Category: Twitter Post

Archived posts from Twitter

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    RT @lynnlangit: listening “Genomic Analysis in the AWS MarketPlace: VariantSpark from CSIRO” @allPowerde @TBioinf

    RT @GLITCHAUS: The origin of #GlitchTextiles: “#NOTENDO” motifs created w/the #adaptedNES, a technique developed by JFDonaldson in 2000/200…

    RT @whereismytaco: My team at Alex Solutions is growing! We work with AWS, containers, python and other fun stuff! Come and work with me to…

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    @mattstratton HEAR HEAR 👏

    Me: Why is there a comb on the side table?
    Him: Haven’t you noticed? I’ve been grooming my quarantine beard when we watch TV.

    Today I caught him! 🧔🏻😂

    @MichelePlayfair It’s normally not this bushy. He’s doing regular conditioning and trimming though.

    RT @StevenFulop: We used Covid-19 shutdown to do projects that would’ve been inconvenient for residents regularly (street paving, park reno…

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    The Snook has jumped on the homemade sourdough crumpet bandwagon. 😍

    Wes Anderson’s #socialdistancing ❤️ Kind of makes me want to do a full Wes Anderson festival at home…

    @JulieKalitis A combination of and

    This triggered quite an argument in our house about economics vs. ethics.

    @JulieKalitis The ones he used are (extreme hipster warning) circular molds for plating up steak tartare. 😂 Backup plan was tuna cans!

    RT @LisaRieffel: My kid wrote a song called,
    “I Wonder What’s Inside your Butthole” Quite honestly, it slaps.

    RT @songadaymann: My son.

    He’s all of us.


    @gilmae @randomknits 🙌

    Ep 2: The Snook makes a Gimlet. Another lesson in isolation bartending from @the_snook 🍸


    In case you missed it last night!

    RT @devdevcharlie: I made a new thing! 😃

    Using PoseNet and Three.js, I built a Fruit Ninja kinda game, you play by moving your hands to sl…

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    @MsJonesInSydney Pretty sure that’s something else. This one’s a teen romcom based on Mindy Kaling’s youth.

    The Parks and Rec reunion special made me tear up a bit. Thanks to @KenTremendous and everyone who made it happen… ❤️ (Protip for Aussies: VPN + NBC’s YouTube channel)

    RT @StewGleadow: A local start up that’s busy and hiring in the midst of all this. If you’re a front end dev looking around, check it out h…

    @frankarr The latest episode of The Good Place podcast talks about the show and answers every question I had about it!

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    I’ve got a cold, so I just binged the entirety of Never Have I Ever, and I would now like to present my thesis on the parallels with My So-Called Life. (1/247)

    But seriously @mindykaling – that was great. Can’t wait for the next season. You have dragged up a LOT of buried Krakow vs Catalano feelings.

    @martinabbott Do you like charming, smart teen romcoms? Then you’ll like it. 🙂

    More like, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! (Thanks for the tip, @mmastertheone.) ❤️

    @gilmae I do know what it means, of course, but I have no idea of the etymology.

    RT @dotnetfdn: What do @shanselman @heathriel @stroustrup @jonskeet @web_goddess @richcampbell @debs_obrien @DivaDanese all have in common?…

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    @FarrahC32 @lynnlangit My older friend Lyn has a great response to those statements, where the person is just being a complete idiot: you give them a withering stare and calmly say, “Thank you for that useful contribution.” She manages to convey an ocean of contempt with it. 😂

    RT @teneikaask_you: Horizons is offering a FREE Cloud Bootcamp to teach AWS fundamentals!

    ✔️Mon/Wed from May 4 – June 24
    📍on Twitch
    ✔️8 we…

    RT @Adron: I ded.

    I’m really honoured to be invited to speak alongside technologists from around the world on May 12-13 for a global fundraiser to @DirectRelief. And yeah, I’m talking about knitting and computers again! ❤️🧶 Details here: #DevAroundTheSun @DevAroundTheSun

    @jedws @Amys_Kapers @unixbigot I can’t believe none of you heard me say it before! Or my favourite unit of measurement – the metric ass-ton.

    @Amys_Kapers @jedws @unixbigot A subtle but important distinction, like how Rodd keeps telling me that the US tablespoons in my recipes aren’t the same as the Australian tablespoons in our kitchen, and I just shrug. (Metric ass-spoons, amirite?)

    @seemewiddemHANS PRIORITIES, Hansel.

    RT @rts_rob: Amazon SQS day!

    Join @edjgeek on the AWS channel at 1pm ET/10am PT to learn how to use SQS across accounts then head over to…

    It’s very, very slow going, but the Double Knitted Mustache Cowl is starting to take shape…

    RT @YBFVentures: There are 935 jobs posted on the @ausfintech job board right now.

    Check them out here:

    RT @SydServerless: #sydserverless is on again with @jthegedus, @web_goddess and @johnnliu presenting. Thanks @MichelePlayfair and @yow_conf…

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    @jrhunt And AeroPress! (We have too many damn methods of coffee preparation in my house.)

