Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @hannahcancode Do you go for the organic, free range boys?

    RT @isahuerga: The #AWSGameDay – Unicorn Polo League starts tomorrow at 9:00 AM GMT. Test your skills, team up and experiment with new serv…

    @evanderkoogh Not just you.

    RT @thegeorg:

    @lynnlangit Your locknote is up against Werner’s re:Invent keynote?? 😭 SCHEDULING FAIL. Why is everything in the world happening tomorrow??

    The Sun is actually out (!!) so I headed to Westpark for a quick ride. Surprised to see that the lake froze and hasn’t quite completely thawed yet! @ Westpark München – Seebühne

    RT @jeffbarr: Learn & have fun: The Final Polo League #AWSGameDay sponsored by @NewRelic at #reinvent2020 will stream live on Twitch, 12/15…

    RT @dynamodb: Jump-starting your serverless development environment:

    Apparently There is No Good Photo of the “Melbourne Spider” – I know, right?! 😂🕷️

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: The new drama “When Roald Met Beatrix” purports to be based on a true story, yet I can find no mention of this supposed…

    RT @Brocklesnitch: What’s the secret behind NSW’s Covid Contact Tracing? Find out by watching this sketch i wrote with @ninaoyama for the @…

    RT @AmazonChique: Dolly Parton is smarter than Elon Musk.

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    @andre_verheij @petehanssens @simonwaight @ziniman I got it working last night deploying straight to s3. Now I just need to migrate all my content and see how long the full crawl takes.

    Knitting with Kris, kicking off in just about 10 minutes!

    @bazscott Yep. We’re in Bavaria, which is one of the worst areas. You’re essentially not supposed to go out except for shopping, doctor, and exercise.

    @bazscott We’ve been good so far. App isn’t showing any contacts for me in the past fortnight. (It went as high as 9 – all low risk – when we went to the Alps a month ago.)

    @bazscott It’s very well done; uses the Apple and Google native contact tracing.

    It’s Sunday night, and I’m streaming again…

    I got my first random Twitch commenters tonight. One was a spammer who I blocked, and the other (“b0rkimadog”) dropped a weird meme but then hung around and asked questions and seemed legitimately interested in knitting. That was delightful! Thanks b0rkimadog!

    @mattallen @tractorventures Amazing, congrats!!

    @thomasin__ And it goes back literally thousands of years! They’ve found socks that ancient Egyptians wore, and it looks like something you would make now. 🙂

    It’s also worth noting that I had a blowout with an interchangeable needle – lost stitches off both ends – and managed to recover all of them. 😅 (This is why you muggles shouldn’t knit and drink beer and stream at the same time. I’m a professional.)

    @minxdragon Huh. I didn’t know this! I’ve used it in the past, mainly because I couldn’t think of any other way of saying “not cis men”. But I really like your alternatives, and I will make sure to use them going forward. ❤️


    @ziniman @petehanssens @simonwaight My initial crawl has been running for 8 hours now. 😳

    @ziniman I’m running on our home server, which is pretty underpowered. Let’s discuss tomorrow!

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    @vertis Pretty sure it was @craigles75 where I first learned of the concept. Had to have been a Melbourne hipster… 😂

    Unboxing the salami-kabel-trommel (aka 3.5m SPOOL OF SALAMI). It’s everything we dreamed it would be. 😍

    @petehanssens @simonwaight I’m actually experimenting with converting mine to static this weekend… but mine’s been going since 2000. 😳

    RT @codepo8: Never forget

    @caskings Sadly I don’t think they ship to Oz. 🙁

    RT @AmeliaRoseWrite: If he wins any more states he’s gonna start raking in the 1UPs

    @petehanssens @simonwaight I’m looking at WPStatic at the moment. My colleague @ziniman got it running on his…

    Size check. Only about halfway through the torso section. 😭 #endlessstockinette #why #lanatus

    I’ll be helping out with the Twitch stream for this on Tuesday. Great opportunity to get hands-on with AWS services and have fun with new friends! 🦄

    “Hey Dr. Jones! Keine Zeit für Liebe.” 😂 Classic.

