Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @lynnlangit Love those shades on you!

    @darthted I’m a big fan of my Withings Steel HR. Does the tracking things; has vibrations and notifications; but it looks like a watch and the battery lasts for weeks. (The silicone band sucks, but I got a nice 3rd party steel one on Amazon for like $20.)

    @darthted From Amazon as well. They ship from the US. Still ended up way cheaper than an Apple Watch.

    @darthted Forgot to mention: Nokia bought the brand but then later spun it off again, so you sometimes see them sold under Nokia name. Same watch though.

    RT @taylorswift13: Trump’s calculated dismantling of USPS proves one thing clearly: He is WELL AWARE that we do not want him as our preside…

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    Sydney – looking to commute to work on a bicycle? The Snook is selling off his 2010 Cellbike SS101. Shimano Alfine internal gear hub (8 speed). Caliper brakes, bell, front mud fender, hand tire pump, water bottle holder, headlight, U-lock. Size: 20″

    @DaniKBevins I need this.

    “OH MY GOD, somebody sent us cupcakes WITH OUR FACES ON THEM!” 😂😂 This has @hannahyanfield’s fingerprints I’m sure… ❤️

    @hannahyanfield Rodd couldn’t figure out why I was babbling about @LookaheadSearch. “Faaaaace caaaaaaaakes!” 😍

    Ep 17: The Martini Finalé – with special guest Rory and a live studio audience! 🍸❤️

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    RT @OzKitsch: Princess Anne tells an Australian joke, 1980

    RT @mcnees: Somehow I’ve lucked out and have an 8yo who thinks secretly reading under the covers past her bedtime is an act of rebellion, a…

    RT @Seinfeld2000: what if we all simply voluntered to help the USPS like jery

    @i386 @goodfoodAU The lovely @hannahyanfield just sent me a photo. We’re so proud of you! ❤️

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    My team at @AWSCloudANZ are running a free hands-on (virtual) data lake workshop on Monday morning. There aren’t many spots left, so register quickly if you want to participate!

    @bec_h2o @AWSCloudANZ @michael_fazio It was about 75% full today, so don’t delay too much!! ❤️

    The Snook’s personality in three albums. @the_snook

    RT @deekob: Amplify Days for ANZ getting close – register here! #awsamplify #awsappsync
    Aran Elkington, will explai…

    @GlennSarti @the_snook His is special PINK vinyl! 😳

    @minxdragon I follow Cindy Sherman on Instagram, and this reminds me very much of some of the self-portraits she posts…

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    I deleted my email accounts from the device and set them up again, and the issue still seems to be occurring.

    For the record, I’m a fan.

    RT @LettersMitford: Routinely sent by Nancy to acknowledge correspondence she considered unworthy of any other reply.…

    RT @alexneedham74: Cosmopolitan’s legendary 70s article about vasectomies (“the most beautiful thing a man can do for a woman”) has finally…

    RT @tmclaughbos: I will die on this hill:

    One application environment per AWS account.

    RT @nnja: every “10x developer” I worked with left behind a wake of 10x destruction behind them

    Waving at my new friend @jennapederson! Really excited to be teammates. 👋

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    RT @naogannet: Oh, right, knitting is better than doom scrolling.

    RT @starbuxman: Software is sadly NOT a meritocracy. EVERYONE who makes it gets help from someone. Don’t be too proud to accept help or let…

    RT @indigitek: Indigitek is excited to be collaborating with @DevOpsGirls in presenting an awesome and affordable workshop on @Docker & @ku…

    @The_McJones Damn.

    @twistieman @developerjack @glasnt @petehanssens @sitapati @twalve @dp_lewis @kevdesign Zoom has that!!

    @Malarkey What’s your favourite song? I had multiple of them stuck in my head for days.

    Today’s find from the depths of @the_snook’s office: a vintage Hornby locomotive set with a bunch of other train bits and pieces. Any takers?

    @twistieman @eduardo_lino @dev_nq I should clarify I haven’t actually done it myself, but @darthted did it for our last @SydTechLeaders and it worked really well!

