Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    As Paul Kelly said, a chilly city suits a troubled soul. ☁️ @ Westpark München – Seebühne

    I found a gift in the post – a gorgeously warm handknitted hat from @diepdin! ❤️ @ Munich, Germany

    Looked at the news and social media for the first time since morning, and you know what? I feel happy that I didn’t marinate in despair all day. I may try this tomorrow too…

    All-American beef stew and soda bread, homemade with ❤️ by @das_snook. 🍻🍞 @ Munich, Germany

    Working on my algorithmic pixel art. 😉 🧶

    @gilmae I went for a jog. And read an actual BOOK. I’m as stunned as you are.

    @gilmae Not even! (Though I did just now read one where Crowley claimed responsibility for Starbucks coffee.)

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    RT @nancywyuen: To fortify ourselves on election day, here is a thread of Michelle Yeoh wielding swords.

    @randomknits I can’t decide whether knitting will be good for my anxiety, or whether I will be transferring my anxiety into the garment, and then I’ll feel that whenever I wear it.

    @bodil Jesus I’m drooling…

    RT @ziniman: We are launching a new content series – Developers, Let’s Build, which I had the pleasure to work on and host one of the sessi…

    @annie_parker Dolly frickin’ Parton, and she played like ten instruments too.

    RT @Oatmeal: america, you got this

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    Realised I was sick of my personal site design on the weekend so revamped using a lovely responsive template from (because my CSS skills stopped developing ‘round about 2003…)

    RT @AWS_DACH: AWS DACH Office Hours: Der deutschsprachige Live-Stream mit @dtraub. Unser Thema am 10. November: Datenmodellierung mit Dynam…

    We’re all pretty excited about this announcement! Fingers crossed I’ll be able to visit in the future and meet some of the Swiss dev community in person. 😃🇨🇭☁️

    Today’s To Do list tasks are all about preventing nasty pestilence:

    1) Get a flu shot
    2) Return my electronic overseas US election ballot

    A few months back I created a Lambda function “canary” to periodically check the @RoaldDahlFans site. Lately it’s been throwing a lot of errors. My SRE did some digging in the logs on the weekend and saw a lot of Apache mod_pagespeed errors…

    After disabling mod_pagespeed, looks like a sudden drop in both max execution time as well as errors! Fingers crossed this was the culprit…

    The beautiful orange leaves are all gone, in less than a week. I forget what it’s like to see the seasons change. 🍁

    @LapTop006 Apparently Munich usually sees some, though I’m told it doesn’t often stick. The Snook has read that the chances are good for a white Christmas!

    I’ve been having a lot of fun with my colleagues preparing the new AWS “Developers, Let’s Build” series, and registration is now open! It’s happening Nov 16. I’m presenting module 1 on moving your existing WordPress site to AWS using Amazon Lightsail…

    While I love @QuinnyPig’s snark, the feel good stories @cjwilburn highlighted in today’s @LastWeekinAWS were exactly what I needed. Small businesses succeeding! Better health care! Training kids! Non-profits! Robot vacuum cleaners! ❤️🤗

    @cjwilburn I left out how many food references there were. You made me hungry!!! 😂

    RT @Pinboard: My own anxiety finds expression in regularly checking Amazon to make sure we’re not in the Berenstyin Bears timeline

    For as much as I complain about Indiana, I’m truly grateful that I get to exercise my right to vote electronically. Thanks to the @CityOfElkhartIN Election Board for their professionalism as always! 🇺🇸 #VOTE

    And thank you to @DemsAbroad as always for the timely info, tools, and even phone calls to remind me not to miss the deadline!

    RT @DemsAbroad: ❤️ We love a verified vote! 🗳 Glad we could help you #votefromabroad. 🇺🇸🌍

    @edjgeek No shadows on that background! 👏😜

    @FarrahC32 My aunt in America has already posted photos on Facebook of her tree. So you will hardly be the first!

    RT @KenTremendous: She only won by 21 votes. Yours matters.

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    The Snook’s family have a variation on this, where you’re at a market or a shop, see something HIDEOUS, and point at it while saying for your friend, “That’s for you.”

