Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    ‘I’ve tried to raise my daughter with feminist values but I’m struggling with her clothes. What do I say?’ // Damn. While I love the advice, it comes with a massive side of bleak despair. This is why I’d struggle as a parent.

    @mavi888uy Absolutely. I have six nieces and nephews and plan on being the best Aunt as they hit their difficult years. The best I can do is be a safe person to talk to!

    @kenjilopezalt Know anyone at a big tech company? 😃 We relocated recently and my husband offered them up on an internal mailing list at his company. They were gone within days.

    @094459 Congrats!

    RT @dtraub: Um 12:00 Uhr bin ich wieder live mit den neuesten re:Invent Announcements:

    Really useful overview of Amazon SageMaker by Emily Webber. Love that she called out how useful SageMaker Autopilot is for “citizen data scientists” in particular! #reinvent

    I have been seeing “obidos” in Amazon URLs for so long, and never knew what it referred to! @setheliot is already dropping fascinating trivia in his session on’s architecture evolution. #reinvent

    If I can’t go to the Weihnachtsmarkt, I’ll have to make my own festivities! One bottle cheap red wine, 1/4c sugar, one tea bag of spice gently heated… Glühwein! 🍷🎄

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    I love hearing an Aussie accent at #reInvent! Learning about building event-driven apps with Amazon EventBridge from my mate @sliedigaws. 🇦🇺

    @adhorn @GunnarGrosch @heitor_lessa @darkosubotica @094459 @sthulb @sliedigaws Love that the Aussie is having a beer. 😂🍺

    @themaninblue Hey Cam! Went to use your “Screenshot a Tweet” tool today but getting a Mixed Content error. Are you planning to keep it going? I’ve found it useful. 🙂

    @themaninblue Ah cool. Let me know if you want a tester! 😃

    Progress! The question is, will I get it finished during #reinvent? I do love a challenge… 🧶

    Really informative session from @clare_liguori about how Amazon service teams do automated deployments. Fascinating peek behind the curtain! #reinvent

    RT @Vel12171: It’s official. I’ve joined @awscloud as a Developer Advocate EMEA. Can’t put into words how super thrilled I am. I’m looking…

    @FarrahC32 I will! 👋 (Not morning here though…)

    @FarrahC32 Yep! Will be just at the end of the work day here.

    @IamStan @FarrahC32 Between me and @dtraub, I’m sure we’d love to help make that happen!

    RT @kattascha: Friendly reminder: Es ist total in Ordnung, inmitten einer globalen Pandemie weniger produktiv als normalerweise zu sein. Se…

    RT @mjasay: What’s that? 👀 @awscloud just announced another open source project: SaaS Boost. It’s designed to make it easy for anyone to mo…

    Oh look, several of my favourite folks! Can’t wait…

    @LaurenTWoods Amazing presentation. I’m watching live with several colleagues and we were all really impressed by your segment! Well done. 🙂

    RT @monkchips: we stan @LaurenTWoods Managing Director of Technology at @SouthwestAir. Passionate, engaging, presenter. enjoyed her session…

    @jennapederson @AWSonAir But will they all wave? 🤔

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    @jedws Good question! I tend to default to writing myself – either making separate notes, or writing directly on a pattern (either printed or on PDF with Notability on iPad). That said, I’ve played around a little with KnitCompanion:

    @jedws AFAIK it’s the best of breed, but there are caveats. First, the UI is very dated. That goes for most knitting/sewing software actually. The really good designers are getting more money working elsewhere I guess.

    @jedws Second, in order to get the most out of it, the pattern needs to be rewritten to take advantage of its features, and not a lot of them are. (Insert rant about missed opportunity for KnitML here…)

    @jedws I’ll do a bit more research and then talk about it on my knitting Twitch stream on Sunday. 😜

    @crankymate @hoegertn It’s a 65″. Australian and American houses are a lot bigger than Europe, I think.

    RT @sebsto: Missed anything from Andy’s keynote? Catch up on the biggest launches with a live recap in your language.

