Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    Spent 20min trying to pick new USB-C dock because mine is short one slot that I need and they’re all stupidly expensive and I was getting cross and then the Snook pointed out that my MacBook does, in fact, have an audio jack that I somehow overlooked, and it solved everything. 😐

    @moylecroft Why do they all have memory card slots? Who actually uses a memory card in 2020??! *tears hair out*

    @moylecroft Yeah, but that number is vanishingly small and getting smaller by the day.

    Big news – I am soon going to be transferring to a new role at AWS, which means @frankarr is now recruiting another SA Manager to my team! If you like helping businesses with the Cloud and coaching amazing technical people, you should get in touch:

    @frankarr And my DMs are now open if you want to ask me more about it…

    And should have also mentioned – role is open to both Sydney and Melbourne!

    I’m really sorry to hear this. I know how hard @charis works on this great event every year, and it’s one of the best web confs I’ve had the pleasure of attending!

    @msharp Wow! Have you been to Tidbinbilla?

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    RT @AmberBenson: Kanye’s announcement is a great reminder that men look at job descriptions and think—“hey, I’m not remotely qualified, but…

    @parisba @The_McJones Rodd knows the “real” version, but this is the type of thing I say every time I have to spell something over the phone.

    RT @DevOpsGirls: We are taking our “DevOps Girls in Testing” workshop, online. 🎉

    #devops #devopsgirls #testing #…

    @Gaohmee I’m so sorry you’re going through this. That really sucks.

    Guess who just got a ring light? 😂 Trying out different settings, as well as propping behind my laptop… (Clockwise from top left: none, 100% white, 50% blue, 100% blue)

    @AndyDentPerth I need some sort of anglerfish contraption that holds out in front of me 2 feet. 😂

    @BronwenZ Neewer –

    @StokesXandra Up close with the phone out definitely did. For the laptop it’s not too bad. I’ve got it dimmed to about 50% and that’s still enough to make a positive difference visually without making me feel like I’m on the nightly news.

    Winnie the Bish as a better Phoebe is a hot take that I can get behind!

    RT @JuddApatow: All to sell shoes and cars.

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    Honestly, @automattic, the relationship between Jetpack, Vaultpress, and Jetpack Backup is so confusing, and the Support section does not help.

    Remember how I asked about WordPress hosting? I’ve just finished migrating my two big hobby sites over to Amazon Lightsail, and I documented the steps I’ve taken so far here: 😅

    Truthfully, setting up a new site on Lightsail was super easy. All of the complexity was due to the fact that I was moving existing websites and trying to maintain full backwards compatibility for 20 years of URLs!

    @dannysteenman Thanks! Some of that I’ve already done, but I’ll definitely look through and make use of that.

    @wabzqem @jim_mussared @DTA Ahhh, this will be why my Withings smart watch keeps disconnecting from my iPhone, I’m guessing. Definitely started when I installed COVIDSafe.

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    Thanks to @SallyPompom and @Yarna_ for inviting me to speak to @KnitGuildNSW about @ravelry today! That was such fun (even despite multiple technical glitches on my end)… 😂

    Celebrating the 4th of July with the Liberty Bell episode of It’s Always Sunny. 😂🇺🇸🎇🎆

    RT @devinDford: This thread is incredible!! Know your worth, @ChloeCondon does an amazing job at explaining why it’s important and offers…

    Happy 4th of July!! Who’s ready for a #hamilparty? 🎆🇺🇸🎇

    @lynnlangit Making stuff.

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    RT @honeycombio: We’re excited to announce two new openings on our engineering team! Come join the hive! 🐝🍯🎉🌈

    – Product Engineer
    – Platfor…

    RT @OzKitsch: The world is gonna know your name. What’s your name, man?

    “Wait, I’m pretty sure I made the bed this morning…” 😺

    RT @Lin_Manuel: Stage Manager: half hour ladies and gentlemen, this is your half hour call. Remember there will be cameras at tonight’s sho…

    @sdwagar 5pm Friday night here – PERFECT!

    @mmastertheone Oh wow! Hmm, normally I’d say yes but given that we’re getting ready to move, I’m trying not to accumulate more stuff. 😂

    @mmastertheone But thank you though!

    Knitters – tomorrow morning I’m leading a workshop for @KnitGuildNSW on how to use @ravelry. What’s your favourite lesser-known feature? Any groups you’ve stumbled across that are worth highlighting?

    RT @DaniConnorWild: I put my microphone in front of a baby red squirrel. Part 2

    @jrhunt Congrats!

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    @hannahcancode AMAZING. I keep trying to convince @the_snook to make them for me but he is a lazybones. 😛

    @stibbons @pjf I’m so happy to hear it! That’s awesome. 🙂

    RT @futuregarfield: 06/08/2050

    RT @thingskatedid: Adding important things to my http responses

    😳 As a transplanted Yank, I feel strongly the answer is JUST PEANUT BUTTER.

