Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @apaipi @TheCodePixi @ASpittel Hehe, quite a few! There are a few videos of different versions here:

    @gilmae I see nothing wrong with this.

    RT @newschambers: The German Government’s new #COVID19 campaign is very clever and, dare I say it, funny.

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    @ssharwood Hi! I moved from Sydney to Munich at the end of August. 👋 Will DM.

    @damana I haven’t owned one in twenty years. Don’t plan on it ever again if I can help it.

    @damana Moved out of the US to cities with actual public transport. In London – used PT. In Sydney – used PT with share car every now and then. In Germany – PT and bicycle.

    RT @skorfmann: Very honored and excited to be among the first AWS dev tools heroes 🎉

    @dylanbeattie But props for having your own Dreamatorium!

    @darkosubotica Safe travels!!

    @rotnroll666 People have shared me that link about six times now!

    Show me the celebrities you’ve been told you look like.

    Personally I don’t see it, but I’ve gotten Kaylee from folks multiple times over the years. 🤷‍♀️

    RT @hannahyanfield: Tempus is growing! And we’re looking for our next Investment Associate. This *isn’t* for someone who just wants to ‘do…

    @DHLPaket Ich hatte heute eine Lieferung erwartet und war den ganzen Tag zu Hause. Der Lieferbote klingelte nicht an meiner Tür. Er hat eine Karte in meinem Briefkasten gelassen. Das ist schon mal passiert! ARGH. 😠

    @annie_parker I can definitely see that for you!

    RT @eduvos: @web_goddess @jeffbarr + a UKI Developer Advocate !!!

    About to go live on @BuildStuffConf !

    For those that attended my @BuildStuffConf talk, here’s the link to the values exercise that I talked about:

    @BuildStuffConf I also mentioned this presentation from Damian Conway, which is mandatory viewing if you want to level up your tech presentation skills!

    RT @karocigaro: What an amazing and inspirational talk from @web_goddess !!! This is how I wanna roll when I professionally “grow up” 👏🙆‍♀️…

    @karocigaro @lynnlangit I’ll have you know that I name checked you during it. ❤️

    @karocigaro You *had* to go and look up the salami tweet, didn’t you. 😂

    @cliffetters A lot of people were also mad I didn’t work in “wurst”. What can I say? Not a pun girl.

    RT @womensart1: ‘Capitalism also depends on domestic labour” (1970s-80s) poster by See Red Feminist silk-screen collective #womensart http…

    @debs_obrien @BuildStuffConf During my post-session Speaker Room chat, I asked the participants what their favourite sessions were, and yours was mentioned specifically!

    So @BuildStuffConf had a special “room” at the virtual conference where you could turn on your camera and get a caricature done! I was ENRAPTURED when he added my red lippie. Thank you #BuildStuffConf!! ❤️💋

    @Gaohmee We got ourselves and our shit from Australia to Germany. You can do it. It’ll be painful but worth it.

    @Gaohmee Damn, sorry to hear it! 🙁

    RT @annie_parker: Well this is slap me on the ass awesome!

    Would you believe I’ve never seen this before? “I’m calling it now. SHE’s the fifth element. Or maybe it’s love. One of those two options.”

    He was so pretty.

    Why do I feel like the President is a wrestler??

    Okay, 3-D printing a person from a cell is pretty cool.

    Me: “What part of her DNA encoded dyed hair?”
    Him: “She has 200 chromosomes.”
    Me: “But how did she know she could drive through that wall?”
    Him: “She HAS 200 chromosomes!”

    This is very distressing.

    @datenwesen HAAA! 😂

    Pausing. I cannot with this movie without some serious alcohol. (Was that it for Luke Perry?! He had a big credit!)

    @KenScambler I couldn’t quite figure out the vibe. What was it trying to be? We stopped halfway through. I think I enjoyed Zardoz more. 😂

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    @Jaitsu It’s a novelty sticker to make it look like a power cord reel. There are others.

    @bazscott It’s a sticker for maximum novelty factor. There are others.

    @TheRyusui It does. It’s a sticker. There are others. 🙂

    More than 50 people on the @GGDSydney AWS “speed hiring” event! I’m so excited to get to chat with everyone. 👋❤️ @AWSCloudANZ

    Rather appropriate that Peggy Olson is joining me for the @GGDSydney meetup this morning. 😎

    @kcarruthers It took me 1.5 seasons. It’s a slow burn. But the end of season two pays off the entire slog, and then it gets amazing. Just know that character growth means you have to put up with them being awful, so you can see how far they go.

    @TheGaynor79 I checked for the USA, because if they did, my Dad would 100% be getting this for Christmas. Alas, looks like shipping meat products is a no go.

    @kcarruthers Fair enough. The Snook never warmed to it either.

    @factory_sausage @drahcir_rahl If I visit UK in 2021, maybe I’ll bring a suitcase-full. 😂🤞

    @arnibirgisson GROOOOOAAAAAAN

    @msharp I will never sleep again.

    how it started: how it’s going:

    @vertis We’ve still got quite a bit back in storage there! Luckily we rented our place out and were able to store it there. This was mostly just clothes, stuff for our offices, and a few pieces to make us feel at home.

