Category: Twitter Post

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    I tease the Snook for his collection of random stuff, but I have the best item of all. 😳

    @nomiddlename @minxdragon 😂 His Grandma made it!

    RT @Constababble: Today I moderated a panel discussion about gender equity in STEMM in which I just told everyone I’m fed up with all the w…

    @frankarr @abcnews So weird. They were turning up in the US a few months back too.

    RT @desplesda: cool thing about being a generalist is you never really feel like you’re very good at doing any of the dozens of things you…

    Off on a new adventure. We miss you all already. ❤️

    Air travel. So glamorous. 😂😷

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    Couch is gone! (Thank you @AndyPalmer!) Final tally – 21 items sold through FB Marketplace, 4 via Twitter, a few through our work colleagues, and 0 on Gumtree. That is not what I would have predicted two months ago!

    @randomknits That would be a hilarious troll for @the_snook tomorrow. “PSYCH! We’re not going anywhere. I just wanted you to sell a bunch of your shit.” 😂

    LOL, last dinner at home in Oz is a “clearing out the fridge” special – leftover Indian takeaway, a lone dill pickle floating in its jar, half a dozen Cadbury favourite rattling around their box, and a last few home brews!

    And now we’re drinking the dregs of the remaining liquor bottles…

    @paultook Thank you Paul! ❤️ My awesome purple Chef t-shirt is definitely coming with me…

    Now for the task we’ve been putting off for months… 😢❤️🐈

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    The movers are here. 😳

    @chrisgander Best be quick. I know a lot of folks who already got them today, so I reckon the local market is flooded with kidneys. 😂

    @DVDBits Either that or we are hosting the 2020 Bubble Wrap Olympics in our house.

    All that’s left is the sofa! Anyone in Sydney need one? I’ll do you a great deal. (Frankly, the custom teak legs are worth more than I’m asking for it!)

    RT @DisavowTrump20: BREAKING: Democrat Mark Kelly is leading GOP incumbent Martha McSally by a stunning 19 points in the latest poll of the…

    @charis This will be my third international move – though the first in, oh, 19 years! 😱

    Sydney Twitter – anyone have a recommendation for a good “end-of-lease” type cleaner?

    @bbkhbb Yes please!

    The movers are gone, but the Snook keeps pulling out gems… (that are going into storage).

    @AshleeMcCusker Brilliant – talking to him now! Thank you 🙂

    @joannejacobs @annie_parker I’ve got somebody lined up now, but thank you!

    RT @yow_conf: Our New Voices in Tech program is postponed due to travel and logistics challenges from the border closures.

    The new date i…

    @diversionary The agent is us. 🙃

    RT @094459: It’s back! AWS open source news and updates, No. 32 – bumper edition featuring an awesome collection of open source projects, b…

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    If anyone wants to record an album of, like, soft 70’s covers of Fleetwood Mac and the Bee Gees, may I suggest this photo of @carbolicious and myself for the cover.

    RT @digitrash: I feel like there’s a broad cross-section of my friends who need to know this

    Swag from the past! Before the re-brand, before the re-brand… @justasitsounds @knitterjp @AndrewMamo

    RT @Hello_Tailor: There’s a real piece of contemporary art that riffs on this very idea! Photographer Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin, inspired by…

    @frankarr LOVE IT!! I feel like the universe is really pushing me to start weaving lately…

    Out here stanning for @RobMillsyMills… 🤴🏻 #hamiltonaustralia

    @j__st Lucky! 😍

    RT @nickm_tor: Gaze not into the abyss, lest you become recognized as an abyss domain expert, and they expect you keep gazing into the damn…

    @msharp Yeah, a friend sent me that yesterday! So cool. I’ve been so tempted to get into weaving…

    @msharp Unfortunately if anything I’m about to be moving to a *smaller* place, and looms tend to require more room than any of my other crafts…

    @msharp Could I get a pasty on this hypothetical visit? 🤔

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    RT @yyy_y28: この世界に🥂素晴らしきこの世界に


    Current mood: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😱

    @hannahyanfield EXACTLY. We are at the stage of weighing luggage and FREAKING OUT.

    The very best going away gift from the very best of friends. I didn’t cry until I started reading the little notes tucked in each one… 😭❤️🧶

    @joshprice @hannahyanfield @the_snook I bought him one of these at Aldi. He loves it.

    @chixors Right? With references to Harry Potter, and Wonder Woman, and cats, and mustaches, and Dr. Who… it’s all so very thoughtful. 😭

    RT @_daviant: Another day another stupid Excel chart

    RT @Mandy_Kerr: Can confirm my Quokka selfie snapchat filter also works in Snap Camera, so you can have your zoom meetings with a Quokka.…

    @Mandy_Kerr You are ADORABLE and a GENIUS.

    RT @ITCareerPodcast: Just starting to schedule more guest interviews for the IT Career Energizer podcast. There have been 260+ amazing gues…

    RT @ScrewyDecimal: Fuck you, New York Times.

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    @gilmae @knitterjp And you know how I feel about that. 😐

    RT @AnyTechnology: America has a pandemic problem so I solved it by making a gun:

    RT @Feisty_Waters: 4 months, 5 rolls of thread, 1200ish buttons (you try to properly count all those buttons and get back to me) and a life…

    @The_McJones I’ve got one. It involves getting rid of 50% of your possessions. Kind of a grind, but also super rewarding in the end. (I’m only half joking.)

    @The_McJones Yes, exactly! Or you can use Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace or the dreaded Ebay, but each one takes a toll on your mental health.

    @The_McJones YES. Ooh, I really like this idea of joy as the metric. Something you inherited from Grandma but you don’t actually want? Useless things that are personally meaningful? We might be onto something here.

