Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    @darthted @ATXPOA Jesus.

    RT @georgh: Coach needed: Newtown Swans (Sydney) Australian Football Club desperately need a coach for their second U14 girls team. Without…

    RT @boring_as_heck: Lol

    This is amazing. In thumbnail, I actually thought it was an illustration of the dress rather than the real thing. That piping!! 😍

    @mmastertheone Hmmm. Moominmamma is not my favourite character, but you’ve given me some ideas…

    @mmastertheone SWEET! Thank you!

    @mmastertheone I’m like, wait, Stinky yarn? THERE’S MOOMIN YARN, MARGARET. 😳

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    RT @AdamParkhomenko: who made this

    RT @ava: A handy household tip for those who need to get zip ties off of your bread, bags of apples, Doritos and other everyday things that…

    @minxdragon Sooooo shiny

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    RT @parisba: Anyone who takes open source seriously needs Vicky on their team.

    RT @GeorgeTakei: Trump is holding a knee on the neck of American Democracy, and the GOP is the three cops just watching it happen while pro…

    Just got a phone call from local @DemsAbroad rep reminding me to request my ballot for November. First time they’ve ever rang me. Not effing around this year. 👏👏👏

    RT @edwardjolmos: There’s a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects…

    RT @Peter_Wehner: George Will, one of the most accomplished and respected conservative columnists America has ever produced, has just dropp…

    @lynnlangit Thanks for the suggestion. Donated too!

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    RT @jongalloway: I’ve had some DMs along the lines of “Hey, I can’t condone the actions of either side.”

    So let’s talk about that.

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    RT @PhysicistLisa: SpaceX launches hit me real hard in the feels because they smack me at the cross-section of my love of space and my hatr…

    RT @FarrahC32: #BlackLivesMatter

    @gilmae 🙄

    @darthted I have read some tweets with suggestions that a mixture of baking soda and water will help neutralise and wondered if that were true?

    RT @mobywhale: Looking forward to talking about careers in startup and tech on the #StartupLink panel today!

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    @minxdragon @unixbigot That’s why I need arbitrary notes. So I can add “eyebrows” or “tall” or “man-bun” or whatever and quickly search for a name.

    @unixbigot @minxdragon LOL – just realising that we are all three folks who use their names and photos on Twitter. It’s the ones with cryptic names and avatars that *really* get me.

    Mad scientist at work. “I’m pretty sure most people’s sourdough setup doesn’t involve multiple electrical devices…” 👨🏻‍🔬❤️🍞

    @knitcodemonkey @knitterjp Are you free (your) Saturday afternoon/evening? Let’s do this!

    @gilmae IDEs have built in chat now? Good grief.

    @gilmae Oh, HA. 😂

    @JulieKalitis This is for a loaf that’s proving or autolysing or something.

    @Amys_Kapers @christinesunu Interesting! He’s using an “ITC-1000” temperature regulator with a heating pad plugged into it, wrapped around the bowl in the Esky. Allows him to keep it at exactly the right temperature. 🙂

    Uhhhh… Nice guess, @github, but that is *not* the type of project I’m starting today. 🐻😂

    ARGH. Got very excited about a new project, went down a rabbit hole of browser tabs, and missed my podcasting appointment with @PhilTechCareer. I’m sorry Phil!

    @hannahyanfield Wait’ll you see the bread! Looks like the best one yet.

    That’s some good lookin’ bread! (Well done, @the_snook…)

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    @knitcodemonkey @knitterjp Hmm. Maybe we could make an international version happen… 🤔 Your evening is our morning, right?

    So just to get this straight – @LinkedIn removed the ability to add arbitrary notes for a connection (like how you met them) many years ago, and now has restricted exporting your connections’ email addresses so you can’t even do it in a 3rd party app. NOT HAPPY.

    Relatedly: does anyone know a contact manager that will keep a contact’s details up to date, and also lets me add/search via arbitrary notes for them?

    I should add – I have used @contactsplus in the past and have in fact just re-upped with them, but this LinkedIn restriction is really, really hamstringing its utility. 🙁

    @thenickrandolph I don’t mean for randoms; it’s just for people that I’m already connected with, and who I can click the Contact Info button to get the email anyway. They’re just putting barriers in front to create a walled garden.

    @thenickrandolph I’d be fine with it if they didn’t on the other side hassle you to give them access to your entire address book and email account so they could spam people to sign up to LinkedIn. Kinda ruins the “we care about your privacy” argument.

    @thenickrandolph And besides – recruiters pay for special LinkedIn access… where they can very easily do all the stuff you’re worried about them doing. Recruiter are LinkedIn’s customers, not you and me.

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    RT @mantaleigh: women want tech culture to not be toxic but men just want dark mode for everything

    RT @_87th__: Downtown LA #BlackLivesMatter

    Ahhh, good times. @knitterjp and I had fun tonight in our online knitting group reminiscing about the time 11 years ago when I metaphorically nailed my 95 theses to a Ravelry forum and tried to foment a schism in the NSW Knitters Guild.

    @AndyPalmer @knitterjp I was actually the webmaster at that time, and I ended up as the convenor of the Inner City Group. I actually also took on organising the Camp, the first “modern” one. 😂 I ended up evolving it from within.

    Huh. Benedict organises his books by colour, but Meryl does not. (Meryl looks like a fun hang.)

    @bodil He’s doing an excellent Aunt Spiker though. I’ll give him that.

    Beanie makes a pretty fun Centipede!

    Another excellent Centipede from Ryan Reynolds! He handled the poetry quite well.


    RT @ProjectF_au: Tickets are up for the first F Factor virtual event y’all! Join @lisaharveysmith, @keandrews and @web_goddess and of cours…

    @seemewiddemHANS Science, schmience. I miss your Riverdale tweets. 😂

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    RT @robinyang: Honestly pretty proud of this graphic (made for a talk I gave this morning about cultivating healthy teams Now More Than Eve…

    RT @rts_rob: Okay #serverless fans – the big announcement is here.

    AWS Step Functions support has arrived in AWS SAM! Check out the new AW…

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    @MattAkersten Trying to improve my crappy lighting

    Thanks to everybody who joined me, @buzzyNZ, @mattcoles87, and @niravdd on the Builders Live webinar today! We had a lot of fun swapping customer stories, talking @AWSCloudANZ culture and SA/TAM roles, and (of course) wishing Nirav a Happy Birthday. 😊🎂 #bepeculiar

    @lemon_lime It’s good, but it’s no “Islands in the Stream” as performed by Han and Leia.

    @lemon_lime It still makes me laugh how I’m like boxing you out and covering your face with my blaster. 😂

    First time on a bus in two months. Only one wearing a mask. Listening to the Boomtown Rats on repeat. IT’S A MOOD.

    @gilmae Granted, I have consumed a lot of theologically favoured fanfic over the last six months, but Lucifer’s not that bad.