Category: Uncategorized

  • My family uses Slack. It’s pretty interesting. | Labs

    My family uses Slack. It’s pretty interesting. | Labs – I started off rolling my eyes at this, but by the end I was getting some ideas. The Snook and I have used Google Hangouts for years, which is great because the whole history is searchable. But it doesn’t really have integrations like this… Hmm. Ideas. (Link courtesy of @mpesce).

  • Infinite Jest Readalong – 6%

    Infinite Jest Readalong – 6%

    Recently, in a fit of madness, I agreed to join an Infinite Jest readalong organised by my new friend and colleague Rose. You may recall that I first tried (and failed) to read IJ as part of Infinite Summer six years ago. (Six?!) I was actually so annoyed by the book at that point that I ended up giving my printed copy to the local Op Shop. So for this readalong, I’m going with the Kindle version. Our first goal is 75 pages, which is apparently around 7.5% of the way through. Right now I’m at 6%, and I believe this is about the point where I stopped last time. Hm.

    I was talking about the book with Rose a few weeks ago and mentioned that my problem is I’ve turned into a terrible skimmer. I love plot and I’m impatient, so I have a tendency to just skip right over paragraphs that look boring or have too much description in them. (Lord of the Rings, I’m looking at you.) She said that one of the things she likes about IJ is that it’s literally like a workout for your brain. The way it’s written, you have to pay attention. And that gave me an idea – why not take notes as I go? So I got out a notebook and started jotting things down. It’s actually been really helpful. It forces me to slow down and pay attention. So then I thought I might as well blog them for some added accountability. (Of course, I have since discovered that lots of people do this.)

    Here are my notes so far:


  • Adults just know these things, I guess | Ask MetaFilter

    Spotted on Ask Metafilter: this incredibly useful list of regular maintenance-type tasks that grown-ups should know about. We just discovered that our new air conditioner’s manual recommends cleaning out the filters inside every two weeks. Whaaa? Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.

    But we are getting pretty good at this grown-up stuff. We have a shared Todoist project of recurring tasks. I’m reviewing them now alongside the Metafilter list, as well as this Art of Manliness checklist too. Anything else I should have on there?


  • Bathroom Renovation – It’s finished!*

    I nearly forgot to share the finished bathroom photos with you! The Snook spent the last day of his Christmas break painting the cornice and the ceiling. So remember, this was the Before. And here is the glorious After:

    It’s just so pretty and pristine! (I can’t stop cleaning it. I even bought a shower squeegee.) By swapping the shower and the toilet, our shower is now quite a lot bigger. We’ve got more storage. We’ve now got an exhaust fan so it doesn’t get so steamy. We’ve got a fancy shower with both a rain head and a wand. We’ve got a 4-way LED light fixture that provides a lot more light. I love it.

    In terms of styling, we’ve gone with grey, white, stainless steel, and glass. (I can’t believe I just said styling. I have a room in my house where everything goes together!  HOW GROWNUP IS THAT.) That said, most of it’s from IKEA: Grundtal Toilet Roll Holder and Door Hanger, Strapats Pedal Bin, Nordrana Hanging Storage and Set of 4 Baskets, Immeln Soap Dish, Kalkgrund Toilet Brush Holder, Toftbo Bath Mat, and Sinnlig Calming Spa Candles. From Costco: Charisma Bath and Hand Towels. From Aldi: Rubber-coated Ceramic Soap Dispenser. And our toothbrushes are in a mug from Rediscover Ceramics.

    I’d say that overall this is pretty much 95% what I envisioned in my head when we started out. I didn’t get my black grout, and the toilet had to be moved forward due to an errant support beam. But other than that, it’s perfect. And not only that, but we also had gas installed to the house, two instant-on gas hot water heaters, a reverse cycle air conditioner (with units in the bedroom and living room), and our two old electric water heaters were decommissioned. This was a massive project, and I have to give all credit to the Snook. He pretty much project managed the whole thing, and he did a fantastic job!

    * Okay, so we’re still going to paint the door one of these days as well as the grotty old window frame, but that can wait for a while…

  • Barangaroo and back

    First bike ride with the Snook in a very long time!

  • The Force Awakens

    Saw it for a second time today with Kunaal and Kriti. So good!


  • Oh, mama!

    Me : mangoes :: Kramer : Mackinaw peaches.

    (Related life goal: have a mango tree, and when they’re in season, eat nothing but mango until I’m sick.)

  • The Free Universal Construction Kit | F.A.T.

    How cool! The Free Universal Construction Kit is a set of adapters for complete interoperability between 10 popular children’s construction toys. That means you can connect your Lego up to your Tinker Toys and more. And you can download the plans for free to print on a 3-D printer!

  • The Console Series

    Signalnoise :: The Work of James White – GASP. I want all of these on my walls. They’d go perfectly with our bookshelf Museum of Obsolete Technology.


    Now I am envisioning a series of cross stitches with obsolete tech on them! All of these, plus an iPod and a Walkman and a Zip drive…

  • Happy Berry Crochet: How to Crochet a Spiral Granny Square

    Happy Berry Crochet: How to Crochet a Spiral Granny Square – Not gonna lie – this blew my mind for like a full minute this morning. And then I watched the YouTube video which totally demystifies it. And now I kind of want to make a giant spiral granny square blanket…