    My team leaving drinks was a virtual cocktail making class. It was so much fun. ❤️🍸🤗

    Back to Highlander. This is some pretty impressive stuff for the 80s!

    This makeup is both horrifying and awesome.

    Suddenly realising where the Snook’s hoarding tendencies come from. Maybe I married an immortal.

    For all the cool mythology of this, it intimately comes down to the fact that the bad guy defiled his old girlfriend and kidnapped his new one. 🙄

    Forget all this. I want a comic book showing Rachel and Connor’s life together.

    It’s not quite Star Wars, but I see what they were going for. It’s quite pretty.

    “Is his head just gonna fall off?” YASSSS.

    Me: “Is this it? I can see the wires.”

    The Snook: “Shush. It was never meant to be in HD.”

    RT @frankarr: @web_goddess Also still looking for someone to join my team 🔎👇

    RT @deekob: And….. thats a wrap for Amplify Days from Australia and New Zealand !! – big shout out to my co-host @mattcoles87 and to the…

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    RT @mattcoles87: Soo excited to be part of this event – come join us to learn about AWS Amplify and Appsync over the next two days! https:/…


    Cash you believe I’ve never seen this before? So far it’s kicking ass, but that’s because it’s nothing but credits and Queen.

    What… just happened. We went from a wrestling match to Braveheart.

    Somebody better get their head chopped off… *cue chop*

    Holy shit – it’s Jeor Mormont in this crappy Monty Python lookin’ bit!

    Oh right. The 80s were all about homophobia and police brutality.

    The MacLeods look like Thorin’s band of dwarves.

    OH. MY. GOD.

    Connery as Miyagi. 😂😂😂

    WTF. Where was Connor through all this??

    @lemon_lime We are 2/3 through, and I have to say, I’m enjoying it. I actually kind of like the mythology of it. The effects suck, but the soundtrack is awesome and it’s very 80s atmospheric.

    @knitterjp Lol – Rodd told me ALL about the sequel. Insane!

    @petehanssens @sbarski Congrats again mate! Well deserved. 👏👏👏👏

    RT @petehanssens: It’s a real honor and privilege to be welcomed into the #AWS #Heroes program – it wouldn’t have happened without the awes…

    @knitterjp Well, my first questions was – how is he even in it at all?! 😂

    @knitterjp I mean more that his character doesn’t survive the first movie, and the whole plot revolves around the fact that “there can be only one” – so would seem to preclude sequel appearances!!

    RT @nemshilov: ohi twips, gosh i’m so old, nobody says twips anymore!
    anyhow, do you know any good UI/UX designer that needs a new home? w…

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    Only one week until we head to Munich… and only a few days after that until I join the @awscloud DevRel team and can officially call @jeffbarr and @adrianco teammates! 🎉

    @jennapederson Technically finishing up this Friday so I’ve got a week, but that will include finishing up packing the house and then travel!

    @BugHunterSam @MsJonesInSydney I suffer from insomnia and take melatonin. It’s prescription-only in Oz (the OOTC stuff is homeopathic nonsense), but you can get it easily in any drugstore in the States. So every time I visit my fam, I pick up a few bottles. I find it works well for me.

    @MsJonesInSydney @BugHunterSam No, not at all. It’s not a sleeping pill like temazipam, which I’ve also taken. It seems like it just helps me fall asleep a little easier, and not wake up so many times in the night.

    RT @MayGibbsHQ: 100 years ago #maygibbs created this public health awareness poster for the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1919. Channel your inne…

    @contactsplus Having an issue accessing the web app today. In Firefox (where I’m already logged in), it just hangs. In Chrome, when I try to log in the page reloads with error below.

    RT @DemsAbroad: Congratulations to our nominee, @JoeBiden. He thanked us from the bottom of his heart because he has one.


    RT @EarlGreyTango: @petridishes Alexandra, I have one note. What if every state had to carry a single dish from their state during their ro…

    @RachelAppel Yes, definitely! Let’s get in touch once I’m settled. 🙂


    I once took this postal nerd to Frankie’s Pizza in Sydney! 😃 (Nice job, @_Ryan_Ellis!)

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    RT @MichelePlayfair: This is TONIGHT y’all! Hook into it!!

    Speaking as someone who grew up as the child of a Korean immigrant in Indiana… butter and soy sauce. No joke.

    RT @emd3737: Proud of my colleagues for this paper. “Systemic social inequities have resulted in the overrepresentation of Hispanic and non…

    RT @CoryBooker: I miss Obama, and I miss her husband too. #DemConvention

    @glenngillen @rabbieburns @mattallen @ceibner I… you… what?!

    @captainklein Well, if I can have a third topping, it was going to be kimchi. 🌶️

    RT @annie_parker: #badass

    When you’ve got a pantry full of walnuts, carrot and walnut bread is the only thing for it.

    RT @Claire_Lee: To anyone who needs to hear this today:

    Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice.

    RT @buildkite: We’ve decided being the world’s best kept secret in CI is a bug not a feature, so we’ve raised a $28M funding round (led by…

    RT @HillaryClinton:

    “It does what I need it to.”

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    Sydney folks – we’re gettin’ down to the big stuff. Anyone looking for a sofa (with chaise lounge), dresser, or hallway bench?

    @stibbons It can’t be too much of a doppelganger though? The cover is custom from an Aussie company, and the legs are custom from a guy in the States.

    @pjf Sure, of course! Thanks 🙂

    @stibbons Well, if your wife wants custom teak legs on her IKEA couch, I can hook her up. 😂

    RT @SunderCR: there is a 100% chance that dozens of trust fund silicon valley bros are getting together to make USPS-replacement startup ap…