Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    If you gotta work on a Sunday, there are worse places… 🌴🍹 @ Swissotel Merchant Court

    @vedmichv Getting ready for Innovate APJ keynotes this week!!!

    @memodoring Har. Har. 🔥

    It’s been 4 years since my last trip to India, and I’m so excited to visit Bangalore next week! Join me for AWS Women in Tech Day on 26th August. Sessions on leadership, career development, starting your career in cloud, and more!
    Register here:

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    In Post Roe v Wade Era, Mozilla Labels 18/25 Popular Period & Pregnancy Tracking Tech With *Privacy Not Included Warning by @mozilla – Highly recommend those who use such apps take steps to safeguard data. (Yes, this is the dystopian future we live in.) 🙁

    @randomknits I’m intrigued!

    @justasitsounds Oh no! That sucks. Fingers crossed that you recover quickly. 🙁

    @emd3737 Rodd would LOVE to see the world’s longest tapeworm. 😂 There’s a chance we may go to Tokyo in a few months. I’ll add it to the list!

    @venks79 VENKY! 😳

    @buzzyNZ @TG22110 That is AMAZING 😂

    This marks the second time in 3 months that I’ve been in a hotel when the fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night, AND I DO NOT LIKE IT ONE BIT.

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    Table for one in Singapore… 🍺 @ Brewerkz

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    Of course.

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    RT @lemon_lime: I’m somehow one of the speakers presenting at this week’s @SydTechLeaders! Come listen to me talk about my experience as a…

    Blog post! I finally captured our week in Berlin last May, including beer and bike tours, the AWS Summit, and a trip to the Berlin Zoo…

    Watching the Woodstock ‘99 documentary on Netflix, and it may have finally killed my love for the bucket hat. I’m sure @FourRedShoes will approve.

    Shallot tart with prosciutto and green salad, courtesy of the Snook. ❤️ @ Munich, Germany

    RT @themaninblue: So excited to announce Canva Whiteboards, bringing infinite possibilities to brainstorming, workshopping and project plan…

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    @metaskills I think this was the first time back after a couple years of not having it due to Covid. Everyone was pretty excited!

    @jamesqquick @RoaldDahlFans Actually I had a typo. RDF has earned 100x as much. I think the advice is that it’s a niche topic that will always be relevant, and over the years I’ve created a ton of my own content for it.

    These may well be the best nachos I’ve ever made. 🏆 @ Munich, Germany

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    Trying out my new Bierkrüge mit Deckel. 🍺❤️ @ Munich, Germany

    @jamesqquick My personal blog (self-hosted WordPress; running for 20 years; rarely updated these days) has earned $50 in Google Ad revenue over the last 3 years. @RoaldDahlFans (also WP, running for 25+ years, even less frequently updated) has earned 10x as much.

    Tonight we saw Rocky Horror under the stars with hundreds of Germans singing along, squirting water guns, tossing rice, and shouting at the screen. ❤️💋

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    @maetl It’s the Schwebebahn. (I’ve ridden it!) The dictionary says the verb “schweben” is closer to hover, but dangle isn’t far off.

    RT @deekob: If you missed the first EVER build on @buildonopen source show on – you can catch it again here https:/…

    My Dad is currently at the Indiana State Fair, and people, HE GOT THE PICKLE PIZZA. He says it’s good! I’m incredibly jealous.

    @alex_casalboni LOOOOOOL

    @mreferre @chrismunns @alex_casalboni @heitor_lessa More info here:

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    Dinner – pasta carbonara with leeks al fresco. 🍷 @ Munich, Germany

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    @devopsjacquie Goodness, do you know how many hours I wasted playing Pipe Dream?! Nostalgia…

    RT @deekob: There will also be some tips and tricks with concrete examples using lambda power tools (a couple of newly supported languages…

    RT @RealLyndaCarter: Breaking News: Florida Man Stunned to Find That Laws Apply to Him, Too

    RT @_jsimonovski: Hello Australian friends👋

    Got a talk idea for @SREcon? We’d love to hear it!

    Rodd: “So apparently they have this thing here where kids get to pretend to be adults, do jobs and politics and spend money and stuff. … This might be the most German thing I’ve seen so far.” 😂🇩🇪

    Grace was robbed! #blownaway 🎲