    @carlfish Wow, congrats!

    @MichelePlayfair Love it!

    RT @adamliaw: Wait, is Mike Pence allowed to debate Kamala Harris without his wife present?

    Updated my iPhone to 13.6 the other day and now having issues with mail accounts syncing. I’m getting new messages in, but changes (read, deleted) don’t seem to sync in either direction. Anyone else having this issue?

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    @randomknits At least you’re getting more wears out of it. 😂

    @randomknits Ugh. Relatedly, I tackled the most humiliating moving task on the weekend: trying on all the jeans to see which ones still fit. There are several pairs now going to the op shop. 🙃

    RT @justinfagnani: Typing in the game source from a magazine.

    RT @web_goddess: Ep 16: Escape (The Snook makes a Piña Colada) 🍍🥥🍹⛵️🏝

    @mattallen @FraserAllen4 @knowledgebird What. But he’s… he can’t possibly be that old. 🤯

    @igorlgentil What did you think? The movie version with Gary Sinise and John Malkovich is excellent.

    @jesslynnrose @sundress I was thinking about it at the grocery store the other day. Wearing a mask, with AirPods in, I felt so disconnected from the world, like a brain piloting around in a body-ship.

    @igorlgentil Never read it, but I stage managed a very interesting theatrical production of it in university!

    Tonight’s packing unearthed another old photo, this one from that brief time when my boyfriend was a tiny blond vampire. 🧛❤️

    He had blond hair because we’d gone as Buffy and Spike for Halloween 2003, and he liked it so much he kept it that way for some time. (By far our hottest couples costume ever!)

    RT @cableknitjumper: ur damn right I support the boys in blue

    RT @thomas_k_r: I honestly can’t imagine what it’s like to get into web dev from zero knowledge now. Like, imagine wanting to work as a fro…

    RT @mattgillard: just modified one of my jobs from Glue 1.0 to Glue 2.0 that normally takes 10-15 mins to kick off.
    It kicked off in about…

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    @agentK Haha, that’s what we heard! Our FKK experience to date is posing in a Spencer Tunick photo with thousands of people at the Sydney Opera House several years ago. 😂

    @AndrewADavidson That’s exactly what we used so I could tweet!

    Lunch: shakshuka with homegrown eggs from @s.bev’s chickens! 🍳🍅🥖

    My first published work fits in a tweet! 😂

    WHAT I LIKE TO PLAY. I like to play school. I want to be a teacher. I like to play house, too. It is fun to play house in your bedroom. When I grow up I want to be a teacher. And I want to be in the Olympics.

    @shermozle This is fascinating, Simon! Well done.

    Ep 16: Escape (The Snook makes a Piña Colada) 🍍🥥🍹⛵️🏝

    RT @ComicMama: I’m an art director at DC and this is one of my favorite variant covers ever.

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    “It’s an Allan Border ‘Butter ’em up’ card! It came out of a packet of butter. I wonder what it’s worth these days on Ebay??”

    (The answer is 72 cents.)

    A giant stack of tea cards were also located. However, correction, half of them were actually from Weetbix packets.

    DAMN IT. With less than three weeks to departure, Australia has appeared on Germany’s list of High Risk Countries. Currently limited to just Victoria, but if NSW follows, we will have to quarantine when we get there. MASK UP NSW, COME ON. 😷

    @DivZero_ Nah, when they opened the borders in June Australia wasn’t on the naughty list. 🙁

    HOLY SHIT. I feel like I’ve seen a ghost. My old 2001 iBook actually boots up! Had to use Rodd’s password as I’ve forgotten mine. 😂 Look at all those ports! Only website it’ll actually open is Google. (SSL certs break on every other site.)

    @mattallen Various income tax stuff from 2005.

    The wi-fi is called Airport, and it can’t actually connect to our network. We had to plug in an Ethernet cable.

    RT @martijnfrazer: @web_goddess A more civilised computer from a more civilised time

    I’m tweeting from the past you guys!