    11:00 CET: 🇮🇹 @alex_…

    RT @dtraub: Heute geht’s los mit dem allerersten offiziellen AWS Daily re:Invent re:Cap auf deutsch!

    Um 12:00 Uhr, live auf diesem Kanal:…

    If you want to see a demo of the new AWS Amplify Admin UI in action, join me, @jennapederson, and @renebrandel on the @AWSonAir Live Stream today at 10:30am PST / 7:30pm CET! Full schedule available here: #reInvent @AWSAmplify

    Listening to @colmmacc’s #reinvent session “The Pragmatic Cloud Developer,” title of which which pays homage to @PragmaticAndy and @pragdave’s famous book. Lots of good insights about making sensible decisions no matter how big the company. #reInvent

    @colmmacc Lots of folks worry that they need an SRE team when starting out, but @colmmacc says there’s no right answer for everyone. At Amazon, we actually have a mix of different models.

    @DanRather @lemon_lime Took me a second… 😂

    Good grief. I swear I wasn’t, like, having a psychotic break mid-year. I just had that song stuck in my head! (Oh no. It might be back…)

    RT @jennapederson: Join @web_goddess and me as we talk with @renebrandel about the latest @AWSAmplify Admin UI launch during today’s @AWSon…

    20 minutes to go! Hope you’ll join us on @AWSonAir to learn all about the new AWS Amplify Admin UI.

    RT @BeingJayDesai: @AWSAmplify Admin UI – going from zero to hero…#AWS #Serverless

    All great stuff by –
    @renebrandel @web_goddess @jenn…

    RT @darkosubotica: Containers everywhere 😍😍

    @renebrandel @jennapederson TOTES VOTING FOR MYSELF

    RT @jennapederson: Just finished my first AWS livestream, at my first re:Invent. Before we started, I told @renebrandel and @web_goddess th…

    RT @renebrandel: @jennapederson @web_goddess Who waved better?

    re:Invent live stream done… Time to put on the festive PJs and finishing decorating the tree! 🎄

    RT @triketora: congrats to all the young people but can we also give a massive shout-out to the older women in tech who have survived all t…

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    The first snow of the season in Munich. It’s a #reInvent miracle! 😍❄️

    @darthted Is this like when my family send me Peeps to be funny? Because they’re the worst?

    @darthted One time in college, @emd3737 licked a Peep and stick it to our dorm room wall. It stayed there for the next 8 months, turning into concrete, until we had to chip it off with a butter knife. I never willingly ate one after!

    Wow! Be sure to check out the video too. I’ve worked on iOS development teams, and this would’ve been a game changer.

    I looked up “best stollen in Munich” and then went to Cafe Kreuzkamm to get some yesterday.

    Me: How is it?
    Him: It tastes like a cookie. I’m eating cookies for breakfast! @ Theresienhöhe

    @Mandy_Kerr This is the content I’ve been waiting for ALL YEAR.

    RT @sebsto: Jeff announced Mac1 instances for Amazon EC2. iOS/tvOS/watchOS developers: you can now have build machines running in the cloud…

    RT @yokoonobot: Therapist: And what do we do when we’re sad?
    Yoko: Think about pretzels?
    Therapist: Correct.

    @Amys_Kapers A pomander!

    RT @awscloud: This morning, #reInvent 2020 kicks off with a live keynote from @ajassy. 🎙 Register for free & join us live at 8AM PT. #AWS h…

    RT @jennapederson: New to #AWS or new to #reInvent? Check out AWS Hero @hirokonishimura’s guide for @awsnewbies and find some sessions 👉 ht…

    @anshumalis I wondered who would be up! 🙂

    What, aren’t you all knitting while watching the @amazonwebservices #reinvent pre-show too? 🧶 @ Munich, Germany

    RT @lizthegrey: Hi #reInvent #reInvent2020! For more info on @honeycombio’s migration to #Graviton2, see https://t.…

    @lizthegrey @honeycombio It’s lovely to see mentions of companies and people you know! Well done, Honeycomb and Liz. 🙂

    Yay, nice shoutout from @ajassy for, like, the entire nation of Australia. ❤️🇦🇺 #reinvent

    @ctford Dole Whips are overrated. 😜

    SageMaker Data Wrangler. Yes, please! I need this, as evidenced by the two ML models I trained earlier today. 😂 #reinvent

    Oh god, is this where I admit I saw Phantom Menace seven times in the theater? Even though I walked out of the first showing knowing in my heart it was crap? And I’d just sit there twiddling my thumbs every time until the final lightsaber battle?

