Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @AWSCommunityDE: Gleich geht es los mit dem #AWSCommunityDay.

    Die Lobby öffnet ab 09:00 Uhr!

    Heute noch nichts vor?
    Dann schau doch ei…

    RT @AWSCommunityDE: Auch unsere AWS Developer Advocates @web_goddess @dtraub und @anbarth sowie unsere Sponsoren @adesso_SE @evoila_cloud @…

    Los geht’s! Thank you to all the sponsors that made #AWSCommunityDay Germany possible… 🇩🇪 @AWSCommunityDE

    RT @Seiler_IT: #Backstage aus der #Keynote des #AWSCommunityDay zusammen mit @anbarth, @web_goddess und @Osterjour.

    Einen Tag lang mit vie…

    RT @mxbck: JavaScript could be so nice if everyone wasn’t always trying to impress the internet with new clever ways of doing simple things.

    Me: “Hey, maybe I don’t need to take Zyrtec daily anymore since I’m not in the Sydney hayfever concentration zone?”

    Two days later: Nope. #mucusmonster 🤧

    RT @alex_casalboni: We are live in about 30 minutes, on YouTube and Twitch! Join @AskGouda and myself for the opening keynote (English & Ar…

    Discount psychology with Alexa! 😂 Dr. Yoda is currently analysing @Terafitz… #AWSCommunityDay @AWSCommunityDE

    Logged back into the @AWSCommunityDE Abschluss event just in time for things to get really nerdy! 😂🎵❤️ #AWSCommunityDay

    @Osterjour @AWSCommunityDE I only learned to say this today, but to you and all the organisers: “Ihr habt ein tolles Event auf die Beine gestellt!” ❤️ (Thank you @anbarth…)

    RT @AWSCommunityDE: That’s it! #Danke an alle! Hat es euch gefallen? Lasst uns gerne ein Feedback da.

    Unser Dank gilt auch an die Sponsore…

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    RT @mobywhale: It’s the SydCSS bake off competition! Who’s going to be baking this weekend for a chance to win a book from @abookapart? 😄 B…

    RT @JennaGuillaume: I am watching Romance on the Menu — a cheesy romance set in Australia — and I am SCREAMING at their Australian cafe men…

    Just putting finishing touches on my demo for upcoming AWS Modern Application Development Online Dev Day! (My first since joining the DevRel team 😍) Oct 15 at 10AM CEST – ideal for IT managers, architects, and devs. You can see agenda and register here:

    @damana @kcarruthers Turns out doing a theater degree was more applicable to technology than I thought…

    @JennaGuillaume @TheRealBnut As a worldly Seppo, I object to this characterisation! 😂

    I’m the “And Peggy!” of the Dev Rel team… 😂 @steven_bryen

    @pwcc @steven_bryen Sadly, left my corset back in Sydney. 😂

    RT @ziniman: Finally out! The new This is my Architecture video with Opher Dubrovsky from @nielsen. Learn how to process 55TB 🤯 of data per…

    RT @chrisma0: The next (virtual) #AWS Dev Day will be on modern app development. Especially the session on “CI/CD for serverless applicati…

    Me: “I’m gonna be dropping some cash at the hair salon in the next few days…”
    The Snook: “Is it tax deductible if you have to be on a livestream?”


    RT @ziniman: Join #AWS DevDay Online – Modern Application Development on October 15. Opening Keynote, 3 tracks, demos and Q&A with our exp…

    RT @pip_digital: Spotify CEO to invest over $1 billion of his own wealth for ‘moonshot’ bets in Europe –> https://…

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    @mmastertheone Yeah. I got the email from them about it this morning. Ugh!

    @hannahyanfield Consider it a helpful way to help you filter the very best candidates!

    @the_nathanjones Damn you. I just made the grocery list, but I think I’m going to have to revise…

    @CoreyGinnivan @the_nathanjones AMAZING. ❤️

    @tdpauw I’m sorry. I hope you feel better soon!

