Category: Twitter Post

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    @melissa_loh FFS. Glad you took action. What a jerk. Hope you’re okay.

    @hitsthings @msharp Hilariously, I found this in his childhood home last weekend… #snookbook

    @Doctor_Astro It’s a classic. 😃

    I stocked up on mi goreng when we went into lockdown, so it’s time for some Masterchef-level shit… 👩🏻‍🍳🍜

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    @shermozle I knooooowwww… Unfortunately, as an expat this is my main conduit to my family back in the US.

    The flights are booked, work visas are in hand, and the Aussie government’s approved our application to travel. If you haven’t already heard, The Snook and I are moving to Munich! Three weeks from today. 😳✈️ Still so much to do to get ready…

    Unfortunately Covid rules out in-person goodbyes, but hey, I haven’t seen most of you in person in five months. (And we *really* don’t want to get sick right before we travel.) But we’ll be on the Internet as always, and we hope to get back to Sydney for a visit next year. ❤️

    @fink_jess It got cancelled months ago, sadly. 🙁

    @itsoneguy Exactly!!

    @MelissaKaulfuss Haha, thanks! We visited last year and decided in Jan that we wanted to go for it. It’s been a stressful 8 months getting all the dominoes to line up, but we’re almost there… (Hence all the Germany studying!)

    @MelissaKaulfuss I know. I’ve been reading the news every day with anxiety. So worried that NSW will go that route. Partly selfish – it’ll wreck our plans – but also out of fear for you and us and everybody else. ❤️

    @steve_evil Definitely!! 🍻

    @fink_jess Yeah, the prospect of starting a DevRel role when there are no in-person events is kind of daunting… 🙁

    @MelissaKaulfuss We’re both transferring with current employers, who have big offices there. That’s taken care of most of the logistics, tbh.

    @heathergracious Thanks! We visited last year and fell in love with it too. 🙂

    @savgoust Neck and leg break? 😂 Still so many new expressions to learn…

    @JustinRThiessen Thanks for the tip! We saw it when we visited last year but didn’t have time to explore. Definitely will as soon as we can!

    @bec_h2o @NeringaYoung @maryamumar @BuildStuffConf Thanks Rebecca. ❤️

    RT @TheMERL: Right now, a lot of folks are talking about cottagecore, an aesthetic category romanticising the rural idyll.

    This is (almost…

    @stringy The urge to travel abroad was the driver, tbh. We’ve both got transfers within our companies. I’m taking new role within AWS DevRel team over there. 😀

    @georgiecel Awww, thank you Georgie. ❤️

    TFW you’ve sold the keg, realised it’s not empty, and then realised you buried it under a houseload of crap. It’s time for a round of Beer Sokoban! 😆🍺

    @spidie Thanks Steve. ❤️

    @nabiac85 @angular Yeah. Googlers, man.

    @bemaia Yay! Absolutely – would love to meet up!!

    I still got it. 😎

    With everlasting love and gratitude to @kimfrancenyc and the entire Sassy team…

    We’ve managed to clear the offices ahead of carpet replacement tomorrow. The Snook is in his happy hoarding place. I feel distressed. Halp.

    @steven_bryen Thanks mate! About time, eh? 😂

    @dataengconfau @LareneLg Amazing! Larene is awesome – always love to see her speak. 😃

    RT @bitandbang: if you’re in tech and trying to solve a problem, *please* try to remember that there isn’t always a tech answer.

    @kakaCharlotte Nice one Charlotte!!

    RT @RandallKanna: I’ve never seen a more comprehensive list of questions to ask your interviewer.

    @SaraJChipps I’ve been free of it for years. Damn you. 😬

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    More decluttering. Any Sydney folks interested in the Ultimate Home Isolation Fun Kit, aka our Wii setup? Includes 13 games, guitars and microphone for Guitar Hero rocking out, as well as Wii Fit board for indoor exercise. 🎸🎤😅

    Apparently I too am a pack rat. Just found a 19yo backup of @RoaldDahlFans…. 😳

    RT @samcoren: Did I do @SimpsonsOps right

    It’s very weird to glance up and see yourself scrolling past on your Twitter feed! 😂 Thanks @jernej_kavka…

    @AndyPalmer @RoaldDahlFans Apparently we do, but I don’t think there’s any value in it (if it can even be read). Nobody cares about my turn-of-the-millennium hand-crafted artisanal HTML but me, and even I can’t be arsed. 😂

    @a4dev @jonoabroad @RoaldDahlFans RDF as in @RoaldDahlFans .