    RT @Number10cat: Photojournalism at its finest from @ReutersBarria

    Can’t wait to play with this today! 😍

    Each time we do Weisswurst Frühstück at home we up our game. 🍻 @ Theresienhöhe

    @PeopleOfCraft I have been very very tempted by weaving of late. Would you recommend the Erica?

    @captainklein We went to the Zugspitze last weekend, which was great. But the hotels are all closing this week, which means we’ll be strictly limited to day trips. (And no restaurants will be open either, so have to carry everything with us.)

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    RT @StigAbell: When history is written, it will be recorded that Sophie Ellis-Baxter made the very bad year of 2020 ever so slightly better…

    Feeling a bit down this morning. Lockdown looming; Germany has cancelled the Christmas markets; all leisure travel is banned. Remind me again why I moved halfway around the world in the middle of a pandemic? 🙁

    @joneaves I know. But that doesn’t help either, thinking that we could’ve stayed in Oz and mostly been done with it. 🙁

    RT @GordyPls: If you’re into Halloween I hope you have a heap of fun this year. Seems like a bit of joy and fun is overdue.

    @Reidyd Not a fan.

    @randomknits @GordyPls Remember our awesome Halloween parties? I miss that.

    @aaronwalker @joneaves Actually, it’s going to be a glorious weekend in Munich. So at least I’ve got blue sky today…

    RT @marksbirch: A legend, and will forever be one of my favorite actors of all time.

    RIP Sean Connery.

    It’s pretty remarkable that we can go on a five-mile bike ride without having to ride on any streets with cars! 🚴‍♀️🚴🚴🏻‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴🚴🏻‍♂️

    Valé Sir Sean. We’re doing this.

    “Is that Eric Idle?” This has a very Monty Python vibe so far.

    “Guns are good. The penis is evil. Go forth and kill. Zardoz has spoken.” WHAT IS HAPPENING.

    Aaaaand there he is. 😳

    We are five minutes in and this is already INSANE.

    Is this Zardoz’s house? Where do I get one of those cool projector Alexa rings??

    @samnewman Well, we got to the boobs.

    Trying to convince the Snook we should do this for next Halloween.

    “No Brutal has ever penetrated the vortex. It requires study.” 🙃

    Damn it, Consuela! Let Mae do her SCIENCE.

    Science consists of everyone watching Sean Connery watch porn, and the Snook is LOSING IT.

    This guy is genetically and physically superior to everyone else in the 23rd century?!

    He LEARNED TO READ? That’s what prompted this whole thing?

    WAIT, WHAT?!?!?!

    The Apathetics are all attacking Connery to steal his life force. Now he has to eat the magic leaf. I… wish I could explain what any of that means.

    The nutty old Renegades snuck him past the guards… dressed as a bride. 👰

    Maybe *I* ate the magic leaf? What is happening.

    So the crystal… was the tabernacle… and now he’s inside it??

    He’s gone full Neo now.

    Us at the end of this incomprehensible mess of a movie.

    @tobyhede Did it all happen in one day? Budget alerts, buddy!!

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    @mmastertheone I’ve had a phone with portrait mode for six months but keep forgetting about it! That time I remembered.

    Registration now open! Can’t wait to see what’s in store this year…

    RT @isahuerga: Is it possible to make the switch into tech with a non-technical background? Yes, it is!
    Join me next Tuesday 3 Nov at TechW…

    RT @Lynnemei: AWS is hosting the first AWS Build(Her) for women tech entrepreneurs on 11 Nov! AWS women tech leaders will share their own e…

    Me: “What are you watching?”
    Rodd: “A YouTube video about how to take the shower drain apart to see what’s clogging it.”

    A few minutes later, from the bathroom…

    “AH HA! MEIN GOTT….” 😂🤮

    This is absolutely wonderful. Why didn’t any of you jerks tell me Dan Dority and Seth Bullock were in the new season of The Mandalorian?? Suddenly lockdown isn’t looking too bad…

    RT @NASAGroundSys: The Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center is looking great! After a repaint of the NASA logo an…

    RT @WEarlBrown: @web_goddess As to give them cocksuckers a bit of credit and ease their burden of guilt, they didn’t fucking know. It was a…

    @WEarlBrown Sir, I doff my hat to you, and no fuckin’ mistake. ❤️

    RT @ChloeCondon: You don’t have to look/act/sound a certain way to work and belong in tech 💕

    …I certainly hope so, anyway, cuz I look li…

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    @msharp Time for egg shells and coffee grounds!!