    @Leekshooter It’s a novelty sticker. There are others.

    @stu_axon @AmigaBeanbag It’s a novelty sticker. There are others.

    @geospacedman @EddieRobson It’s a novelty sticker. There are others.

    RT @AmazonScience: This week is #AfroTechWorld, a multi-day digital experience from @AfroTech. As a Diamond sponsor of the event, we asked…

    @dsuffling @secvalve Novelty sticker. There are other options. 🙂

    The Snook: “Your salami tweet is going viral. My biggest social media success was about a goon bag. We’re quite a pair.” 😂


    @Mandy_Kerr Over 1000 retweets wtffffffff 🤯

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    @steven_bryen They sell them on!! Believe me, I’m very tempted.

    @teroterotero Your ideas are intriguing to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

    @JustinRThiessen Okay, that did make me laugh a bit. 😂

    @thecolourfool 😳 Now there’s an idea. I’ve actually seen things knitted with licorice string, but never salami…

    @vmbrasseur @The_McJones I discovered later it’s on too, and you can get the spool personalised with the receiver’s name! (Presumably so you don’t get them mixed up when you’re all carrying them around at parties.) 😂

    Our stuff has arrived from Australia! It’s like early Christmas, except it’s all our own crap. Hilariously frank Dutch mover: “Excuse my language, but why the f*ck did you want to move to Germany??” 😂

    @dtraub There’s no way it’s going to fit. 😂

    RT @094459: This is a great post from @adhorn ; if you are looking for a good way to measure your progress, understand what you need to pla…

    @emd3737 Oh that’s very cool. Was that prompted by the Covid vaccine numbers that got reported this week?

    @emd3737 I love a good diagram to explain it! Reminds me of the precision vs accuracy one with the dart board from high school physics. 🙂

    New series auf Deutsch, kicking off soon!

    @codepo8 Amazing. I went down a sausage Wikipedia rabbithole last night while prepping Käsekrainer for dinner. I had no idea the Serbs tried to make it a protected appellation!

    @codepo8 Correction, apologies Serbs, it was the Slovenians!

    @LapTop006 LOOOOOOLLLLL (and *groan*)

    @LapTop006 Yeah, there have been a lot of “wurst” puns in my mentions of late.

    @jeffbarr I’m also hiring a Russian-speaking Developer Advocate for Europe! Would love a retweet if you can. 🙂

    @frankarr Are you awake at 3am?? Or just being clever and scheduling tweets? 🤔

    @charlesv @lazerwalker @janklausa This is amazing.

    @apocraphilia The contempt. He was telling me that the Netherlands was much nicer, and Spain, and Switzerland… 😂

    RT @julielerman: Boy do I love reading this. I love to help people get over the first hump of new technologies so they can go forth and lea…

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    RT @paulg: I feel like someone killed a background process that had been consuming 5% of my CPU for the last 4 years.

    RT @alex_casalboni: New – Export @dynamodb table data to your data lake in Amazon S3, no code writing required 👌

    Honestly, it’s like something out of Utopia or Veep. @ScottMorrisonMP should be ashamed.

    TIL that in Germany you can order a 3.5 METER SPOOL OF SALAMI. This is a thing that exists in our reality. You could mount it on your desk and gnaw on salami all day long. I can’t decide if that is insane or BRILLIANT.

    @abertrotzdem Definitely! I’m not a scientist, but will definitely follow the list…

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    @darthted @dmcgahan @hannahyanfield Given that I’ve already seen one idiot in my network on FB proposing that voters should have to turn up in person on polling day, it almost feels like tempting fate. Ugh.

    Most of my @coronawarnapp encounters have now dropped off the app, which points to them being from our trip to Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the Zugspitze two weeks ago. I’m still happy we went, but we will be keeping all travel to a minimum going forward…

    @devdevcharlie That’s amazing! Looks like you’re having a wonderful time. 🙂

    RT @LauraJHyatt: For all of you in Australia and New Zealand, I’m speaking at the #AWSCommunityDay Anz on the 11th November. It’s going to…

    RT @codepo8: 👉🏻 “Make an awesome profile pic”


    Cute, pretty good shape detection.

    RT @codepo8: Amazon Wins Sheppy

    Wow, that is a big win for Amazon. @sheppy is an amazing tech writer and one of t…

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    We ride our bikes to Olympic Park for lunch. It’s very pretty today – cold but clear blue skies. Suddenly winter doesn‘t look quite so bleak. ☀️😏 @ Olympiapark München

    Excellent thread. Yes. This.

    RT @stephanpalagan: Das Biden-Harris-Transition-Team ist auf Twitter. Folgen lohnt sich.

    I’ve never even been to Philly, but I’m so very tempted.

    The Olympiaberg is the highest point in Munich Olympic Park, constructed from WW2 rubble. There was quite a crowd on the top, enjoying the spectacular views (so we wore our masks). We could just see the Alps! 🏔

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    My little brother Joey! 👏

    RT @DemsAbroadDE: Hi @NateSilver538, there’s over 120,000 Americans in Germany, not including active military or dual citizens. Some policy…

    This American’s been living overseas for 20 years. Most of the expats I know have similarly long tenures abroad.

