Eric Schmidt: Apple Music’s human curation is ‘elitist’ – Oh, PLEASE. I signed up to the three month Apple Music trial, and I’ve been really surprised how good it is. I mainly stick to the “For You” tab and the playlists it suggests to me, and I’ve discovered a lot more new-to-me music than I ever did on Spotify (or my very limited use of Google Play). I love the fact that the lists are curated by humans. How in the world would an algorithm ever put together That’s so Fetch: Songs for Mean Girls? That title alone is worth a month’s subscription, frankly.
Category: Uncategorized
Lark Sew-Along
Lark Sew-Along: Working with Knits | grainline – Just realised I’ve got the perfect bit of jersey in my stash for this, so I bought the pattern! Time to actually make something with the overlocker.
The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” Is Our Most Misread Poem – Starting the day with Mario and then poetry, because I’m deep like that.
30 years, 30 memorable facts about Super Mario Bros.
30 years, 30 memorable facts about Super Mario Bros. | Ars Technica – Man, I loved that game. I could beat it without losing a single life.
How to light up a tumour
The long read: For decades, brain surgeons have struggled to identify cancerous tissue precisely. Could one of the world’s most deadly scorpions come to their aid?
Source: How to light up a tumour | Alex O’Brien | Science | The Guardian
Fascinating story. And the bit about the little girl Violet just crushed me.
Pawnee meets Pemberley
Pride and Recreation – This is my new favourite Tumblr EVER.
The Tsundoku Support Club
Can’t cope with stacks of information? Don’t worry. You’re not failing. You’re just falling into a state of Tsundoku.
Source: The Tsundoku Support Club – Safari Blog
I used to be pretty good about keeping clean Inbox. And then I caved and started using those damn Gmail tabs, and now I’ve got nearly 50 emails in Updates and Promotions that I keep meaning to read. Now I have a name for this feeling. Tsundoku.
AWShine Hack in progress
I’m mentoring all weekend at AWShine Hack Sydney and I’m having a great time. AWS has managed to attract a really diverse crowd with some fantastic ideas. I can’t wait to see the final presentations this afternoon.
Thank you to Stephen Lead for the great photo (and for hosting us at BlueChilli)!
tldr; Yoda cheated.
In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke does a one-armed handstand with Yoda balanced on his foot. Using this, I can estimate the mass of Yoda.
Source: I Used Physics to Calculate How Much Yoda Weighs | WIRED
Nintendo FABRIC?!
THIS IS SO AWESOME. Here’s the full range. I want the original Donkey Kong to make a dress, and I reckon the checkered Mario Kart would make a sweet Hawaiian shirt for the Snook.