Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @jcguan: German expression of the day: “Das geht mir am Arsch vorbei”, which literally translates as “that goes by my ass” and means I d…

    @ericjiang97 WOW! They must really be getting through the backlog now. Congrats. 😃 Where are you off to anyway??

    He’s kicking my ass at the registration referral contest, but I still can’t resist the retweet. 😂 @darkosubotica knows how to pander to my love of old school technology… (But if you want to sign up to DevDay Online with *my* link, that’d be ACE!)

    Time to start the 2021 hiring! I’m looking for a Russian-speaking developer advocate to join my team at AWS. If you love building on AWS and talking (in Russian!) to devs about it, please get in touch…

    RT @094459: Вы говорите по-русски и любите технологии и клиентов? приходи работать в лучшую команду всех времен 🇷🇺🇷🇺👇…

    Spent 5min going to try to figure out what the new green dot is near the camera icon on the iOS 14 Lock Screen… before realising it’s actually part of the photograph I’m using as my wallpaper. 😂

    @NickyWill100 It looks JUST like one of the UI dots!

    @moneerrifai That’s excellent – thank you!

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    @mmastertheone @ADuckIsMyFiend AMAZING A

    RT @djbaskin: This text-based conference is incredible. We are trading “rares” by the swag table. I only want conferences to be MUDs from n…

    RT @CharlesTBetz: I did not expect this from a Washington Post op-Ed. Trump as chaos monkey?…

    We found the nudist beach on the Isar. 😳🍺

    Die Sonne scheint, so we went for a bike ride along the Isar! 🚴🚴‍♀️☀️🍺

    Thanks to a helpful nudge from @ziniman, I’ve managed to export a static version of @RoaldDahlFans running from WordPress locally in Docker!! Yeah, still lots of little problems to solve until I can deploy it, but one thing at a time…

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    Blog post: in which I talk about human garbage, but not the human garbage you’re thinking of. 🔥

    @JulieKalitis There are information sheets here, and pretty much all single use packaging goes in the Kunststoff bin.

    RT @mavi888uy: #AWSDevDay is coming online!

    Deep dives across 3 tracks:
    👩🏾‍💼IT Managers
    👨🏻‍💼Enterprise Architects
    👩‍💻App Developers


    The forecast says rain, but so far it’s a lovely day for a train trip!

    RT @michaelmoussa: In this demo, I’ll show you how easy it is to get started with Amazon Timestream – a serverless time series database ser…

    TIL my husband keeps a bird identification app on his phone.

    @AU_JohnDw20 It’s called Merlin. He says, “But you have to download like 400MB of bird data before it’s useful.” 😂

    We didn’t escape the rain after all… 🥶🌧

    @boicy I saw some the other day at dusk and assumed they were bats until I remembered we’re not in Sydney anymore. 😂🦇

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    @stilkov Yes. We were amused to see it included in the lease for our apartment in Munich. I’ve never seen that before elsewhere!

    Ahhh. Our apartment lease came with an extra document about the need to air the rooms every day to prevent mould, and we were like, “Wait, what?” At least I know now it’s not just our landlord being weird.

    RT @nocontextroyco:

    RT @monosynth:

    @cobusbernard That’s what I would’ve thought, but they love their “frische Luft” here!

    RT @joshgad: I do hope Trump and his wife recover. I also hold extreme resentment and anger to a man who sat idly by as all of us, includin…

    @justasitsounds ❤️❤️❤️

    @JoBencke Just when I think I can’t get more depressed…

    Thanks @Osterjour for great lunchtime conversation! Looking forward to being part of the Munich and wider German tech community.

    Roger Ebert always said the real test of a movie is whether it’s more entertaining that just watching the actors hanging out. I’m paraphrasing, but I feel strongly that we don’t actually need the dinosaurs for this one.

    Oof. That is… not what I expected. Why did they trash the Norwegian aspect? Why are there THREE mice? Why does everyone sound like FOGHORN LEGHORN? This destroys everything I loved about the book.

    RT @brianleroux: Folks have rightly asked for more clarity on security practice by service at AWS and per usual they listened. An epic week…

    RT @sauramaia: this is…this whole thread. it’s fantAStic

    @cobusbernard It was a surprise for us, but I think it’s common here.

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    RT @danilop: This is making many use cases easier to build 👉 Store and Access Time Series Data at Any Scale with Amazon Timestream – Now Ge…

    @snaxolotl As soon as I saw your initial tweet, I heard that in my head. 🔥

    Congrats to @QuinnyPig on his new arrival, and if you haven’t read his amazing post about paternity leave, you really should: (I don’t have kids, and I’d be lying if I said sidestepping the issue of parental support in tech wasn’t a factor.)

    @codepo8 I figured it out pretty quickly, and I think the word itself is fine. It’s just unfortunate that it resembles a pejorative Down Under. I’ll just have to make sure I pronounce it correctly!

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    RT @steven_bryen: Never been involved in an AWS GameDay? You’re missing out – Oct 9th we will be hosting an online public GameDay open to e…

    I’m so sad I won’t be there! I’ll be wearing my She Builds shirt though and cheering from afar. 😍👏

    The one-sided rivalry continues. 😂❤️ (Happy birthday @SydCSS! But @SydTechLeaders RULES. 🤘)

    RT @naval: Imagine how effective you would be if you weren’t anxious all the time.

    RT @lindsey: “Men equal women in computing skill, but are overconfident”

    The German word for subscription is “Abo.” I see it everywhere, on signs and advertisements. It’s unsettling for an Aussie, I’ll tell you what. I feel uncomfortable saying it too.

    @dtraub Yes, @anbarth explained today! It’s just that it’s a rather rude term in Australia, so it feels like a shock too see it. I’m sure I’ll get used to it.

