Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Nice! Board roles are still a long term career goal of mine. #jetztreichts #ichwill

    Come join me and @dtraub today on the DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) Office Hours!

    @randomknits Is that garter stitch? Jesus, and I thought knitting myself a 3ply jumper was torture.

    @jeamland @The_McJones Hmmm. 4.5hr drive, or 5hr on the train. Maybe in the Spring… 🙂

    Starting now!

    As a thank you for participating in the virtual cooking class at work, I got two jars of honey collected from the hives at the AWS Munich office! ❤️🐝🍯 #beepeculiar #bepeculiar @hereataws @ Munich, Germany

    @dtraub I went a walk to the Christmas tree market, but @the_snook said the dead ones made him sad and talked me out of buying one (momentarily).

    @charlesv omg I am so tempted

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    @lemon_lime My verdict: I still prefer Gwyneth and Jeremy for the main love story, but supporting characters in new one are better (except for Josh O’Connor, who is too handsome and not odious enough for Elton, to the extent where I was like HIT THAT EMMA).

    RT @johnpavlovitz: Spotted in a Tulsa, OK Target. 🤣

    RT @cobusbernard: Bean Streaming is back!

    @Malarkey I just send electronic ones; then you don’t even have the waste of a physical card!

    RT @thebeebs: The reaction to the launch of Amazon S3 Storage Lens has been phenomenal. Seems customers are loving it.…

    @lol_russo @200okpublic @wilkowskidom @200ok @simonswiss When in doubt, always fall back on prop humour, I say.

    When it comes to TV show merch, I like it very subtle. (Go Land Crabs!) 🦀 @ Munich, Germany

    Fun story – earlier this year, while attempting to get a replacement copy of my diploma for my work visa, I discovered an outstanding student loan I’d overlooked… for 20 years. Yeah, paying that off suuucked, but I still want Joe to cancel student loan debt for others.

    @buzzyNZ @rchrdbyd Ha! That one I knew, thanks to going to a predominantly Irish-Catholic US university. 🙂

    @buzzyNZ @rchrdbyd Boston. 100%.

    @buzzyNZ @rchrdbyd And it means something *awesome*.

    @buzzyNZ @rchrdbyd My Boston roommate (hi @emd3737!) also taught me such classics as “West o’ Worcester” and “bubbler.” It’s honestly a wonder I understood a damn word she was saying. 😂

    @buzzyNZ Awww, thanks Buzzy. 😊

    @kiniacat Why would the college refund government loan money to the student directly? Seems like a very easy way to stop that problem – don’t do that.

    @kiniacat Also, don’t cancel the debt of people who didn’t finish the degree. Easy. These don’t seem like big problems to solve, or worth continuing to saddle people with astronomical debt. I was 18. I signed promissory notes for THOUSANDS on the belief that this was what I had to do.

    Blog post: Home Sweet Home! Our stuff finally arrived from Australia and now we’re all settled in. And phew, our ridiculous TV *just* fit! ❤️🏠

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    Fit check! I got to the armhole split, and I’m happy to report the sizing looks great. @susancrawfordvintage #lanatus @ Munich, Germany

    Okay I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to watch this, but OMG. That jacket. And Mrs. Weston is Yara Greyjoy? And… did I just see Mr. Knightley’s bare bottom? BEST EMMA EVER and we’re only 5 minutes in!!

    Great 🧵 from @georgiecel. (I LOVE that you are giving back by mentoring, Georgie!) And if you want more on the topic, I wrote a blog post recently that covers similar ground.

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    Woke up to the first frost of the season! 😮❄️ @ Theresienhöhe

    @Squozen_EU Most of the German apartments we saw had tiny kitchens. We deliberately shelled out for the biggest one we could find.

    @Squozen_EU Yup

    TFW you get a big care package full of #glamazon masks and Aussie animal stickers! ❤️🏳️‍🌈 #bepeculiar @AWSCloudANZ

    Homesite. (Actually I started before then, but I just really miss Homesite. I think I still have it on CD somewhere…)

    @steven_bryen I totes looked down on you WYSIWYG people. 😜

    @dtraub @steven_bryen Even worse!! 😱

    @stringy Yeah, for me before that was either Notepad or BBEdit.

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    RT @jurgen: One of the nice things about using @tweetbot is that whenever Twitter comes up with some stupid new idea, I don’t have to see i…

    @petehanssens @rossbarich Literally had a team chat going last night where we all admitted to being jealous of the Heroes… 😂

    For the curious, it took just shy of three months for Facebook to figure out they shouldn’t show me Australian ads anymore.