    Things I like about German grocery stories:
    – an ENTIRE ROW of pickles
    – frozen giant pretzels you bake in the oven
    – FOUR rows of cookies & cakes
    – more types of salamis & deli meats than I ever knew existed

    What I don’t like about German grocery stores:
    – So. Expensive. 💰

    Okay, I would’ve rated myself an expert googler (from way back when you could use things like “site:” and “link:” in your search), and I legit did not know wildcards were a thing. 😳

    @ColtPower The sign on the aisle just says, “Sauergemüse”. 😍

    @the_nathanjones @CoreyGinnivan Interestingly, I have yet to see it in a supermarket here. 🤔

    @mauerbac I was gonna say Aurora, but is it a boy? How about Dynamo? 🙂

    RT @renebrandel: @nil_ooy 👋 PM for Amplify here! We’re actually running a user study. If you’re curious about Amplify today (and what we’re…

    @gckeller It may be the things we buy. We used to eat fairly low-carb in Australia, but fresh meat is pretty expensive. At the moment it’s just anecdotal; once I have a few more weeks’ data I’ll be able to compare better.

    @abertrotzdem Our neighbourhood has a farmers market every Thursday! We checked it out last week. Definitely will be making use of that.

    @abertrotzdem @ClacaEuropa Okay, now googling Turkish supermarkets. There are a few not too far away. It’ll be easier once we have our bicycles!

    @Seiler_IT Yes. I’m a planner; I like to make a menu and a list for the whole week. And while I like Aldi/Lidl, they are so disorganised and the stock changes so frequently that it’s hard to plan.

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    @mmastertheone HELLS YES

    Loved this deep dive on optimising your Lambda function start time!

    Thank you @anbarth for my new favourite German phrase: “Klappe zu, Affe tot.” (Shut it down; the monkey is dead.) 😂🐒

    Fantastic opportunity to work with one of the best folks in the biz, the poetic and noble land-mermaid herself @hannahyanfield… ❤️🧜‍♀️

    RT @Brocklesnitch: Someone found a good clip of the watermelon incident from amazing race. It was funny then and is funny now…

    Dialled in to the AWS Berlin User group, and one of the organisers is from Melbourne! 😂 I feel right at home… @aaronwalker

    @AU_JohnDw20 @aaronwalker Oh wow! They mentioned quite proudly tonight how long it’s been running – more than 80 meetups so far. Seems like a great group. 😄

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    @notsolonecoder Thanks for the tip! Will investigate. 😉

    @The_McJones @TheRealBnut @pjf Duel of the Fates was legitimately awesome and better than anything else in that movie other than Obi-Wan’s buzzcut.

    @lemon_lime Picturing you referring to the kittens as bébés…

    @puzzlement Costco, IIRC. 🙂

    I’m also voting early and by email from abroad. ✅🇺🇸

    What’s your voting plan?

    Nearly done with Sex Education season 2. Seeing six young women smash a car in righteous anger at how men have casually assaulted them was the most liberating thing I’ve seen all year. Nearly made me tear up. (I still remember when it happened to me. I was 20, on the bus.)

    RT @ikebarinholtz: God I love Chicago

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    RT @jonhoo: Big news time 📢 After I finish my thesis, I’ll be joining Amazon AWS, specifically to drive adoption of Rust internally at Amaz…

    @msharp Very pretty!

    Biergarten #3. Sending Carrot home with an extra 2kg or so… #picnic 🍻

    RT @naogannet: Summary in case there’s no alt text: if you have a uterus and are post-menopausal, but your period returns, however briefly:…

    These are the best cookies in Germany. #fightme

    Blog post: More parks… and a visitor!

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    RT @JuliaGillard: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s intellect, wise words and determination to achieve gender equality shined throughout her long life…

    RT @mradamscott: I look around at the strong women in my life—particularly my wife, daughter and dearly departed mom, and feel grateful we’…

    When they said the biergarten was “direkt am Flugplatz” (directly at the airfield), they weren’t kidding! ✈️🍻

    Watching gliders take off while an oompah band plays Bavarian folk classics and the boys debate the feasibility of buying an aircraft…

    Gärtnerpfanne (“Gardener‘s Pan“) – spinach cheese spätzel. 😍🍻

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    @KmR1576 What gorgeous kitties! 😻

    Hey, the monitoring canary I put in place on @RoaldDahlFans works great at telling me when the site is down! Relatedly, apparently I forgot to restart Apache when I renewed the SSL cert. 🤦‍♀️

    RT @mootpointer: As someone who is set to benefit from the next tranche of income tax cuts, may I say:

    Don’t do it. I don’t need them. The…

    RT @jbesw: New feature! Introducing mutual TLS authentication for Amazon API Gateway: #aws #serverless

    RT @AWSCommunityDE: Der #AWSCommunityDay (Registrierung noch offen: wäre nicht möglich ohne unsere Hauptsponsoren:…

    RT @vick_jpg: y’all voted chuck bass into office and i will never forgive you for it

    Today I learned that the German city of Bielefeld does not exist. 😳 In return for this valuable info, I will teach @dtraub how to repel drop bears… 😂

    @dtraub Yes, you have to smear it all over yourself.

