Category: Uncategorized
Korean homebrew!
Traditional Korean rice liquor (Makgeolli) recipe – – I might have to try this.
Rastafarian Targaryan
Here’s Coldplay’s GoT Musical in All Its Glory — Vulture – I laughed and laughed and laughed. “Kit Snow.”
ABQ – A Breaking Bad inspired popup cocktail bar in London – What a brilliant idea! But damn – 20+ people in an RV seems like a LOT. More info here.
Scrabble adds even more garbage words to its dictionary � Newswire � The A.V. Club – This is the worst. They don’t even spell n00b correctly!
Another craft to learn!
Knotted Rope Bowls – How Did You Make This? | Luxe DIY – This reminds me quite a bit of the bowl I made last month at the “basket weaving” class!
That’s Ms. Imperator Furiosa, jackass.
Mad Max: Fury Road Is the Feminist Action Flick You’ve Been Waiting For | VICE | United States – WOW. Look, up until yesterday I was completely ambivalent about seeing the new Mad Max movie. I only watched like half of the first one before getting bored, and I don’t remember seeing either of the two sequels. But my friend Kelly worked on it (she famously once got me an autographed photo of Ewan McGregor), and I saw it was getting some really good reviews… AND THEN last night I read that some whiny MRA crybaby wants dudes to boycott it because Charlize Theron talks too much in the trailers or something, and ZOMG WHAT NOW I HAVE TO SEE THIS.
So today we went, and it was awesome. CARS CRASHING! FLAMES SPURTING! KICKASS MOTORCYCLE GRANNIES WITH GUNS. When the pole boys appeared during that final road war my brain nearly fell out, and I leaned over to the Snook and whispered “WHAT THE HELL I CAN’T EVEN GAHHHHHHH.” He was too busy pretending to be iOTA the Doof Warrior and feverishly air guitaring in his seat. If you haven’t seen it yet, you really should. And don’t just torrent it; this is the kind of thing that needs to be seen on as LARGE and LOUD a screen as possible.
And dibs on Furiosa for next Halloween. I’m calling it right now.
Kris’s Garden Leave Adventure
I’ve never been on “garden leave” before. I’m having a great time so far. Yesterday for my first day off, I had a list of chores that needed to be done.
My @todoist list for today is a thing of beauty. It’s like when Liz Lemon gets suspended (but with no Fight Club.)
— Kris Howard (@web_goddess) May 12, 2015
Today I did ALL the laundry, FaceTimed with my Dad and Step-Mom, cleaned the kitchen (including the range hood), and watched three episodes of Mad Men while knitting. I bought (and then returned) an induction cooker from Harvey Norman. (It’s a long story. Another day.) I also made a batch of breakfast sausage for myself and cooked a ham hock for our dinner tomorrow night. Finally, I managed to get us a booking for est., where we had a lovely dinner tonight. Phew.
Tomorrow’s plan: iron all the clothes, wash the windows and curtains, write a bunch of blog posts, and confirm all the details for a last minute trip to the US next week. I have more items on my To Do list when I’m on vacation than I do when I’m working!
Showtime, Synergy!
The Jem and the Holograms Trailer is Here! – – Hm. I kept waiting for the reveal that she’d been bequeathed an AI by her dead father that transformed her appearance by means of mini holographic projectors in her earrings. Looks like they left that part out. And where are the damn Misfits? The Misfits are the BEST.