

    @200ok I’ve got the RED one too. Love it. You’ll get used to it. Portrait mode is my new favourite thing. 🙂

    RT @TheShovel: Typical. Melbourne develops a boutique new wave of covid then four months later the exact same thing pops up in Sydney #COVI…

    @Mandy_Kerr This is super relevant to my interests, and really well done!! ❤️ (Well, in Chome anyway. In Firefox the top bit of the letters is cut off. 🤔)

    @Mandy_Kerr Still super cute!

    Discussing the finer points of wine, and why the one that costs 12x as much doesn’t necessarily taste 12x as good. 🍷 @ Munich, Germany

    Scott samples the salami-kabel-trommel. Verdict: “It’s fine. It’s salami.” 😂 @ Theresienhöhe

    Overheard: “… and that was the night I passed out in the graveyard!”

    Every time one of the Snook’s uni buddies visits, the stories come out.

    “…And that was the night you lost the power of speech! And you were hitting on that girl, and we had to translate on your behalf!”

    “… And that was one of those nights when I cried. Inconsolably.”

    I’ll leave it up to you to guess who each story applies to.

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    @liza_moss Nah, this regulation is decades old and appears to be based on an old West German tax on cards. 🤷‍♀️

    @boundvariable That was Rodd’s guess – some sort of complicated LSD delivery system on faux cards. 😂

    @supercoco9 😂

    @kevdesign Well, the cookies are Dutch, but the chocolate bar is Deutsch. 😂 Germans call it Spekulatius; my understanding is the Dutch call it Speculaas. Right? And the rest of the label is all in German…

    Sweet! Keen to watch this one. 🙂

    Ooh, @mavi888uy has just inspired me to migrate a script I’m running locally on my laptop to a proper serverless app with SAM! Seems like every #reinvent session I watch, my project list gets longer and longer… 😂

    All I want for Christmas is for @Google to let me forward them stupid requests from content marketers to update decade-old blog posts to link to their crappy articles, and have Google punish them by tanking their search engine rankings. Bah, humbug. 🎅

    Awww. Just watching a “year in review” video from the @awscloud team in Australia and caught a flash of me and @minxdragon taking a selfie at #communityday. ❤️🇦🇺

    RT @NaveenS16: Beautifully laid outpost by @adhorn on Chaos Engineering — Part 1: The art of breaking things purposefully…

    @DemsAbroad @drhrcarlin @votefromabroad Ahhh, good to know! I hadn’t realised I was lucky enough to be in a shipping area. Sorry to others for getting their hopes up…

    @ASpittel Weaving. Like, on a proper loom.

    LOVE IT @nathangloverAUS! But you lose points for not having video of a fluffy cat being fed. Where is floof?? 😺

    @nathangloverAUS Hahahahaha, nice! We left our floofy boy back in Australia, but I get regular videos and photos of him. ❤️

    @stockholmux You will be pleased to know I submitted a new phone tool icon today for “white backdrop.” I’ll let you know if it gets approved. 🙂

    RT @jennapederson: Oh this looks pretty cool! MAPS! 🗺

    @stockholmux …and it just got rejected. 🙁 2020, I tell ya.

    Chicken Chorizo Tray Bske. Yum! @ Munich, Germany

    @GunnarGrosch @nathangloverAUS The answer to all those questions is just “Australia, mate.”

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    RT @Tolouisehansen: I am an Australian. The Australian Government should do more for climate change. Retweet if you agree. Let’s let the wo…

    Only 15 minutes until Game Day kicks off! Be sure to register ASAP at #reInvent, get some snacks and something to drink, and read through our pro tips… (And if you want to watch, just tune in to !)

    RT @unicorn_rentals: Final Unicorn Polo League #AWSGameday at #reInvent2020 is underway. Teams are reviewing instructions now and devising…

    Thanks @DemsAbroad for my sweet new shirt. Thanks @votefromabroad for helping me exercise my Constitutional rights every election. Thanks Electoral College for doing your job, as well as all the hardworking election officials. ❤️🇺🇸

    RT @tofieldya: If your a new dev being gaslit by these dinosaur thought leaders remember this:

    The junior level requirements when they got…

    @DuchessFounder Yeah, none of that when I started out. Even “DHTML” was fancy. Ooh, onmouseover! 😂

    RT @isahuerga: You can still join us and play this AWS GameDay! Login at

    Mittagessen. 😋 @ Munich, Germany

    @fink_jess It is indeed! 😂

    Quite a lot of jockeying for position as we come into the home stretch at the #reinvent #gameday! One of the closest competitions we’ve seen this year… @unicorn_rentals @jarrodspiga 🦄

    RT @apaipi: Get my book about retrospectives antipatterns, or other new books about agile development, really cheap now. I am sure you have…

    RT @adhorn: Few minutes until @Werner keynote at #reinvent (8:00AM PST) where he will be going to shares his insights on building truly res…

    Weird. My Mom is sending us some gifts from the US and took a photo of the restrictions on shipping to Germany. Individual playing cards… are forbidden? 😳 Why in the world would that be?!

    @GunnarGrosch @Werner Hoping to get in a few more rows on my jumper, of course!

    @darkosubotica @Werner Looks like a nice bottle you got there!

    Great tour of Amsterdam, courtesy of @Werner. Incidentally, I’m going to be appearing on the AWS Netherlands user group @awsugnl after the keynote! You can join us at:

    “When it comes to women’s health, progress has been very slow.” YES. Glad to see this important topic getting featured! #reinvent @AvaWomen

    RT @marknca: “If you’re as old as me, you also prefer using the terminal and a collection of not so great scripts”, @werner


    @jennapederson The one thing I don’t get – and isn’t in their FAQs – is why it’s a separate hardware device, when I have to imagine a lot of the target audience are already wearing smart watches and trackers… 🤔

    @BezPublic Wow! Good find. 🙂

    RT @BezPublic: @web_goddess It’s allegedly an artifact of an old West German playing card tax that hasn’t existed since ~1980, preserved by…

    RT @Stuart_A_Scott: NEW #reInvent announcement by @Werner – AWS Fault Injection Simulator, coming in 2021 – Chaos Engineering!

    We are LIVE with @awsugnl at! One of these kids is not like the other… because I have a beer, silly. 🍺😂

    “I’m feeling such great energy from all this AWS stuff… like, what CAN’T be done?!” Lots of excitement from David at @awsugnl! #reinvent ❤️

    Let’s be honest – this is exactly the type of thing I moved to Germany for. ❤️🍫🤩

    @DeirdreS Congrats to you and your team!!

    RT @jennapederson: I’ll be talking with @kb_chirps and @karypis about the Amazon Neptune ML #reInvent launch at 2:30pm PST/4:30pm CST today…

    @dtraub Shhhh. I’m convinced it’s running on a forgotten computer beneath someone’s desk, and if you remind them, they’ll take it away!

    RT @darkosubotica: Hey is that AWS CloudShell or are you just happy to see me? 😍

    RT @samnewman: Any Aussies should feel very happy to share this quote from me:

    “Eddie McGuire is a giant dick. Go Swannies”. – Sam Newman…

    @drhrcarlin @DemsAbroad @votefromabroad One of the email newsletters had a link to the merchandise store. (I bought the shirt!) They had a free different things – stickers, pins, bags, etc.