    @twasink Honey… I will allow. Carry on.

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    19. I built websites for my uni’s IT department, and I helped with the rollout of ethernet connectivity in our dorm.

    @samnevers Thank you! I had so much fun. What’s funny is how often I do these talks and discover other Communication/theater people working in tech. ❤️ We’re out there!

    I had a fantastic time today talking about mentoring, confidence, and leadership with the Ladies of @lendiau. Thanks so much to @nafisa13 and the team for inviting me!

    @sarah_federman Thank you Sarah!! ❤️


    Manscaping. 😍

    RT @indigitek: @yow_conf New Voices in Tech program is open to women and non-binary femme people living in Australia, to enable a wider ran…

    I have lived in this country for 20 years and somehow never learned of this abomination until today. 😳

    @jonoabroad Quite possibly.

    @corduroy @JulieKalitis

    RT @SydCSS: August is going to be a first time speaker night at #sydcss If you’ve been thinking about presenting for the first time this is…

    Started my day with 4 minutes of pure joy, courtesy of @HamiltonMusical. Almost time for #HamilParty this weekend!

    RT @lizthegrey: Goddamnit, milkshake ducked 🙁

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    @kbuttfield @The_McJones @parisba Sudden urge to play…

    @lol_russo Ah, yes, definitely. I’ve just never seen it mentioned for a site that is predominantly static and doesn’t use any parallax effects.

    @onsman Thanks. A few folks have sent me related links, and that seems plausible. I just haven’t seen in relation to a site that is predominantly static with limited animation, no parallax scrolling, etc.

    @LeenaVanD Well yes, but I live in Sydney. 😂

    @lol_russo Yeah, I didn’t want to bias results by mentioning the specific site in question (nor draw the ire of those who think the new design is legit harmful). But it looks to me to be a bog standard responsive web design with minimal animation. I don’t get it.

    @stringy Yep, that’s the one I’m thinking of. I saw it both before and after, and I don’t see much difference. People are still complaining. I… just don’t get it. Do you see any serious problems with it now?

    Well, that is fascinating.

    @daveslutzkin @OphelieLechat This is the issue I was asking about/subtweeting yesterday. I’ve never seen the level of response to a website redesign before. I was a beta tester for it, and to me it looks like any other responsive web 2.0 site. 🤷‍♀️

    @OphelieLechat @daveslutzkin I’m not sure how I got in the test group (maybe because I was an editor once) and I don’t visit much these days. I got a RavMail about it and clicked around to verify that all the functionality was still there, just reorganised with lots of whitespace. I shrugged and moved on.

    RT @CloverMoore: As of today, the City of Sydney is powered by 100% renewable electricity.

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    @Ilaeria Do you have a sewing machine at your disposal?

    @Ilaeria Hmm. Dritz sells something called Fray Check, which looks to be well regarded: (I’ve also used clear nail polish in a pinch before.)

    I made Prune and Walnut Loaf. It looks prettier than it tastes. #healthybaking #whatisthepoint

    @annie_parker @joannejacobs Yes, it definitely needs more sugar! I will give it a try…

    @_AmyGray_ You are 100% correct.

    RT @shellkryan: My son bought me a new book and this is my favourite page.

    @bigyahu @John_W_Power @annie_parker I’ve got a big full bottle of Kirkland’s finest under lock and key in the cupboard, so I’m set. 😜

    @DamonOehlman I felt like adding #theloafwasokay but I didn’t want to step on @boundvariable’s toes.

    @lol_russo Hey neighbour! It’s only been up for a few weeks now. Very arresting though, right? Every time I walk past, someone is taking a photo.

    @lol_russo Nah, pretty sure it was done in May. Scottie has a couple in Chippo. He also did the one on the side of Cafe Giulia!

    Sydney’s Last Buttonholer Is Still Working – But for How Long? – on Broadsheet // It’s a lovely story, but I don’t quite get the issue. My new sewing machine has 10 different buttonholes. It’s not like they’ll cease to exist and we can only use zippers.

    Fellow tech industry folks – I am looking for any data points (if they exist) about a website redesign triggering migraines/nausea/hospitalisation among users. I’ve never heard of such a thing in 20 years. If you have, please let me know.

    @OphelieLechat Right? I mean… I’m just baffled. It’s not like it involves strobe lights.

    @kbuttfield @parisba Happy birthday @parisba!! 🍰

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    RT @mkheck:

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. 👏👏

    If you’re a fan of @theburningmonk and AWS Lambda, you should check out his talk (and all the rest!) from last Friday’s ANZ Serverless Community Day. 😃