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Unplanned manual labour. @ Waverton, New South Wales, Australia

@Ascasewwen @sharre I saw something nasty in the woodshed!

Reading: “Breaking Bad Terrarium”

Reading: “Rejection Therapy”

RT @ShentonStage: Inspiring poster for local London bookshop @kewbookshop (via @PaulWaugh, H/t @eilidhmac): THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK! http://…

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@drkknits Just name-checked you in a blog post. You will be amused, I think. 🙂

@drkknits I winced at the bit about being sarcastic to make yourself look smarter. We, uh, do that a lot in my house. 🙁

Just pulled the trigger on some vintage bedroom furniture I’ve been coveting. Time to book the @GoGet van!

Discovered that Shonen Knife don’t actually go onstage til 10pm. Hm. We’re old people. This sucks!

Anyone in the Inner West interested in last minute (free) tickets to Shonen Knife tonight? Just message me!

@gilmae 10pm! The tickets said 7pm. That’s so not fair.

@gilmae So lame. Fully acknowledged lame. Lame as charged.

@gilmae On the plus side, it was the cheapest concert tickets I’ve ever bought in Sydney so I don’t feel too bad about piking.

RT @bc_dave: Brightcove is Hiring! VP, Account Management, Media is one of many great positions in sales, development, syseng, etc that we …

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Reading: “A speedrunner tricked Super Mario World into ending in 6 minutes”

Rocking out to Shonen Knife in preparation for tomorrow night’s concert! ♫ Overdrive – Shonen Knife #NowPlaying

Delivery! Ooh, perfect timing for the 3-day weekend. #arduino #lilypad #makeallthethings

Reading: “Darth Vader Helmet Made of Gummy Bears”

w-g blogpost: On women and “power dressing” and personal style. (Spoiler: I have none.)

@myceliumme_CC @spartakan @aammeloot TBH I was grumbling about “questioners” after a non-tech book signing talk who just rambled inanely.

@myceliumme_CC @spartakan @aammeloot There’s a big difference between that and actually asking for people to volunteer their experiences!

Flossing routine is paying off. In and out in record time! (@ Pacific Smiles Dental)

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@Alegrya I love my Aria scales!

@Alegrya I recommend using Trendweight: It does a rolling average and smooths out to show the trends.

@Alegrya And it works perfectly with Fitbit! 🙂

RT @SydCSS: Hey SydCSS-ers! We’ve just announced our first event for 2015! Grab your spot now 🙂

At Fishburners for @WWCSYD to learn about CSS and SASS! @ Fishburners Sydney

@richbuggy Hello!! 🙂

@richbuggy There’s pizza up here. And as I’m being virtuous, I’ll give you my slice.

@antonemdin Whoa! Is it the same design as the guy in the suit? We saw him at T20 match back over Christmas!

Wow, lots of new faces here at @WWCSyd tonight to learn about SASS! #wwcsyd


“We like to keep our code DRY. That means Don’t Repeat Yourself.” Ha! I thought at first @mobywhale meant “Serious & non-funny.” 🙂 #wwcsyd

@richbuggy It’s cool. We’re in LEARN mode anyway. 🙂

RT @daphnechong: Thanks to @Fishburners for the pizza and beer for tonight’s @WWCSyd meetup! // I LOOK LIKE A GIANT.

RT @phroghollow: We’ve found a winner. Stan has 4 seasons of Round The Twist.

Reading: Why You Should Never Worry Alone – Good advice. I’m a perpetually anxious worrier. Sharing helps a lot.

In 13 months, I’m down 13.3kg. Key tools: Fitbit Aria + TrendWeight + INSANE AMOUNTS OF STRESS.

@pauleyphillips Haha, sure! 🙂

‘Fifty Shades of Grey’-inspired bacon burger returns to British pub – Ew. My first thought: Does it have LUBE ON IT?

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@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits OH JEEZUS. HERE WE GO.

RT @IGDA_ED: Proudly declaring this @Intel/@IGDA goal: Double the number of women in the game industry by 2025! via …

@RoseRed_Shoes I’ve got 2 entered. One is 90% finished, the other about 50%. LET’S SPRINT!

Annabel Crabb at AGNSW talking about bra-burning feminism. Hell yeah! @ Art Gallery of New South Wales

@drwitty_knitter It was just colourful language. That wasn’t the literal topic of her talk. 🙂

Ugh. I firmly believe attendees at a talk should be legally required to read this flowchart before asking questions.

@creatrixtiara @catehstn Fair enough. But I just heard 7 “questions” where more than half just wanted to talk into a mic for no reason.

@creatrixtiara @catehstn Like, there should be an actual question! It’s not “share your anecdote” time.

@drwitty_knitter My favourite response is @smark31’s withering “Thank you for that useful contribution.”

@irisbuunk None of those criteria should preclude a shy person from speaking. The key is to actually ask a question, not just ramble.

@fcablog @Puffles2010 Ooooh, that’s a good one.

@venks79 Hahaha… Nah, it wasn’t actually a tech event I was at. But this pretty much applies to that too!

RT @googlemaps: A city-wide craving for cotton candy sweeps Sydney at sunset. #Australia

RT @KnitGuildNSW: The Guild now has a new logo, as you can see by our avatar. Thanks to everyone who voted in the competition.…

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RT @mpesce: The Startup Muster survey is Australia’s largest ever poll of tech entrepreneurs – the results on TWISTA today.…

w-g: Startup Muster – Really cool survey results for Australian startup landscape in 2014. (Hat tip: @mpesce)

Hey, it’s @romainprieto back at Mi9 for Sydney Node Ninjas! Blast from the distant 9Jumpin past. 🙂

Great talk, @tur_nr. Come work for my team at Mi9. 🙂

Power pose from racereplica as he presents at Node Ninjas!

