Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @raghuramanb: 1/ Everyone understands the power of APIs. But what happens when a Database gets an API? #AWS #Redshift got one recently…

    Been a long time since I needed to wear these! #dude #sweet 🧤❄️ @ Zugspitz Seilbahn

    At the summit of the Zugspitze, Germany’s highest point (2964m). We’ve got about 90km of visibility. Not too cold! @ Zugspitze Gipfel

    This böse Bergsteiger threw a snowball at me! ❄️ @ Zugspitze Gipfel

    It turns out that beer tastes best on a glacier. 🏔❄️🍻 @ Sonn Alpin 2600 m

    @JedWatson I keep a list of 350+ Aussie “not men” in tech!

    RT @JoeBiden: We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health sec…

    RT @jdvogt: What happens when you prioritize consistency over clarity.

    I’m Little My, married to Snufkin! 😂

    The end of Part One of @CursedChildAUS, when all of our collective childhood fears came to life right in front of us and then we went out into the lobby and all of our brains exploded AGAIN.

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    @rosepowell Ooh, both Rodd and I both enjoyed her Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell as well, which was made into a TV series recently.

    @rosepowell It’s been a long time since I read it, but some of the imagery really stuck with me. Very old school stuff about the Fae which was all quite spooky!

    Departing on another adventure on a grey and rainy day… @ München Hauptbahnhof

    Me: This is Oberammergau. They’ve been doing a famous Passion Play every ten years since 1634 to keep the plague away.
    The Snook: Is it working?
    Me: Well, they’re not doing it in 2020… because of Covid. 😔

    About to take the Wankbahn up to the Wankhaus for lunch on Wank Mountain. (Not kidding.) 🚡🏔 @ Wankbahn

    So that was a steep and foggy ride to the top of Mount Wank! 🏔☁️ @ Wankbahn

    Bergsteiger (Mountain Climber) Schnitzel. (We cheated by taking the Wankbahn!) @ Sonnenalm

    “There are more bears and wolves in Europe than the continental US,” says the Snook, thinking he’s being helpful. “With brown bears, you should play dead.”

    NOTED. 😳🐻

    Sadly, not much of a view at the Wankhaus today. 🏔☁️ @ Wankhaus

    It’s been 26 years since I had Spaghetti-Eis. 🥰🍨 @ Eiscafe Bellini

    Our hotel room has a hell of a view. #smelltheserenity @ Eibsee Hotel

    I had to text a German friend to confirm that, yes, you’re supposed to be naked in the sauna here. But in the end we were the only ones in there, so there was no one else to witness our bravery! 😅

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    @mattgillard @developerjack Same. I did that for my 8->11 earlier this year. Longest part of the process was backing up the old Phone just in case.

    This hurts my eyes.

    I’ll admit I’m not… *not* thinking about it.

    @darkosubotica My very fancy computerised sewing machine is on a boat that is hopefully docking in Amsterdam any day now…

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    RT @rohini_gaonkar: It was my first Twitch event today! Thanks @deekob for moderating my session at @awscloud #SheBuilds event! That was su…

    @rohini_gaonkar @deekob @awscloud LOVE IT! Great job 🙂

    Woohoo, @SydTechLeaders is BACK! Another virtual meetup kicking off in 15min, and even I’ll be joining in. Sadly, it’s too early in the morning for pineapple pizza in Deutschland, but I’ll manage….

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Thanks to everyone who joined in the meetup tonight, and to our speakers @evolvable, @WellcomeApp, and @owensenior. We…

    It turns out that familiar faces are just as effective as sunlight therapy. Two hours with these lovely folks from @SydTechLeaders and I feel more myself than I have in a month. I miss you all! ❤️

    RT @ossnipe: Ok let’s get me my first #AWS CERTS

    RT @0atman: today I learned about the Norway problem in YAML
    (a garbage format for trash people):

    >>> yaml.load(“””
    – GB…

    RT @dinoman_j:

    Just recorded my second talk as part of the @awscloud Developer Advocate team, and it went so much smoother than the first! I even got a bit of that endorphin rush I used to get speaking in front of an audience. Haven’t felt that for a long time… 😅

    Today I learned there is a German verb meaning “to be Autumn”. 😊

    RT @dabit3: New post is live! Next.js – The Data Story

    In this guide you’ll learn how to work with data access in Next.js

    ✭ Static hydrat…

    RT @AFP: A statue of a woman by Lebanese artist Hayat Nazer — made out of broken glass, rubble and a damaged clock marking the time (6:08…

    @imosquera Imma have to get back to you on that. 😂

    @lynnlangit Rodd told me that apparently chances are good for us to have a white Christmas this year in Munich!!! It’s been a long time. ❄️⛄😍

    Käsespätzle, made by me. 🥰🧀🧅 @ Theresienhöhe

    RT @darkosubotica: Learning about CloudFormation is fun – learning about CloudFormation in a forest is even better! 🌳🌳🌳

    I’ve decided to st…

    My dear friend @hannahyanfield loves the faces I pull when presenting. I picked these three at random from the video I filmed today. 😂

    RT @maetl: Pretty much the entire culture of Flash and HTML-driven expressive websites, design experiments and concrete poetry from 1997–20…

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    RT @darkosubotica: We need some input folks! 👏

    @gilmae @the_snook had one until very, very late, maybe until we left? That’s why he wouldn’t let me cut the land line. Because we might need to dial up in an emergency…

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    RT @hashnode: Developers 👏 @awscloud Developer Advocates are in the house!!! Ready to host a LIVE AMA session on @hashnode 🎉 💫

    Ask about…

    @MichelePlayfair Gorgeous!