    RT @Chasten: The author could’ve used fewer words to just say “ya know in my day we didn’t have to respect women.”

    RT @emd3737: That Dr. Biden article is trash and @WSJ is trash for publishing it.
    Dr. Dunne

    RT @hacks4pancakes: Yea, if you’re ever feeling imposter syndrome or being self-effacing in your resume, remember that some dude with only…

    @Vel12171 HA! Not in Munich. ❄️

    @TheRealBnut 100%. Unfortunately with lockdown my opportunities to talk with German people are limited to the supermarket. Watching movies I know well definitely helps, and I can try to anticipate the translations. “Wir nannten den Hund Indiana!” 😂

    @TheRealBnut It works better in theory than practice. Sadly, not much call for “Yippee-kai-yay Schweinbacke!” in normal life. 😂

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    It’s here. 😳 Such a deceptively small package for 3.5m / 11.5’ of salami! Unboxing to follow… @wurstbaron_official @ Munich, Germany

    @alex_casalboni The next question, of course, is whether I can get 3.5m of salami on one pizza. 🤔

    Blog post! In which I try to sew the Snook a BEARD MASK, and end up cursing his weird (but lovable) face several times. 😷

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    Applies to those looking for success with startups too, frankly!

    Does the FTC suit mean I won’t get aggressively retargeted ads all over Insta and FB? Because I’m all for that. I clicked on one single yarn shop post and now I see them so frequently I’ve sworn off EVER shopping there.

    @stowball @mobywhale @SydCSS @Gemma_Stiles Sounds like you’re covered, but for future reference, it’s morning in Germany and I’m always up for helping @mobywhale! 😉

    WHOA. This year @Blackboard’s traffic spiked to 50x their usual level due to Covid. Sometimes a black swan event looks like a DDoS! You can’t always predict an event, but you can still be prepared… #reinvent 🦢

    This is fascinating. The start of the Australian school year was @Blackboard’s first sign something remarkable was happening. Traffic shot up 10x. Brian and Gavin walking us through the war story through lens of AWS Well-Architected Framework. #reinvent

    First time this #reinvent I’ve literally gasped at a slide reveal. WHOA. That’s what 50x load looks like. Sounds like the @Blackboard ops team were working around the clock to make sure schools could teach. 😳

    @Blackboard They ran out of IP addresses! 😱 Thankfully they were able to add a new CIDR block to their VPC and avoid having to tear everything down… #reinvent

    @msharp @stowball @mobywhale @SydCSS @Gemma_Stiles It’s quite likely I would have presented my talk in German. See what you missed out on? 😂 (Make me proud, @stowball!)

    The work the @Blackboard team did to evolve their architecture early allowed them to scale up to handle 90x their usual traffic in October. NINETY TIMES. (You really should register for #reInvent if you haven’t already and watch this session on-demand!)

    Translation: I’m going to be a special guest on @dtraub’s daily #reInvent recap auf Deutsch in 90 minutes! ❤️🇩🇪 Please join us.

    RT @dtraub: Und wir sind live!

    @jeffblankenburg @OriginalFunko I’ve only got Peggy Olson, but I love her.

    RT @dtraub: Und hier nochmal der Link zum Unicorn Polo League Game Day nächsten Dienstag:

    RT @dtraub: Die heutige Zusammenfassung der re:Invent-Announcements ist im Kasten. Vielen Dank für’s Zuschauen!

    Einen Mitschnitt der heut…

    RT @ziniman: We are live!

    RT @soganmageshwar: I’m streaming ‘The Emerging Tech Show’ at 5pm CET | 9.30pm IST today and I’ll be talking about Autonomous Vehicles. Hop…

    @Gaohmee Congrats!!! 🎉

    RT @marksbirch: Looking forward to the Peter DeSantis Infrastructure keynote, but first a music opener with White Buffalo.