    @ctford Granted, I don’t give the app access to my location. But I did update the location on my profile… 🤷‍♀️

    @pjf Next week will be! 😳


    @pjf WAIT, May? See, yeah, I think of us as, like, crossing paths on our respective journeys, but evidently I can’t do time either.

    RT @steven_bryen: @web_goddess It’s all the Salami posts

    YAYYYY @Bex_the_Femme and Jakk on TV!! ❤️

    Sixteen years ago today I married this legend in Vegas. Love you, Snookums. ❤️ @ Munich, Germany

    Normally for our anniversary we go somewhere fancy, but they’re all closed due to Covid. However, Restaurant Gabelspiel (Michelin starred!) delivered us a 4-course dinner, and Rodd got to live out his MasterChef dreams!

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    @jedws @ctford And the angle of my camera allows me to knit. 🙂

    @gilmae @lemon_lime I had to ask Rodd what a shoey is. 🙃

    RT @danilop: How are you using S3? These new interactive dashboards give you more visibility! 🤩

    RT @alex_casalboni: I’ll be speaking at the APAC AI Conclave! Join for free on November 25-26 – register for your complimentary seat & chec…

    We had to all nominate our favourite karaoke songs as an team activity, and these were compiled into a Spotify playlist… and some deadset legend put John Cage’s 4’33” on it. 😂🤐

    Lunchtime virtual class on Albanian cooking with Deshira, a wonderful chef from @migratefuluk! Vegetarian courgette fritters… which I paired with a plate of German cold cuts. 😍😂

    @alex_casalboni My husband bought a fancy Lilet espresso machine a month ago. It takes 10 minutes to heat up, so he’s spent this week sorting out home automation so he can turn it on before he gets out of bed in the morning. 😂

    I turned my @BuildStuffConf 2020 talk “Taking Control of your Tech Career” into a blog post! If you are feeling reflective about 2020 or thinking about a career change, please have a read.

    @crankymate @migratefulUK Jawohl!! 😂

    I used to think puns were the lowest form of humour. Now I’m older and I know that it’s actually being the 50th person to reply HURF DURF UNSUBSCRIBE to a reply-all email storm. 🙄

    @codepo8 You know I’m gonna look for it now.

    Hang on. Two people have just tagged me on the same terrible “wurst kase” pun that I’ve already received several times, so perhaps puns go back to being The Worst. (*glares at @crankymate and @anshumalis*)

    Our new German GP insisted on full blood tests, and both of us came back as severely Vitamin D deficient! If you work in front of a computer and have spent most of the year indoors, you may be as well. We’re now on supplements. (There’s evidence it helps prevent Covid too!) ☀️💊

    RT @robdubbin: MY MAN: (comes home)
    ME: (nervous) how was the store
    MY MAN: fine
    ME: oh thank g —
    MY MAN: ran into jolene
    ME: oh no
    MY MAN:…

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    @jcnsingapore It’s Slido! So far working great.

    @mlukanuski Pretty much. The most popular finished projects people show off are baby clothes. I feel like I’ve been dropped into an alternate universe.

    @randomknits @karen_ugly That quote is everywhere! 🙂

    @darkosubotica I love the juxtaposition with the wood stove!

    RT @emd3737: And now for some good news #vaccineswork

    Past Kris: “I won’t take my overlocker to Germany. I’ll make do with just my sewing machine.”

    Also Past Kris: “I will take 8 giant cones of overlocker thread with me.” 😐

    @twoscooters Same!

    RT @techladyallison: They found a small owl inside of this year’s Rockefeller Christmas tree, he hitched a ride all the way to NYC and is n…

    Blog post: Some more photos from our recent bike ride to Munich’s Olympic Park!

    Just went down a geeky historical sewing rabbithole learning about cartridge pleating… 😍

    @JennaPrice @wtuohy Ha! @the_snook and I met while working on the same team in a tech startup. Celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary on Friday.

    RT @mjasay: At AWS we use @rustlang to build services for reasons you’d expect (safety, performance, etc). And bc we (& therefore our custo…

    @SecondeJ What a cutie!! He’s a natural.

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    Managed to stump most of the team with my “two truths and a lie” today! (The board games are the lie.)

    @KaiPMDH Sadly no – but I gave a knitting lesson to his wife, Oscar-winning costume designer Catherine Martin!

    RT @chrtucci: Here’s a thread of examples of rhetorical devices in Taylor Swift lyrics:

    @mavi888uy @Vel12171 THE SECRETS COME OUT

    @dshafik Monster!