    RT @dtraub: Heute Abend nach der re:Invent Keynote: @hoegertn, @andreas_ruetten und @Osterjour diskutieren gemeinsam die Neuankündigungen b…

    RT @mavi888uy: And because @ajassy didn’t announce it in stage, I get to announce it!

    New Amazon Lookout for vision! New ML service that…

    Live now – @AWSCommunityDE sprechen über die #reInvent Keynote mit @dtraub @hoegertn @andreas_ruetten @Osterjour

    Sadly, my Adventskalendar is as close as I’m getting to a Weihnachtsmarkt this year! 🍫🎄 @ Munich, Germany

    @hoegertn Yes. 😂 We were worried that it wouldn’t fit in our apartment when it arrived from Australia, and it only JUST does. But hey, you were practically life size!

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    @jennapederson There are other ways! Sometimes I use a crochet hook if I have one handy. How do you do it??

    Thank you @davidchow – this made me laugh and laugh. Definitely going to look up @flula’s work! 😂

    @miko_a 😐 Well now that’s gone be stuck in my head too!

    @marksbirch @MichelePlayfair @yow_conf YAY! I used to work for YOW. They’re the best. 🙂

    RT @marksbirch: Excited to speak at the YOW! Conference this year!

    Check out my live talk “Launching an Internal Developer Community” on T…


    RT @gdcfpday: Leading Australia / Oceania is the wonderful @Amys_Kapers who has been involved in #gdcfpday every year since the first event…

    RT @gdcfpday: Leading our Europe stream is @SuzeShardlow, who was a workshop attendee and has ran a number of #gdcfpday related workshops s…

    Guess who got Christmas lights? 😍 @ Theresienhöhe

    “It’s not the years honey, it’s the mileage,” sounds WAY less cool auf Deutsch. 😂

    Blog post! Cycling in Munich. All about the infrastructure that makes cycling here feel a billion times safer than it did in Sydney, complete with photos from a ride I took earlier today… 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️

    @andre_verheij It’s amazing!

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    Guess who’s knitting on Twitch, right now LIVE? Come join me!

    Okay, that was a fun first go! Thanks to all (30 of you?!) who joined me and helped me figure out how this works. I’m going to give it another try tonight at 9pm Munich time. Feedback welcome! 🧶

    RT @dtraub: If you’re interested in what led to last week‘s AWS service disruption and what we’ve learned from it, here’s the summary:


    Tonight we answer one of life’s big questions: Is Hans Gruber still German in the German version of Die Hard?

    Schweinbacke? PORK CHEEK?! 😂

    I can report that Hans remains German!

    @QuinnyPig I learned to my delight recently you can buy special “tea bag” thingies in Germany that turn normal wine into Glühwein! 🍷

    I’m going to have another go at knitting on Twitch! See you in 25 minutes…

    Kicking off… NOW!

    @_bron_ Thank you! It’s actually ridiculously fun now that I’ve got a decent setup. I think this is going to have to be a regular thing!

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    Looking at tweets about the Aussie heatwave… and I do not miss that. (🤞 for ❄️ this week!)

    Ich liebe meinen kleinen Weihnachtsbaum. ❤️🎄 @ Munich, Germany

    We found an antique shop-turned-Christmas market and bought some special Munich ornaments, including my very own Weihnachtsgurke (Christmas pickle)! @ Theresienhöhe

    Listening to Christmas music while eating Tex-Mex Casserole, as one does… @ Theresienhöhe

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    RT @pgarbe: The German AWS Community gets more and more organized. Follow us on on

    Twitter: @AWSCommunityDE

    @pkarthikr That’s gorgeous! 😍

    @gcouprie I’ve been there. Godspeed, friend.