    Proof. Every page took like a full minute to load. That was painful!

    @hannahcancode @DrJosh9000 You reckon he wants this one? It’s not in great shape, but it still works!

    @hannahcancode @DrJosh9000 We’re gonna wipe it and dump it in e-waste if no one wants it!

    @hannahcancode @DrJosh9000 Hilariously, I think I’ve talked @gilmae into taking it. (Much to @randomknits’ annoyance)

    Don’t mind me, just finishing a hand I started in 2004.

    Wow. A blast from the Dark Ages of the @KnitGuildNSW, back when I took over as webmaster!

    And you can bet your ass when you rollover those buttons on the left, they animate. 💅

    And the absolute best thing on the whole machine (besides its embarrassment of ports and the amazing clickiness of the keyboard)…

    If you played this game, you know EXACTLY what sounds we’re hearing RIGHT NOW. 😂

    Me: The way this thing smells! It smells just like it used to! I’d know that smell anywhere!
    Rodd: Is it the computer, or is it “you in 2005”? 😂

    RT @jenistyping: “Why did you leave your last startup?”

    I recently saw some folks saying that they really struggle to answer this question…

    @steven_bryen I probably got the idea from a Webmonkey article. 😂 (FTR, I inherited that design. It didn’t take me long to completely redevelop it and get an actual designer to make it look presentable!)

    Rodd discovered months ago that nudism in Germany is called “Freikörperkultur” (free body culture), and as he thinks German compound words are hilarious, we say it all the time. A German friend then told us they abbreviate to FKK (“eff-kah-kah”), which is even funnier. 😂

    It’s now our default inside joke about our future lives in Germany. “How many big winter coats do you think we’ll need? “EFF KAH KAH, KRISTY.” 😂

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    @julielerman Such a lovely idea, Julie! ❤️

    @madradish Yeah, the knitters have been losing this battle too. *glares at @parisba and @desplesda and @YarnSpinnerTool and @thesecretlab* 🧶❤️

    I am too old and too grumpy to enjoy a reply-all email storm. #bahhumbug

    This is a weird day for me, in that I find myself wanting to A) learn crochet and B) join Tiktok.

    RT @IanAndrewsDC: Sometimes my neighborhood is pretty awesome. Do it for RBG #MaskUpAmerica

    Interested in building out your first data lake on AWS? We’re running a virtual workshop on August 17 in conjunction with @dataengconfau! You can register here:

    Can anyone recommend an international relocation/shipping company? Going from Oz to Europe… #lazyweb

    @battlepanda_au Must’ve missed the announcement. 😉

    @itgrrl Must’ve missed the announcement. 😉

    @hannahyanfield Yeah, we were hoping for air freight after going through that when we moved here too.

    @frankarr Australia thankfully still not on risk list. *knock on wood *

    Me: Wait, what? Why do you have three stamp albums?
    Him: The box is full of stamps too!
    Me: WHAT?
    Him: See? I had 160 of them in 1980. I was only four years old!

    What. Is. Happening. 🤯

    It appears I am married to a philatelist. 😳

    “Some of these countries don’t exist anymore!”

    “Look! Apartheid stamps!” 😳

    Royal family stamps.

    Dude. Bhutan had LENTICULAR stamps.

    Him: Did little children in America not collect stamps?
    Me: No! Only in storybooks! From the 1950s!
    Him: You didn’t go to the shop and buy a big bag of stamps and soak them off and dry them and put them in albums?
    Me: NO.

    “This is the tool you use to measure the perforations.”


    Him: “What, you thought you were the nerd in this relationship? With your speech team and your spelling bees?”
    Me: “Well, clearly I’m the cool one.”
    Him: “How many cool people were there at the spelling bee?”


    Me, just now: So apparently all the Australian children collected stamps. You aren’t a giant nerd. Or else ALL the Australians I know are giant nerds. 🤔
    Him: We only had two television stations, you know…

    @emd3737 “Yet again confirmation,” he says, “that Boston is the NORMAL part of America. They speak properly… collect stamps…”