Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Really cool!

    @johnallsopp @corduroy Ooh. Mine isn’t. Has there been an update?

    @johnallsopp @corduroy Huh. I do have a pending update. Will do it and see!

    @corduroy @johnallsopp Even after update, mine still doesn’t work

    It’s a beautiful day. Time to explore the Englischer Garten…. 🌞🏄‍♀️🌳🌸🍻

    Lots of action on the Eisbach today! 🏄‍♀️🏄🏄‍♂️ (FWIW we did try to maintain physical distance.)

    Es war ein wunderschöner Tag im Englischen Garten. ❤️🌸🌳

    RT @Unicorn_Theatre: (1/2) We’re overjoyed to announce our latest digital offer – a horribly fun theatrical reading of Roald Dahl’s The Twi…

    RT @DanRather: A somber, emotional, raw, and necessary read.

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    RT @adhorn: Few months ago, I made a blog post about immutable infrastructure ( I was asked for an example of Lamb…

    @Bokijany Danke schön!

    The funny thing about being in Germany is that it has started dredging up all these memories from studying here 26 years ago. Today Till Eulenspiegel randomly popped into my head. Haven’t thought about him in decades!

    @micheleplayfair: “have you eaten any HUMONGOUS pretzels yet… need photos”


    @MichelePlayfair PS It was sliced and filled with butter and I regret nothing.

    @georgiecel @MichelePlayfair Ugh, I inhaled that one, and it was beautiful.

    My impression that Maxvorstadt, where we are staying, is the Newtown of Munich was just confirmed by the hipster riding an honest-to-goodness pennyfarthing down Gabelsbergerstraße. 😂

    RT @RwoltX: You all know I spent much of my life in prison right? I set my mind to making it as a software dev afterwards and I did that,…

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    We found an apartment! Just sent off all the docs to the letting agent. 🤞 Multiple guest rooms! With a garden! And walking distance to Oktoberfest!! 🍻😍

    @codepo8 Yeah, we debated whether it was a plus or a minus. But it won’t be an issue for at least a year, and hey, we’ll want to go at least once, right?

    RT @lynnlangit: useful tools
    #serverless @awscloud

    @hannahcancode Yay! Glad to see it’s finally happening. Congrats, and best of luck to both of you. ❤️

    Blog post: Deutschland – One Week On…

    RT @ziniman: Happy to take part in the 1st 𝗚𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗖𝗹𝗼𝘂𝗱𝘀 🇩🇪 𝗩𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗽. Join us for Choosing your right Cloud Strategy & Enriching your…

    @darkosubotica LOL – love the photo. 😂

    @Gaohmee Congrats!!

    RT @AWS_DACH: Der German AWS Community Day findet am 25.09. mit über 20 spannenden Talks rund um Amazon Web Services statt:…

    Weta, WOW! I can’t wait to see what new worlds they’re able to create with the help of my @AWSCloudANZ colleagues.

    Looking forward to this. I’ll confess I used Parameter Store in my serverless app simply because it was the free option!

    I have a new favourite Twitter account. (Been doing a re-binge on New Girl.)

    Sitting on the balcony in the twilight, drinking a beer, while the Snook cooks bratwurst in the kitchen. I still can’t quite believe we’re here. The last six months were so stressful, but right now, at this moment, I feel… so happy. How lucky we are.

    @abertrotzdem Sadly, the new place is ground floor so I’ve got to enjoy it while I can!

    @abertrotzdem It does! Lovely patio area fronting on to a park.

    Changing Australian fashion’s worst-kept secret could help struggling farmers // Interesting. My understanding is that the real problem is that scouring wool is terribly polluting. Have they solved that problem yet?

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    RT @rohini_gaonkar: Super Excited to be doing a keynote at one of its kind, AWS Women in Tech Day (Community Edition) FULL day FREE confere…

    Eudora, but then a year later I felt like a badass when I switched to pine.

    This is why I refer folks to @LookaheadSearch ask the time. Best tech recruiters in the Aussie market. They engage with the community (they are PART of the community) and have built their brand off that reputation. And that all starts with @stevelikesyou!

    @LookaheadSearch @stevelikesyou And if you had told me ten years ago that I’d be an actual FANGIRL for a RECRUITER, I’d tell you to get your head examined. 😂

    @bigyahu @vertis I flew to Germany last week. Flight was pretty empty but the upgrade cost wasn’t ridiculous, so we went for it. No regrets. Best flight of my life, even with the mask and face shield.

