How did I not know there was an awesome 80’s pop song inspired by The Stand? (Incidentally, the IRS Records: 80’s Pop playlist on Apple Music Australia is rocking my world today.)
Here’s a really cool article about the design of the “new” NASA logo seen above (which was then dropped in the 90’s to bring back the old “meatball” round logo). I like them both. The worm is the one from when I was a kid in the 80’s, so to me it feels exciting and science-y and space-y… but also a bit dated. I look at it and I think of the movie Space Camp and amusement park rides. The meatball is kinda corny, sure, but in an appealing “Buck Rogers” kind of way. It looks great as an embroidered patch. (I have it printed on a sweatshirt.)
Shaped by the rise of home economics, the industrialization of the food system, World War II, and changing expectations about women’s labor, few foods can tell us more about US life in the 20th century than the wobbling jewel of domestic achievement: the Jell-O salad.
But a tiny part of me resents this. It resents Star Wars suddenly belonging to everybody rather than just those of who know the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field. (3,720 to 1, of course.) It resents Chewbacca posing for pictures with Mickey Mouse. It resents the tawdry commercialisation of it all.
Which is completely stupid. Star Wars is just as nakedly commercial as it ever was.
I think it’s just that the prequels burnt me so badly. I really, really wanted them to be good. I remember being in college, watching the video livestream of those crazy people who were waiting in line for weeks outside Mann’s Chinese Theater, and getting super excited when THEY READ MY CHAT ROOM COMMENT OUT LOUD. (We didn’t have Twitter back then. It was 1999. Hell, I’m amazed we even had streaming video.) I camped out myself in South Bend overnight during Senior Week to get tickets, playing Star Wars Trivial Pursuit with strangers and getting interviewed on the local news. And then for the premiere, my Mom even helped me make a costume…
I stand by Krisdala. That was an awesome costume.
And the movie sucked. It sucked SO BADLY. I was shattered. I want to believe, but I’m not sure I can.
General Assembly are running a special event called the “Out of the Garage” Pitch Fest Party on September 1st. It’s to commemorate the 20th anniversary of‘s launch, and they’re going to be giving away five $1000 prizes to the best startup pitches on the night! And yours truly will be there as one of the judges. If you’ve got an idea and could use an extra grand, you should sign up to pitch. 🙂