Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    I’m going to be live streaming the AWS DACH (Germany/Australia/Switzerland) Office Hours with @dtraub in just over an hour! 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭

    RT @darkosubotica: Did You wish to run ARM instances on AWS, but just didn’t want to commit to those pesky M6 or C6 ones 🤔

    <Prof. Farnswor…

    RT @NWheeler_CMP:

    With apologies to the entire nation of Austria… I am going to be making that error a lot in the next few months. 😂

    @simonwaight @dtraub LOL. Every damn time!

    @simonwaight @dtraub If only Twitter had an edit button. 🤦‍♀️

    @vertis Twenty years of muscle memory to unlearn…

    RT @dtraub: We’re live: The AWS DACH Office Hours. Join us, and ask any question you might have all around AWS. My guest today is Kris Howa…

    @MelissaKaulfuss @vertis SAME!

    @MelissaKaulfuss @vertis I’m two weeks in, but my first time on a stream!

    RT @danilop: You can share your CloudWatch dashboards with people who do not have direct access to your AWS account. This enables you to di…

    @IanMmmm I’m half tempted to set up a keyboard macro… 😂

    RT @laurahelmuth: For the first time in the 175-year history of Scientific American, we are endorsing a political candidate. Please vote fo…

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    @the_nathanjones I haven’t had my hair cut or dyed since the beginning of the year, and the hair dryer is on the boat. Pigtails were born of desperation. 😂


    @friendlyunit 😳

    @the_nathanjones Tempted to “pull a Nath” and shave it all off! 😂

    @the_nathanjones WhileI would love to rock the Furiosa look, sadly I have a giant round basketball head. I’d be Charlie Brown. 🏀

    @the_nathanjones I dyed it pink many years ago for a Harry Potter event. Loved it, except for turning all my pillowcases pink. 😂

    @BronwenZ @lynnlangit @hankadusikova @Felienne @Doctor_Astro @lindaliukas @jessitron @julielerman @jules_kremer @VdaGeraldine @BekahHW @MariaPloessl @datachick @allPowerde @kytrinyx @SRobTweets @aprilwensel @jennapederson That heart-stopping moment when you wake up to a flurry of twitter notifications and wonder if it was something good or bad… in this case very good! Thank you @lynnlangit ❤️

    RT @johndalton: Fans of the soap opera that is the Australian Computer Society’s continued fumbling irrelevance to actual IT professionals…

    @moviemazz Lili Taylor was the MVP of that movie for me…

    RT @jbesw: How to upload directly to Amazon S3 from a web or mobile application. This is one of the most popular questions I get asked – ch…

    RT @dtraub: Morgen um 12:00 Uhr geht’s wieder los: Die AWS-Sprechstunde live im Stream, in der ihr all eure Fragen rund um AWS stellen könn…

    RT @ceeoreo_: Aaaand it’s up!! My first installation of Learn AWS With Me is live 🥳🥳

    If you want to avoid getting unexpected AWS bills, th…

    RT @mrwiblog: This. I’ve met many devs who dislike PHP essentially because it’s easy. They *want* coding to be hard, to keep people out of…

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    @simonwaight Actually the plan we’re on now is half the download speed we had in Australia, but we’re looking to upgrade…

    @JessicaCGlenn Came with it. We are paying far more than we would for a normal apartment, but we figured it was worth it.

    @NickyWill100 Haha, thank you!! ❤️

    @zbendr The red LEDs you mean? They actually aren’t red, I discovered. They’re white but the fixture has red perspex along the sides.

    @zbendr Interesting. I’ll have to get a cake to try it out! 😂

    @verbaliza AMAZING. Nailed it.

    RT @stroebel_econ: I have spent half of 2020 in 🗽🇺🇸, and half in 🇩🇪.

    I have never appreciated the values and ideals of a “Soziale Marktwir…

    RT @riffwithbiff: Sure, sex is good, but have you ever taken a catch in the crowd while wearing a pair of aviators and sucking back a dart?…

    Guten Tag! Today we are at a palace. ❤️

    @damana Masks in shops, taxis, public transport, or wherever you can’t distance. Outdoors is generally fine without.