    Me: “I’m gonna wait a bit so I can binge a bunch of the new Mandalorian eps at once.”

    Every other person on the Internet immediately tweets major spoilers.


    RT @Radthanael: Brussels Sprouts Were Actually Bad: A Thread

    When I was a kid, Brussels Sprouts were the go-to joke food when people talke…

    @WorldofDub Exactly!

    @ExcitedLeigh Congrats!!

    This made me smile and smile!

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    @laimelde Hope you’re okay. *virtual hug*

    RT @lisabexperience: #MargaretThatcher in private audience with the #Queen

    @The_McJones Korg. I’m cool with that.

    @The_McJones I debated whether their superhero identities are allowed. In which case, HELLO KILLMONGER.

    Thanks to my colleague @thebeebs, I was inspired to play around some more with OBS and my streaming setup. Multi-camera! I reckon some Twitch knitting may happen on the weekend… 😂🧶

    RT @AdrianDeLuca76: Our very popular #AWSGameDay is back again this year for #reInvent ! Unicorn Rentals has new scenarios where you can le…

    I am thankful for whoever uploaded the 1987 Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade to YouTube. ❤️🦃

    The MCU was a very different place in 1987. (What *really* blew my mind was them playing the “Back to the Future” theme over this float. SO WEIRD.)

    It appears to have been a condition of entry that every high school marching band provided a silly hat for Willard Scott.

    Butternut Pumpkin Pie. I couldn’t find canned pumpkin so I roasted my own. (Used store-bought pastry though.) Really really good!

    Happy Thanksgiving! Along with my pie, we had Snook-roasted turkey thigh, mash, gravy, and veg. ❤️🦃 @ Munich, Germany

    RT @gdcfpday: It’s time for our BIG announcement 🎉

    Global Diversity CFP Day 2021 will be 💯% online

    🎟Tickets are free AND you can reserve…

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    @fantasticmusic I know, but we were in the Southern Hemisphere until 3 months ago! So I attribute more to Covid/lifestyle than location.

    @servantofchaos @FacebookWatch I’ve been banging that particular drum for years too!

    @LJKenward @linaXpatel That’s gorgeous! Reminds me of the card catalogue in my school library. 😍

    RT @damana: Heartbreaking. Terrifying. True.

    @brockleyboyo @alex_casalboni Essentially yes, but he wanted to integrate it into Home Assistant.

    Was that the year I accidentally signed my parents up for CompuServe? I suspect it was!

    RT @MoominvalleyTV: 🇩🇪 Hallo Deutschland! 🇩🇪
    🎉 Moominvalley starts to air on KiKA today at 6:15pm. 🎉
    There will be a new episode every day…

    @lynnlangit What talk is this, and how do I get in the front row, so to speak?

    @lynnlangit @apaipi Ahhh. And I know the secret to her heart – very salty licorice! 😉

    @apaipi @lynnlangit If I ever see him again, I’m going to be MORTIFIED. 🙃

    I sent this to @the_snook. He replied, “I feel attacked.”

    Excited to attend my first AWS Pretoria meetup group tonight @awspta and learn about AIML from @arakkal05!

    @awspta @arakkal05 Good point from Archie – people think running an ML system in prod is just about the model, but really, that’s just a small part. You still have to do all the other parts of software engineering best practice along with that.

    @dunneteach *drool* Do you serve it with some fruit or something? I often see it with, like, cranberry sauce.

    This is amazing.

    @dunneteach CELERY. With a baked brie. Oh, Kerry! That sounds entirely too healthy. 😐

    While the Snook cursed @kenjilopezalt’s recipe repeatedly (the timings were evidently *way* off), this Instant Pot French Onion Soup turned out delicious. 🧅🥖🧀🍷 @ Theresienhöhe

    @kneekey23 @amsxbg @memodoring Pretty sure @gabehollombe is in the melee too… (I’m moderating, which in my mind is like a courtside announcer!)

    RT @hels: I wrote about cooking, also I’m depressed.

    @rosieprom But it looks amazing though!! 🙌