    RT @darkosubotica: Hey all!

    I’ve just published my first – real, non-stream, YouTube video! 🥳

    The topic is, you guessed it, What is Infr…

    RT @094459: I love AWS Graviton2 processors, and am a big fan of PHP, so loved this post. “AWS team contributed to PHP many performance fix…

    Yay, Germany gave me an official Tax ID!

    Now I get to file tax returns in three different countries. 😩

    Our first visitor, and it’s an Aussie, of course! ❤️🇦🇺🇩🇪

    @phermens We are renting our house in Australia and have investments there, so no escape I think.

    Part of the fun of travel is trying new things. Spezi is a German mix of cola and orange, and it’s pretty good!

    RT @dynamodb: “Based on my experience, the best [AWS serverless] database combo that also happens to be my current default approach is Amaz…

    Australians at the biergarten. 🍻🇦🇺🇩🇪

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    @KmR1576 Kara. You can’t just SAY that without photos.

    Thursday morning ritual – joining in the Zoom chat for my Sydney knitting group. ❤️🧶

    Me: “A Marimekko t-shirt and baggy linen culottes. I’m really leaning into my status as…”
    Him: “…a woman of a certain age?”
    Me: “Exactly.” 😂

    @MelissaKaulfuss My only regret is the Birkenstocks I ordered were a size too big, and the replacements don’t get here until tomorrow. 😂

    RT @tedneward: Oh, soooo many things.

    Relationships. Hobbies. Life. Maturity. A desire to be well-rounded. Sanity. Cats. Swimming. Staycat…

    RT @dtraub: Heute geht’s weiter: Ich baue einen Twitch-Chatbot auf AWS. Roh und ungeschnitten, einschließlich Hilfe von Google und Stack Ov…

    @bmusedbystandr Hahaha, I figured I’d just make sure you were all small and difficult to see too clearly!

    I don’t know if it’s reflective of the fact that I’m blogging more regularly or a result of Covid job losses, but damn, the amount of SEO “please add this random link to your blog post from 10 years ago” nonsense spam I get seems really, really high these days.

    @wadeis @lemon_lime I can’t think why it would be the hosting. I’m thinking more related to PageRank increasing ot something like that. (It’s email, not comments.)

    Went for a walk around the neighbourhood today and discovered a sewing shop just a few blocks away! 😍

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    @crankymate Quite possibly, mein Herr, but I refuse to wear a bowler hat.

    Thanks to the new timezone, I get to wake up to The Sizzle in my inbox each morning now… and today the Snook had to message and tell me my coffee was getting cold because I was still in bed reading and laughing at this. 😂👍

    RT @meakoopa: sometimes people are like “do you know [person’s] work?” and i am like “no” but then i look them up on twitter and it’s like…

    This is a QUILT?? This is amazing. 😍

    @Silanota Oh no, really? I’ve been following for a while but haven’t seen any hint of that in the posts.

    @Silanota Okay, did some digging. How disappointing. Thanks for letting me know.

    @FourRedShoes The Snook has been trying to research whether they are related. Could be. There aren’t that many Aussie Snooks.

    OMG. I signed up to the Lego site just so I could vote for this. TAKE MY MONEY NOW. 😍

    @stevelikesyou One of us is a morning person. One… is not.

    RT @supercoco9: Hey! @darkosubotica, @cobusbernard and yours truly will be live at our AWS EMEA Ask Me Anything in just a couple of minutes…

    RT @rdjacko: AWS is generating £8.7bn in value for UK businesses – the equivalent of 0.4% of the UK’s (GDP) – more than Premier League, or…

    It is still very very weird to set something down in the house without worrying about a cat eating it or knocking it on the floor or covering it in fur.

    @randomknits One came to the backdoor yesterday. I opened it to say hello, and he walked up like he was going to come inside! I think there are a lot of strays…

    RT @TrentKusters: Spice must flow, says Harkonnen boss