    We walked all over the Schloß Nymphenburg park today. I do love a formal garden…

    …but there is also a lot of rambly wilderness “in the English style,” and we saw lots of ducks, geese, carp, and even a deer!

    Stumbled across Pan chilling out in the forest…


    For anyone who had a bet going, the first one to set off the smoke alarm while cooking was me, in under a week. 😬🔥💨

    RT @rumireports: Look it’s working 👇

    Japanese TV introducing the story behind each person on @NaomiOsaka’s masks throughout the tournament…

    @mattstratton @shelbyspees I saw him give a keynote a few years back that purported to cover the history of programming. It began with Alan Turing. Literally no women mentioned at all. I saw one of the other speakers – a prominent woman CTO – facepalming. I think she talked to him after…

    @mattstratton @shelbyspees …as the next time he gave the talk, suddenly there were slides of Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper. I was grateful that someone with more industry clout than me spoke up.

    Since I was told recently that one does *not* eat Rotkohl mit Bratwurst, I did some research and tonight made my first attempt at Rouladen, from scratch. YUM! ☺️

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    Saturday morning in Theresienhöhe…

    @georgiecel Yes! Took a lovely and expensive pair of Florsheim oxfords to the cobbler in the Strand Arcade to be resoled. Good as new. Can definitely recommend them!

    @alex_casalboni 😭 It’s so beautifulllllll

    I had to take my Macbook to the Apple Store, and… 😍 Munich is so ridiculously pretty. But wow, so many people in the Marienplatz today. Makes me a bit nervous!

    RT @dabit3: When someone on Twitter responds to your technical comment or question with a suggestion to change your entire tech stack from…

    Me: “Oh fun! I can hear a loudspeaker from the Wiesen… I wonder if there’s a concert on our something?”

    Ugh. No. It’s a frickin’ protest. 10,000 Covidiots. 🤦‍♀️

    Me: “I ordered a Radler!”
    Him: “You know that a shandy*, right?”
    Me: “Hm.

    RT @SchittsCreek: a thread of the ~incredible~ Schitt’s Creek lego project @DrLucieFilteau and her husband put together this summer: https:…

    Dinner tonight: Thai green curry, courtesy of the Snook! (Lovely flowers courtesy of @cactusknitkelly. 💐❤️)

    Blog post: Settling in… with photos of our lovely new apartment!

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    @anshumalis @ziniman @HumusNotHumus @europe_clouds I noticed that too – double checked before I shared the screenshot that nothing sensitive was in it!

    RT @IJasonAlexander: Why do I tweet so much politics? I rarely did prior to Trump. But he has turned a discussion about politics into a dis…

    The office has keyboards we could borrow to work from home. I grabbed one without looking too closely, then got *very* confused when I plugged it in. 😂

    @vinzBad LOL, never thought of that!

    @flangerhanger @futurefriendly_ Congratulations!!!!

    @AshleeMcCusker So far so good. Moved into apartment this week; now dealing with all the bureaucracy of getting set up in another country!

    @darthted @gilmae I started reading the sequel once. That is some trippy, trippy shit.

    All about Lambda layers!

    RT @_JonMyer: What are you doing Sept 22nd❓
    Want to hangout with @jeffbarr & me❓
    What will we talk about you ask⁉️
    ➡Finished 3D part

    RT @DavidKPiano: Note to self: “/slackfont webdings” works and you will regret it

    RT @IanMmmm: The deadline for applications for the New AWS Community Builders Program is approaching. Applications close on Tuesday 15 Sept…

    @alex_casalboni We’re gonna need some photos, Alex.

    @QuinnyPig Once when I was in high school at a speech competition, one of the judges didn’t turn up so my Dad got drafted in. He was judging, like, debate. He knows nothing about debate. He admitted to me later that he just “picked the kid with the most professional looking shoes.”

    @QuinnyPig I told him that it was probably as good a yardstick as any. 😂

    @QuinnyPig In my career I have come across many hiring managers that I suspect were taking the same approach, to be honest.

