Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @sebsto: #AWSDevDay is coming today 10am!

    Deep dives across 3 tracks:
    👩‍✈️ IT Managers
    🧑‍💼Enterprise Architects
    👩‍💻App Developers


    RT @DanRather: If you want to be an “originalist” in law, maybe you should go all the way. Cooking on a hearth. Leeches for medicine. An ol…

    @charis @jesslynnrose Yikes – fingers crossed it’s not!!

    #AWSDevDay is happening! Join now if you want to catch part of @ziniman’s keynote kicking off a day of Modern Application Development sessions…

    @voltagex This phrase is extremely relevant to my interests. Vielen Dank.

    For those watching my #AWSDevDay session on Building and Running Microservices on AWS, if you want to go through the demo yourself (because yeah, I’m flying through it!), you can see step by step instructions here:

    Phew! My first #AWSDevDay talk is finished!! 😅 Thanks to all who joined in. Still plenty of great sessions kicking off soon… Register at

    @folarinoye It’s a big topic to cover in just 30min! 😂 You can see it all step by step here if you like:

    RT @Vel12171: Enjoyed this session #microservicesonAWS – really loved that demo and can’t wait to try it out for myself @web_goddess #aws #…

    @slaine_ Oh no, sorry about that! Just checked – you will definitely be getting a link to watch the video… 🙂

    @real_maranza Apparently when you get the link to watch the video online, a link to to the slides will be included too. 😃

    RT @cobusbernard: Watching the #AWSDevDay and have questions? Can’t wail till office hours? Come join the #AWS Africa Office Hours starting…

    RT @soganmageshwar: My session on ‘Offline-first web and mobile apps powered by GraphQL’ at #AWSDevDay is starting in 5 minutes.

    Last min…

    @MavensLtd Hahaha, as the newbie on the team I am used to being the afterthought! 😂 Glad you’re enjoying the sessions…

    @etepetetebio ARGH. We are working from home, here all morning, and somehow DHL didn’t ring our door for delivery but instead put a card in mailbox. Have to now pick up tomorrow. Very annoying – was hoping to eat veggies for dinner!

    Levelled up my German today – managed to call DHL to complain about a missed delivery, and despite the fact that the guy spoke very little English, my complaint was successfully noted! Apparently righteous indignation is good for language learning. ✊

    @RachelAppel They didn’t even ring our bell! Must’ve rung a neighbour to get in and then just put the card in the mailbox. It’s infuriating.

    RT @ziniman: Thanks for joining #AWSDevDay and sharing your feedback. If you have any questions or want to share more feedback, please reac…

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    I was nodding along like, sure, Marsden as my fave Stu Redman, okay, I can buy that, and Whoopi as Mother Abigail is a no-brainer, and then Eric Northman appeared as Randall Flagg and my brain exploded and I’d like to move to Vegas and join the Team Evil now thank you.

    @cobusbernard I didn’t consider myself a horror fan but got into him via The Gunslinger and then ended up reading most of his work. Love his short stories and fantasy! The 90’s Stand miniseries was excellent – this one has a lot to live up to.

    @cobusbernard My defining memory of Needful Things is the Elvis sunglasses. 😳

    Remember how I gave that talk about KnitML and the dream of being able to programmatically compile a custom knitting pattern in just my size? I really wish that existed. ( @j__st – we need @freesewing_org for knitting!)

    @chessiqua @mattallen @j__st @freesewing_org This is a particular traditional pattern from a designer in a new book that’s just been released. I tend to knit more complicated things than what I’ve seen from Bellish.

    @JulieKalitis @j__st @freesewing_org Yeah, there are a few different people trying to pitch different commercial versions of this. Of course, none of them are interoperable. That’s why I wish KnitML had taken off as a standard. Designers aren’t going to convert their patterns into multiple different formats.

    @j__st @freesewing_org I’ve thought about it. It’s a thought. Some day.

    RT @pjf: Voting in the United States: “After standing in line for 11 hours I hope the polling centre doesn’t disenfranchise me on a technic…

    RT @lizthegrey: This is what happens when you move from Intel to #Graviton2.

    Apfelkuchen – before and after! 🍎🍰

    RT @ziniman: Last chance to register. DevDay Online – Modern Application Development. Join me tomorrow (Thu), 10am (CET) for the Opening Ke…

    RT @Gaohmee: Well.

    I just lost my job at ArenaNet as of today as part of a re-shuffling of projects, which means I am looking for a job as…

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    Yep, all of this. Thanks @Yarna_ ❤️

    RT @mavi888uy: #AWSDevDay is coming online!