@joshhunt Didn’t your new Mommy and Daddy tell you about it? 😛

Reading: “Here’s How to Rock a Onesie like a Superstar (And Not a Toddler)”

@jannism So beautiful!

RT @snookca: Front-end Job Interview Questions

‘Serial’ Witness Now Says She Never Recanted Her Alibi Testimony @vulture // WHAT?!

w-g: I’ve got five months to find the perfect onesie for the next knitting retreat. Please help! (NOT KIDDING.)

@venks79 @zosainsbury @chrisgander I would eat it but only if I were horribly, horribly hungover. And it would be THE BEST THING EVER.

RT @instagram: Android Instagrammers, want to try the app before it’s released and give us feedback to improve? Learn more here: http://t.c…

@RoseRed_Shoes Hahahaha… Does Lincraft carry Bedazzlers?! This could definitely be a Thing.

@RoseRed_Shoes She looks like that fountain in the Cross! 🙂

@gilmae I got the wombat! 🙂

@gilmae aaaand I just got eaten by a drop bear. Now I get it.

@romainprieto Indeed! Can you DM me your email address? Mattttt wants to ask you some Node questions…

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@RoseRed_Shoes I love him to bits. Now to find a suitable flower pot!

@drkknits There’s apparently an Australian version. I haven’t obtained it yet. 🙂

@craigles75 Nice work! Well done to the team. (Lovely to see @venks79 is still supporting too…) 🙂

@randomknits Wow!!

@brown_note I can’t even tell if you’re trolling. Would it were so. 🙂

@justasitsounds @JM77 Did y’all mean to have that conversation publicly??

@JennaPrice Ahh, those are fun. You get Bonus Points if they include Bible verses! (Knitters Guild hate mail does indeed exist.)

@justasitsounds @JM77 All good now. 🙂

Reading: “Paper is back: Why ‘real’ books are on the rebound”

Reading: “#Tay4Hottest100: Taylor Swift campaign shows it’s time for Triple J to shake off cultural elitism”

I don’t need your judgement, Netflix. #friendsmarathon

@gilmae Ha. No, we’re too busy, like, CRUSHING YOUR HIGH SCORE REPEATEDLY.

Reading: “Collecting X-Men comic books as graphic novels: a definitive guide”

RT @adamweitz: HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS WAS A THING! Star Wars Half Marathon #Geek #Runner

Reading: “Japan’s Infamous ‘Robot Restaurant’ Is Coming To Sydney!”

@mpesce Whole domain is 404ing for me… 🙁

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@garethrhughes That one’s easy. Never been to one. 🙂

RT @karlbright: That was unexpected, has had 2100+ votes made with it, with 30% traffic from @Mamamia #tay4hottest10…

Watching Walking Dead and finally figuring out what the Darryl worship is all about.

@gilmae Hahhaha… I got Gifty Saturday when my nephew told me how to unlock it.

RT @ObserverNDSMC: .@ArtsLettersND and the College of Engineering partner on a digital technologies minor http://t.c…

RT @ErinELindsay: This should just be called “Hire more women”

“Why Some Teams Are Smarter Than Others”…

491! New top score on #crossyroad. SO CLOSE TO 500!!

@chrispytweets I made it to 350 on bus, paused, and then did the rest on the footpath on George St. Difficulty level: ADVANCED. Bring it!

@chrispytweets Nah, I just mean advanced in the sense that it was a very distracting environment!

I’m double-booked with @WWCSYD, but @GA’s Female Founders Panel looks fantastic. Sorry to miss it!

@chrispytweets Pro tip: play in landscape mode. Took me a long time to work that out. It’s a LOT easier.

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VICTORY! clurt and the Snook finished Portal. Now we shall have cake.

@KevinLozandier @stubbornella @markboulton @TypecastApp Got a link? I’d love to see it!

Introduced 14yo nephew to Buffy yesterday. As soon as Cordy appears, he says, “That girl looks like she’s 30!” We chuckled.

Reading: “Why I Love And Hate The Apple iPhone 6 Plus”

Oh no! No more Pappa Rich for me for the time being. 🙁

@KevinLozandier @stubbornella @markboulton @TypecastApp Fantastic – thanks!

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@drkknits Notre Dame doesn’t have a Greek system. We’re totes above that. So you’ll have to look it up: 🙂

@gilmae I missed the last one. Got all the rest.

@chrisgander It’s just the straw the broke the camel’s back. Too many messaging platforms. I get pinged on SMS/iMessage/email/Kik/Twitter…

@chrisgander I refuse to install another one. Just refuse. IT’S TOO MANY. TOO MANY WALLED GARDENS. JUST EMAIL ME, PEOPLE.

@mvizdos I think that actually is the only way. I’m nearly there, I tell you.

Today I learned that one of my great-grandmothers was named “Arizona.” For real. That’s pretty cool.

@halcrawford @gilmae I honestly just made educated guesses on those. Tinnies I went latest, on the basis that Australia got everything late.

@TheAdamBub Wait. Was it just one or a case?!

@TheAdamBub I really need to become better friends with all you Fix people. You get way cooler stuff than we do in Tech. 🙂

Mocktail. (@ Freda’s in Chippendale, NSW)

RT @codepo8: You’re a spokesperson, why do you talk about things breaking? – how to deal with problems in products p…

Hahaha! I just voted for Taylor Swift – Shake It Off in the #hottest100 #JeSuisTaylorSwift #Tay4Hottest100

Reading: “How to Instantly Click With Everyone You Meet”

Reading: “How secular family values stack up”

Very proud of my US alma mater’s participation in GE Girls! Some ideas for Oz initiatives? @sallyannw @nickyringland