Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @kjevans2787: Look what came in the mail today…
    Definitely proud to be part of an amazing community of developers doing some pretty i…

    @i386 @canva While I love the badgers, I’m a 🦁. #gryffindor4lyfe ❤️

    My fave birb. 🐦

    I am a cis hetero woman and I say #NotInMyName.

    @hannahcancode Way to go!

    @warkolm Oof. 😵

    @randomknits Ugh your perfect 1/4” seams I sew like a third grader

    The Snook made sausage pizza. It’s amazing.

    RT @lexispatino: He-Man y BattleCat

    RT @starbuxman: Happy birthday to our little girl Kimly, who turned 15 today!

    I love that silly kid. She’s more resilient than I am. And…

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    Update on my package from the US: after a short joyride in Tokyo it made it to Australia… but appears to have departed again. 😂

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Guess what? We’re baaaaaack! One week from tonight, join us on Zoom along with @crankymate and @SydCSS refugee @dp_lewi…

    RT @womensart1: Canadian folk art artist Maud Lewis, Three black cats, 1955 #womensart

    @gilmae This is the world we live in. 🙁

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    @buzzyNZ Oh god, he pulled the old one out and there were so many dead bugs behind it and I died of mortification and now I am dead.

    Okay, our new oven runs OpenGL. 😂

    @buzzyNZ Pretty much. I think he was just happy we didn’t have Covid.

    @Xavier_Ho First thing @the_snook said was we should try to play Doom on it.

    @frankarr How perfect would it be if it was this one??

    RT @PatrickAllies: Presumably to check if they’re actually cake

    RT @sulco: #JavaScript tip for today:
    Use proper array methods. Here’s a little cheat sheet.

    @Amys_Kapers I got my Dad onto Facebook, and now I’m giving him lessons on how to be passive-aggressive there. (No joke.) Yesterday we covered how to mute family members that share stupid shit repeatedly.

    My team at AWS are big fans of CloudEndure for Disaster Recovery, and we’re hosting a free webinar on it next Tuesday morning at 11am AEST together with @cevoaustralia. Register here:

    RT @johnb78: The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away

    @i386 Where is it? I can’t believe you’ve tricked me into watching the news. You better be on here!!

    EEEEEP @i386 is on the news!!!

    @i386 And on that note, I have earned a G&T today with some excellent Bloody Merry gin free from @wildspiritgin. 😉🍸

    German speaking friends: is this Flashcard incorrect? I think it’s incorrect.

    @sliedigaws That’s what I thought. Just double checking there isn’t some declension loophole I’m missing here. Cheers!

    @i386 Hufflepuff House was very proud.

    Forget the OSS – this oven has a MAGIC DOOR. How cool is that??

    @misswired Apparently. @the_snook picked it out and did all the research.

    @redambition I was not aware of this!

    RT @paulcoxon: What is happening

    @abertrotzdem Oh perfekt! We are moving to Munich in the next few months, so I’m studying.

    RT @094459: Another teaser for the Mastermind challenge – this time, it is @gabehollombe who sits in the chair and does his very best to b…

    RT @tacticalmaid: Australian twitter users waking up like:

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    @KathyReid Feature request: hide all Pinterest results too. Please and thank you.

    @TravCharlton @KathyReid I know. I just wish they’d given me an official way to just exclude them completely rather than having to mask.

    It’s very weird to see the US Surgeon General tweeting from the grocery store a block from my Grandma’s house! Lagrange county has had an explosion of cases, so good to see that folks are taking this seriously.

    @randomknits We did a ton of prep work last night for a chicken pot pie, and it was a pain, but damn is it going to be just the thing later tonight. (Ugh, this weather.)

    I’m in such shock. Grant was my favourite, and such a model for how technical folks can teach and communicate their enthusiasm to a wider audience.

    Chicken Pot Pie with Buttermilk Biscuit Topping from @seriouseats. A lot of work, but so tasty!

    @TheRealBnut Interesting. I have recently become aware that your degree is important in ways I hadn’t anticipated later in life. While I can apply for a work visa in Germany, Rodd is eligible for an EU Blue Card allowing him to work anywhere. Why? Science vs Arts degree.

    @TheRealBnut So a Google Certificate might not limit just which employer you can work for, but where in the world you can actually do it.

    New oven being delivered this morning, which means a frantic 8am houseclean as we realise A) no other humans have been in our house for 4 months, and B) we live like animals.

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    RT @qkate: Honestly I think some dudes only take this bullshit “no true Scotsman” stance because they’re mad when they see others (mostly w…

    RT @MichelePlayfair: If you’re just starting off with #functionalProgramming, try the Intro to #elixir workshop, those with more experience…

    RT @jeffpatton: Hey Australia & New Zealand!: I’ll be teaching a live online product leadership course in your time zone aug 24-28.


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    WordPress experts – I am beating my head against the wall. On one site, redirects to On another, it doesn’t. I can’t figure out why. There’s no redirect_canonical involved that I can find.