    RT @OfficialJLD: “Madam Vice President” is no longer a fictional character. @KamalaHarris

    This is amazing. Absolutely amazing.

    RT @dunneteach: Post-pandemic plan for grateful Americans: visit Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, or the Navajo reservation in Ar…

    RT @TheWomensOrg: Vice President of the United States 🇺🇸

    How it started How it’s going:

    Just called my Grandma to celebrate with her. She was jubilant. I’ve also never heard her use the word “asshole” so many times. 😂❤️🇺🇸

    RT @Lin_Manuel: YES.

    RT @DanRather: Ok, 2020. That was something good.

    RT @dog_rates: This is Major and Champ. They are the dogs of @JoeBiden and @DrBiden. Champ has already been to the White House, but Major h…

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    @tmsndrs @ElemSciTchr Yes, many countries in the world have built apps for this. Australia has one, but it doesn’t use Google and Apple’s APIs and thus has some limitations. The German one is quite good. Bluetooth, anonymous. If you test positive, you tick a button in the app…

    @tmsndrs @ElemSciTchr … and it will later update in app for those you’ve been in contact with over the last two weeks. Mine specify “Low Risk,” which means it was under the Robert Koch Institute threshold for duration and distance. (Governments that believe in science are awesome.)

    @jonicious @adammw Oh cool! I hadn’t had a look. Thanks for that.

    @drkyliesmith I’m crying.

    RT @OdunEweniyi: In awe of women everywhere all the time, but at this moment most in awe of Stacey Abrams. She laid out a 6-year plan to fl…

    @lemon_lime @drkyliesmith David Tennant interviewed Stacey Abrams on his podcast if you haven’t heard it, and I’m still crying.

    RT @pressfuturist: Now that the Americans are developing a taste for events that last for days without anyone really being surely who’s win…

    @ElemSciTchr @steven_bryen @tmsndrs Yep, it’s completely anonymous and there’s no location tracking. It just works by picking up devices that are nearby, and then people self-reporting positive diagnoses. I can definitely see the conspiracy theorists freaking out though…

    @dtraub @debs_obrien Ahhh, I knew I recognised the name! We both did @DevAroundTheSun earlier this year too. 👋 Nice to meet you!

    @annie_parker Tears. Really happy tears.

    RT @stpeteyontweety: Mike Pence losing his job to a woman is just a delight.

    @carbocommander PHILLY YOU BEAUTY

    Incredibly happy to hear this, as a supporter, donor to the campaign, and big fan of him and his wife. Congrats @CaptMarkKelly! 🎉👨‍🚀🇺🇸

    RT @supercoco9: If you belong to a group that is underrepresented in the tech industry and within the first five years of your technology c…

    @abbyfuller Hard agree. I mean, I feel proud that we are able to feed ourselves so well, but I’m looking at a lot of dirty dishes every day and just feeling like delivery would be so much easier.

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    Ooh, new UI on LinkedIn is full roundrect, aka my entire web design gestalt from 2001. #trendsetter #cornerssuck

    RT @BettinaForget: Data visualization insights:
    Land doesn’t vote. People do.

    @thebeebs Glad you got it sorted! Reporting other people’s CSS errors is my superpower. Fixing my own – not so much.

    I’m really excited to unveil this new series, and we’re already working on more episodes for the future! If you’re new to cloud and want more guidance about how to actually *do* stuff, you’re going to want to register. @soganmageshwar @ziniman @steven_bryen @cobusbernard

    @soganmageshwar @steven_bryen @SohanJudge @ziniman @cobusbernard DAMN IT. FIXED. Sorry, other Sohan!

    RT @tedgeoghegan: Since we’re celebrating #TheCount today, never forget that, in 1988, scheming Ronald Grump conned Oscar out of his home a…

    Vegan Pumpkin Curry with Quinoa. This was a special virtual “lunch and learn” put on by the AWS Munich Sustainability team! I felt a bit frazzled cooking, but it turned out so tasty! #bepeculiar @awscloud

    @damana Was waiting for that shoe to drop. Best of luck with whatever you do next!

    So, the German Corona Warn-App works really well. I was at 7 Low Risk encounters Monday, and now I’m up to 9. 😐 Stay home, people. Mask up.

    @muditameta Glad it’s not just me. I was really paranoid at first, but others have told me they’ve seen similar. I guess it’s good to know it’s working, and not freak out.

    @dshaw Sadly, Germany’s numbers are a lot higher than Angela world like them to be, and there are still idiots protesting the very sensible restrictions put in place. But at least the folks in charge believe in science!

    @mootpointer And did I mention that it doesn’t eff up the Bluetooth connection to my smartwatch? 🙃

    @mootpointer Well, on the upside, you got doughnuts and we got shitloads of new positive cases every day.

    @adammw Brief or at a distance. Doesn’t give the exact numbers though.