    Deep dives across 3 tracks:
    👩🏻‍💼 IT Managers
    👨🏿‍💼Enterprise Architects
    👩🏽‍💻 App Developers…

    @mavi888uy Gahhh, you are such a good video editor! Love the jump cuts and energy. ❤️ PS is that a little robot on your necklace??

    RT @AmyMcGrathKY: I wrote to Sen. McConnell when I was 13, asking him to change the law so that women could be fighter pilots.

    He didn’t r…

    @mavi888uy Ahhh! It reminded me of the logo for @SydCSS. 😃🤖

    @taybenlor @MitchPommers Yes. I remember one very early morning meeting of @SydTechLeaders organisers where, after dancing around it, we all put cards on the table and shared our salaries. The range was eye-opening. It definitely convinced me of the need for more transparency.

    @sebsto @thebeebs YES, omg, the nostalgia. Is there a wormhole to that universe?? 😂 Might be better than this one right now…

    RT @jennyhbren: Happy #AdaLovelaceDay !

    Ada Lovelace was first to publish a computer program. And then was largely snubbed & forgotten fo…

    @thebeebs @sebsto 🤔 No Blackberry, but I think there might be a working Nokia 3310 on the boat from Oz…

    RT @ziniman: У меня самая замечательная в мире работа!
    Хотите присоединиться?
    Мы подбираем команду и ищем русскоязычных, прогрессивных, люб…

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    @crankymate Nah, more like a gingerbread texture almost.

    @raejohnston Identified a person I admired and followed their career, got to know them a little. Then sent an email saying I was looking for a mentor and asking their advice in finding one. After a coffee, she agreed to mentor me ongoing. The email was key; gave her an out to say no.

    @gilmae Meanwhile, I was taking photos of crocheted “skirt guards” on vintage German ladies’ bicycles.

    @mipsytipsy I’ve seen some great talks from @heidihelfand on what she calls “dynamic reteaming” – she’s written a book on it – so I bet she’s got some ideas…

    @Lifeofmle @CoreyGinnivan Yes to all of this. My brief foray into the world of Ruby and gems was even worse.

    RT @awscloud: Learn how to build advanced, scalable & secure applications at #AWSDevDay Online. Tune in to hear more from @web_goddess. htt…

    @Floris Don’t get discouraged! I’m old too; I miss the days of the early web. But it’s always good to have some idea what the young people are talking about…

    Me: “I’ve been feeling a little sad and down the last two weeks.”

    Friend: “Well, you’re doing a good job of making your life look fun.”

    It’s my dubious superpower. I need to write a blog post so people know exploding your life isn’t 24-7 pretzels and rainbows.

    @saberkite Thank you. I miss you! Hope we get to meet up again in person someday. 🙂

    @drkyliesmith Thanks. I’m trying to take it easy on myself, and more than once I’ve marveled at how you did it all on your own. Covid restrictions really don’t help, either…

    RT @isahuerga: Looking for a community where you can share ideas, ask and answer questions, and learn about new AWS services and best pract…

    RT @HamiltonMusical: We made this for 2016, but now it’s time to participate in the sequel! Show up and vote. #Throwback #Ham4Vote https://…

    RT @dabit3: I just published a few resources teaching how to deploy a Nuxt app to AWS’s global CDN

    – Static site deployment
    – SP…

    Finally finished the Milo Socks for @the_snook. Started them back in June but they took me forever to finish. Wool is Crazyfoot by Mountain Colors, purchased in Phoenix, Arizona many years ago because it reminded me of the colours of the desert!

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    Sunday brunch accomplishment: recreate Weisswurst Frühstück at home!

    Honig-Zimt-Kekse (Honey Cinnamon Cookies) homemade by the Snook… 😋

    Once he grew the beard, this was pretty much an inevitability.

    Touring museums builds up a thirst… 🍺

    Me: “1…3…2…8… Is that when the brewery was founded? Our countries didn’t even EXIST yet.” 😳

    @the_snook: “They didn’t even know our countries were THERE.” 🍺

    Finally watching the Challenger documentary on Netflix. Put it off until I was emotionally stable enough, and was still tearing up within the first five minutes. And yet, if NASA called tomorrow to offer me a spot, I still would.

    Made it through the teary part to get to the bit I was really looking forward to – Richard Feynman. (Thank you to whoever thought to play bongos when he was introduced!)

    Okay, so I cried again at the end when I learned that Barbara Morgan actually got to fly to space, 21 years after she was selected as McAuliffe’s backup for Challenger. I never knew that. What an amazing hero. 👩‍🚀

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    @wheelyweb @misswired I had a cheque book in Oz for many years for exactly one reason – to pay my yearly Knitters Guild membership. Finally a few years back enough of the old guard died or retired so that a new committee got elected and finally added electronic payment.