    Truly amazing m…

    Anybody else knitting through #reInvent other than me and @jennapederson? 🧶😊

    @liedra Lanatus by Susan Crawford

    @liedra I’m working on it live on Twitch each Sunday morning at 10am CET if you want to join in sometime! 🙂

    RT @deniseyu21: how I coach my friends to negotiate vs how I negotiate for myself

    @jeffblankenburg GENIUS.

    RT @WomenSciAUST: 👏🏽👏🏼🤩 #brilliant #womeninSTEMM

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    @jcnsingapore Thanks for the tip! Followed. 😀

    RT @julsimon: We open sourced the bias computation part of Amazon #SageMaker Clarify. Let’s do a quick demo! #AWS #…

    RT @ARD_BaB: “Es tut mir wirklich von Herzen leid, aber…” – Bundeskanzlerin Merkel mit einem emotionalen Corona-Appell im #Bundestag. #Ge…

    I really enjoyed @benjamin_l_s’s session on the Serverless LAMP stack. As he points out, 80% of the web still runs on PHP. Custom runtimes mean you can run serverless PHP functions and never have to worry about scaling Apache. 😃 #reInvent

    I like that tech conferences now include sessions with cloud architecture diagrams and demos about talking to spacecraft. SPACECRAFT. Really feels like you’re living in the future! 🚀📡🛰️ #reinvent @Yudhajeet1

    The Snook went for a walk. “Bavariapark giving off a very Dark is Rising vibe today. Snow, crows, the stag statue. Luckily I didn’t come out and find the house replaced by Wayland Smith’s forge.” ❄️🦌

    Some really helpful SQS to Lambda best practices from @justinpirtle, particularly around setting visibility and function timeout, and handling errors within batches of messages. #reinvent

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    RT @darkosubotica: Hey hey people!

    Today I have the honor to join @mavi888uy and @danilop live on stream! So much looking forward to this…

    @The_McJones My Dad put in his own instant hot water heater a few years back. I thought about that whenever I had to pay an electrician to come out in Australia just to install a new ceiling light.

    RT @emd3737: Great new paper highlighting bias in publishing in @ASMicrobiology journals. An overwhelming majority of editors, reviewers, a…

    RT @sheetaverma: Tell me you work in tech without telling me you work in tech.

    @mark_sabbatical My friend Jack Daniels is also in quarantine. He shared a photo of some card stacking contest thing the other day and I spotted your name in the entries. 🙂

    RT @vinn_ayy: The Galactic Federation interviews Earth for membership

    RT @dtraub: Join the German AWS Community with @hoegertn, @Osterjour, and @andreas_ruetten again, for a re:Cap, right after @Werner’s re:In…

    @Mandy_Kerr Whaaaat. That’s awesome! Congrats!

    In case you’re wondering, people continue to discover and share this ridiculous salami tweet.

    In related news, I ordered one today. FULL REVIEW TO COME…

    RT @lynnlangit: and BOOM… announced -> AWS SageMaker Clarify
    understanding model bias
    #machineLearning @awscloud

    RT @dtraub: Tune in for the German language re:Cap of today’s AI/ML re:Invent keynote with AWS Solutions Architect and ML expert @JohLanger…

    RT @OzKitsch: Howzat! The Dennis Lillee pinball machine, c.1980
    H/t @FlemishDog

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    50 Moments That Shaped Chicago – These are all great choices, but I was hoping for The Bozo Show to be in there! 🤡

    This is Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset in a nutshell. Only doing things you’re naturally good at means you develop a fear of failure and miss out on so many opportunities.

    @LiviuC_PhD @NASA I’m sorry to hear about your grandpa Liviu. That’s an amazing tribute! ❤️🚀

    @lady_nerd “Kris, you ate 36,732 mini-pretzels during the last four months of 2020!” 😳

    RT @RhysC: Great to see two fantastic communities coming together!