    We finished Season 1 of Sex Education on Netflix, and it was SO GOOD. I must’ve muttered “Oh god Brian Krakow!” about 15 times while covering my eyes during the dance episode. (And if you get that reference, WATCH THIS SHOW.)

    Stay tuned for my upcoming listicle ranking Gillian Anderson’s many amazing jumpsuits, several of which made me swear out loud.

    @girlgerms I’m so sorry for your loss Jess.

    Just went down a MSCL rabbithole and stumbled across this and now my brain is exploding.

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    @AndyPalmer @octopuscitizen @ratkins Thanks! Actually we heard about this one in advance, thankfully. Curious to see it happen though!

    RT @orangerful: With everything going on in the universe right now, this was one of the most calming threads in my twitter feed for the pas…

    @BugHunterSam @year_progress 😂

    RT @smashedmcdouble: [opening of Dune trailer]

    [Arnold Schwarzenegger as Baron Harkonnen]: SPICE to meet you!

    The Snook mourns Oktoberfest 2020.

    In today’s adventures in German bureaucracy: I have a local mobile number; we have registered at the town hall for our Tax ID; and I’ve got confirmation I’m enrolled in health insurance!

    @zbendr Amazing! 😂

    @darkosubotica I would like to see this too!

    @AU_JohnDw20 This was not an inspiring rathaus. Reminded me more of an old hospital.

    I’m attending the first GermanyClouds meetup (virtually) and I’m excited to finally understand why everyone on the AWS Dev Advocacy team keeps making humus jokes at @ziniman! 😂 @HumusNotHumus @europe_clouds

    I ordered new business cards today. How’s that for optimism?

    Aldi Süd sell this as “American”… but my fellow Yanks, have you ever seen such a thing?? (I mean, I 100% believe Americans would eat it. I was tempted to buy it myself!)

    @sharonw I remember “Goober Grape” in a jar, but not swirly in a tube like toothpaste!

    @brodrigu Is it? 🤷‍♀️

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    @jennifermarsman Munich, Germany 😃

    “Das ist mein Morgengesicht,” he says. 😂

    Having our Frühstück at the breakfast bar in the new place. Feeling better thanks to all the lovely messages. ❤️

    RT @dtraub: This week’s Ask Me Anything about AWS starts in 20 minutes (10 BST, 11 CEST, 12 EEST). Today, I’m joined by @alex_casalboni and…

    @diversionary @stephenlead Reminds me I meant to tell you, the number of times we have referenced “needing to find the Sample of Munich” in the last two weeks… is considerable. 😂

    @diversionary @stephenlead We are bearing the deprivation as best we can. 😜

    RT @coates: If you Google “2010-09-09”, you’ll likely hit the @awscloud documentation for CloudFormation, whose templates are all versioned…

    @cobusbernard Wait, am I not in this channel??

    @jeffbarr I’m fascinated by how you organise your calendar! I clearly need to get better at blocking out writing and prep time… 🤔

    Jetzt bin ich Deutsch! ☺️

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    @captainklein Looking forward to moving into a place with a proper kitchen today so we can eat some vegetables. Need to balance out all the Schnitzel! 😂

    RT @melissamcewen: Writing a horror book called “Chores you didn’t know existed and were supposed to be doing all along“

    @BrianCentrone @FourRedShoes *chef’s kiss emoji* to both of you.

    RT @mirandajewess: I have just found the best book in the whole world. It is a German grammar book from 1913. Stick with me… A THREAD htt…

    RT @grandmagrit: Retweet if you agree a vote for @JoeBiden is a vote for honor & decency.

    @200ok Two months ago, walking through the Broadway shopping center crammed with people and we were the only ones wearing masks, I came to the same damn conclusion. There’s no reason it couldn’t have just as easily happened in Sydney.

    @bodil This is the content I needed, thank you.

    @the_nathanjones Yes. That was my attempt to not eat schnitzel at every meal. 😂 It was so good.

    @the_nathanjones Dear god. That should come with a #nsfw label. 🤤

    @TheRealBnut @DrJosh9000 6. Who knew I was such a hell raiser?