    RT @jenistyping: You’re not supposed to be in accomplishment mode all the time. In fact, high performance *requires* periods of rest. Just…

    RT @ReinH: hey folks, this is good, this is how you do it

    Schwäbische Maultaschen and potato salad. My attempt at a German regional speciality! Basically like ravioli or potstickers. 😋

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    Good grief. Have now received FIVE emails over the last month from @fortismediaofcl begging me to let them place a sponsored article on my personal blog. Must everything be monetised? SEO killed the Internet.

    @gilmae Any specific fic recommendations? 😂 I think I’m finally, finally hitting the bottom of the Good Omens barrel.

    RT @ajaynairthinks: 1/Extensions is about removing yet another snowflakiness about #awslambda. For most #serverless folks, this will manife…

    @pwcc Congrats!!

    @gilmae I spent first third thinking it was depressing, then middle third realising I dated Draco Malfoy in high school, and then by the end I was loving it, and then “Draco sends Ron a box of wine. On the box he had sharpied the message: ‘HIT BOTTOM ALREADY’” honestly made me LOL.

    @randomknits Ugh I miss having a decently stocked bar.

    Reason #137 why I’ll never knit a “mystery shawl.” 😂

    Ooh, AWS Community Day ANZ is coming up! You should definitely submit a talk proposal. I attended the last two years, and it’s always a good day of learning and sharing. ❤️🇦🇺🇳🇿

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    @mtnygard @randyshoup Well, it’s a great way to goose your signup numbers. 😂 We rolled it back when we figured it out, but man, that’s an Evil Genius dark pattern waiting to be exploited.

    Only one week to go! Join us for a deep dive on modern app development on Oct. 15. It’s a FREE full-day event with 3 tracks of technical sessions for…

    👩🏽‍💼IT Managers
    👨🏼‍💼Enterprise Architects
    👩🏿‍💻App Developers

    Register here:

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    RT @The6P4C: burnout would be a lot cooler if it came with the tire squealing and smoke instead of like, apathy

    RT @adhorn: One of the most commonly asked question with regards to Chaos Engineering is:

    “How to safely inject failure in your applicatio…

    Scientists win Nobel chemistry prize for ‘genetic scissors’ – The first time two women have ever shared the prize! 👏🏆

    @CatSwetel I think it would vary based on context. On the bus or at a concert? Pretty damn close. At a conference or in the kitchen at work – maybe a couple feet?

    @CatSwetel Thank you! My illustrator friend @4colorcowboy drew it for me a few years back and I knitted him a scarf in exchange. ❤️

    First commute by bike. “There’s a break in the clouds! I think I can make it home before the rain hits!” Spoiler: I didn’t. 😅🚴‍♀️

    RT @cbcgem: one second of everything David has ever worn on Schitt’s Creek, in order

    @daiyami Hmm. Reviews in German App Store aren’t so good…

    Came home to find a package waiting – new #shebuildsonaws shirts! ❤️ Love the design; love the flag on the sleeve; loved the message behind it all. #awscommunity #bepeculiar

    @danilop Every single time I read about DeepComposer, this is what I think of!

    You’ll all be pleased to know I found the goon. 📦🍷

    RT @erik_kaars: Thread: weird medieval depictions of God creating Eve.

    First up: Eve looking like a novelty balloon.

    (Morgan Library, MS…

    RT @yokoonobot: Ask yourself: how can I have a life of peace, love and soups?

    @mtnygard @randyshoup Early Canva worked that way IIRC. It caused a lot of problems. People would complain that their designs were missing, not realising they were spawning new accounts each time!

    RT @baddestmamajama: random men, if you like 4 of my selfies in a row on Instagram at least show me the respect of liking one dog or baking…

    @ThePepperCherry Nope. But tbh I’m actually not a fangirl. I think… it’s overrated! Not been impressed the few times I’ve knitted with it.

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    RT @CommsAlliance: In celebration of World Space Week, we recommend the ‘Women in Australia’s Space Industry’, a virtual panel discussion a…

    Blog post: Rivers and Lakes and a Staircase to Nowhere… – Some photos from our outings on the weekend!

    RT @marekq: I’m playing around with AWS Amplify, Rekognition and pictures of my dog today.

    First results of the label detection test;


    RT @CarolineWazer: Speaking as someone with a PhD in Roman history, putting your bodyguards at personal risk for no reason when your politi…

    @veloceronte @jennapederson Because there are a lot of developers in that area of the world, and we need someone who literally speaks the language. The DevRel team works mostly in English, but we do produce local language content too.

    I’m going to have this stuck in my head all night.