Watch the Mesmerizing Process of Automated Cake Decoration | Mental Floss – I find this utterly soothing and calming to watch. Bookmarking for the next time I’m stressed out!
Watch the Mesmerizing Process of Automated Cake Decoration | Mental Floss – I find this utterly soothing and calming to watch. Bookmarking for the next time I’m stressed out!
When I was an undergrad at Notre Dame back in the late 90’s, I was lucky enough to have been selected for the Honors Program. It was pretty selective (I think about 40 students per year?) and one of the perks was that we got to take a few special, smaller classes. One of the ones that I loved was Calculus. This particular course was aimed at Arts majors (yes, really!) and the professor was actually writing the textbook for it. We worked from big spiral bound proofs we bought at the local copyshop. I remember a lot of Classical story problems, and all of us working together to try to calculate the distance from the Earth to the Sun using only Archimedes’ methods, things like that. I discovered today that not only did Professor Hahn publish the book – Learning Basic Calculus: From Archimedes to Newton to Its Role in Science – but he thanked my class for our help in testing it out. How neat is that?
Last night Arizona Cardinals coach Jen Welter became the first woman to coach an NFL game and Sarah Thomas became the first woman to act as an on-the-field official. Welter and Thomas shake hands prior to last night’s preseason game between the Cardinals and the Kansas City Chiefs.
Source: Two Women Shake Hands
That’s so cool! I had no idea.
Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace – The New York Times – Yikes. I have friends who work there and this makes me worry about them. I had heard they had a reputation for being a “sweatshop,” but this hit piece makes them sound more like Wolfram & Hart.
So it’s a Tarantino Western starring Kurt Russell and Samuel L. Jackson, with the first Ennio Morricone Western score in 40+ years? I sent the link to the Snook saying: “It’s physically impossible for this to be ANY MORE YOUR THING.”
How to Match Plaids When You Sew | Sew Mama Sew – Really useful article! I remember spending a lot of effort and time making sure the plaids lined up on the Snook’s Negroni, and it was definitely worth it.
Upcoming speaking event: I will be presenting a talk at The Dream Collective Career Summit in Sydney on Saturday, September 19th. (I’ll also be speaking at the Melbourne event in October.) The Dream Collective is an off-shoot of Little Girl Big Dream, and it aims to connect and develop high-calibre young professional women from 25-35. I’m going to talk about “intrapreneurship” and how you can effect change whether you’re working in a large corporate or a small startup. If you know someone who should attend, please share this with them!