    This is the American timezone GameDay! Europe will follow on the 15th. I got to see an internal preview and it’s a really fun activity. If you want to get some hands-on AWS experience, you should sign up.

    @steven_bryen @marcduiker Ha. We are. I actually own some “malwear” from @GLITCHAUS.

    @JessicaCGlenn Chromecast and real hair dryers rather than those underpowered, have-to-push-a-button garbage dryers.

    @LyleLowery @abertrotzdem @Sughammer I can see a couple Ravelry posts from years ago of people looking for it, but doesn’t seem like anyone had any luck.

    RT @yow_conf: #YOW20 starts today!

    So before the action begins, we’d like to take a moment thank all our partners. 2020 has been a challe…

    RT @AWSCloudANZ: Hello Australia! A second #AWS Region is coming to Melbourne! Read the details in @jeffbarr’s blog. #AWSLaunches https://t…

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    It’s Sunday morning in Germany, so join me in an hour for some live knitting on Twitch!

    RT @AleLautarescu: 🎄🎄Not academia related but I’m way too hyped about this sustainable Xmas gem🎄🎄

    London Christmas Tree Rental lets you RE…

    Knitting with Kris live stream is just about to start!

    @randomknits Did you see mine when we were packing up? It affected my mental state A LOT.

    @mattallen This has been on my career plan for a while now. Planning to do the GAICD when I eventually go back to Oz, so it’s a bit early for me yet. (I believe @allPowerde is interested and available now though!)

    Favourite part of this morning’s Knitting with Kris stream: @randomknits yelling “Spit! Spit!” in her house while watching. 😂

    Great 🧵 and initiative from @mattallen. I should also mention – not only is there a big demand for people from tech backgrounds to become board directors/advisors, there’s even more so for WOMEN. So tech ladies – time to step up and literally claim a seat at the (board) table!

    RT @mattallen: I’d love for anyone who identifies as a woman, has been in a technical role and aspires to join a board in a leadership role…

    @mattallen Just shared it myself with that angle. It’s something @SwitchSharonOn and I had many conversations about a few years back. I’ve also had the topic on the @SydTechLeaders Trello for a long time if you’d like to talk about it there in 2021!

    @neil_killick @randomknits That would be a very good title for a cross stitch stream, but not so much for knitting. 😂

    @neil_killick @randomknits There are, but I’m assuming you meant “Kris-stitch” as a pun, and it’s not really a pun in the knitting world.

    RT @GuardianAus: Roald Dahl’s family apologises for his antisemitism

    RT @MoominOfficial: Ahem, Finnish if we may… 😊

    “Why I am cooking so good!?” The Snook spent his Sunday making me homemade spaghetti bolognese and a tarte tatin. 😍 #booyakasha

    @bodil It’s Benedetta’s Ragu from Salt Fat Acid Heat. He’s made it several times and really rates it!

    @bodil Quite possibly not, but it scratched the same itch! (Did I tell you we have a very special reservation in Modena in April, and if we can’t go, I will cry?!)

    @bodil 😍💥

    @bodil Don’t be jealous yet. It remains to be seen whether they’ll actually be open…

    I was going to stream knitting again tonight, but then I had a lot of spaghetti and tarte tartin and red wine and now I’m not. 😴

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    @apaipi Oh no! But yay!

    Logically I know it’s true, but it still blows my mind that Jack Skellington is singing this song.

    It’s Christmas time! (We have to make our own fun.) 🎄🎵🎶 #arduino #boneym

    Kartoffelsuppe mit Dampfnudeln – Homemade potato soup with steamed dumplings! 😍 I haven’t yet figured out hope to get my dampfnudeln crispy on the bottom…

    @jonoabroad The best!

    @dtraub Even for savoury ones?

    @dtraub Well, I cheated and bought the ready made ones…