More decluttering. Any Sydney folks interested in the Ultimate Home Isolation Fun Kit, aka our Wii setup? Includes 13 games, guitars and microphone for Guitar Hero rocking out, as well as Wii Fit board for indoor exercise.
Apparently I too am a pack rat. Just found a 19yo backup of @RoaldDahlFans….
RT @samcoren: Did I do @SimpsonsOps right
It’s very weird to glance up and see yourself scrolling past on your Twitter feed!
Thanks @jernej_kavka…
@AndyPalmer @RoaldDahlFans Apparently we do, but I don’t think there’s any value in it (if it can even be read). Nobody cares about my turn-of-the-millennium hand-crafted artisanal HTML but me, and even I can’t be arsed. 
@a4dev @jonoabroad @RoaldDahlFans RDF as in @RoaldDahlFans .
Anybody collect the Harry Potter Trading Card game? I have 600+ cards (including some rare) in pristine condition. You can have the lot for $100. Message me if you want the full list! Happy to post wherever.
RT @MelissaKaulfuss: Oh this is too cute 

Flaschengeist = Genie 
Literally bottle ghost 

I love languages!
@MelissaKaulfuss Hahaha… Rodd has really been enjoying learning German. I laughed for like 2 minutes when he learned “Haustier”. 
Folks who (used to) travel a lot – if you were travelling to Europe from Sydney, which option is better? Qatar Airways through Doha, or Etihad through Abu Dhabi?
@andre_verheij Unfortunately no direct connections from Singapore to where we’re going, so it’s out.
@charrett @andre_verheij Yep… actually we’re moving! To Europe!! 
@hannahcancode Good call.
@andre_verheij @charrett We started this process way back at the start of the year, not realising what was going to happen. Both my husband and I are transferring within our companies, so thankfully minimal risk for employment.
@andre_verheij @charrett – and always happy to put in a referral 
@annakelk Thanks Anna! 
The Snook and I made a “Meat Head” for Halloween 2011. It was amazing, if I do say so myself.
Thanks everyone! We’ve opted to go DOH on Qatar. 

@that_alison Nope, just a quick transfer!
@zbendr There’s a plastic skull under there. 
I am very happy to inform you that there are new episodes of @Jeopardy on Netflix AU!
@gojkoadzic Thanks Gojko. We’re going cattle class – masked up and sanitised – so I think service is going to be minimal anyway. 
@Amys_Kapers @charrett @andre_verheij I’ve been waiting to make the big public announcement until we had work visas, travel approval from government, and airplane tickets in hand. But… could have that as soon as tomorrow! 
@developerjack WAY TO GO! 
@developerjack Let me tell you the story of how I thought I had my student loans paid off ten years ago, until I needed to get a copy of my diploma recently, and then found out that that was not 100% true. 
@maryamumar Munich! We had such a lovely visit after @BuildStuffConf last year, we made a New Year’s resolution to get back there. 
@maryamumar @BuildStuffConf Still with AWS.
Phrases I don’t use often enough: “Probably because of Xanadu.”
It me.
@claudiajayne_ Phew! Glad to hear it.
RT @camstewarttheoz: This obituary of a Coronavirus victim in Texas pulls no punches #auspol
@readingtheend If this is what I call my “Good Stuff” folder, then I totally agree!
@NeringaYoung @maryamumar @BuildStuffConf Tickets confirmed this morning – three weeks from TODAY! 
@NickyWill100 The number of you folks that assume I’m traveling Business is hilarious.
I’ve never not been in cattle class!
@nemshilov We’re packing up our house to move, and I think we’d be in with a real shot at that title.
I don’t understand. These settings have been OFF for months, and yet I still get a stupid red dot notification every time someone likes a FB Page that I’m a moderator on. How do I MAKE THEM GO AWAY other than removing myself from the Page team?