    “You remind me of something… but I… can’t quite… put my finger on it.” 😂❤️ #quarantinebadger

    Watching Community Season 5 where Abed has to watch 5 Nic Cage movies. The Snook challenged me to name my 5: Con Air, The Rock, Raising Arizona, Moonstruck (the one where he’s hot), and Peggy Sue Got Married (deep cut).

    The Snook: “I’ll also pick Con Air, The Rock, Raising Arizona… as well as National Treasure and Kick-Ass.”

    Me: “You’re the worst.”

    Ah. The crappiness of getting some recognition, feeling good for a moment… and then hearing through the grapevine that a friend/colleague is implying you didn’t deserve it.

    @gilmae Meh. Screw ‘em.

    @glenngillen 100%! Just getting the annoyance out of my system. 😉

    @lynnlangit I know. And I don’t care what jerks think, not really. Just needed to purge it from my system. ❤️ Thanks…

    RT @lucyparts: i asked on instagram if there was any way to fix a tunnelled candle and a few people said you can use tin foil. i tried it y…

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    @The_McJones @SeaOfThieves I told the Snook last night that you and @TheMartianLife have finally succeeded in making me want to be a pirate too. We don’t have a supported system right now though… 😭

    @The_McJones @SeaOfThieves @TheMartianLife I’ll have to borrow his Surface. And I haven’t done any RPGs in, like, ever… Am I going to be falling off the boat like a clueless n00b?

    @MelissaKaulfuss Biased, but I’d say Solutions Architects like the ones on my team fit the bill! We do a bit of building out demos; a bit of evangelising; but the bulk of our time is spent meeting with different customers and helping them get the most out of the cloud.

    @MelissaKaulfuss I would’ve said so before, but the weird thing is the longer this isolation goes on, the more withdrawn I feel like I am. Maybe the Snook’s introversion is rubbing off. I’m getting worried I’ll lose my ability to socialise when I get free. 😂

    One of my favourite talks – in fact, I got @minxdragon to repeat it as the keynote for my @linuxconfau 2018 Art + Tech miniconf!

    RT @MichelePlayfair: @yow_conf Also stay tuned for some exciting upcoming news about #YOWData… 😁😮🤫

    RT @AWSCloudANZ: Watch our #AWSSummit 🖥️ Online Australia & New Zealand keynote featuring @Werner sharing how to design, build & implement…

    Mustard Braised Brisket, pumpkin mash, and roast Brussels sprouts. (This isolation has been good for my cooking skills!)

    RT @evolvable: What’s the 🏗 Infrastructure as Code 👩🏻‍💻 tool you think everyone will be using to deploy on AWS in 5 years time?

    ♥ Like you…

    RT @josecanyousee: Gonna tell my kids this was the Single Ladies video

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    @The_McJones I was with you up until you besmirched R+J. 😐

    @The_McJones Heh. As a theater and film student, I feel like things would be a lot more boring if that were always the case.

    @msharp That’s really cool!

    @petehanssens @richbuggy @MichelePlayfair This has died down a little bit for me recently – probably due to current state of things. The one that really made me see red recently was the recruiter who messaged on LinkedIn demanding that I intro him to other hiring managers in my company. LIKE, NO.

    👋 Film & Theater degree. I built websites as my part-time job all through college. I lucked out in the timing – in 1999 saying “I know HTML” opened a lot more doors than it does these days. I’ll second @gabehollombe though – all my best jobs have come through my social network.

    @gabehollombe Did I know you had an English degree? If not, BIG LIBERAL ARTS HUG from your theater nerd buddy. ❤️

    @petehanssens @richbuggy @MichelePlayfair I also tend to get the “Hmm, we need to hire women, so we’ll ask Kris because she’s a woman and must have a secret pile of talented women candidates!” As if I wouldn’t be hiring them my damn self.

    @gabehollombe As a Stage Manager, I’m now filled with the urge to yell at you over a headset. 😂

    Reading about the whole orcs kerfuffle is pretty wild for this Roald Dahl fan… (Remind me to tell you about the original Oompa-Loompas sometime. Hint: they weren’t orange with green hair.)

    RT @OzKitsch: Rik Mayall and @AdrianEdmondson at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, 1982. It was while in Australia that Rik Mayall and Lise May…

    Sometimes the muslin is wearable; sometimes it’s an Eldritch horror. 🤷‍♀️

    Ignore the dodgy pleating on the front – it’s meant to have a drawstring so I’m just pulling it in to check the fit.

    Oh, and it’s an old bedsheet.

    ….and I accidentally sewed one leg inside out. (And don’t think I couldn’t hear @randomknits laughing in my head at that one.)

    @misswired It’s not as bad as I expected, to be honest.

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    @minxdragon @the_snook It was awesome! I believe they have retooled it these days to focus more on a mission to Mars.

    Blog post: The Snook makes a Tom Collins. Just in case you missed it last night!

    @ColettePatterns About to cut a pair of Moji Pants, but confused as body measurement chart in the pattern doesn’t match what’s on the website. Check the sizes from 18 up. What’s up there??