    @dshafik Oh. That is some semantic parsing. 😂

    RT @JonathanPKatz: Why are we not discussing the fact that the vaccine with the good news this morning was partly funded by Dolly Parton?…

    I saw a photo on FB last week of a little girl wearing this sentiment on a t-shirt and immediately ordered one as an election commemoration gift for myself. 💪💣💋

    RT @aileengemma: I’m hiring. Join my team.

    RT @kathleen_warner: Something that keeps coming up in 1:1s is that people are having a hard time knowing if they’re doing a good job in th…

    Vent: I am in FB group for people who use projectors when sewing clothes, which is a fairly techie topic, right? And yet every. single. post. mentions the poster’s husband – how to get him to buy a projector? or mount it? or help calibrate? *giggle* It’s like Gilead in there. 😬

    @liedra Honestly. Today it was, “How can I trick my husband into buying me a projector?” I replied, “Buy it your damn self. Good grief.”

    You will no doubt be STUNNED that a bunch of them have also mentioned being on Parler. 😐

    RT @marksbirch: Announcing The Startup Show! It’s a show about startups, VC’s & the journey of building startups.

    Come join us by subscrib…

    If I only use Tweetdeck, can I just ignore this Fleets thing entirely? Or are they going to shoehorn them in here?

    I have no idea how or why this was created, but thanks @TopLeftBrick! I hope folks find it useful. 😃

    @LeenaVanD She played Emma in that recent new version! But she very much looks like a cartoon character.

    @obrl_soil They struggled with my accent in a couple places. 😂

    @bodil I did like the Australian episode, but just out of homesickness and nostalgia and the hilarity of Hawkie’s accent. (I legitimately gasped when it showed them climbing Uluru – I was pleased to learn that they weren’t actually on location.)

    @TopLeftBrick Thank you! There are several different versions of the talk that go into different aspects of it. Last year I presented a sequel of sorts that you may also be interested in: A lot more on knitting DSLs with several examples and an AI/ML project.

    @bodil Ah, my morbid curiosity pointed me to finding the Andrew bits to see how they’d handle him, and whether they’d just pretend he doesn’t exist. (He’s in there, and he’s awful.)

    @bodil Oh, they make him a total creep from the get-go. *shudder*

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    RT @emmabell42: Rapid antigen tests trade sensitivity for speed. They return a result in <30 minutes, but can only detect COVID-19 when you…

    RT @ziniman: Here we go Developers #LetsBuild 1st session with @web_goddess.
    Next session starts in few minutes – Come meet #Deteko, and ne…

    RT @nicodebenito: I cannot STAND the term ‘virtue-signaIIing’ and I hate that it’s gone mainstream. Not only is it an aIt-right dogwhistle,…

    Got two members of my team promoted; won an award for “Hire & Develop the Best.” Presented at two major AWS online conferences to thousands of attendees. Accepted new role in DevRel team and relocated to Munich, Germany. Celebrating 16th wedding anniversary on Friday. ❤️

    RT @allPowerde: I am excited to have been selected as an @awscloud Hero. I am Australia’s first Data Hero and look forward to working with…

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Fun trivia! The Buckingham Palace break-in in @netflix’s The Crown season 4 ep5 not only happened, it was very similar t…

    Got to the Australian episode of The Crown and suddenly feeling quite homesick ❤️🇦🇺🐨

    RT @Elisabeth57runk: ☁️Day 15/100☁️
    I had an amazing time today tuning in on the first episode of #AWS’s new webinar series *Developers, Le…

    @Elisabeth57runk @steven_bryen @cobusbernard @ziniman @soganmageshwar I’m so glad you liked it! Can’t wait to see what you build. 🤩

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    @Shawn_denton91 That was three months ago – they were bought by someone within a week. All gone.

    @nolim1t Given that multiple members of my family have now caught it and are struggling, the fact that Musk fanboys would believe him over THE ENTIRE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY is partly why we’re in this shitty situation. He’s an ass.

    Multiple members of my family back in Indiana have now tested positive, and the virus is raging in rural communities. If you are lucky enough to live somewhere where the government actually took action, you should be grateful.

    RT @natashamitchell: Frightening. The delusion & disillusion.. even as they land in intensive care beds. The toxicity of this moment in the…

    Nearly at the divide for the armholes, and I’m up to 600 stitches per round. Remind me again why I thought a 3-ply fairisle for me was a good idea?! @ Munich, Germany