    6. For the record, I’m amazing at karaoke; my tattoo is well-covered; I regret the belly button piercing (which is long gone); skydiving hungover is not recommended; and everybody in Indiana goes skinny dipping.

    @ziniman @MagicJohnson @kryon Whaaaaaat. That’s amazing! 👏

    RT @ziniman: Yes, this is @MagicJohnson and myself on the same event invite 😀 @Kryon Automation Olympics starts today and I will be speakin…

    @AU_JohnDw20 You’re a musician and actor. I expect no less. 😜

    Huh. Just discovered a photo of myself on Getty Images that’s been there for, oh, 16 years. 😳

    @dtraub It ran over four weeks. Sadly, the number of participants dropped off every week. I think people started smoking and were too embarrassed to come back. 🙁

    @gilmae @mflbg Actually, I did that in the Phillippines! Zip line literally ran between two islands. So fun, with the air of danger of a slightly rickety carnival ride.

    @MichelePlayfair I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that.

    @cobusbernard I have a very vague memory of this game, I think? 😳 My very first ones were loaded off cassette tape onto an Atari home computer!

    The suitcases are unpacked in our new apartment… and suddenly I am hit with all the feels. It’s a big change. We’re a long way from home. What are we doing? I miss everybody back in Australia. 😢❤️

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    @IbottaApp @IbottaTech Someone signed up to your service using my email address, and I’m now getting detailed emails about their purchases. Your unsubscribe link goes nowhere. Did you not use double opt-in? How can I stop these? Seems like a massive privacy violation.

    Visualising COVID-19 data using knitting and crochet. I started knitting the virus genome back in March… I should get back to that.

    I feel like @the_snook would be into it.

    I don’t know who needs to hear it, but professional Meetup groups (like one with “CI/CD” in the name) are not for making love connections. Don’t message people telling them you think their photo is beautiful. (I haven’t redacted this one as I’m fairly certain it’s a scam.)

    And yes, I reported to @meetup_support.

    Blog post: Exploring Munich’s Parks. We did more than 25,500 steps this weekend! 🌳🌸🍦🥨🍺

    @IanMmmm We did indeed! Kind of weird to see that many folks crammed together without masks these days, so we didn’t hang around for long…

    @dtraub The reward for several months of stress…

    RT @cobusbernard: Super happy to be speaking at the first Github Africa meetup on how to create infrastructure with Terraform using Github…

    Grocery check-out chick in Indiana. I carried out bags of groceries to Amish buggies and was condescended to by sneering “lake people” from Chicago every year.

    Ten months ago we sat at that table behind the Snook, eating amazing Schnitzel, and joking about moving to Munich. And now we’re BACK! ❤️

    RT @FUCKEDUP: yo ozymandias sure was wrong about a global catastrophic event uniting everyone

    @sukrucakmak @kaspars_rink @starbuxman Came here to say the same thing. 😂 #webmonkey4eva

    RT @msukanya93: Just 1 day to go – join us at #aws #womenintech day (#community edition).
    Detailed agenda and registration at – https://t.…

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    RT @mipearson: @mipsytipsy @Neurotic I love those honest reasons. It’s missing a big one that I seem to see a lot of in AU:

    “I want to be…

    For me it was a mix of things: knew I could do a better job than the people already doing it; more money; wanting to see more women with a seat at the table; feeling like it was a path to more job security; and a good fit for my skill set.

    @MelissaKaulfuss @mattallen @pat I don’t know the technical name, but they gave me something for my endoscopy that was basically like a roofie and it was AWESOME.

    Whoops. Screwed up the time zones in my head and tried to call my Dad in the US to wish him a happy Australian Father’s Day at like 1am. Sorry Dad!! 😱

    @Mandy_Kerr @TatianaTMac I love both of these. 😂❤️

    I levelled up. 🥨❤️ (Head for scale.)

    @LapTop006 Ja, es gab mir viel Durst

    I wasn’t the only one who levelled up today. ❤️🍻

    Spotted today in Schwanthalerhöhe… ✊

    It turns out drinking 1.5L of beer… makes one tired. 🥱