    Anybody collect the Harry Potter Trading Card game? I have 600+ cards (including some rare) in pristine condition. You can have the lot for $100. Message me if you want the full list! Happy to post wherever.

    RT @MelissaKaulfuss: Oh this is too cute ❤️☺️
    Flaschengeist = Genie 🧞‍♀️
    Literally bottle ghost 🍾👻
    I love languages!

    @MelissaKaulfuss Hahaha… Rodd has really been enjoying learning German. I laughed for like 2 minutes when he learned “Haustier”. 😂

    Folks who (used to) travel a lot – if you were travelling to Europe from Sydney, which option is better? Qatar Airways through Doha, or Etihad through Abu Dhabi?

    @andre_verheij Unfortunately no direct connections from Singapore to where we’re going, so it’s out.

    @charrett @andre_verheij Yep… actually we’re moving! To Europe!! 😳

    @hannahcancode Good call.

    @andre_verheij @charrett We started this process way back at the start of the year, not realising what was going to happen. Both my husband and I are transferring within our companies, so thankfully minimal risk for employment.

    @andre_verheij @charrett – and always happy to put in a referral 😜

    @annakelk Thanks Anna! ❤️

    The Snook and I made a “Meat Head” for Halloween 2011. It was amazing, if I do say so myself. ☠️

    Thanks everyone! We’ve opted to go DOH on Qatar. ❤️✈️

    @that_alison Nope, just a quick transfer!

    @zbendr There’s a plastic skull under there. 😂

    I am very happy to inform you that there are new episodes of @Jeopardy on Netflix AU! 🎉

    @gojkoadzic Thanks Gojko. We’re going cattle class – masked up and sanitised – so I think service is going to be minimal anyway. 😂

    @Amys_Kapers @charrett @andre_verheij I’ve been waiting to make the big public announcement until we had work visas, travel approval from government, and airplane tickets in hand. But… could have that as soon as tomorrow! 😳

    @developerjack WAY TO GO! 👏

    @developerjack Let me tell you the story of how I thought I had my student loans paid off ten years ago, until I needed to get a copy of my diploma recently, and then found out that that was not 100% true. 😩

    @maryamumar Munich! We had such a lovely visit after @BuildStuffConf last year, we made a New Year’s resolution to get back there. ❤️

    @maryamumar @BuildStuffConf Still with AWS.

    Phrases I don’t use often enough: “Probably because of Xanadu.” ✨

    It me.

    @claudiajayne_ Phew! Glad to hear it.

    RT @camstewarttheoz: This obituary of a Coronavirus victim in Texas pulls no punches #auspol

    @readingtheend If this is what I call my “Good Stuff” folder, then I totally agree!


    @NeringaYoung @maryamumar @BuildStuffConf Tickets confirmed this morning – three weeks from TODAY! 😱

    @NickyWill100 The number of you folks that assume I’m traveling Business is hilarious. 😂 I’ve never not been in cattle class!

    @nemshilov We’re packing up our house to move, and I think we’d be in with a real shot at that title.

    I don’t understand. These settings have been OFF for months, and yet I still get a stupid red dot notification every time someone likes a FB Page that I’m a moderator on. How do I MAKE THEM GO AWAY other than removing myself from the Page team?

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    Still decluttering. Today’s treasure from @the_snook’s office is a vintage Durst “Reporter” photographic enlarger. Still works too! Any takers in Sydney for $20?

    RT @RandallKanna: Sometimes I feel like engineering is all about surviving the first few years. And then suddenly companies reach out to yo…

    @laimelde @the_snook No takers! It’s yours if you want it. 🙂

    @TarynEwens @Atlassian A CUSTOM VIEWMASTER? That’s brilliant. (And congratulations!!)

    RT @telefontelaviv:

    Ep 15: The Snook makes a Moscow Mule AND a Tequila Sunrise! 🍹

    Hm. In the past I would’ve said “Veronica Mars” or “Arrested Development,” but… be careful what you wish for. I feel like I’m dooming whatever I pick. Maybe “My So-Called Life”?

    Just requested my US absentee ballot using . Expat friends – this is so important, and thankfully this site makes it super easy. Mine took less than 5 min. Please do it! Our voices deserve to be counted.

