Soon giving a talk to a v.large co, partly on costs of decision making in big orgs. So far 8 people have needed to approve my ppt. Mic drop.
— Ben Hammersley (@benhammersley) April 14, 2015
Category: Uncategorized
I snorted into my coffee.
For the Snook.
How to Clean Out Your Spice Cabinet and Organize it-for Good | Serious Eats – We have a giant jar of ground cumin in the pantry that I swear we’ve been using for five years. Yeah, we should really throw that out.
Tiny house.
Prefab for Two: A 290-Square-Foot House for $24,000: Remodelista – So twee! I love it. This would be great to have as a lake house.
Loved it.
What if, when Petunia Dursley found a little boy… – This is wonderful. I wonder if fanfic can reclaim Petunia Dursley the way it did Susan Pevensie.
MeFi: every time he said “you look beautiful,” all I heard is “you look fat” – Got about halfway through the comments and had to stop reading. Damn.
Sydney Technology Leaders – April Meetup
I recently started attending a new meetup group – Sydney Technology Leaders. The theme for the April event was “What the CEO/Board needs from Technical Leaders.” A few days before, the organiser Ted asked if I’d be a last minute substitute on the panel.
Me: Uh, but I’m not a CEO!
Him: You lead a team of devs. Same difference.So I was on the panel! I really wasn’t sure what value I’d be able to add, but it seemed like people enjoyed hearing the perspective of someone who’d recently moved into management.
I especially enjoyed the talk by Samuel Riley, the CEO of ansarada. He talked about how as a leader you can either build or slow your team’s momentum. The slide was so great I took a photo of it:
How to slow momentum as a leader vs speed it up. I need to print this out and stuck it on my monitor. #sydtechleaders
— Kris Howard (@web_goddess) April 9, 2015
Overall I had a great time and met some really inspiring folks in the industry. If you haven’t joined the meetup group yet, you really should. And to the girl who came up afterwards and told me I was her idol? YOU ROCK AND YOU MADE MY WHOLE NIGHT. And so did Fiona, who tweeted this during the event:
As a woman, it’s so great to see a female tech leader like @web_goddess on the #sydtechleaders panel. Someone I can identify more with.
— Fiona Chan (@mobywhale) April 9, 2015
Clothes porn.
The Real Deal on Tartan, Kilts, and Outlander Costumes | Frock Flicks – I knew all that chunky garter stitch knitting was too modern to be historically accurate!
SheHacks is coming!
Are you or do you know a woman who works in technology? The second annual SheHacks Hackathon will be happening on May 8th and 9th. I’m helping the fantastic Girl Geeks with the organisation, and I’ll also be there as a representative of Mi9, who are sponsoring breakfast. You should definitely sign up – it was such a fun and inspiring event last year!
Ignite Sydney #13 Video
The video for my talk “Granny Was a Hacker” at Ignite Sydney #13 is now available! Thanks to the brilliant folks at Hunting with Pixels for doing such a great job capturing it.