    @FourRedShoes YOU JUST BLEW MY MIND.

    Blog post: Zugspitze – the top of Germany! I suspect with next week’s “light lockdown” taking effect, this is going to be the last pleasure travel for us for quite a while… 🏔❄️

    KiBa attempt #2, courtesy of the Snook. Check out that marbling! 🍒🍌😍 @ Theresienhöhe

    @QuinnyPig My last flight (prior to relocating) was a weekend away to Melbourne on March 13. That trip pushed me just over the line to gift platinum status to my husband. 😂 What a waste.

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    This account delights me.

    @mmastertheone This is why our pantry was such a nightmare to clean when we moved.

    RT @adhorn: Over the course of the 66-hour Prime Day, 16.4 trillion calls were made to the @dynamodb API, peaking at 80.1 million requests…

    @frconil My niece wanted a Barbie. I got her the I Can Be President one. My sister was like, “You know she just wants to brush its hair, right?” But whatever. They won’t remember in a month, so I say get them something you feel good about.

    RT @GruenHQ: This week, we went on an interstate odyssey to track down the composer of the Bunnings theme. 25 years later, he still secretl…

    I’ll admit I was super curious to see what kind of traffic @QuinnyPig’s tweet would drive to my site. Not quite the slashdotting I was fearing/envisioning, but still about 5x what my last post got.

    Alright. My first ever KiBa! 🍒🍌 It’s super tasty! I like this. (How do I get proper marbling though? I just poured the banana into the cherry.) @ Theresienhöhe

    @abertrotzdem Will give that a try – thanks!

    RT @GLITCHAUS: One of the formative concepts of GLITCHAUS is based on the belief that some of the most compelling digital art is the result…

    Build Stuff was one of the best conferences I’ve attended, and I’m honoured to be back as a speaker again this year! 😍

    RT @KenTremendous: This entire article is bananas. It’s Trump flying to states he hates, and telling his fans in those states that he hates…

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    @hollingsworth Of course – @MsJonesInSydney and I go way back. I’ve spoken at her other group. 😉

    RT @RubenGallego: This how the 1% look at minorities. I was a classmate of Kushner let me tell you what I did to get into Harvard compared…

    98%. That burger literally made me drool. 🍔

    @LapTop006 I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a Chiko Roll.

    If you’re watching AWS Community Day NL Aonline, I’ll be a guest on the office hours in just five minutes with my colleagues @soganmageshwar and @darkosubotica! #awscommunity

    @soganmageshwar @darkosubotica We’re live!

    These trees are so gorgeous, it almost makes me forgive the number of times I’ve nearly broken my ankle on the stupid little crabapples they drop everywhere. 🍁 @ Theresienhöhe

    RT @dtraub: Heute Abend bin ich zu Gast bei @DevTalksde und spreche mit @DerSia über AWS, das Universum und den ganzen Rest.

    Um 21:00 Uhr…

    @QuinnyPig Ironically, most of the outlook from Wank Mountain was completely obscured by the cloud!

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    @damana Not sure. It worked really well for me getting rid of stuff in Oz. Tried to use to buy stuff when we got to Germany though and people would just ghost on me. 🤷‍♀️

    RT @kirschner: Good news for “Public Money? #PublicCode !”:

    The city of Munich wants to soon start #FreeSoftware projects. First there sh…

    @DivineOps This is why I have a Contacts app where I can write a note like, “Guy with the EYEBROWS I talked to at the THING” and then search later. 😂

    ‘Looking after the oldies’: when Meals on Wheels lost half its workforce, young Australians stepped in – This gave me a smile. I’d love to find some volunteer project here in Germany…

    @DivineOps I used to be better. It was genuinely useful while I was maintaining it regularly. It helped when people would connect on LinkedIn at the same time, as that helped remind me too.

    Blog post: A Trip to Wank Mountain. (No really, that’s what it’s called!)

    @RachelAppel Of course! 😁