    @mobywhale @LookaheadSearch @stevelikesyou EXACTLY!! ❤️ (I peg my chances of working for Steve at some point at roughly 50%.)

    @gilmae 😏

    RT @danilop: Interesting way to speed up image annotation! Learning to segment images without manually segmented training data…

    Bubble tea shop around the corner, and its signature drink is a “Dirty Cutie.” How could I not?!

    @videosmithery @Courtsdunsoir That’s amazing, Sam! I always enjoy seeing your new work.

    RT @videosmithery: my knitted animation – TRICOTONE 01 – has been selected for the @Courtsdunsoir festival in Montreal 🙂…

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    RT @dtraub: Heute Mittag geht’s los: Die deutschsprachigen AWS Office Hours – stellt eure Fragen rund um AWS, live im Stream.

    Heute um 12:…

    Our “lack of cheese” problem has been addressed. 😍🧀

    @steve_evil 😳 Not yet!

    Really fantastic opportunity to work alongside @paulaburton_md and her team!

    @dtraub Not yet, but it’s early days. 😜

    @darkosubotica @dtraub Just looked at the price. 😳 Kicking myself that I didn’t bring a dozen jars in my suitcase. I could’ve afforded a nicer apartment!

    I love Margaret Preston’s work, especially the Sydney landscapes!

    RT @darkosubotica: I will be jumping on stream in 20 minutes! ☝️

    So if you are interested in some laid back AWS Content (where I create so…

    RT @MikeSington: Guy’s security camera catches kid tearing it up on his driveway almost every day, so he decides to do something about it.…

    @darkosubotica 😱

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    RT @lydia_petze: Watermelon is also trash

    @themaninblue Thanks Cam! I was reminded the other day when we launched Canva in Germany and had to explain that “Wurst Fest” maybe was a template we didn’t want to feature. 😂

    @parisba @The_McJones You just reminded me of one of our best Halloween costumes.

    @parisba @The_McJones Is he wearing a women’s wig? Yes. Yes he is.

    @The_McJones @parisba I much prefer the plating of the Delacroix, myself.

    @parisba @The_McJones We got to meet him and Chen at a dinner they did back in Sydney many years ago. “Chef Sakai-san – Do you know Halloween? I WAS YOU!” My finest moment.

    @nikhilbarthwal Not a beach person to be honest. 😉

    RT @carlfish: Me: I really should write down a plan for this week so I know what I need to get done and how I’m going to do it.

    Me, 45 min…

    @maetl With regards to a product, or themselves?

    @maetl Nevermind! Found the rest of the thread.

    We finally escaped the apartment, found a summer festival, and had our first Currywurst! 😍🇩🇪

    It was an absolute honour to be interviewed by Phil for the @ITCareerPodcast! Whether you’re a veteran in the industry or someone just starting out, this podcast has so much great advice.

    Guess what else I found on our walk around the neighbourhood? A sewing shop with classes!

    @abertrotzdem It was afternoon. My understanding is that weißwurst must only be eaten for breakfast!

    As a naturally loud person, this makes me feel bad. I try, I really do! I’ll keep masking up, I promise. 😷

    RT @brianleroux: ++to all this. Also! Light theme is way easier on the eyes during bright summer months with a reflective glass screen. (An…

    This is fascinating. Be sure to read the thread for the link to the article about their paid partnership with Baylor. The fact that unis can pay influencers but not student athletes is ridiculous.

    @alex_casalboni @cobusbernard MONSTERS.

    (Or more likely: years of knitting and pounding on computer keyboards have turned my hands into withered crone claws.)

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    Today’s adventure: the AirBnb kitchen flooded, all the way into the living room, and we sopped up maybe 60L of water with towels and a bucket. #teamwork #notourfault

    The day has improved! Covid tests are in, and we’re both negative. FREEDOM! 🇩🇪😍

    @buzzyNZ Yup! Time to find a proper place to live.

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    @minxdragon I gave up on it after the first few months in favour of flashcards, podcasts, and following German people on Twitter. He’s still going strong with it though.

    RT @alicegoldfuss: is that a juicero for heads

    “So the toilet shelf… is kind of confronting.”

    I did warn him about German bathrooms. 😂

    @annie_parker Many German toilets have a sort of a “shelf” in the bowl. The idea is that you can, you know, have a look and make sure everything is okay. I’m sure it’s tremendously useful and contributes to bowel health, but it takes a while to get used to. 😂

    @agentK I’m sureit is! Will just take some time to get used to.