    @allPowerde @captainklein A few people have told me about the KiBa. I may have to try this out…

    RT @chaser: If you’re an organisation that has somehow united Kevin Rudd, Malcolm Turnbull, and The Chaser in a common cause, you know you’…

    @ajmennuti @cybergibbons @thecoopertom I’m not seeking them out! It was just there, at the supermarket. 😂

    @ajmennuti @cybergibbons @thecoopertom Oh, ha! Well, a few people have pointed me to a German concoction using it called a KiBa. If I try it, I’ll tweet it.

    RT @alex_casalboni: A “short” story of how I randomly got into tech, software, and cloud computing ☁️👇 [Thread 🧵]

    RT @hashnode: AMA with the AWS Developer Advocates is now LIVE. 🔥

    Your chance to interact with them and ask about:
    – Lambda function,

    Autumn is happening! 🍂🍁

    @pbrdmn I haven’t had a proper cold winter in a loooooong time. (I mean, other than a quick trip to Chicago last January.)

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    Lunchtime ride in Westpark! Living for blue skies… ☀️ (PS that time is way wrong 😂)

    @darkosubotica Ha – I got excited thinking your new laptop had finally arrived. 😂

    @darkosubotica Did you see what I unearthed while we were packing for the move?? Circa 2001. Actually managed to tweet from it!

    RT @AlannaBennett: Tiktok may be my only joy but at least it’s good

    @chrisma0 @darkosubotica I gave it to my friend @gilmae. Not sure whether he had plans for it. Could be a dog chew toy by now! 😂

    RT @adhorn: Interested in working as an AWS Solutions Architect in the Nordics? Join our live hiring webinar on Wednesday October 21 #Nordi…

    Just booked tickets for our wedding anniversary next November. Fingers crossed everything is open and we are able to travel then! 🤞❤️

    @darkosubotica Admitting it to yourself is the first step to getting help.

    RT @jennapederson: Join #AWS developer advocates @Straithe, @mcunhaana, @web_goddess, and me tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9 AM PT to ask us anythi…

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    Blue sky for the first time in ages, so we’re rode to the Hirschgarten! It was packed with families and people playing sports. I was excited to see the deer enclosure… 🚴‍♀️☀️

    RT @amymorgangp: I…just want to go to a real conference with bad coffee & pastries & get some pens & a tote bag instead of logging into a…

    Rode my bike all over Munich, perfectly safe, then managed to roll my ankle HARD on a stupid crabapple three steps from my front door. Now I’m hobbling. 😫

    @rachelandrew @timbray I didn’t really extend the state of the art or anything, but I’ve been maintaining @RoaldDahlFans continuously since 1996. I’m proud of that, and I wish more of the early Open Web content was still available. Oldest snapshot:

    In Germany, one can purchase banana juice. I find this fascinating… but not enough to buy it. 😳🍌

    @darthted Oof.

    @garcia_juliang Haha, I bought a Sodastream in the first month and I’ve just been using that!

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    @incunabulista Lana Grossa Cool Wool Fine

    RT @rohini_gaonkar: Watch my recent session how you can use AWS to move “From Monolithic to Microservices: Evolving architecture patterns”…

    Me: Wow! Visits to my @RoaldDahlFans site is about the same as last year, but pageviews is double! Must be all that Covid distance learning.

    @the_snook, a suspicious SRE: About double, you say? Let’s investigate further. Look at pageviews per session.

    Me: Scheiße. 💩

    @the_snook That corresponds pretty much exactly to when I migrated my site and started using the Google Site Kit for WordPress plugin. I was already injecting the Analytics code in my theme, and it appears the plugin does as well. Definitely double-counting. Damn.

    So after all the DHL nonsense – not ringing the doorbell on the delivery day, not delivering the package to the pick up point when they said they would – today they redelivered it to the house! No idea how/why that happened. But hey, I’ve got my @etepetetebio veggies at last!

    RT @tedneward: The kind of man who writes this kind of letter is the kind of man I want leading our country.

    He’s not a radical progressiv…

    RT @jennapederson: #AWS Data Hero @lynnlangit is talking this morning about the tech apprenticeship landscape right here in #MNTech and wha…

    RT @jesslynnrose: Can’t tell if recording remote talks is more tiring than in person public speaking or if everything is just a lot rn.

    RT @Super70sSports: You are now 27 points ahead of the Knicks just by looking at this photo.

    Blog post: Bicycles, motorcycles, cars, and trains! Our trip to the Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum last weekend. 🚲🛵🏍🚗🚎🚂🚈

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    RT @samtopley: ✨Exciting news!✨

    Due to popular demand, my online course with @MusicHackspace will run again! 🙌🙌🙌

    Learn about e-textiles a…

    RT @adhorn: Really excited for the “AWS Resiliency & Chaos Engineering” online series. Two days of talks with some of my favorites folks @a…

    Gave in to @cobusbernard and joined the Mega QnA Live Stream!

    FIVE AWS Developer Advocates on one live stream! And we aren’t *just* talking about baldness and beards, I promise…

    @The_McJones @TheMartianLife I hope that was said as a good thing. Because GG is amazing.

    Incredibly annoyed. So after DHL failed to deliver my @etepetetebio package yesterday, I walked to the post office in the rain to pick it up. It’s not there. I said, “The card says it will be here at noon. It’s 3pm.” He said, “The card lied.” 😠😠😠

    This grey, rainy Autumn weather is doing my head in, so I took advantage of Prime Day and bought a daylight therapy light. It’s… a lot of light. 😂☀️

    @etepetetebio ARE YOU KIDDING ME. DHL just emailed to apologise that my delivery didn’t make it to the pickup place yet, and that I can expect to receive an update in “1-2 working days.” These vegetables are going to be rotten.

    Started a new knitting project! Not sure about the tension/size yet though…