    RT @ineffablehbweek: I really don’t think ya’ll understand how much of my free time I dedicate to reading Ineffable Husbands fanfiction. I…

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    Found this essay about 17776 and it made me want to reread the whole thing. @jon_bois is a goddamn treasure.

    Me: “What’s that sound?”
    Him: “It’s the steam boiler. I can probably turn it off. It’s only used for the *pre-infusion*.”
    Me: “It’s too early for this…” ☕️

    Good grief, it’s like Big Night here except with coffee.

    Me: “Hey, this looks good. Nice crema!”
    Him: “It’s shit crema. It’s basically hotel coffee.”

    I’m expecting him to throw out all the beans today in search for some that are worthy of his new machine.

    @zbendr We’ve been using them for Aeropress for the month. They’re fine for that!

    Look out München – we’re mobile! ☺️🚲🚲❤️

    @duyenho They’re from @SwapfietsDE – Bicycle as a Service! 😁

    @D3stiny_Sm4sher @Gaohmee When I sent mine by mail, I Fedexed it to the address on the envelope. Nowadays thankfully I can return via email.

    First time in a salon in 7 months! 😳💇🏼‍♀️

    After! Lopped off quite a bit and added a bright red tint. I feel 10 years younger. 💁🏼‍♀️ Thank you Lea at @salonahead!

    @dtraub Seven months without going to the salon had me feeling like a cavewoman! 😂

    RT @edjgeek: I think I am ready for ⁦@cdkday⁩ #CDKDAY !!

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    @seveniste @ThePepperCherry Seconding 800. (Also, if that was a Twelfth Man reference: niiiioce 👌)

    Thinking of pitching a conf talk called “Binders Full of Women” where I will lure in male hiring managers with promise of copious “diverse candidates” and then spend 45m teaching them how to use LinkedInIn and Twitter and not be lazy entitled muppets… 💁‍♀️ #baitandswitchforgood

    @deekob I have no head for strategy. I always end up falling back on “DEFEND REYKJAVIK”. 😂

    RT @NIDeveloper: Who can you expect to see on screen at @cdkday?

    @build1point0,@aheumaier, @MatJovanovic, @Chitranjali_E, @bianchiluca, @T…

    Here’s a pro tip for any men who want to want to expand the diversity of their network but for some reason can’t figure out how – I have a Twitter list of 340+ Australian “not men” in the tech industry you can follow and amplify:

    I should add: if you’re not on this list and think you should be, please just ping me. It’s something I’ve added to piecemeal over the years, and if you’re not there, it’s probably because I just forgot to click the button. (I’m already finding people who I thought were there!)

    @randommandelbot @gilmae I like this one, although it does give off drunk owl and/or wonky boob vibes.

    @desplesda @The_McJones Awww, so nice! (Or did Jon leave his keyboard unlocked?)

    @adamliaw Pork crackling that’s actually crunchy and perfect rather than chewy dog treats or blackened carbon.

    RT @JasonKander: He’s broke, he lives in our house, and he’s been stealing from us.

    Some men hit their 40’s and buy a sportscar. The Snook is slightly different. 😂🏎❤️☕️

    RT @jbesw: When should you use SQS, SNS or EventBridge? In today’s post, I compare messaging services and how to use each one in your serve…

    RT @business: Germany has its own Dr. Fauci—and unlike the U.S., government leaders and citizens actually listen to him…

    RT @goldengateblond: this official response to Trump’s demand that Biden take a drug test is sending me

    Oh man. 17776 is back, except now it’s 20020. I can’t even explain how much I love this weirdness.

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    @chaitanyakuber I’m still not quite sure what the Mom’s deal was. She was going to… be a terrorist or something? That Storyline didn’t pay off.

    @minxdragon @_LightningHawk Cool idea, and probably easier as I’m assuming an AR Patch doesn’t need to be an exact square!

    A few days ago we learned there is a Thing called Weißbierfrühstück where you eat pretzels and sausages and drink beer at breakfast, and oh god yes, we made that happen. 🥨🍻

    @chixors Sure. But why did she leave? What was her group trying to do? What was her whole secret deal? What did she do with all of Mycroft’s money? Why was she still hiding at the end?

    @gilmae Served at the oldest brewery in Munich, which is 15 minutes walk from our flat.

    “I feel like my Australia-honed skill at deveining prawns with a knife and fork,” said @the_snook, “is really helping me with this weisswurst.”

    @gilmae Sure. Saving museums for the winter, but I’ll remember.

    @abertrotzdem @the_snook We were told that’s an advanced technique, so we started with the simpler way. 😆

    RT @erzaehlmirnix: Weil ich heute flach liege, ein Klassiker, der immer geht 🙂

    @_LightningHawk Aww, thanks! That’s just the short version. I’ve done a couple other 45min talks about tech and knitting too. ☺️

    So, it turns out when you drink beer for breakfast, it kind of zonks you out for the rest of the day. 😴

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    @MelissaKaulfuss I love this. ❤️

    You, a non-imaginative person, say: “Kris, you went straight from winter to winter? That sucks.”

    I, a clever person, say: “I’m going to listen to Taylor Swift’s album Folklore on repeat for eight months straight.”

    Me: “Check it out! I’ve got WordPress running locally in a container and I’ve nearly finished customising it!”
    Him: “Oh cool! How are you persisting all the plugin files and stuff so they don’t disappear when you stop the container?”


    Yes, I did work out how to do it; I’m just fricking annoyed I didn’t do it right the first time.

    @flexi0n It’s a heavily customised WordPress install with 20 years of content and cross-references. I’m not migrating it to a different CMS anytime soon.

    We watched Enola Holmes. As the Snook put it, toss a coin to your Sherlock, eh? 😳