    Blog post: Deutschland – The Flights. (Yes, we are ridiculously privileged to travel at all during this time, much less in such a luxurious way. Q Suites are AMAZING.)

    RT @AWSCommunityDE: The #German #AWS #Community #Day will take place September 25 online.

    More details? https://t.…

    RT @alyssahertzig: I’ve followed @designmom for years for her adorable family, her decor tips, & her picture-perfect, croissant-filled life…

    RT @zamirajaupaj: We are organising AWS Community Amsterdam. Proud to announce @Werner will opening keynote following with @QuinnyPig.

    RT @jcguan: 5 German words for bags and how they’re used!

    As a follow up to my last word-chart on bags, I experimented with a different vi…

    @StokesXandra We will definitely be back. ❤️

    RT @ghohpe: Did your cloud initiative not quite yield the expected benefits? Perhaps your teams constructed a non-cloud. Avoid this and man…

    When you can’t go to the biergarten, the biergarten can come to you! 😍🇩🇪🍻

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    @damana Nope. They added booze to Amazon AU this year, but there’s no same day delivery of anything.

    @lyynx Had to apply for exemption from Aussie government on the basis of relocation!

    Guten Morgen! Wir essen ein gutes deutsches Frühstück auf dem Balkon.

    @zbendr Hehe. We rather rushed last night to get any groceries delivered. More cheese is definitely on the next list!

    @rotnroll666 Hallo! Ja – wir sind gestern in München angekommen und werden hier bleiben. 😀

    @sliedigaws We did buy some ham and salami but forgot the cheese. It will be rectified. 😉

    @fly401 👏👏👏

    Since a few folks missed the original announcement… Yep. Rodd and I have officially moved to Munich! I start my new role with the AWS DevRel team on September 1. 2020 has sucked in a lot of ways, but I feel so fortunate that we are still able to start this new adventure. ❤️

    @Mandy_Kerr An amazing flight, actually, even in spite of the pandemic restrictions!

    @allPowerde Nein! Aero Press. 🙂

    @ericjiang97 I’m literally writing up a blog post right now that covers it! But truthfully it was pretty simple. If you are legit relocating, they’ll approve. We applied once, with only a few supporting docs, and we got the approval 10 days later.

    Blog post: Deutschland – The Backstory.

    @ericjiang97 Just shared!

    @madradish LOL, every single knitter has said that to me! However – confession – I’m not really a fan. Haven’t been impressed the few times I’ve used it, so I doubt I’ll be making a pilgrimage.

    @eduvos I can’t believe we’re finally here! Thanks for all your efforts to help. I’m so excited to get to work with you and the team. 😃

    @eduvos PS aren’t you on holiday??

    Spent four hours building a Rube Goldberg machine out of an unholy mix of Mac Automator, AppleScripts, shell scripts, and NodeJS to accomplish something that I’m sure an expert shell scripter could’ve done in 20 min. But whatever, IT WORKS and I’m having fun. 😂🙃

    RT @IndieWire: Raphael Bob-Waksberg Explores the Legacy of ‘BoJack Horseman’ @RaphaelBW

    @cobusbernard Haha, you’re just excited not to have to do all the Developers Let’s Code videos yourself. 😜

    @cobusbernard I also forgot to mention – I hired Rob Taylor onto my team in Sydney, and he was very excited when he heard I’d get to work with you! You come highly recommended. 😀

    I’ve been in Europe for just over 24 hrs, and so far there’s been one glaring change from Oz… 😩

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    Wow. Hamad Airport is amazing. So far this is the best flight I’ve ever been on, even with the masks!

    @AndyDentPerth Of course!

    Guten Tag München! ❤️🇩🇪

    RT @ChrisShort: Added to @todoist today: Convert projects from master to main. Be the change you want to see in the world.…

    For the curious, we were required to take a Covid test at the airport. While Australia isn’t a high risk country, Qatar is and there is some confusion over whether transiting through counts. So we got the test, and now we wait 24-48 hrs.

    @JoBencke Danke Joerg! Im Moment scheint es wie ein Traum. Wie sagt man „jet lag“ auf Deutsch? 😂

    @damana Yup. I announced a while back here and on LinkedIn, but a lot of folks missed it. Transferring to AWS EMEA DevRel team!

    TIL that Amazon Prime Now offers same day delivery in Munich, and you can get BEER! Isolation suddenly ain’t so bad. 😉🍻