    My second appearance on an official @awscloud Instagram account, and it’s again for dressing up in something silly. 😂

    RT @ithayla: I repeat

    he googled ‘red dye recipe’

    and the first result was the one from the video game zelda breath of the wild

    and h…

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    @RyanChallen @TwoRedKites Congrats Ryan! Can’t wait to see what you accomplish.

    RT @mattstratton: This whole 🧵

    RT @hillelogram: 9. “Charisma matters.” Software trends driven as much by good speakers and writers as they are by technical merits, perhap…

    @ElaineStead It’s great… a little sad that there’s only one woman mentioned there though. I wonder if it’s due to demographics of early, cashed-out employees, or whether there are women but they just aren’t keen on being founders.

    @desplesda @The_McJones I actually have one, you know. But if I tell you what it’s for, I have to kill you.

    @lynnlangit If you don’t sew, I highly recommend! It’ll tax your brain and you can make cool things with it.

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    RT @avichal: Startups are a test of will, not intellect.

    @mmastertheone I saw! I’m on their email list. Very tempted… but right now I swore not to buy more stuff!

    @brodrigu @panerabread Wait, so it’s geoblocked to the US?!

    I love this stupid tourist trap. 🍌❤️

    RT @watsbeat: Feeling accomplished at having deployed two websites today with #AWS: a static site hosted on S3 + a WordPress blog on EC2. T…

    @watsbeat @TheresaNeate @ashlebug @alikillenit @CaroEvans9 @LelaniCodes @nikkiricks Amazing – sounds like fun!!

    Winter in the country is all right. 🔥🧶

    RT @mikeets14: My 9yr old’s first book review, I guess

    @brodrigu They did it for me via DM. Thank you though for offering!

    @jonoabroad Sadly not an audiophile, but my MIL has a very nice stereo!

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    @minxdragon I don’t! That would be a cool trick.

    “Let Neptune strike you dead Winslow!”

    (We went to a lighthouse.)

    @themaninblue Upgraded my phone recently. Surprised how much of a difference it makes.

    RT @film_girl: Shiv and Logan are fine with this.

    Hey @panerabread – some idiot in the US made an order with my email address and now I’m getting heaps of your spam, and this is what I see every time I try to unsubscribe. This is in violation of spam acts in both the US (where you are) and Oz (where I am). 😡

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    Road tripping with my best friend to celebrate another year around the sun. Happy birthday Snookums. ❤️

    There’s more than one birthday to celebrate this weekend! (Ricotta cake from @papaknowsbest.) ❤️🎂

    @mmastertheone First time I’ve ever had one! Rodd’s a big fan of cheesecake, and I saw it listed as one of Sydney’s best. We really enjoyed it.

    *sigh* And of course my IFTTT Action copies over the tagged Instagram account, which doesn’t match on Twitter…

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    Server hugger. Literally. ❤️😂

    As a Yank, this list horrifies me. So much wrongness. Every single one. (Sorry Spence.)

    RT @byelacey: he’s ken’s buddyTM

    @lucykbain Between you and me, as a sugar cookie baker and decorator myself, I didn’t care for the consistency of the icing they provided. But hey, it was free and the cookies were tasty. 😂

    RT @womensart1: Italian Baroque painter Elisabetta Sirani’s painting depicting Timocleia of Thebes pushing the Thracian captain who raped h…

    It’s like a nightmare @canva mashed up with early web aesthetics. I can’t decide if that’s amazing or horrifying. @themaninblue??

    RT @EW: The ‘Supernatural’ and ‘Good Omens’ stars are working together to do some good.​

    @mmastertheone That part I liked! 😂

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    I’ve been lucky enough to hang out with @starbuxman and see him speak on several occasions. One of the nicest, smartest guys in the business. If you’re an Aussie or Kiwi Java dev, you won’t want to miss out on this…

    Trying a new (to me) drink from @bubbleninitea – Strawberry Kisses! Reminds me of having Nesquik as a kid, but so much prettier! 🍓💋❤️

    @MichelePlayfair But frankly, their little PEOPLE HANDS were always the thing that creeped me out about them, AND THIS DOES NOT HELP.

    @lucykbain I’ll find out who it was. This is what it looked like!

    @philnash @MichelePlayfair Hm. It appears that there is no preexisting “fear of crafty animals with little people hands” phobia. I may be patient zero here.

    @wadeis We should test your theory by you doing mine. 😬