    @developerjack Appears to be happening at WordPress level, not Apache. Tried turning off different plugins, doesn’t seem to make a difference.

    @Mikenicholls88 Redirect is happening at WordPress level, somehow.

    @pwcc Yes, just says WordPress. No multisite.

    AH HA. Seems to be related to the fact that one site has a static page set as homepage, and the other has list of latest posts.

    Okay, so here’s the magic: IF you have a static home page set in WordPress, then any subdomain (other than www) that has no path specified (aka will redirect to your site URL. However, if you ask for, then it will NOT redirect.

    BUT if you have WordPress set to show recent posts (like for a blog), then will NOT redirect even without a path.

    So what is the point of all this? The point is that I don’t know how CloudFront *isn’t* barfing on

    WAIT, WE FIGURED IT OUT. 😅 CloudFront is forwarding the host header when it requests from origin, which is why it’s not getting itself into a circular loop.

    Going down a WordPress/CloudFront/redirect rabbithole… or: How I spent my Sunday. 😅

    @gilmae The most painful part is if we had tested any other page than the homepage, we would have solved it six hours faster.

    @gilmae I found this the other day. Enjoy.

    I’ve got a new iPhone with Portrait mode, and the first thing I’ve used it on is this Maple Walnut Cornbread I baked tonight. 😍

    We are up to Cocktail #12 – a hot toddy! Perfect for a cold winter’s evening. 🍋🥃🍯

    RT @cyetain: You know why I’m giving you a dirty look with my mask on?


    @chrisgander If you haven’t found it yet, annotated lyrics on are amazing. Explain both the hip-hop references and the history, and several are from LMM himself!

    @jeamland @The_McJones Will it be possible for me to earn some sort of Banrock badge or mayorship? Because then I’m IN.

    RT @jimmisimpson: They finally got the Disney World ad right.

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    @jcnsingapore @kcarruthers @katejinx Totes. *cringe*

    5:57pm – I message @gilmae that I am winning at the tech this weekend.

    7:10pm – It’s nothing but Heisenbugs and race conditions, everywhere I look.

    I deserved that. 😩

    RT @HeartOfPluto_: Thanks to Disney+ I saw the famous #Hamilton broadway musical for the first time and I finally understand why I get so m…

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    Rebuilding a Passap E6000 computerised knitting machine – That is SO COOL. (Thanks @apocraphilia for the link!)

    RT @ryanjhiggins: The symbolism of Betsy DeVos having a bookshelf with no books on it 😂😂😂

    RT @moorehn: Every woman in leadership who has been told to reduce her visibility so that a man could have more: Please stand up.


    The cool thing is, every bit of advice in this mentoring article is equally applicable to tech, if you just swap out the different industry.

    @pjf @evanderkoogh Good for you all. I went to the Broadway Shopping Center in Sydney and it was < 5% wearing masks. 🙁

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Are you a serious Dahl collector? You should check out Richard Walker’s “Guide to Collecting Dahl First Editions”! https…


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    @MichelePlayfair Ugh, do I even want to know? 🙁

    RT @glasnt: You have a 0% chance of being accepted if you don’t submit anything!

    Worst case, you don’t get accepted, but you get experienc…

    @MelissaKaulfuss Well, you’ve made me want them now, so at least you’ve spread it around.

    @laimelde @qikipedia In America it’s just linen, that you put in the linen closet.

    @StampsCom Australia is not on any of those suspended lists, and the last update for it appears to be from April.

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    RT @tmclaughbos: Enjoy or want to learn AWS serverless?

    Tired of social isolation and want folks to hangout with?

    Sign up for the Serverl…

    @melissa_loh My favourite part is how they rolled it out without actually making sure it works for all functionality, which means fun things like going into the tools for a Page and seeing warnings that it won’t work in the new UI.

    @gilmae The number of times @the_snook has given me an odd look for watching the same shows over and over and over… is a lot.

    I checked my lists. There’s a lot. Nothing too controversial, but there are some real head scratchers in there… 🤔

    Tech Heads
    Fibery Tweeple
    Tatters (I don’t tatt!)
    Awesome People
    Gr8 Ppl 2 flw in EdTech (Huh?!)

    Visual Content Savvy (💅)
    Forward Thinkers (I take this as a compliment)
    Actual People (Uh, thanks.)
    GRL PWR (✊)
    Tech Feminism
    Lady Geeks
    Xxx Haskell (NOOOO)
    Not “Guys” DevRel Folks
    El valor de la marca (wtf?)

    Hey @StampsCom – my mom sent me my uni diploma via expedited international shipping two weeks ago, and the tracking hasn’t been updated in 10 days since it departed Chicago. Starting to get very nervous here…

    @AndrewADavidson @beccagarciatech Actually, that’s 8am here in Sydney so it’s doable. Happy to help! Feel free to DM me to discuss if you like. (Thanks for the tip, Andrew!)